Chapter 16: A Spider and Bug Christmas!
It has been months since the end of Hawk Moth as well as the destruction that was caused from Lila Rossi who nearly destroyed most of Paris but luckily the repairs to the city were completed and the city of love was starting to look better again. Now that Hawk Moth is gone and his miraculous has been retrieved thanks to the two heroes of Paris Ladybug and Spider Claw aka Scarlet Spider, the city can now let out their emotions and finally have peace in which this month is the holidays which means everyone in Paris is getting ready for Christmas the most wonderful time of the year. So right now Paris is putting up their decorations for the holidays as well as the Christmas tree located near city hall. Speaking of which Ladybug aka Marinette Dupain Cheng was more excited than ever because now that her enemies are defeated, she can finally spend time with her family as well as her amazing boyfriend Ben of which he told her that he never celebrated the holidays before back in his world but now he will and Marinette is going to show Ben the greatest time ever.
As for Ben himself well right now he is out at night doing patrols around the city because even though Hawk Moth and Lila are gone and defeated there is still crime happening in which burglars and thieves are running around causing havoc and it is up to Ben aka Spider Claw to stop them since his girlfriend is with her family at home getting ready for some Christmas spirit.
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Spider-Claw: Sigh it has been months since we taken down Hawk Moth and the liar was put in jail for good but now thieves and robbers are running amount and causing problems just like back in my world same as usual.
Spider Claw was on top of the building and looking down below to see if there was anything going on in the streets as well on the look out for bad guys running around who are interrupting the holidays until the hero spotted the Christmas tree near city hall which was covered in trash but got removed and fixed and it looks like the people have finished putting up the decorations for the tree.
Spider-Claw: Looks like they finished the tree and I have to admit even though I never celebrated this kind of holiday back home in my dimension, I have to admit the lights and the decorations make me feel more calm about what I do and what I am.
But soon the moment came to an end when all of sudden Spider Claw spotted two guys dressed in dark clothes and mask as well as carrying what looks like matches and blow torch which meant that the two men were about to burn down the tree and that is when Spider Claw decided to make his move and take down the crooks.
MaskMan1: Come on we don't have all day, let's get this over with and get the heck out of here before the cops show up or worse those heroes.
MaskMan2: Don't worry the cops are probably not even out yet neither or those heroes they're probably enjoying their Christmas mumble jumbo for ever I care. Besides this is the most extreme stunt that we ever had to come up with and what better way to do that is to burn a big huge Christmas to the ground.
MaskMan1: Alright but make it fast because there is no telling if any of those heroes are out especially that spider guy. The guy gives me the creeps.
MaskMan2: Don't worry dude he probably wont know that we are here once we're gone so just chill.
When one of them took out the matches and the blow torch and point them at the Christmas tree all of sudden the matches and the blow torch were webbed out of the hands of the two men in which they looked confused of what just happened.
Burning down a Christmas tree during the holidays now that is just low even for a two punks like you.(A voice saids form behind the two mask men in which they looked to see Spider Claw who was cracking his knuckles and was ready to knock some heads)
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Spider-Claw: Allow me to that for you.
Spider Claw punches one of the men in which that guy went flying into the wall and fell unconscious while the other one looked scared of ending up like his partner and decided to make a run for it.
Spider-Claw: Hmm...leaving so soon are ya, well I don't think so.
Spider Claw shot a web near the building and swung towards the other guy getting away until he swings around the guy and kicks him so hard that the masked man went flying as well and into a lamp post. Then soon after words Spider Claw webbed up the two men and stuck them to the wall and left a note for the police to arrive and take the two men away for trying to burn down a Christmas tree.
Spider-Claw: Well that cares of that stupid idea those punks have.
And what would that be Spider?(A female voice saids from behind Spider Claw which was known other than his partner slash girlfriend Ladybug)
Spider-Claw: What are you doing out here at this night? I thought you were home with your parents?
Ladybug: I was but I decided to come out and enjoy the night and then while I was swinging around the streets I spotted you and it looks like you were doing hero duty without me.
Spider-Claw: It was only two guys who were planning on burning down the tree behind you but I stopped them in a minute.
Ladybug: Well that is good news to hear and we can't have a beautiful Christmas burned to the ground now can we.
Spider-Claw: Afraid not.
Ladybug: So since I am here wanna enjoy this wonderful night together. Just you and me.
Spider-Claw: Sure and I was planning on asking you if you want to spend the night together but it looks like you were busy with family.
Ladybug: True but you have been like family to me and my parents and we would love to have you over for Christmas and this could be your first to spend with family.
Spider-Claw: Yea family....
Ladybug: Hey I know that you miss them very much and I know they miss you but it is ok to feel this way sweetie, even though they are far away from you they will always be your family and so will I because I love you my spider and I always will after what you did for me and the city of Paris.
Spider-Claw: Thanks and I love you too, red.
Ladybug: Come on hows about we head over to Andre's, I heard he is giving out some hot chocolate.
Spider-Claw: I could go for something warm right now.
Ladybug: The follow me my spider.(Ladybug saids to her boyfriend and the two swung away together)
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Ladybug: Hey my parents and I will be singing some Christmas carols once we get back and I was wondering if wanna join in the fun.
Spider-Claw: Christmas Carols you say? Huh I never done those before either sure why not.
Ladybug: Great! And maybe you and me could do one as well just the two of us.
Spider-Claw: I will think about it.
Ladybug: Speaking of which, what did you get for little old me sweetie.
Spider-Claw: You said it yourself we are not suppose to tell anyone what we got each other for Christmas because it will ruin the surprise.
Ladybug: Oh yea thats right...hehehe..sorry my mistake though I think you will love what I got for you.
Spider-Claw: And don't tell me because I will wait until I receive it.
Ladybug: He's going to be surprise for my gift that I have for him and I know he is going to flip.(Ladybug saids in thought as well as smirking for her gift to her boyfriend)
Then after a while both heroes landed near the bridge and saw Andre giving out hot chocolates to the people of Paris in which both Ladybug and Spider Claw smelt the hot chocolate and it smelled absolutely delicious.
Andre: Come one call all and enjoy some fresh hot chocolate to celebrate the holidays! As well as a wonderful Christmas to all!
Ladybug: Hello Andre and Merry Christmas.
Andre: The beautiful and lovely Ladybug a Merry Christmas to you as well as your heroic partner Spider Claw and a Merry Christmas to you my boy!
Spider-Claw: Thanks you to sir.
Ladybug: Me and Spider here would like two hot chocolate please. The Holiday specials of course.
Andre: Why of course anything for the heroes who defeated Hawk Moth and brought peace to Paris! Here you are two hot chocolates with whip cream and candy canes as well as some delicious ginger bread men for the heroes of Paris.
Ladybug: Ooh! Thank you so much Andre and enjoy the holidays.
Spider-Claw: Thank you.
Andre: And to you as well Ladybug and Spider-Claw and a Merry Christmas.
Both Ladybug and Spider-Claw left and went to find a place to relax and enjoy their hot chocolates together in which after they dropped down into an alleyway to transform back into their civilian forms they walked towards the park area and sat down on a bench and enjoyed their hot chocolates in which the taste of them were out of this world.
Marinette: Mmmm...this is so good!
Tiki: I'll say even the ginger bread men are amazing.(Tiki saids while eating the cookie)
Ben: It's not bad and with the candy canes it gives it a whole new flavor.
Plagg: Say Ben got any cheese on you?
Ben: Yea here and better eat it before it gets frozen.
Plagg: Thank you!
Marinette: Have to admit Andre really pulled through with the hot chocolates, I mean sure they were good last Christmas but now they are better am I right Ben.
Ben: Pfff......
Marinette: What? Is something funny?
Tiki: Hehehe.
Plagg: Wow didn't know pigtails can grow one?
Marinette: What are you guys talking about and why are you laughing Ben?
Ben: Nice beard Santa though I think it needs to be longer.
Marinette: Huh?
Ben: Here check out your new look for the holidays.(Ben saids and pulled up his camera and had it face Marinette in which the girl looked to see her face covered in whip cream that looks like a beard)
Marinette: Oh my gosh I made a mess of myself! So embarrassing....(Marinette saids and cleaned off the whip cream off her face)
Ben: Hehehe..
Marinette: Oh laugh it up sweetie because it looks like you have a much better looking beard than I do.
Plagg: He's right kid, you got a lot of that cream on your face.
Ben: Huh looks like I do.
Marinette: Here allow me to get it off my darling.
Marinette took her finger and went around Ben's lips to get the cream off his face and then once it was off Marinette licked her finger with the cream on it and gave her boyfriend an attractive smile that made the spider hero blush.
Marinette: Mmm...that was delicious though I could use some more.
Ben: Felling naughty are we.
Marinette: What can I say I been a very naughty girl lately because my handsome spider is attractive and it makes me very warm inside.
Plagg: Oh please....OW!(Plagg saids then gets hit by Tiki)
Tiki: deserved it cheese lover.
Plagg: Whatever cookie face.
Ben: Well then we might have to save that stuff for another time besides should we be with your parents soon.
Marinette: Oh yea now that you mention it we should and it is that time right now.
Ben and Marinette finished up their hot chocolates and once they were done they headed towards the bakery of which Ben looked to see that Marinette and her family have decorated the bakery for the holidays in which it looks beautiful.
Marinette: Hi papa, Hi mom, I am back and Ben decided to come and visit to celebrate Christmas with us.
Tom: Welcome home sweetie and Ben my boy Merry Christmas and we look forward to having you here with us.
Ben: Thank you sir and hello Sabine.
Sabine: Hello Ben and Merry Christmas.
Ben: Thanks you as well. I see that you have your decorations up.
Tom: Yup and fresh baked pastries for the holidays and speaking of which wanna try some of my Christmas cookies that I baked today.
Ben: Sure why not.
Ben and Marinette had some of the cookies which they were really good and thanked Tom for a job well done in making something for the holidays.
Sabine: Marinette told us that this is your first Christmas is that true Ben.
Ben: Yea I never celebrated the holiday before until now.
Tom: Well your in luck son, because were about to head up and have our family Christmas dinner and then after that we will sing carols.
Ben: Marinette told me about the carols once we got hear.
Sabine: I can tell that you will love them very much Ben.
Ben: I am sure I will Sabine.
Marinette: Oh Ben look at what we are standing under.
Ben: Hm?
Marinette: We're under mistletoe and you know what that means.
Ben: Hehehe yea yea I know we kiss come here little red.
Marinette: Gladly.
Both Marinette and Ben kissed each other on the lips while Sabine and Tom smile at their daughter and future son in law in which they took out their phones and put them on silent and snapped pictures of the happy couple.
Marinette: I love doing that with him.(Marinette saids in thought while smiling at her man)
Sabine: Oh I can imagined them as parents and their beautiful kids running around.(Sabine saids in thought while thinking about Marinette and Ben being husband wife as well as having kids of their own)
Tom: Well then hows about we all come up for our Christmas dinner and Marinette your grandma Gina arrived today and is waiting for us upstairs to celebrate the holidays.
Marinette: Grandma Gina is here! Oh my gosh that is so wonderful!
Ben: You never told me about your grandmother?
Marinette: Sorry Ben I usually forget things but you will love her once you meet her.
Ben: If you say so red.
The parents along with the couple headed upstairs and once they were up and open the door all of sudden Marinette was grabbed and brought into a tight hug by a woman that Ben can see is his girlfriends grandmother but shared a little simulates to May Parker.
Gina: Marinette, Merry Christmas my little fairy! Oh how I missed you.
Marinette: Grandma I missed you too...but can I get some air I can't breathe....
Gina: Oh sorry my little fairy I just missed seeing you and you look how much you're becoming such an amazing woman each day.
Ben: Thats her grandmother? Does this world have a de-age or something because she looks like she do anything that any normal grandmother would do and she kind of reminds me of May.(Ben saids in thought)
Gina: Ooh and who might this handsome man be.(Gina saids while looking at Ben)
Marinette: Grandma I want you to meet my boyfriend Ben Reilly. Ben this is my grandmother Gina.
Ben: Pleasure to meet you ma'am.
Gina: My little fairy how did you score such a very good looking boy like this and not tell me about him in your letters. Oh I see you have been keeping him to yourself have you.(Gina saids in which causes Ben to smirk while Marinette was blushing in embarrassment)
Ben: Little fairy huh.
Marinette: Hehehe yea she likes to call me that when I was little.
Gina: And I still love calling her that. When Marinette was little she wanted to become the knitting fairy and always danced around in a little fairy dress and chant out the words look at me I am the knitting fairy here spread joy and fun.
Ben: Pffff.....
Marinette: GRANDMA!!!!
Ben: Why so embarrassed little red I think it is quite adorable. You know what I think I will have to start calling you Little Red Fairy for now on because it works.
Marinette: Not you too Ben!
Gina: Aw! How precious my little fairy has found such a charming man to be in her life, come Ben I will like to share to you all my travels around the world as well as more about my little fairy when she was young.
Ben: Ooh do tell me more about the little fairy.(Ben saids with a smirk while looking at Marinette who looks embarrassed more)
Tom: Seems like mom and Ben are going to get along quite well.
Sabine: Yes indeed.
Ben: Not bad with the Christmas dinner you all made it looks amazing.(Ben saids while sitting next to Gina and looking at the food in front of him)
Tom: We are pleased that you like it Ben because this is the time for family and loved ones to celebrate a holiday together.
Marinette: And I am happy that you came Ben because I want to celebrate Christmas not just with my family but with the boy that I love.
Ben: Well thanks for having me.
Admittedly everyone settle down on the table together and had a wonderful Christmas dinner in which everyone were talking to each other and sharing stories with each other even Ben who was enjoying Gina's travels around the world like Marinette told him about and the more he listens to them the more Gina reminded Ben of May Parker in which he knows that she and the others back in the other world are doing alright. Gina got to know Ben more but was upset when she found out that Ben was an orphan but was able to live a life of his own and made such wonderful friends and fell in love with her granddaughter who makes her very happy. Then after words they all had an amazing desserts that were cakes and ice creams in which everyone enjoyed them very much. After the food was all gone and everyone helped clean up the plates it was time to sing some carols.
Sabine: Alright everyone who wants to start off with a Christmas carol?
Everyone was thinking of which song they want to sing while Ben was looking on his phone and checking what song he wants to sing as well as checking out the lyrics so that he remembers them when he goes to sing a song.
Tom: Ooh! I got one hows about I sing everyone the song Jingle Bell Rock.
Marinette: I kind of like that one.
Ben: Why not sounds interesting.
Gina: Alright and after you I am going next.
Sabine: All yours honey.
Tom: 🎶 Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock
Jingle bells swing and jingle bells ring
Snowin' and blowin' up bushels of fun
Now the jingle hop has begun
Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock
Jingle bells chime in jingle bell time
Dancin' and prancin' in Jingle Bell Square
In the frosty air
What a bright time, it's the right time
To rock the night away
Jingle bell time is a swell time
To go glidin' in a one-horse sleigh
Giddy-up jingle horse, pick up your feet
Jingle around the clock
Mix and a-mingle in the jinglin' feet
That's the jingle bell rock
Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock
Jingle bell chime in jingle bell time
Dancin' and prancin' in Jingle Bell Square
In the frosty air
What a bright time, it's the right time
To rock the night away
Jingle bell time is a swell time
To go glidin' in a one-horse sleigh
Giddy-up jingle horse, pick up your feet
Jingle around the clock
Mix and a-mingle in the jinglin' feet
That's the jingle bell
That's the jingle bell
That's the jingle bell rock 🎶
End of Song
Marinette: That was great papa!
Ben: Indeed sir.
Sabine: You did amazing Tom.(Sabine saids and hugs her husband)
Gina: Not bad Tom. Now it is my turn in which I am going to sing Santa Baby.
Ben: Is that a good song?(Ben whispers to Marinette)
Marinette: It's a very old song I think it is.(Marinette whispers back to Ben who nods for agreement)
Gina: 🎶 Santa Baby, just slip a sable under the tree,
For me.
Been an awful good girl, Santa baby,
So hurry down the chimney tonight.
Santa baby, a 54 convertible too,
Light blue.
I'll wait up for you dear, Santa baby,
So hurry down the chimney tonight.
Think of all the fun I've missed,
Think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed.
Next year I could be just as good,
If you'll check off my Christmas list.
Santa baby, I want a yacht, and really that's not
A lot.
Been an angel all year,
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight.
Santa honey, one little thing I really need,
The deed
To a platinum mine,
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight.
Santa cutie, and fill my stocking with a duplex,
And checks.
Sign your 'X' on the line,
Santa cutie, and hurry down the chimney tonight.
Come and trim my Christmas tree,
With some decorations bought at Tiffany's.
I really do believe in you,
Let's see if you believe in me.
Santa baby, forgot to mention one little thing,
A ring.
I don't mean on the phone,
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.
Hurry, tonight. 🎶
End of Song
Gina: So what did you all think of my singing?
Marinette: You did alright grandma I mean really well.
Ben: It was alright so far.
Tom: Yea mom you were amazing absolutely amazing.(Tom saids to her mom then gives his daughter and Ben the not so much look in which they both agreed)
Sabine: Thank you Gina for your song. Whose next to sing a Christmas song?
Marinette: Ooh I will go next and I heard this song lots of times. It is called Where Are You Christmas.
Sabine: Oh that is a lovely song Marinette good choice.
Marinette: Thanks mom and Ben hope you like my singing because I want to show you what I can do with this voice of mine.
Ben: Well I will be listening Mari.
Marinette took out a keyboard piano and once she had it out she began to play the song in which Ben was listening to it and the sound from the keyboard sounded very pleasant in his ears until he started to hear Marinette sing the song now.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(Where are you Christmas by: Georgia Merry)
Marinette: 🎶 Where are you, Christmas?
Why can't I find you?
Why have you gone away?
Where is the laughter
You used to bring me?
Why can't I hear music play?
My world is changing
I'm re-arranging
Does that mean Christmas changes too?
Where are you, Christmas?
Do you remember
The one you used to know?
I'm not the same one
See what the time's done
Is that why you have let me go?
Christmas is here
Everywhere, oh
Christmas is here
If you care, oh
If there is love in your heart and your mind
You will feel like Christmas all the time
I feel you, Christmas
I know I've found you
You never fade away
The joy of Christmas
Stays here inside us
Fills each and every heart with love
Where are you, Christmas?
Fill your heart with love 🎶
End of Song
When Marinette finished singing her song both Gina and Sabine were in tears of how beautiful Marinette have sang the song while Tom was happy for his daughter that she has a voice of an angle and as for Ben he was in awe that his girlfriend can sing magnificent and her voice was so pleasing that Ben can not get the song out his head.
Ben: That was beautiful singing Marinette absolutely beautiful. I enjoyed every minute of it.(Ben saids and hugs his girlfriend)
Marinette: Thank you Ben I am happy that you love it.
Sabine: You were lovely sweetie I am so proud that my little girl.
Gina: So am I my little fairy.
Tom: Well done Marinette.
Marinette: Thank you everyone I been doing this for a while now and I finally got the hang of it.
Ben: In which you did a great job red.
Marinette: Speaking of which it is now your turn Ben.
Ben: Are you sure you want me to go?
Sabine: Why not Ben besides even if you don't sing that well, at least you try and we will respect you.
Tom: Absolutely.
Gina: I agree and besides it can't be that bad right.
Marinette: Give it chance Ben and I think you might enjoy yourself.
Ben: Well alright then, I chose this song called Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays.
Marinette: Ooh that one is good one Ben. Good luck 💋.(Marinette saids and kisses Ben on the cheek)
Ben: Mind it I borrow your keyboard piano.
Marinette: Sure not at all, knock yourself out.
Ben took the keyboard piano and then began to play the song in which Marinette and her family were listening to Ben playing the song in which the rhythm was enjoyable to listen and watch but then it all changed when Ben started to sing the song that made everyone even Marinette eyes widen like dinner plates and in awe.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays by: Joshua Landon)
Ben: 🎶 Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays
We've been waiting all year for this night
And the snow is glistening on the trees outside
And all the stockings are hung by the fireside
Waiting for Santa to arrive
And all the love will show
'Cause everybody knows
It's Christmas time
And all the kids will see
The gifts under the tree
It's the best time of year for the family
It's a wonderful feeling
Feel the love in the room
From the floor to the ceiling
It's that time of year
Christmas time is here
And with the blessings from above
God sends you His love
And everybody's OK
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays
Bells are ringing
It's time to scream and shout (scream and shout)
And everybody's playing 'cause school's out
Celebrating this special time we share
Happiness 'cause love is in the air
And all the love will show
'Cause everybody knows
It's Christmas time
And all the kids will see
The gifts under the tree
It's the best time of year for the family
It's a wonderful feeling
Feel the love in the room
From the floor to the ceiling
It's that time of year
Christmas time is here
And with the blessings from above
God sends you His love
And everything's OK
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays
No matter what your holiday
It's a time to celebrate
And put your worries aside (worries aside)
And open up your mind (open up your mind)
See the world right by your side
It's Christmas time
Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays
Sing it everybody
Merry Christmas,
Come on now
Merry Christmas,
Let me hear it
Merry Christmas
And Happy Holidays
It's a wonderful feeling
Feel the love in the room
From the floor to the ceiling
It's that time of year
Christmas time is here
And with the blessings from above
God sends you His love
And everything's OK
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays
Come on now
Merry Christmas,
Let me hear you
Merry Christmas
And Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas
And Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, come on now
Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays
End of Song
Once Ben has finished the song, he looked to see Marinette in tears of joy while smiling so brightly while her parents and grandma were in awe of what they all just heard and then soon all of them as well as Marinette clapped for Ben and his amazing voice.
Marinette: THAT WAS AMAZING BEN I LOVED IT!!!!!❤️ (Marinette saids and tackles Ben into a hug while kissing his face multiple times)
Ben: Hehehe thank you so much.
Tom: I can't believe I got that all recorded because Ben my boy you have such an incredible voice.
Sabine: That was beautiful singing Ben it was so charming.
Gina: You made an old woman like me cry tears of happiness and not only me but my little fairy as well.
Ben: I am pleased that you all love it so much as well as you Mari.
Marinette: I did love it and my heart is filled with so much Christmas love thanks to you.
Ben: Well you are very welcome red.
Marinette: I love him so much now and I cannot wait for tonight.(Marinette saids in thought)
After everyone song more Christmas songs with each other, Marinette took Ben up to her room and towards the balcony to look at the night sky with snow falling down.
Marinette: It looks so beautiful out today don't you think Ben.
Ben: It sure does Marinette it sure does.
Marinette: Yea...oh here Merry Christmas to my amazing boyfriend slash partner in crime. I spent months making this and it is my best work.(Marinette saids and holds out a Christmas present for Ben)
Ben: Wow thanks Marinette, what is it?
Marinette: Open it up and you will know.
Ben opened up his present and once he got the wrapping paper off he looked at the gift in which was a jacket but a jacket that was red and black like his Scarlet Spider costume and on the front was his logo.
Ben: Wow....Marinette I don't know what to say and you designed this yourself.
Marinette: Yea and I made sure to get your measurements for it.
Ben: Well I have to say I absolutely love it, I think maybe when I got back out as Scarlet Spider I might wear this for patrols.
Marinette: Really! You really mean it!
Ben: Sure and I like how it is my size. You are very creative Marinette thank you for this wonderful gift.
Marinette: I will do anything for the man I love.(Marinette saids and blushes)
Ben: Speaking of gifts I think I can now give you mine in which I got you two gifts instead of one.
Marinette: He got me two gifts!(Marinette saids in thought while also in excitement)
Ben pulls out two gifts from his jacket that are wrapped up in Christmas paper and he handed them both to Marinette.
Marinette: Which one should I open first?
Ben: It is your choice.
Marinette: I think I will start with the big one first then the little one.
Marinette put down the small present and then began to open up the big present and once she got the wrapping paper off she looked to see it was a red sweater but with the snowflakes along with Ladybug spots and the Spider logo from Ben's costume.
Marinette: Ben wow this looks absolutely....
Ben: Well it's not my best work compared to what you do but I made sure to get your size right thanks to Chloe who helped me with the sizes.
Marinette: mean you did this all by yourself for me.(Marinette saids while looking up at Ben with such love)
Ben: Well I did had some issues with the knitting but luckily I was able to get it right I few times and I....mph.(Ben saids then gets cut off when Marinette kisses him on the lips)
Marinette: Mph....I love it Ben thank you.
Ben: Oh...yy...your welcome.
Marinette: And you did a great job with the size because it fits me perfectly. How do I look?
Ben: You look beautiful.
Marinette: Thanks and now for the final gift.
Marinette opened up the last gift in which after she opened it up all of sudden she gasp in pure shock of what she was looking at and it brought her into tears of happiness because what she saw made her very emotional. It was a beautiful necklace that was covered in all Ladybug's.
Ben: I spent days looking for a lot of those around the city until I found one that I knew you would like a lot Marinette.
Marinette: 😢 sniff...I...I.....I LOVE IT!!!!!! I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT!❤️ (Marinette saids with tears of joy and excitement and brought Ben into a hug)
Ben: Merry Christmas babe.
Marinette: Oh Ben I absolutely love it with all of my heart and I promise to never take it off.(Marinette saids and puts on the bracelet while admiring its beautiful)
Ben: I am happy that you love it so much. Our friends helped me out with this one and I couldn't thank them enough.
Marinette: I might have to thank them as well.
Ben: I love you so much Marinette Dupain Cheng.
Marinette: And I love you Ben Reilly. Oh and also I got you a second gift as well.
Ben: You did? Where is it?
Marinette: We have to go back to your place because thats where I left it.(Marinette saids with a smirk on her face that confused Ben)
Ben: Uh ok then?
Marinette and Ben soon left the balcony in which Marinette informed her parents and grandma that she will be spending the rest of the day at Ben's place as well as sleep over in which they gave Marinette their blessing to do so. Soon the couple left the bakery together and headed out while holding hands and enjoying the night while seeing so many Christmas lights around the neighborhood.
Then after walking around then came upon Ben's place in which Ben opened the door for his girlfriend who thanked him and the two of them took off their boots and winter coats and headed upstairs to enjoy the rest of the night together.
Ben: Alright so were here and where is the gift at?
Marinette: Follow me please and I will show you darling.
Ben follows her to the bedroom while Tiki and Plagg relax by the fire and have some of their treats and enjoy some Christmas shows. When Ben and Marinette entered the bedroom together, Marinette closes the door and locks it so that she and her man are alone together.
Marinette: Alright Ben you sit on the bed and close your eyes and no peaking because it is a surprise.
Ben: Alright then but seriously what are you up to?
Marinette: Oh nothing just want to surprise my boyfriend with his second gift for Christmas now please Ben close your eyes for me.
Ben: Sigh...alright their closed.(Ben saids and closes his eyes)
Marinette looked to see Ben has his eyes closed and soon looked to see the gift that she has for him in which she took it to the bathroom and began to change because the gift is something that will get Ben's attention which will not only please Ben but also Marinette as well.
After a couple minutes later, Marinette came out of the bathroom and was wearing something absolutely attractive that will make Ben's eyes wide like Christmas dinner plates.
Ben: Can I open my eyes now?
Marinette: Hehehe yes you can my spider.
Ben opened up his eyes to see Marinette standing in front of him but then his eyes wide like there is no tomorrow in which he looks to see his girlfriend wearing a sexy Santa Claus jacket but nothing else in which his heart was beating like rocket fire.
(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)
Marinette: Hey hot stuff ready for your second gift.
Ben: Ma...Ma...Ma...Marinette....
Marinette: Like what you see my spider.
Ben: I..I....yes...
Marinette: Good because it looks like someone has been on my naughty list and needs some serious holiday love.
Ben: You had this idea for months now haven't you.
Marinette: Hmm...maybe.
Ben: You are one wicked Santa Claus tonight.
Marinette: Yup and this little Santa Claus is ready for love tonight and you Ben Reilly are mine tonight.(Marinette saids while crawling on top of Ben)
Ben: Oof..looks like I did made the naughty list after all.
Marinette: I take that you like what you see don't you my spider.
Ben: Yes...yes I do.
Marinette: Then take me right here and now, unwrap me and please me my love.
Ben: Well Merry Christmas to me.
Both Ben and Marinette began to make love to each other in which both were pleasing with each other more and more and it was a lot more better when then first did the first time. Then after they both finished making love to each other all night, both of them were in bed unclothed and were taking their breaths of what a wonderful night they had during a holiday.
Marinette: the kwami's....path...that was even better than the first time we did it...path...absolutely amazing.
Ben: have no idea....path...seriously best night ever as well as the holiday of course.
Marinette: It sure was Ben it sure do me a favor and cuddle me my handsome spider.
Ben: Come here you naughty Santa Claus Bug.
Marinette: Merry Christmas Ben....Yawn!....I love you.(Marinette saids then drifts off to sleep)
Ben: Merry Christmas Marinette and sleep dreams.
Marinette: The best Christmas ever!(Marinette saids in thought)
Ben: I should celebrate this holiday more often.(Ben saids in thought then goes to sleep along with Marinette)
Meanwhile with Tiki and Plagg, after they had their feels and finished watching the shows by the fire both of them felt sleepy and decided to get some rest in which they floated towards the stockings and dropped inside of them in which they looked at each other with smiles on their faces.
Tiki: Merry Christmas Plagg.
Plagg: Merry Christmas Tiki.
Tiki and Plagg: And Merry Christmas to you all and to all a good night!
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