Chapter 15: Hawk Moth's End!

It has been four weeks since Lila Rossi aka the liar has been exposed as well sent to prison along with Adrien Agreste the son of Gabrile Agreste who decided to keep his mouth shot about Lila being a liar and almost doing something out of the ordinary but now they were both sent to prison in which Adrien was sentenced for fifteen years then will be release to live with his cousin and his aunt while Lila was given life sentence for lying, bullying, thief, as well as murder also working with a terrorist. Due the destruction of Paris caused by Lila who stolen the drug called War Seduction repairs on the city were starting as well as the reconstruction on the school in which most of the students who believed in Lila's lies then soon found out that she is a lier moved out of the school and transferred to different schools to start a new life while also trying to make up for the wrong doing that they did to their former classmate Marinette Dupain Cheng who is now taking online classes with her friends along with her boyfriend Ben Reilly.After what happened with Lila and Adrien both Marinette and Ben's relationship grew even more that both had each others back as well as their partnership when they are both Ladybug and Spider-Claw defenders of Paris; they both still go on patrols to see if Hawk Moth would ever make another appearance again or Akumatized another human being but so far he has not done any of those things in which made both heroes confused why Hawk Moth didn't show his face again. 

Speaking of Hawk Moth aka Gabriel Agreste right now he is in his lair along with his assistant Natalie who was thinking to himself while Natalie kept him company while her boss thinks to himself of what he is going to do next.

Hawk Moth: Sigh.......

Natalie: Everything alright sir?

Hawk Moth: Yes Natalie everything is alright but I think it's time to end this.

Natalie: You planing to send out an Akuma?

Hawk Moth: No I mean it's time to end this, me being Hawk Moth I am done and I actually mean it this time.(Hawk Moth saids to Natalie in which she looked at her boss with such shock)

Natalie: Sir are you sure about this?

Hawk Moth: I lost everything, the love of my life, my own son who is now in prison all because of what that Rossi girl did and I have lost the peacock miraculous and failed to get the miraculous of creation and destruction.

Natalie: So no more Akumatizing people trying to get the miraculous and all the plans you have to get the miraculous from Ladybug are over.

Hawk Moth: Yes everything is finished, I am done with all of this.

Natalie: What are you going to do then?

Hawk Moth: I will surrender my miraculous to Ladybug herself and then I don't know.

Natalie: I understand sir, I was afraid this will not go on for much longer but may I ask something.

Hawk Moth: What is it Natalie?

Natalie: Well I been thinking what if you just told the heroes about your situation regarding your wife who suffered from the damage peacock miraculous maybe just maybe they would understand why you were trying to get the miraculous from them.

Hawk Moth: Hmmm....sigh very well I will do that once I see them.

Natalie: I know you miss her so do I, and I know that Ladybug would understand why you were doing these things.

Hawk Moth: Thank you Natalie that means a lot.

Natalie: Of course sir..(Natalie saids with a smile and so did Hawk Moth)

Meanwhile with Marinette and Ben, the happy couple along with their kwami's Tiki and Plagg were enjoying themselves to some croissants while the workers are fixing the damages to the city itself after what happened with Rossi and Agreste Jr.

(Minus the wine and replaced with juice instead)

Marinette: Sigh this is relaxing....

Ben: What is?

Marinette: You known no more Lila no more lies and no more highroad crap.

Ben: True but there is also the damage to the city that has to be fixed that was caused by those two.

Tiki: He's right and I feel bad for those who suffered from what Lila did under the War Seduction.

Plagg: I'll say that was nasty business that those two caused but hopefully Adrien will change once his sentence is over after fifteen years in prison.

Ben: Well I am glad that Lila Bitchy Rossi got the life sentence in which I still liked it when I roundhouse kicked in the face.

Marinette: In which saved my life which I still appreciated my spider. 💋(Marinette saids and kisses Ben on the cheek then goes back to her phone)

Ben: Whats you looking at on your phone red?

Marinette: Oh I am just checking out some penthouses in which I am thinking of moving out of the bakery and getting my own place just like you Ben except well you have a full size house.

Ben: Can I see?(Ben saids to Marinette in which she shows her boyfriend some images of penthouses in Paris)

Marinette: What do think I kind of like numbers one and three since the prince of them is better while the others are well you higher.

Ben: Hmmm...well I kind of like number three I mean the place looks nice and has a good view of the city of love as well enough space for you to work on your designs so I would have to go with number three.

Tiki: I agree with Ben, that one looks more sortable for you Marinette.

Plagg: I kind of like it as well.

Marinette: Thanks I will think about getting this one if I think about moving out of my parents place.

Ben: Maybe once we finish school then you think about getting the place.

Marinette: That would be a great idea Ben, and thanks to my commissions I making a whole lot of money right now and I have been saving it for this special moment.

Ben: Hehehe well you are very talented at designing things red in which I very impressed of things you have accomplished in your life.

Marinette: And that is why I fell deeply in love with you Ben for your compassion as well as your kindness towards others.

Ben: I had you to thank for that as well as your friends who are now mine included.

Marinette: Speaking of friends do you still you know think about the others back in your world Ben as well as May.

Ben: You know I always do Marinette, but I am sure they are doing alright as well as May because Peter along with the others will keep her company.

Marinette: I would like to meet her since she has been so good to you and Peter along with web warriors.

Ben: Yea that would be something to see. 

Marinette: Hey for what is worth I am happy that May help someone like you Ben who overcame his past as well as faced his fears along with the being used for somebody else's plan to take over the world.

Ben: Thank you much appreciated. 

Tiki: Hey speaking of which Hawk Moth hasn't Akumatized anyone at all what is going on?

Plagg: Not sure it's been weeks already maybe he is taking a break or he is quitting because he probably figured out that he cannot win.

Marinette: We are not sure unless he makes an appearance or not.

Ben: He probably will eventually. 

Tiki: Well just in case should you two probably want to patrol the city and check to make sure if he is around or not.

Plagg: And since he cannot make any of those Amok monsters thanks to my holders good thinking of taking back the peacock miraculous it would make the job a whole lot easier to catch Hawk Moth and take away his miraculous.

Ben: What do you think red should we?

Marinette: I think it would be a good idea to start patrolling the city and search for Hawk Moth because this needs to end because fighting Akuma's has been quite a pain.

Ben: I will take that as a yes, shale then.

Marinette: Yea come on Tiki and Plagg let's go.(Marinette saids while getting up along with Ben and the kwami's)

Soon both Marinette and Ben went into an alleyway and changed into their alternate egos Ladybug and Spider-Claw and began their search for Hawk Moth around the city so that they can get back the butterfly miraculous so that there can be peace and balance once again. 

Spider-Claw: Hey Ladybug anything yet!

Ladybug: Nope so far so good, nothing yet how about you!

Spider-Claw: Nope nothing.....wait a minute look on top of that building there tell me what you see.(Spider-Claw saids then lands on top of building along with Ladybug in which he tells to look towards the other building the tall one in which she looks to see a person on top who was wearing all purple and holding a can in his hands)

Ladybug: I cannot believe what I am seeing, he actually made his appearance once again.

Spider-Claw: What you wanna do?

Ladybug: Let's go see what he is up to but be on guard because he might trick up again.(Ladybug saids to her partner in which he nods in agreement then both of them leaped from the building they were on and head towards the spot where Hawk Moth is standing)

Meanwhile with Hawk Moth who was waiting patiently on top of the building and then looks towards his right side and saw both Ladybug and Spider-Claw heading towards his direction in which he will wait and tell them what he wants to do in which he is going to give them his miraculous as well explain to them why he wanted their miraculous in the first place.

Hawk Moth: It's time to end this for good....(Hawk Moth saids in thought while looking at both heroes heading towards him)

After a while now both Ladybug and Spider-Claw landed in front of Hawk Moth and kept their guard up in case their enemy tries something foolish.

Ladybug: So you finally show yourself once again Hawk Moth what changed your mind.(Ladybug saids while getting into battle formation)

Spider-Claw: Something is off about him, but what is it I don't know?(Spider-Claw saids while looking at Hawk Moth)

Hawk Moth: Hello Ladybug and Spider-Claw, I have been waiting for you two to show up.

Ladybug: Well congrats here we are, so what is it this time another Akuma to try to get our miraculous or are you going to do it yourself.

Hawk Moth: I have been waiting for you two so I can end this once and for all.(Hawk Moth saids while walking towards the heroes in which they both got into battle stance)

Ladybug: Spider-Claw use your web to take away his cane so he can use against us.(Ladybug whispers to her partner in which he nods and shot his web at Hawk Moth's cane)

Spider-Claw shot his webs at Hawk Moth's cane and snatched it away from him in which the villain didn't do anything but stood still in which made Ladybug confused is to why her enemy isn't going to make a move or attack. 

Spider-Claw: Why isn't he making a move on us?

Ladybug: I don't know?

Hawk Moth: Listen I am not here to harm you both I only came here for once thing only.

Ladybug: Yea right and what would that be since I know this could be another trick like you pulled during Heroes Day what makes you think I will fall for this one.

Spider-Claw: Something tells me Ladybug he is not fooling around.

Ladybug: What do you mean Spider?

Spider-Claw: I don't know I got a feeling that he doesn't want to fight us anymore.

Ladybug: How can you be so sure this isn't a trick?

Hawk Moth: Then allow me to prove it to you Ladybug.......sigh...Dark Wings Fall..(Hawk Moth saids then starts to change back into his civilian form in which was known other than Gabriel Agreste in which made Ladybug and Spider-Claw go in complete utter shock that the villain was Adrien's father this whole time)

Ladybug: Mr.Agreste was Hawk Moth this whole is this possible....I..I don't understand.....(Ladybug saids in shock of who she was looking at)

Spider-Claw: So the famous fashion designer was the villain you have been looking for this whole time and you never knew about it?

Ladybug: I thought he was until I found he got Akumatized and it made me realize he couldn't be Hawk Moth but now I know he is which doesn't make any sense why though.

Gabriel: I am afraid I can answer that question but first here take this, the butterfly miraculous.(Gabriel saids in defeat and hands Ladybug the miraculous of the butterfly)

Ladybug: Why would you do all of this Mr.Agreste why would terrorize innocent people to get our miraculous in which I know about the wish if you use the miraculous of creation and destruction it could make any wish come true but it comes a terrible price.

Spider-Claw: In which could of lead to the death of millions or the whole world, what were trying to get when you got your hands on the miraculous.

Gabriel: Sigh...I was trying to bring back my wife from a deep coma that she suffered due to the damage peacock miraculous in which I found out that if you merge the two miraculous of creation and destruction together you will get a wish in which I wanted to undo the damage that was done to my wife and bring her back so that myself and Adrien can be a family again but I now realize that will never happen in which I became someone who Emilee will no longer love again in which I betrayed those closes to me and hurt people.

Ladybug: You were just trying to bring back your wife but we thought that your wife disappeared years ago?

Gabriel: It was a lie in which I had to tell my son and I didn't think he would understand what has happened to his mother.

Spider-Claw: So that explains the whole attacking the city and hurting people and not being there for your son when he needed someone to make him happy but instead you chose power over family and became Hawk Moth to get the miraculous that could bring back your wife or destroy the whole world in the process.

Gabriel: Yes......I never wanted this to happened all I ever wanted was my dear Emilee to be back in our lives again and nothing more.

For once in her life Ladybug actually sad for how Gabriel Agreste because even though he became a super villain and used the miraculous of the butterfly and peacock to terrorize the city of Paris and harm innocent lives to get hers and her partners miraculous but all of that was because Gabriel wanted to be reunited with the one he loves all because of a mistake he made years ago.

Ladybug: Does anyone else know about this?

Gabriel: My assistant Natalie knows what I have done in which she used to be Mayura before the damage of the peacock miraculous made her sick and she gave to me in which I repaired it thanks to the book that holds the secrets of the miraculous in which I will return that to you as well.(Gabriel saids and hands over the book of the miraculous to Ladybug)

Ladybug: Thank you and I am truly sorry for what happened to your wife, I know you did such awful things to Paris and not telling your son about it but I realize you were only trying to get the person you love so much back into your life so that you can no longer feel alone.

Gabriel: Yes and I am truly sorry for all the harm I have caused to you as well as Paris in which I will except the punishment for my crimes.

Spider-Claw: Wait a minute I think I have a better solution.

Ladybug: What do you have in mind Spider?

Spider-Claw: Well we cannot use the miraculous of both creation and destruction that could lead to chaos and the end of the world.

Ladybug: Where are you going with this?

Spider-Claw: Well since Mr.Agreste only did these things because he wanted his wife back well what if we help him get her back.

Ladybug: What?

Gabriel: What?

Spider-Claw: Well think about it Ladybug, since your now the guardian of the miraculous as well as the holder of the miraculous of creation maybe you can use your power to heal Gabriel's wife since the power of creation can heal anything just like how you did with Paris when you repair the damages. 

Ladybug: Now that you mentioned it, Master Fu thought of the same thing in which many Ladybugs who came before had the power to do that and I think I can use my power to heal Emilee Agreste from the deep coma due to the damage of the peacock miraculous so that she can be back with the person she loves.

Gabriel: I will take anything to have Emilee back I miss her dearly and so does Adrien.

Spider-Claw: Then would you take us to her so that Ladybug can heal her.

Gabriel: Yes I will do that, I just want my wife back and nothing more.

Ladybug: Then you will have her back in your life Mr.Agreste and I will just tell everyone that Hawk Moth has been defeated but I will not tell them you were him because you are just a man who was lost and didn't know what to do after what happened to the woman you love.

Gabriel: Thank you Ladybug and I am still sorry for everything that I have done as well as Natalie.

Spider-Claw: Come on let's go save the life of Mrs.Agreste.

Both Ladybug and Spider-Claw and Gabriel headed back towards the mansion where Natalie was waiting for her boss to return in which she saw the heroes along with Gabriel land on the ground and walked towards her to tell her the news. 

Natalie: Hello sir I take that you told them everything.

Gabriel: Yes indeed and now we're going to save Emilee.

Natalie: But sir I thought......

Ladybug: I am going to use my power of creation to save her from the coma in which we refused to use both the miraculous of creation and destruction to do so in which could mean the end of the world and the death of millions so I decided to use the power of creation to heal Mrs.Agreste from the coma instead.

Natalie: I see well I will take you all to her at once just follow me.(Natalie saids in which everyone followed Natalie to the other room where the painting of Emilee Agreste was)

Gabriel: After what happened to my wife, I kept her here at the mansion in which is an underground room where she can be kept safe until I figure out how to bring her back to us.

Spider-Claw: So that is why you kept it from your son so that he wouldn't be heart broken of what really happened to his mother.

Gabriel: I wanted to know the truth but I just couldn't bare to see the look on his face of what Emilee went through.

Ladybug: Don't worry sir soon you will have her back and everything will be alright though I think it would be best to tell her what happened after she fell into a deep coma.

Natalie: She is right sir you cannot keep it as another secret.

Gabriel: Very well let us go see her.(Gabriel saids then pushes some secret buttons on the painting in which an elevator was shown under everyone feet then soon they all went down the elevator to the hidden room underneath the mansion itself)

They all went down the elevator together and once they looked down, they all came across the room that Gabriel was talking about that looked like his lair where all the butterflies were but was completely different but still had the same butterfly symbol. Also around the area was a water source along with green life that contained butterflies as well including the cocoon but also a coffin of some sort in which was keeping probably Emilee Agreste.

Gabriel: This is where I have been keeping her this whole time in which my son doesn't know about of anyone else except for me and Natalie. 

Spider-Claw: Is she inside that glass coffin?

Natalie: Yes she has been kept inside of it and it contains medicine to help keep her heathy as well as calm if the coma affects her more.

Ladybug: Well then let's get to work and heal her.

Gabriel: Follow me and I will take you to Emilee.(Gabriel saids in which everyone followed him towards down the ramp and then was in front of the coffin itself them opened it to reveal a slumber Emilee Agreste who looked to rest very peacefully due to the coma)

Gabriel: Hello again my love, I have brought Ladybug with me so that she can heal you and we can be reunited once again but to also tell you what has happened after you feel into a deep slumber.(Gabriel saids with a sad tone in his voice in which Natalie comfort him)

Spider-Claw: Ladybug you know what to do.(Spider-Claw saids to his partner in which she nods and goes over towards Emilee)

When Ladybug was close to Emilee she couldn't help how beautiful she looked just like in the pictures she saw on Adrien's computer as well on the movie she was on but had to shrug it off and focus on healing her in which she opened up the glass coffin and then placed her hand on Emilee's chest to chant out the words to heal the poor woman. 

Ladybug: Hope this works......The power of the guardian of the miraculous I Ladybug the holder of the miraculous of creation restore the life of Emilee Agreste so she can walk among us once again!(Ladybug saids then a huge bright red light appeared around Emilee Agreste that blinded everyone in the room and shield their site away from the light)

Then after a while now the light dyed down in which everyone looked to see Emilee still in the coffin with Ladybug still at her side in which they thought the healing would work or not but then all of sudden they all heard a cough coming from Emilee herself in which she began to open her eyes.

Emilee: Cough!...cough.....wwhat.....what happened.....where...where am I.

Ladybug: Welcome back Emilee...I cannot believe it actually worked.(Ladybug saids to Emilee then whispers the last part to herself)

Emilee: Who are you and what happened?

Gabriel: Emilee.......(Gabriel saids then walks towards his wife who has finally awoken once again with some tears running down his face)

Emilee: Gabriel is that you....

Gabriel: Emilee!(Gabriel saids and hugs his wife with so much love and sadness that his wife was back in his life once again and no longer under the coma)

Emilee: Gabriel whats going on last thing I remembered was that we came back from a mission and then the peacock miraculous got damaged once again and then all of sudden everything went blank what happened.

Gabriel: You fell into a deep coma my love in which due to the power of the damage peacock miraculous made you ill and put you into a deep slumber.

Emilee: Oh my goodness but how I am awake now?

Ladybug: That is because I healed you, my name is Ladybug the guardian of the miraculous and this is my partner Spider-Claw.

Spider-Claw: Hello ma'am.

Emilee: Oh hello very nice to meet you both and thank you Ladybug for saving me but what has happened to me after I fell into a coma and where is Adrien is he alright.

Gabriel: Sigh...Emilee there is something I must tell you in which I don't you will forgive me or not.

Emilee: What do you mean Gabriel? 

Natalie: We have a lot to talk about what has happened after you fell into a coma Emilee.

Emilee: Natalie it is so wonderful to see you again.

Natalie: It is good to have you back Emilee but I afraid we need to tell you what happened after the coma.(Natalie saids to Emilee in which she nods and looks towards her husband so that he explain everything to her)

Gabriel began to explained everything that went down after Emilee's coma in which he told her about the miraculous of creation and destruction that had the power to make any wish come true but at a cost in which he used the miraculous of the butterfly to become the super villain known as Hawk Moth in which he used his Akuma's to turn people into super villains and try to get the miraculous from Ladybug and her partner but failed every time in which he then used the peacock miraculous that is now repaired and used both powers to create Akuma and Amok beings to even the odds to get the miraculous even if it meant destroying all of Paris to get them but then he realized that everything he was doing was not meant for the person he loves but he was doing it for himself in which drove him to madness because all he wanted was to have his wife back in his life so that he and his son can have the one they missed very much return to them. He also explained about what happened with Adrien in which he was good boy and always listen to his father at the time but soon changed after a certain girl named Lila Rossi came and poisoned his mind and made him do awful things in which Gabriel didn't know that the girl was a bad influence towards him and his son in which caused Adrien to end up in prison for the next fifteen years then once released he will be placed under the care of his aunt and cousin in London to start a new life. Once finished Emilee was brought to tears of horror and sadness for what has happened to her husband as well as her own son.

Emilee: 😢sniff......My sweet little sunshine oh my gosh what has the horrible girl done to him and why weren't you there for him after what happened to me Gabriel.

Gabriel: Emilee...I am so sorry I was just lost and confused and didn't know what to do in my life and I felt so horrible for what I have done including Adrien. It wasn't the same without you in our lived in which we both wanted you back with us but I couldn't tell Adrien the truth because it would have broken his heart more.

Emilee: Even that was true, you could have still been there for him so that he wouldn't end up so lonely and miserable and that awful Rossi wouldn't treated him like toy and a play thing.

Gabriel: I know and I hate everything that I have down to him even our family.

Emilee: Once he is released from prison I want to see him, I want to see my son again and you are going to make up everything you have done Gabriel and I mean it because what you have done was barbaric and cruel in which many people had suffered from what you caused.

Gabriel: I will do everything in my power to fix the mistakes I made and I do too want to see my son again as well as apologize for not being a good father to him and not letting him be his own person.

Emilee: Good because I want to visit right now.

Natalie: But Emilee should you rest first I mean you did come out of a deep coma after all.

Emilee: I can rest later on right now I want to see my sons face because I missed so much of his life and I am not going to fail him. 

Gabriel: Very well we will go see him, Natalie get the car ready.

Natalie: Yes sir...

Emilee: Ladybug and Spider-Claw thank you for everything in keeping Paris safe and for healing me so that I can have a second chance now.

Ladybug: You're very welcome Emilee and do be there for your son cause he does need you.

Spider-Claw: He really does after all that has happened.

Emilee: I will make sure he gets the love he deserves and Gabriel will help.

Gabriel: Of course I will and I will give him the love he wants now that you are back.

Soon Emilee along with Gabriel and Natalie were outside again and got into the car to head towards the prison where Adrien is being kept so that Emilee can see her son once again and know that truth of what has happened to her. Meanwhile Ladybug and Spider-Claw watched from the sidelines to see the Agreste's leave to visit Adrien while also getting back the miraculous of the butterfly in which means their job of retrieving the miraculous has been completed.

Spider-Claw: You did a good thing Ladybug I am proud of you.

Ladybug: I couldn't believe the power I had actually worked and not only that but we were able to retrieve the butterfly miraculous you know what that means.

Spider-Claw: It means you completed Master Fu's quest and finished his work.

Ladybug: Yea but there is a whole lot to do in which I know you will always have my back.

Spider-Claw: And I will always will.

Ladybug: Let's bring the miraculous back to the others because I think they are going to be happy that their little friend is back where he belongs.

Spider-Claw: Sure but first I need to do something.

Ladybug: Oh what would that be?

Spider-Claw: Claws in......(Spider-Claw saids and changes back into Scarlet Spider)

Ladybug: Hehe...what what you doing...(Ladybug saids while Scarlet Spider moves towards her)

Scarlet Spider: Oh this for being the perfect person in my life.(Scarlet Spider saids and lifts up his mask to his nose and gave Ladybug a kiss on the lips in which she melted it and wrapped her arms around her man)

Ladybug: Mph...I love him so much.(Ladybug saids in thought while kissing the man she loves)

Scarlet Spider: I love you Marinette Dupain Cheng, The Miraculous Ladybug.

Ladybug: And I love you Ben Reilly, The Scarlet Spider now Spider-Claw.

Plagg: Get a room you two!

Scarlet Spider and Ladybug: Shut up Plagg!

Plagg: Whatever lets go home I am starving.

Ladybug: Alright you big baby.

Scarlet Spider: Let's go race you home!(Scarlet Spider saids and takes Plagg then shot a web)

Ladybug: Oh you are so on!(Ladybug saids and threw her yoyo to swing away to catch up to her partner slash lover)

(Edit done be me: 95nicholasnm)

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