Chapter 14: The Liar and The Model found Guilty!
Today was the day that the liar known as Lila Rossi aka former intern of Gabriel Agreste along with Adrien Agreste aka Mr.Highroad who didn't take a friends side to help and let the liar continue to making people suffer in which both of them were going to court of what happened two days ago. Both of them caused such destruction around the city of love in which will take months to rebuild because of their stupid idea to drink an illegal wine called War Seduction that is also a drug that makes people do all sorts of crazy and nasty things in which the both of them did and are now going to be trailed for their crimes against Paris and its citizens who suffered from what they have experienced from Rossi and Agreste Jr.
Everyone in the courtroom was getting seated in which meant everyone which included the teachers and principal from school, Jagged Stone, Prince Ali, Gabriel Agreste and his assistant Natalie, The Akuma Class, Chloe, Nino, Alix, Luka, Kagami, Rose, Juleka, Sabine, Tom, Parents, Civilians who suffered what the two little monsters did to them, Police Officers, The Mayor, Andre the ice cream man, Mrs.Rossi and finally Ben and Marinette.
Ben: You ready for this red?
Marinette: Yes I am it is about time those two get what is coming to them for has happened to so many people in Paris along with the city itself but mostly me and my friends.
Ben: Good because if either of them try something well you probably know what I might do.
Marinette: Cataclysm them in which they will turn to dust.
Ben: Actually I was planning on beating the living shit out them but I like your idea better.
Marinette: Don't forget we need to make an appearance as Ladybug and Spider-Claw so that we can tell everyone the truth of what Lila really is.
Ben: Yea and good thing I brought the evidence with me just in case.
Marinette: You're such an amazing guy you know that.
Ben: I know I am but let's focus now because I think the court session is about to start.(Ben saids as he looks at some people coming out in which was the judge along with others)
Marinette: Right..
Soon the judge who turns out to be a woman was getting seated and sorting out the papers while giving everyone a look that she means business in which scared the Akuma class but not the heroes themselves because they can see that this woman is formable as well as has sharp eyes vividly of a hawk or an eagles eye.
Ben: This judge kind of reminds me of little Nick Fury?
Marinette: That is Rosemary Angelica, she is one of the highest ranking judges in the country in which many who dare to question her authority all ended up with a terrible punishment.
Ben: What I can tell is that both Rossi and Agreste Jr are going to wet their pants if they try to provoke this woman.
Then after everyone was in the room and waited patiently all of sudden the doors behind them opened to reveal both Lila Rossi and Adrien Agreste who were escorted by highly trained officers who were watching the two every move in case they try something stupid while also being handcuffed as well as looking like crap because they spent the night in a jail cell in which they both started to smell really bad that made a lot of people cover their noses to avoid the stench. While Lila and Adrien were walking down the path they looked to see some of their classmates with discuss as well as hatred because for once the Akuma Class actually did something like no one ever thought of doing in which fact checking to see what Lila said about being famous and doing amazing things was true in any case were not in which they all checked online and saw nothing about her or what she did, they even asked some of the celebrities to see if it was true or not but they weren't because they told them that they never heard or even met Lila Rossi in their lives which meant that everything that she said was a big fat lie. Then when they found out on the news that both her and Adrien caused the mess to the city by drinking a drug they felt disgusted by the two and want nothing to do with them anymore but they also felt really bad and hurt for what they did to Marinette and her friends in which they will never forgive themselves for what they did. While they were glaring at Rossi and Agreste Jr many others were giving them death glares of what went down in Paris caused by the War Seduction in which many citizens are not happy of what the two did to them or those close to them in which many of them are in the hospital recovering while some will probably never step foot outside again in which half of them were sexually assaulted by Adrien and Lila.
As for the celebrities and famous people like Jagged Stone and Prince Ali who were informed by Marinette and her friends they were both angry and pissed off of what the liar said about them in which they plan to give out lawsuits for making them look like fools and listening to ridiculous stories that were never true about them. When Prince Ali found out about what Lila was doing and telling poor little Rose lies about him, Ali swore that he will make Rossi pay for hurting his sweet Rose and her friends and will never forgive the liar for the crimes that she has committed in her life. Jagged Stone was furious about what he learned about Lila who has been bullying his favorite designer and her friends that he wanted to have his radical crocodile Fang bite off one of Lila's hands or a leg for causing so much pain towards Marinette and how he know about this well it was all thanks to Sabine and Tom Dupain Cheng who was like family in which Jagged became an uncle like figure towards Marinette and really appreciated her kindness towards others except for Rossi and Agreste Jr.
Gabriel on the other hand was beyond furious of what his own son has down in which he plans to send his son away to London to live with his aunt and his cousin to be raised as a more mature person and not some coward who just watches a girl who thought was his friend get beat down to a bloody pulp for no reason all because his idiot classmates believed in the lies of a certain sausage hair girl. Also he had Natalie remove Lila from being his intern after all the trouble she caused to him and his company as well as his own family in which he didn't even bother to Akumatized her because he can see what she really is and that is a bad influence to many who suffer from her lies and wants nothing to do with her in which after the trail he plans to cut off all ties with Lila as well as have her fired for bringing Adrien into this mess. Gabriel was also thinking if Lila calls out his alternate selfs name in front of everyone than it will bring a smile on his face because he wont bother to give Lila back her powers because she is not worth it anymore in which she will be sent to prison for working with a terrorist as well as kicked out of France forever.
Mrs.Rossi on the other hand was disappointed in her own daughter that she kept all these things to her about lying to people and making other people suffer all because she wanted nothing more than attention as well as money in which she used her lying to make poor Marinette Dupain Cheng look like the bad guy and have her former classmates attack her and because they believed in Lila's lies while Adrien didn't bother to help Marinette because Mrs.Rossi also got word that the Adrien told Marinette to take the high road meaning that Lila's lies weren't hurting anymore in which made Mrs.Rossi disgusted of the blonde child and his stupid advice. If Lila goes to prison as well as kicked out of France then Mrs.Rossi will have no choice but to disown Lila for being a psychopath as well as a lier in which the child she raised no longer existed but the person she was looking at is just a broken shell and a hollow of the girl she raised.
While heading towards the tables both Lila and Adrien looked to see Ben and Marinette sitting together holding hands in which both of them thought about it for a while in which they can see that those two are a thing in which pissed of Lila more while Adrien looked disappointed as well as heart broken that he didn't get Marinette but also lost his virginity to Lila instead in which he still can't get over of what happened two days ago. While they were looking at the couple Ben was giving them a death glare so horrifying that it brought shivers down Rossi and Agreste Jr's spine in which they both turned around and were forced into the chairs that the officers put them in. Then once everyone is in the room and the two responsible for the destruction of Paris and hurting innocent people are now in session.
Bailiff: All be seated and silent, Alright everyone court is in session. I give you the honorable Judge Rosemary Angelica presiding.(The bailiff saids to everyone in which both Lila and Adrien were paling like ghost when they looked into the judges eyes)
Rosemary: Thank you, now let's get to business shale we. The charges against the two known as Lila Rossi the daughter of Mrs.Rossi and Adrien Agreste the son of the famous fashion designer Gabriel Agreste are brought to court for the destruction of Paris as well as hurting innocent lives as well as sexually assaulted others all due to the wine they drank called War Seduction in which was declared illegal as well as outlawed from every country until the owner of a shop had one left in which the police came to take it away but was stolen along with other things in the shop in which two students from Francoise College Ben Reilly and Marinette Dupain Cheng found video footage of miss Lila Rossi stealing the wine from the shop in disguise without the police or the shop owner knowing and lied about receiving if it from a royal family.
Lila: Mm...Marinette how could.....
Rosemary: SILENCE MISS ROSSI!(Rosemary screamed at Lila in which caused her to flinch)
Lila: But...but your....
Rosemary: Keep your mouth shut or else..and leave Miss Dupain Cheng out of this.(Rosemary saids to Lila in which she kept her mouth shut while looking behind her towards Marinette and Ben who smirked at the liar)
Rosemary: Now where was I oh yes, do you miss Rossi except or decline of what you did was wrong and that you were in the precession of an illegal drug that has been banned from every country in which you gave it Adrien Agreste thinking it was some kind of drink that makes people fall in love.
Lila: Yes I decline because all of this are all lies told by Marinette Dupain Cheng in which she framed me for all the things I did in which she bullied me in school and threaten to take everyone away from me.(Lila saids in which made Marinette angry and pissed off until Ben stood up)
Ben: Objection your honor, if you would be so kind I would like to inform of miss Rossi's actions.
Rosemary: You may Mr.Reilly.
Ben: Actually Lila all those things that the judge said about you are true in which two days ago myself and Marinette came to the park to see you and Adrien together having a picnic together in which I was looking at this strange looking bottle you have in the basket and once I ask you what it was you took it out and precent to me in which looked like something that was under age as well as illegal.
Lila: THATS A LIE?!!!!
Rosemary: MISS ROSSI SILENCE YOURSELF RIGHT NOW!!!....Continue Mr.Reilly.
Ben: Thank you, while I was looking at the bottle you had on you Lila I saw that it wasn't an ordinary drink in which I did some research on the bottle in which you called it War Seduction thinking it was a drink that makes people fall in love but it turns out it wasn't that but a drug that makes people do awful things in which what you and Adrien did two days ago in which the both of you caused city destruction as well as stealing money but also committing sexual assault to others as well as injuries civilians while under the War Seduction because many of them are not too happy of what you both did and less not forget that you both shared a sexual attraction in which the police found you in a bed wearing absolutely nothing while also finding an empty bottle of War Seduction by your side in which I have a video and some images on my phone that I took of you two with the wine.(Ben saids to Lila in which she was paling and felt like she was going to puke as well as Adrien and couldn't believe that he was on a drug)
Rosemary: Mr.Reilly mind if you show these to everyone so that we can see if this is true.
Ben: Why of course your honor do you have a projection screen.(Ben saids in which the judge nods and told the Bailiff to bring in the screen board so that everyone can see what happened)
Adrien: Ben...don't do this Lila will....
Ben: You shut your mouth asshole because the both of you are going to get it now after what you two have done so just sit back and enjoy show.(Ben saids to the two with a glare then smirks in which Marinette brought a small bag of popcorn to enjoy the show while Adrien and Lila were freaking out)
Soon the screen was showing the video of what happened at the shop in which they looked to see someone stealing the War Seduction without the police knowing along with some other things in the store. Then the images of city being half destroyed while showing the signs of who caused in which everyone looked at the initials LR and AGA which stands for Lila Rossi and Adrien Gabriel Agreste in which many people in the room were giving the two idiots death glares just like Ben's while some wanted to beat them to a bloody pulp. Then came the victims who suffered injuries as well as sexual assault from Rossi and Agreste Jr in which many was horrified of what they were looking at and the injuries of so many people while the others looked like they have lost something dear to them.
Ben: As you all can see by these images and these people who have suffered they all found out who caused this mess in the first place in which was these two in front of me. But since your honor you want to see proof of Lila with the War Seduction here allow me to show you a video that I took without her or Adrien knowing.(Ben saids then clicks the button to pull up the video of him talking with Lila and Adrien while Lila was holding the wine in her hands)
Ben: Before we leave tell what is that bottle you have there, is it some sort of drink?
Lila: Oh I am glad you ask because this drink was given to me from a royal family in which I intend to share it with Adrien in which I found out it can make the person that their with fall in love and become something great!
Ben: Whats the drink called?
Lila: Allow me to show you, its called War Seduction and the taste of it is divine in which many people online say once you drink this it will change you life forever.
Lila: What do you think isn't it amazing looking!
Once the video has ended everyone was looking at Adrien and Lila with hatred as well as giving them glares while Gabriel and Mrs.Rossi were furious about their children in which they hope that they both get a huge punishment for what they had on them.
Ben: So Lila do you still deny it and if you are going to say the video is fake I already had a talk with your former classmate Max in which I asked him if his robot can scan the video for me in which was one hundred percent real even ask him yourself.
Max: It's true your honor the video is real along with the images in which I cannot believe we believed in you Lila and we hate ourselves for what we did to Marinette!
Rosemary: Thank you young Miss Rossi do you deny or do you except of what you did.
Rosemary: Miss Rossi one more shout out like that and I will take action!
Rosemary: Thats what I thought, Mr.Reilly do you have a richness of someone who knew Lila Rossi was stealing for the store?
Ben: Indeed I called up the owner of the shop and he is here right now, Mr.Locket if you would please.(Ben saids to the owner in which he got up from his seat and went over towards where the judge is and was glaring at Lila)
Rosemary: Mr.Locket was Lila Rossi the one who stole from your shop?
Mr.Locket: Yes she was because she was mad that I kicked her out of my store for shop lifting and not paying for the things she got from my store in which I installed camera's in my shop so that if she tried to take anything from my store I will have her in my site and report her for thieving. When the police arrived at my store looking for the last remaining War Seduction that I have in my store in which I was going to give it to them all of sudden it was gone along with many other of the stuff in my store in which I checked the camera's and looked to see what looked like a girl wearing such an awful look but when I looked closer at the video I saw it was the same spoiled little brat that try to shoplift from me once again in which she did.
Rosemary: Thank you Mr.Locket, now do you still deny it Lila Rossi.
Lila: I still do! Because this man is a lying fat bastard who doesn't appreciate honesty from a well behaved woman like me.
Ben: You do realized you made yourself more guilty than before. Max's robot also made sure the video was real in which it was.(Ben saids in which Max nods in agreement)
Rosemary: So you are not just a thief, a backstabber, and a person who committed sexual assault miss Rossi but you are also a liar.
Lila: I AM NOT?!!!!
Rosemary: Order!!! Order!!!! Another shout out like that again miss Rossi and your punishment will be far more worse. Mr.Locket thank you for your answer and time you have take your seat and you as well Mr.Reilly thank you for clearing that up for all of us.
Ben: My pleasure your honor.
Ben went to sit back in his seat with Marinette who was smiling at her boyfriend and gave him a kiss on the cheek for doing an amazing job as well as making Lila look like a fool.
Rosemary: Now then Mr.Adrien Agreste did you or did you not know about the wine being a drug and why did you believe in the words of this girl and not those who were tryin to warn you about what she does.
Adrien: No your honor I didn't know that the wine was a drug as matter of fact I never knew it was wine in the first place. To answer the other question I only wanted those who I knew as my friends like Marinette to keep quiet about Lila being a liar because I was afraid she was going to get Akumatized like before.
Mrs.Rossi: Wait what do you mean like before?!...Lila never told me that she was Akumatized, she only told me that the only people who were Akumatized were her fellow classmates in which they had the school closed down for months.(Mrs.Rossi saids in which got the attention of the teachers and principal)
Damocles: Wait the school wasn't closed for months, it was only a couple of days and the school itself has been open every weekend except for Saturday and Sundays.
Bustier: That is correct and it only takes Ladybug a couple of hours to capture an Akuma so that school wasn't really that much in danger as long as she is around along with her new partner the Scarlet Spider then the school will always be opened.
Rosemary: So you not only lied to your mother, but also decided to skip school and lie about it being closed for months due to Akuma's. Adrien is it still true that she got Akumatized?
Adrien: Yes....yes she did she became the two villains known as Volpina and Chameleon.
Mrs.Rossi: Lila was Akumatized........(Mrs.Rossi saids in thought as well as horror)
Rosemary: And what were the reason for her getting Akumatized in the first place?
Adrien: Marinette of which she kept telling me that Lila was the one who threaten her in the bathroom as well as did horrible things to her like beat her up and take away her things in which she was just jealous and I asked her to take the high road because Lila lies weren't hurting anyone.(Adrien saids in which he made himself guilty and Marinette looked ready to skin him alive along with her parents doing the same while Gabriel was furious at his own son and blames himself for his stupid advice)
Rosemary: So you just told an innocent girl to do nothing in which cost her to almost loosing her life in which she would have ended up dead in the hands of her former classmates all because you wouldn't expose Lila Rossi for what she truly is but instead took her side and made Miss Dupain Chengs life a living nightmare all because you wanted to avoid Lila being Akumatized well what about the rest of your classmates surely they were Akumatized as well.
Adrien: Lila akumatized self is more powerful then the others so I was trying to make sure that doesn't happened but Marinette wouldn't listen to my advice in which I asked her to apologize to Lila but she wouldn't listen.
Ben: In which you slapped her in the face and forced her to what you wanted and asked to date her in which she clearly doesn't want anything to do with you.
Rosemary: Adrien is that true did you slap that poor girl in face and forced her to what you wanted.
Chloe: Of course he did your honor in which I video tapped it from that day.
Rosemary: May I see it Miss Bourgeois.(Rosemary saids in which Chloe got up from her seat and glared at both Adrien and Lila then handed her phone to the judge in which she saw the video and was shock of what she saw)
Rosemary: Alright I seen enough, Gabriel Agreste did you know that your son was doing these things in school as well as the high road advice and hurting Miss Dupain Cheng?
Gabriel: Yes I did know, Miss Dupain Cheng and her friends informed yesterday during my sons incident with miss Rossi in which she is fired from my company as well as our contract terminated and Adrien I am disappointed in you in which when I say take the high road I meant be a bigger person and stand up for yourself not just sit there and watch someone get beat to a bloody pulp and say nothing. In which I now disown you as my son and if you are found guilty so beat it but if the judge changes her mind you will be sent away to live with you aunt and your cousin for now on.(Gabriel saids in which Adrien was paling and looking upset for not understanding what his father meant by the high road while Lila was angry and shock that her contract with Gabriel is terminated as well as fired)
Rosemary: Thank you Mr.Agreste, now I would like Miss Marinette Dupain Cheng to come up and explain her story to everyone.(Rosemary saids to Marinette in which she nods and gets up to go up towards the judge while glaring at Lila and Adrien in which Adrien was upset and broken for what he did was wrong)
Marinette: Thank your honor.
Rosemary: Now miss Dupain Cheng tell us did Lila threaten you in the bathroom in which she told you that she will take everyone you know away leaving with nothing.
Marinette: Yes...yes she did in which she kept her promise and turned all my former classmates against me except those who still believe in me that I didn't do any of those awful things that Lila said. By the time Lila told them the lies including my former best friend Alya who used to run the Ladyblog and filled it with lies thanks to Lila everyone started to avoid me and beat me up becuase they thought I hurt Lila in which I never did but they ate up the lies like suckers while Adrien stood from the side lines and just watch me suffer and I thought he was on my side but it turned out he wasn't because he was coward all this time and just let Lila spread her lies all over school including telling lies about meeting famous people like Prince Ali and Jagged Stone. They bought the lies when Lila told them that she visit some many different places around the world, saved Jagged Stone kitten from a moving air plane, meeting with Prince Ali and helping him with children hospitals as well as framing me for bullying her for years and for thinking I stole her designs in which I didn't and when she knew I didn't believe her lies she kept her word and turned almost half of the school against me while my true friends stood by me along with my mother and father.(Marinette saids in which made Lila furious while Adrien looked disappointed and the Akuma Class ashamed that they never fact check about Lila)
Then after silence moment two people stood up from the seats in which was Jagged Stone himself along with Prince Ali who looked mad at what Lila Rossi told her classmates about.
Jagged: I agree with my honorable niece! I don't have a kitten in which it was clearly written in my bio that I am allergic to fur and that is why I have my rock n roll crocodile Fang here. Also another thing how dare this Rossi girl bully my favorite designer in which I would like to give her lawsuits for hurting my niece as well as Adrien in which I thought was a great kid but it turns out I was dead wrong.
Prince Ali: I also agree with Marinette as well as Jagged Stone, I will also be giving out lawsuits to Lila Rossi who spilling lies about me and Jagged Stone along with many others she spoke about and evolving my sweet little Rose into this mess in which I forgive you Rose for what has happened and i would like for you and Marinette to join me and help with the children's hospital funds.
Rose: I would love to Prince Ali!
Marinette: I would love to attend as well and can I bring my boyfriend Ben with me.
Akuma Class along with Adrien and Lila: BOYFRIEND?!!!!
Ben: I would like to attend with you Marinette as well as Rose and Prince Ali if you wouldn't mind your majesty.
Prince Ali: Not at all anyone who is a friend of Rose and Marinette is a friend of mine.
Ben: Good and to answer you question former classmates of Marinette as well Liar and model boy, me and Marinette are a couple now and we have been together for quite some time now after getting to know each other for a whole month.(Ben saids in which made his friends smile and well as Marinette who smiles and blushes at what her boyfriend said while Adrien looked jealous as well as heart broken while Lila wanted to strangle Marinette)
Mrs.Rossi: Oh Mr.Stone and Prince Ali if you want payment for the lawsuits my daughters things would pay for them since she is deep trouble as of today.
Lila: MOTHER?!!!!
Mrs.Rossi: You brought this upon yourself so you face the music now Lila.
Jagged Stone: ROCK N ROLL!
Rosemary: Alright people settle down now. Thank you Miss Dupain Cheng for your words against miss Rossi as well as Adrien Agreste but tell me why were you trying to warn Adrien about Lila in the first place was he someone special to you before he told you his advice and turn his back on you.(Rosemary saids in which got Adrien's attention)
Marinette: Yes, years ago I used to have this big crush on him in which I fell lover heels for him for being a good friend and kind person as well as making me smile in which I wanted to ask him how I felt about him and wanted to ask him out but sadly it died out when Lila came and told her lies to everyone in which he told me to take the high road and not doing anything to stop Lila in which those who were my friends turned against me and just beat me up while Adrien stood there and did nothing to help and just told me the same exact advice take the high road and her lies are not hurting anyone in which they were hurting me.(Marinette saids in which Adrien was happy at first but turned to sadness after Marinette finished her sentence about him not doing anything to help her and telling her to take the high road)
Rosemary: I see and you and Mr.Reilly are a couple now just like you said?
Marinette: Yes we are, ever since Ben came to my school he was always there for me as well as my friends even had the courage to stand up to Lila and my former classmates and protected me from them in which I never forgot what he did for me in which after spending some much time together I came to realize that Adrien wasn't the person I love but it was Ben Reilly all this time in which he and I went out together and shared our first date at a fancy restaurant then danced under a beautiful night sky then during the rain we both confessed our love for each other and shared our first kiss which was the happiest moment of my life.(Marinette saids in which made Ben smile at his girlfriend while everyone in the except for Adrien and Lila were in aw for how Ben treated Marinette with such love and respect)
Ben: And I love you with all my heart and soul Marinette.(Ben saids in which made Marinette show a tear in her eye while smiling sweetly at Ben)
Sabine and Tom: I hope those two get married!(Both said in thought while thinking about having Ben as their future son in law)
Rosemary: That was very beautiful Marinette Dupain Cheng and it brought a warm feeling in my heart.
Marinette: Thank you your honor.
Rosemary: You may take your seat next to the one you love and you two may have a break while we continue on with the trial for these two.(Rosemary saids to Marinette in which she nods and goes back where Ben is smiling and waiting for her)
Soon both Ben and Marinette went outside the courtroom together while rapping their arms around each other while Lila was glaring daggers at them while Ben who giving her a glare and the middle finger meaning the words F you Lila Bitchy Rossi.
Ben: That was beautiful speech red.
Marinette: Thanks and thanks for sticking up to me back there and showing everyone what Lila and Adrien did.
Ben: My pleasure but for now shale we let Spider-Claw and Ladybug do the rest because I get the feeling that your going to be informed as well.
Marinette: Right let's go somewhere so no one can see us.
Ben: Right..
Back with the courtroom the Judge was now glaring at both Adrien and Lila for the mess that have down in which both of them were not liking the look that the judge was giving them.
Rosemary: Now let us continue on shale we, what I heard from the blog called the Ladyblog that was created someone named Alya who was kicked out of school and sent away from what she did to miss Dupain Cheng in which before she shut down the blog forever for the lies she put on the site about Lila; tell me miss Lila is the heroin Ladybug really your best friend or is that another one of your lies.
Lila: Ladybug and I are best friends in which she saved me countless of times and she even offered me a miraculous to help! I even have the miraculous on me now see!(Lila saids and shows everyone the fake miraculous around her neck in which Gabriel can see it was a fake as well)
Rosemary: Really then who were you in hero form?
Lila: Why Rena Rogue of course!
Admittedly Nino, Luka, Chloe, Alix, Kagami, as well as Gabriel and Adrien slap themselves in the head for seeing Lila making herself look like a bigger idiot than ever. When someone was about to answer all of sudden the window opened in which two costume heroes came into the front of everyone in which was known other than Ladybug herself along with Spider-Claw aka Scarlet Spider in which many people except for the heroes were looking at the black suited figure in awe.
Ladybug: Sorry to break this news to you Lila but that is lie in which I never gave you a miraculous and I am clearly not your best friend in which you could put a target on those closet's to you in which Hawk Moth can use that to his advantage.
Rosemary: Ah Ladybug so lovely to see you here and who is this? Where is the Scarlet Spider?
Spider-Claw: You are looking right at him your honor but in this form I am known as Spider-Claw the new holder of the miraculous of destruction.(Spider-Claw saids in which Gabriel and Natalie were shock that the spider is the new holder of the cat miraculous while Adrien looked shock that Scarlet Spider is a miraculous holder like Ladybug)
Rosemary: So I take the rumors are true, Cat Noir is no longer around which means Scarlet Spider is your new partner now Ladybug but now goes by Spider-Claw in which I do admire the suit by the way and want to thank you both for what you have done for our beloved city.
Spider-Claw: Thank you your honor and as for Lila Rossi here, she was never given a miraculous in which the thing around her neck is actually a replica of the miraculous that was on sale in the gift shops in which they have many versions of replica miraculous so that people can use them for cosplay or for show and to prove it, it has the Agreste logo on it since Gabriel Agreste was the one who designed them.
Rosemary: Miss Rossi take off the necklace and reveal it to everyone.
Lila: I can't I will expose myself!
Spider-Claw: You already did that yourself. Now do as the judge said and take off the necklace.
Lila refused again in which made Spider-Claw anode in which he snatched the necklace off Lila by force and try to protest but was silence by the officers near her in which Spider-Claw showed everyone the back of the necklace that revealed the Agreste brand logo which means that the necklace that Lila had on her was a fake miraculous all this time in which Adrien thought it was real but was fooled yet again.
Spider-Claw: Gabriel Agreste is this your design and logo.
Gabriel: Yes it is in which there is a gift shop not too far from here in which sells many different jewelry that I designed to help bring up my business.
Spider-Claw: Thank you sir.
Rosemary: So not only Lila you have lied, became a thief, sexual assaulted others, bullied an innocent girl, pretended to be a hero yourself with a fake necklace from a gift shop that sells many versions of the necklace but you also were putting your life as well as everyone else in danger makes me wonder that your not so innocent at all.
Ladybug: Also Rena Rogue is clearly not you at all because the thing that you were was Volpina and Chameleon as well as liar in which I found out when you showed Adrien that fake miraculous and pretended to be my friend in which I will never be friend with someone like you.
Spider-Claw: I agree with Ladybug.
Mrs.Rossi: Wait I thought you hated Ladybug Lila?
Lila: Um........
Adrien: She hates Ladybug.....(Adrien saids in thought while also in shock)
Spider-Claw: Did she just exposed herself?(Spider-Claw saids to Ladybug)
Ladybug: Yea looks that way..
Spider-Claw: Did you just expose yourself Lila?
Adrien: god......🤢......(Adrien was turning green in which he looked like he was going to throw up)
Chole/Alix/Nino/Kagami/Luka/Rose/Juleka: This girl is seriously insane.....(All said in thought)
Lila: Oh come on I know your son enjoyed me right Adrien!
Adrien: 🤮...............BLAHHHHHHH!!!!(Adrien puke all over Lila in which she screamed in disgust)
Spider-Claw and Ladybug: Ewww..........that is nasty.....(Both said in thought while looking away from what they saw)
Rosemary: Ok let's take a quick break while Adrien and Lila get cleaned up while also the jury makes it decision.Spider-Claw and Ladybug thank you for your time.(Rosemary saids in which she bangs the hammer on the table)
Spider-Claw and Ladybug: Your welcome!(Both said and went out the window together to change back into their civilian forms)
Spider-Claw and Ladybug left the courtroom together and went out the the window and began to swing to a place to transform back to their civilian forms while also thinking about the way Lila just exposed herself while they saw how Adrien puke on her like that which was both disgusting and funny at the same time.
(Edit done be me: 95nicholasnm)
Ladybug: Can you believe it Lila just literally exposed herself like that in front of everyone even us!
Spider-Claw: I know and it was absolutely funny to watch Agreste Jr puke all over her like that after he found out what happened to him which was classic!
Ladybug: Hehehe makes me wonder what else Lila and hope she expose another secret as well once we get back to court!
Spider-Claw: Absolutely, there is an alleyway right there where we can change back follow me!(Spider-Claw saids to Ladybug in which both of them land in the alleyway together)
Spider-Claw and Ladybug: Claws In!/Spots Off!
Plagg: Hahahaha wow that was something I wouldn't hear from a long time!
Ben: I know and here is your award Plagg the ultra rare cheese for doing a good job.
Marinette: Hehehehe here some cookies for you Tiki.
Tiki: Thanks Marinette and I have to say I didn't expect Lila to expose herself all by herself.(Tiki saids while eating a cookie)
Ben: Me neither in which Adrien found out what happened to him and her in which he puked all over Lila.
Plagg: Hahaha I wish I could of seen that in person!
Marinette: Yea but still it kind of hurt the way she said those things about me...
Ben: Don't let those words get to you red besides by the time we get back she will be out of your life as well as Adrien.
Tiki: He's right Marinette which means no more high road advice and no more liar.
Marinette: You know what you both are right thanks for that I really appreciated the love.
Ben: It's what we do red.
Marinette: I love you so much Ben.
Ben: I love you too Mari.
Plagg: Ew couple love..
Ben/Tiki/Marinette: SHUT UP PLAGG!
Then soon Marinette and Ben headed back to court in which by the time they got back everyone was seated again and Lila along with Adrien were cleaned up but Lila still smelled like barf then Rosemary came back in as well along with the jury who were about to make their decision.
Rosemary: Has the jury made its the decision.
Jury: We have your honor we define Adrien Agreste guilty of all charges and sentences him fifteen years in prison and once released he will be kicked out of France and sent away to live with his relatives in London and is no longer to enter France ever again that is if this decision works for you Gabriel Agreste.
Gabriel: I except this offer and maybe some thinking about what my son did will help him become a much better person than what he already is.(Gabriel saids to the jury and judge then leaves with Natalie without looking at Adrien in which he looked down in sadness because what he did was his fault in the first place)
Rosemary: Very well do you have anything to say Adrien before you be taken away.
Adrien: Yes....I just want to say Marinette that I am truly sorry for everything and I mean that and I will never forgive myself for what I have done to you and everyone else, maybe some time in prison would do me just fine and maybe starting a brand new life in London would be great that is if it away from this psychopath right here. Marinette I also don't except any apology in which I don't deserve and what I can tell is that you have very happy to be with someone who loves you very much in which Ben I am sorry for everything that I said and did as well as telling you to take the high road in which I didn't know the meaning of it until my father explained it more clearly.
Marinette: I cannot forgive you for what you did to me Adrien but I would be proud for you to start a new life after you get released from prison and learn to grown with the real world and not some fantasyland.
Adrien: I understand and thank you, Ben good luck with Marinette and make her happy.
Ben: I will and do start a brand new life and meet someone who would love you.
Adrien: I will and thank you so much.....(Adrien saids his last words before the officers excoriated him out of the building)
Rosemary: Has the jury made it decision for Lila Rossi.(Rosemary saids in which Lila was furious and angry and was hoping an Akuma will show up)
Jury: We have your honor we define Lila Rossi guilty of all charges and sentenced her to life in prison which she will also be kicked out of France as well as getting lawsuits from everyone she lied about and will no longer have any contact from the outside world and will be fully disown by her mother Mrs.Rossi.
Rosemary: Very well do you have anything to say Lila before you are taken away forever.
Marinette: You brought that upon yourself I just stacked the facts.
Ben: She sure did in which you are too crazy and insane to have around.
Lila: I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!!!(Lila saids and runs towards Marinette in which Ben stood in front of her and did something that he always wanted to do)
Ben: I always wanted to do this to you!(Ben saids then did a round house kick to Lila in which hit her face and fell to the ground)
Ben: Mess with my girlfriend and you get the roundhouse kick to the face.
Marinette: BEN THAT WAS AMAZING!!! 🤩
Nino: Nice one dude!
Alix and Chloe: Got that on video!
Kagami: What an excellent move Ben very nice.
Luka: That should shut her up.
Rose: You really are Marinette's knight and shining armor!(Rose saids in which made Marinette blush pink for being embarrassed)
Juleka: Lila kind of deserved it.
Lila: Argghhh!!!!.....YOU KICKED ME IN THE FACE?!!!!
Ben: Yea I did you deserved it for trying to harm my girlfriend.(Ben said a with a smirk in which Lila was furious and let out something that shocked everyone in the room)
Lila: HAWK MOTH!!!! CAN YOU HEAR ME GIVE ME BACK MY POWERS SO I CAN RIP THIS BEN REILLY INTO PIECES ALONG WITH MARI-TRASH!!! AND I WILL GET YOU THE MIRACULOUS THAT YOU WANTED AS WELL, HEY DON'T AVOID ME WE HAD A DEAL?!!!!! GIVE ME MY POWERS NOW YOU STUPID BASTARD RIGHT NOW!!!!(Lila screaming in which exposed her other secret in which she is working with a terrorist in which causes everyone in the room in shock even her own mother)
Rosemary: Lila Rossi for doing awful things in Paris as well as working with a terrorist you will be sentence to prison admittedly and once there you will forever remain there until your dying day! Meeting adjured and officers take this psychopath away from here and lock her up!!
Police Officer: Let's go you little freak!(Police officer saids and puts the cuffs and chains on Lila and a restraining jacket to hold her while she screams out of her lungs)
Lila: MMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!
Marinette: Wow she was working with Hawk Moth all this time?
Ben: Who would of guess I mean, I think it was quite noticeable that she wanted to be Akumatized.
Marinette: That is true at least I don't have to see her anymore for a long time.
Ben: I bet she wouldn't last a day in prison.
Marinette: Probably not...
Sabine: Oh my gosh Marinette are you ok sweetie.
Marinette: Yes mama I am fine thanks to Ben, in which thanks for saving me from Lila.
Ben: I will do anything to keep you safe.
Tom: Ben you are such a good person and a brave one at that say hows about having our daughters hand in marriage in which I think you would make a great son in law for us and Marinette as your beautiful wife.(Tom saids in which made both Marinette and Ben blush red for thinking about marriage)
Marinette: PAPA?!!!!!!
Sabine: Tom you can stop that and besides what I really want is these two give me beautiful grandchildren so I can be a very happy grandmother when I retire.(Sabine saids in which made Marinette and Ben blush crimson red)
Ben: Oh my god.......(Ben saids then hears his friends giggling at the thought of Marinette and Ben being married and having kids)
Then soon Mrs.Rossi came over while wiping the tears away from her eyes and wanted to talk to Marinette about how sorry she was that her own daughter turned out to be a monster as well as working with a terrorist.
Mrs.Rossi: Marinette I am....I am so sorry that my own flesh and blood turned out to be cruel and hateful being in which I want nothing to do with her and for what she has caused you and your friends as well family.
Marinette: It is alright Mrs.Rossi you didn't know what Lila has become in which I hope you do alright without her.
Mrs.Rossi: I will probably move back to Italy and start a new life all over again and maybe raise a better child that wont end up like Lila.
Ben: That would be a wise decision Mrs.Rossi we wish you good luck.
Mrs.Rossi: Thank you Ben and I am not mad that you kicked Lila in the face because she did deserve what she tried to do to Marinette.
Ben: Thank you.
Mrs.Rossi: Mr and Mrs Dupain Cheng you two have raise a fine young daughter and very talented one in which you should be proud of what she does.
Sabine: We are and we're happy to have a beautiful daughter like Marinette.
Marinette: Thank you mama.
Tom: We love you sweetheart and we are proud of what you and Ben did.
Ben and Marinette: Thank you..
Mrs.Rossi: Take care of yourselves and good luck in the future.
Marinette: We will and stay safe and do raise a better child.
Mrs.Rossi: I will..
Soon Mrs.Rossi left the courtroom along with everyone else who will be sending lawsuits towards Lila as well as Adrien then the former classmates who now found out Lila was a liar as well as an evil person working with a terrorist were walking towards Marinette and Ben as well as their friends while looking down in shame for they have done them.
Mylene: Marinette I know we don't except our apologies for what we have done to you and the others but we understand if you don't want anything to do with us.
Sabrina: We should of fact checked to see if Lila stories were true or not in which we were so stupid to fall for them in which it caused us to behave differently.
Nathaniel: We just wanted to say were deeply sorry for everything and we promise to change our ways and always fact check something to see if it real or not.
Marc: We understand it would take years or more for you to forgive us and what we did to you.
Kim: I am so sorry for doing such awful things to you Marinette and I hate myself for what I have become!
Ivan: I am sorry as well I guess I do have a monster side of me in which I would probably have to visit some people who can help me with my problem.
Max: I am probably the biggest idiot ever for not checking my sources and I am sorry for not listening to you Marinette and what you tried to warn us about Lila and her lies.
Marinette: Listen I appreciate you all for apologizing to me and my friends but it will take time for me to fully trust you again and I don't how long it will take.
Mylene: We understand Marinette, take as much time as you want and we will be waiting until you are ready to see us again in which we all decided to transfer to different schools because we think that we need a new start as well.
Kim: Yea now that the school got messed up by Lila and Adrien we think it would be best to transfer to different schools and finish our education else where.
Nino: Are you sure you guys want that?
Max: We do and it will help us move on of what we did to you guys including you Mairnette.
Nathaniel: And Ben thank you for looking at her she really is a good person.
Ben: Thank you and sorry I been giving you guys such a hard time lately.
Kim: Don't worry about it Ben we get it and also you do have hard punch by the way.
Ben: I like to train a lot and work out.
Sabrina: And Chloe I am so sorry for everything and I will wait until you are ready to forgive me as well.
Chloe: I know Sabrina....
With that said the former classmates left the courtroom as well following their parents behind them in which they will have some talking to them about bullies and learning whats real or not. Sabine and Tom told their daughter that they are heading back home to open up the bakery in which Marinette told them that she will be spending time with Ben at his place for the time being in which they nod in agreement while her friends decided to help around Paris and get things cleaned up after the mess that Lila and Adrien made.
Marinette: Sigh.......
Ben: Whats the matter red?
Marinette: Oh it's nothing sweetie just thinking about something thats all.
Ben: Whats you thinking about?
Marinette: Well I was thinking about the future and what it is going to be like once Hawk Moth is defeated.
Ben: Well what I can tell is whatever the future holds in store for us we will solve together I know we will.
Marinette: Thank you Ben....say hows about we celebrate Lila's being gone forever out of our lives.
Ben: What do you have in mind?
Marinette: Follow me and you will see.(Marinette saids with a smirk in which she got up from where she was sitting with Ben and decided to walk somewhere)
Ben: Um ok?(Ben saids in question then got up and followed Marinette while Tiki and Plagg were watching television and eating food)
Soon Ben followed Marinette back towards the basement in which they both entered the room where the hot spring then Marinette stopped and looked towards Ben with a smirk in which confused him until Marinette spoke.
Marinette: Wanna celebrate Lila exposed and being gone forever.
Ben: Yea but how though?
Marinette: Oh like this..(Marinette saids as she begins to take off her clothes in front of Ben in which he blushes of what Marinette is doing then once all of her clothes were on floor and she was wearing absolutely nothing she hopped into the hot spring then looks back at Ben with a smile)
(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)
Ben: You do remember what happened last time when you were in the spring right.
Marinette: Yea but this time I will make sure to stay awake, so care join me my very attractive spider hero.(Marinette saids while moving her body and doing poses in which Ben smirk and undid his clothes and hopped into the spring with his girlfriend)
Ben: I am starting to like this even more so.
Marinette: Me too Ben, now bring those lips over here and show me a great time.
Ben: As you wish red..
Marinette and Ben started to make out with out each other while enjoying their free from Lila as well as Adrien in which they are still wishing him a good life when he gets out of prison in the next fifteen years and hopefully find someone who would always be there for him and show him some actual love.
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