Chapter 13: The City of Destruction and Lies!

It was Morning in the city of love and everyone was starting to wake up and start their day but what they didn't realize something happened last night in which turn Paris upside down. As for the the heroes known as Ladybug and Scarlet Spider who is now Spider-Claw aka Ben Reilly and Marinette Dupain Cheng after the two of them had the most romantic and amazing night together in which they we remember forever the sun was rising towards Ben's house in which him and along with Marinette were still in bed together cuddling and relaxing after the two of them made love for the first time in which made the heroin of Paris very happy that she has found the perfect person to be in her life forever and is no longer a virgin because she gave her love to Ben for his compassion and trust as well as his being a great boyfriend and loyal partner in crime.

So right now in the bedroom Ben was starting to wake up due to the sun being in his eyes while Marinette was still sleeping next to him after the pleasure she received from her boyfriend last night in which was magical for her.

Ben: Mmm.....YAWN!..........geez never slept like that in a long time?(Ben saids while waking up and stretching his arms)

When Ben rubbed his eyes and looked out the window to see that it was morning in which meant it looked like it was time to get up and have some breakfast in which he was going to get up until he felt a hand touching his arm in which Ben turned to look at Marinette who was still sleeping and had nothing on neither did Ben in which he started to remember what happened last night in which both him and his girlfriend actually did it together for the first time but Ben wasn't shocked or scared of what happen because for once he actually liked it and he can tell Marinette did as well.

Ben: I guess it wasn't a dream after all? She looks so peaceful when she sleeps. Might as well make some food for us after all what we did last night really took a lot out of us.(Ben saids while putting on some pants and a shirt then left the room while Marinette rested but also placing some under garments as well as shirt so that she can get dress)

Ben headed into the kitchen to get breakfast started in which he came upon both Tiki and Plagg relaxing on some ice cubs in which Ben can see by looks of the two that they spent too much time in the hot spring and needed something to cool off.

Tiki: Oh good morning Ben! sorry if you wondering why were on these ice cubs I guess you might say we might of past out from the heat in the hot spring in which we needed something to cool us off for the time being.

Ben: I can see that, how you holding up Plagg?

Plagg: Oh I am doing just fine thanks but you got any cheese I am starving!

Ben: Top cabinet to your left thats where your cheese is.

Plagg: Thank You!

Plagg flew towards the cabinet and opened it in which he saw a stack of all different kinds of cheeses in which he was in heaven right now and started to eat the cheese that he likes while Ben went into the kitchen and took out some stuff to make breakfast for him and Marinette.

Tiki: So how is Marinette doing Ben?

Ben: She's doing alright, still sleeping in the bedroom after what happened last night.

Tiki: Well thats good to know, so tell me how was she last night.(Tiki saids with a smirk now in which caused Ben to stop what he was doing and look at the red kwami)

Ben: You know....

Tiki: Well the moaning, the screaming begging for more kind of went through the whole house in which I heard everything and don't worry I am not mad at Marinette for what you and her did because I am proud that she found someone that she trust and will always be there for her every step of way.

Ben: Um thanks..though you say anything to the others about this no cookies for a month.(Ben saids in which made Tiki eyes wide in shock about no cookies for a month)

Tiki: Lips are sealed!

Ben: Good, you mind checking on Marinette while I get breakfast started she should be waking up anytime soon.

Tiki: Absolutely Ben!(Tiki saids the flies to check up on Marinette while Ben and Plagg remained in the kitchen)

Plagg: Soo you and Marinette did it huh......

Ben: Say a word and I will not get you that ultra rare cheese that you been drooling about for the past week and half.


Ben: Hehehe good and I will get you that cheese if you keep this secret of what me and Marinette did last night.

Plagg: Deal!

Meanwhile with Marinette who was still in the bedroom was starting to wake up in which she started to yawn as well as rub her eyes and then looked to see that she was in the same bedroom of where her and Ben did it together for the first time but Ben wasn't in bed with her until she saw a small note on the side next to her.

Marinette: Red...I left you a shirt and some under garments to wear while I get breakfast started and also last night was great and I know you liked it as well and just to be on the safe side lets' keep this between us Ben. Aww that is so sweet of him and it looks like what we did last night wasn't a dream but something truly amazing, he actually made me feel like a woman in which I would like him to do it again to me but for now might as well get dressed and go have breakfast with the man I love.(Marinette saids and gets out of bed and puts on the shirt and under garments that were next to her then looks towards the door and sees Tiki coming in)

Tiki: Good morning Marinette hows you sleep!

Marinette: Good morning Tiki and to answer your question I slept amazing last night in which I will never forget for a long time.

Tiki: Good to know come on Ben is getting breakfast started and Plagg is there as well.

Marinette: Alright let me do my morning stretches then I will join you guys.

Tiki: Alright take your time, I will let Ben and Plagg know.(Tiki saids and flies back into the kitchen to inform Ben and Plagg that Marinette is up)

Marinette did her stretches and exercises for a least a couple of minutes then looked herself in the mirror with a smile in which she had one thing on her mind in which was the love of her life Ben Reilly then left the bedroom and headed into the dining room where she saw Tiki and Plagg eating together while Ben was still in the kitchen finishing up the food.

Marinette: Morning my spider.(Marinette saids while walking towards Ben in her red shirt in which Ben looked and smiled at his girlfriend only wearing a shirt while her hair was down)

Ben: Hehehe well good morning little red how was your nap.(Ben saids while cooking the food and Marinette who came next to him and hugged him)

Marinette: It was magnificent and with you there with me in which last night Ben was absolutely incredible I enjoyed everything that you did to me including that you made me feel like a real woman.

Ben: Happy that you enjoyed it red, ready for some breakfast I am almost done.

Marinette: You bet I am sweetie 💋.(Marinette saids and kisses Ben on the cheek then goes to sit on the table to wait for him)

Soon Ben finished cooking the food and brought it over to the table where Marinette is sitting and when she got a good look at the food that was placed on the table she was amazed and impressed with her boyfriends cooking skills even more in which he made an excellent breakfast once again.

Marinette: Wow spider this looks absolutely delicious!

Ben: Shale we eat and get ready for our Sunday weekend.

Marinette: Absolutely, Tiki, Plagg wanna join us.

Tiki and Plagg: Sure!

And so all four of them sat together and ate the breakfast in which the food was tasty as well cook just right in which Marinette along with Tiki and Plagg really enjoyed it and it was all thanks to Ben and his amazing cooking skills. Then after they had their fill and cleaned up the dishes, both Marinette and Ben headed back into the bedroom to get dressed and shower so that they can start their Sunday weekend together until Marinette stopped and ask Ben something important.

Marinette: Hey Ben before we go out today can I ask you something.

Ben: Sure whats up?

Marinette: Um while we were sleeping last night you don't think Adrien and Lila who were still at the park when we left drank that War Seduction in which is a highly addictive drug that can cause people to go completely mad like we read in the bio online do you?

Ben: For once I have a bad feeling about that makes me wonder if anything happened last night because the windows for my house of sound proof so we cannot hear anything that goes on outside.

Marinette: So you think that something did happen last night in which we don't know about?

Tiki: I kind of a chill down my spine about what is going to happened?

Plagg: I agree with Sugar Cube here...

Ben: Well why don't we go out and see for ourselves, because we might not know what those two might of done if they or not have drank that War Seduction last night.

Marinette: Agreed hopefully it's nothing too serious but if it is that means one thing.

Ben: The liar and the idiot highroad blonde are dead meat.

Marinette: Hehehe yup that is correct.

Soon Marinette and Ben headed out of the house together and walked towards down town of Paris to check to see if anything went down last night in which while they were walking they saw police cars and fire fighters driving fast through the streets of Paris in which caught both Marinette and Ben's attention in which together they speeded towards where the cops and fire fighters were heading until they both came to a halt and were now shocked and awe as well as disgusted of what they were looking at in which was the streets of Paris look like a pig stye as well as broken down or smash cars and things on fire.

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Marinette: Uh......Ben?

Ben: I know what you're going to say red because this....this so messed up right now.

Tiki: My goodness what the heck happened here?!

Plagg: Wow it's like riot happened here or something? Hey isn't that the Ladybug statue in that pile of garbage?(Plagg saids in which everyone looked to see the ladybug statue in a pile of smelly trash)

Marinette: Oh my gosh?!

Ben: That is just wrong?

Tiki: Thats not the only thing half of the buildings and the cars are in smoke or in flames while some are smashed?

Plagg: Dang whoever did this is in so much trouble?

The four walked around the area and saw so many things covered in garbage as well as broken glass as well as destroyed vehicles in which they looked at the fountain and saw a pile of trash as well as graffiti in which the spray cans were still there and also a motorcycle that is still running was in the fountain but also smoke coming out of it.

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Ben: Geez....I never seen this much garbage before besides in New York?

Marinette: Yea and check out the motorcycle it's still running and steaming?

Tiki: Also the graffiti?

Plagg: Yea in which there is a heart that saids L+A what does that mean?

Ben: Plagg it means that the liar and blonde idiot with the green eyes drank the War Seduction after all and there is no telling what else they did to the city of Paris.

Marinette: I have a bad feeling that this is not going to end well with them but it could be fun to watch them crumble to the ground.

Ben: True, lets' go see what else they have done to the city.(Ben saids to Marinette, Tiki and Plagg in which they nod in agreement)

Ben and Marinette walked around the streets of Paris to see what else has Lila and Adrien have down when they drank the War Seduction in which they came upon the school that was covered in paint, broken glass, trash everywhere, graffiti that saids losers as well as an image of the principal that saids fat so and also the remains of the statue from the park in which the Cat Noir part was buried under the dirt hill while a wrecking ball attached to a crane was smashed into the school itself in which there were holes on the front of the school and the streets were covered in empty bottles and a cop car set on fire.

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Ben: Looks like they trashed the school as well as made the principal look bad.

Marinette: This is just horrible! Is this what happens when a person drinks that kind of wine?!

Tiki: It would appear so Marinette? But at least the bakery looks fine thats the good news right.(Tiki saids in which both Marinette and Ben looked to see the bakery was fine in which made the girl feel relief)

Marinette: Oh thank goodness that my home is alright.

Ben: looks like they splatted their shit on the walls and peed on the side lines.(Ben saids while holding his nose in which Marinette and the kwami's looked and were disgusted of what they smelled)

Plagg: Argh...I think I am going to puke.....🤢

Tiki: I don't think the school is going to be open tomorrow because of what just happened here.

Then soon Marinette's phone starts ringing in which the caller was Chloe and it looked like it wasn't going to sound good.

Marinette: Hello? Chloe...whats?


Marinette: Whoah whoah easy Chloe whats going on?!


Marinette: Chloe what..what is it?!


Call Ended

Ben: I probably don't want to know what those two idiots did to the mayors building.

Marinette: Let's go check it out and see what happened!(Marinette saids to Ben in which the two ran and headed towards where the mayors building was)

When the two ran towards where the mayors building was in which they found their friends together then looked to see the building that was covered in graffiti as well as smashed cars that were set on fire as well as rammed into the building itself but not only that but there was a hug garbage ball on top of where the clock was in which was sticking up the place then both Ben and Marinette looked to see that there was also a catapult near the place in which that was used to launched the trash ball into the building itself.

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Marinette: Chloe!, Guys!(Marinette saids as her and Ben run towards their friends near the site they were looking at)

Nino: Dudette are you guys seeing this?!!

Alix: Yea guys look at this mess!

Ben: We see and its not the only place that looks like this.

Luka: Wait you mean you theres more destruction?

Marinette: Yes, down town, and even the school itself looks like mess.

Kagami: What in gods name happened?

Rose: Who could do such an awful thing?

Chloe: Daddy isn't liking this one bit, now he can't even go into his office and work because of all of this!

Ben: Actually we know who has been causing this and all of this destruction.

Juleka: You do who Ben?

Ben: A certain Liar and a blonde idiot with green eyes in which their initials are right behind you written in graffiti.

Everyone: WHAT?!!!!

Marinette: Yea they are the ones who caused all of this.

Nino: Wait you mean to tell us that Lila and Adrien caused all of this?!

Ben: Yea thats right.

Alix: But how though?

Marinette: They caused this by drinking an illegal and outlawed wine that has been banned from every country in which they were all destroyed until one was found in a shop in Paris in which me and Ben check the camera's of the shop and saw that it was stolen meaning if was Lila who stole the wine and lied about receiving it from a royal family.

Kagami: What's the name of this wine?

Ben: War Seduction.(Ben saids in which made Luka, Kagami, Chloe and Alix pale under the name of that wine)

Nino: War Seduction what is that?

Alix: Gulp, it's a highly addicted and very dangerous wine that was once sold around the world until the side effects became horrifying.

Rose: What do you mean Alix?

Luka: What she means is Rose that the War Seduction is a drug a very strong one that can turn a normal person into a psycho maniac and could cause a lot of destruction.

Kagami: My mother and I read the reports of that wine in which we were quite shocked and scared of what that stuff does to people when they take a sip of it.

Chloe: It was all over the news in which the governments have decided to have the wine destroyed and banned from every licker store in which the police found the last one in a store not too far from here in which the owner was planning on giving it to the police but all of sudden it was stolen form the store in which the police have sent out a warrant for who ever has their hands on the last War Seduction will be punished severally.

Nino: Whoah that is just messed up?

Ben: Look it up and you see for yourselves.

Nino along with Rose and Juleka looked up the War Seduction in which they found it and read the files as well as the crimes it committed in which the three wear turning pale as ghost and were sick to their stomachs in which Rose fainted after reading what she read in which Juleka caught her in time before she hit the ground while Nino was on the verge of puking after what he just read.

Nino: not only Lila is a liar, a thief, and also crazy, but she is absolutely out of her mind?!!!

Ben: Not just her by Agreste as well makes me wonder where those two are now?

When everyone was thinking of where the two idiots were all of sudden a car pulled up in which a woman in a suit wearing glasses came over along with a man also wearing glasses while a stern look on his face was heading towards the kids in which the two were Gabriel Agreste and his assistant Natalie.

Ben: Well what do you know the one and only Gabriel Agreste has finally come out of that mansion of his?

Marinette: Yea and it looks like he is not in a good mood.

Ben: I don't think he is ever in a good mood red.

Gabriel and Natalie walked towards the kids in which they looked around and saw destruction in which they looked puzzled and yet confused of how all of this happened until Gabriel spoke.

Gabriel: Hello again miss Bourgeois and to you miss Dupain Cheng, I am looking for my son Adrien have any of you seen him? He didn't come home last night and what happened here?

Nino: Sorry sir we haven't seen him last night.

Gabriel: Well I thought he would be with you since he likes to hangout with you all but all of sudden he is not answering any of mine or Natalies calls for some reason.

Ben: Actually sir me and Marinette saw him in the park yesterday.

Gabriel: You must be that new student I heard about Mr.Reilly is that correct.

Ben: Yes sir it is.

Gabriel: And you say you saw my son yesterday in the park?

Ben: Indeed he was having picnic with Lila Rossi have you heard of her.

Natalie: Indeed she is an intern for Gabriel's brand along with Adrien why you ask.

Ben: Tell me something have the two of you know that she and Adrien were going to have a picnic together in the park yesterday.

Gabriel: Yes I was informed by Natalie in which Lila thought it would be good for Adrien to have a day of relaxation why is something the matter.

Ben: Sir tell me something has your assistant check to see what Lila had on her to take with her on the picnic.

Gabriel: Natalie what did Miss Rossi have with her?

Natalie: A picnic basket, a blanket, two glass cups, sandwiches, snacks and a bottle of some sort.

Gabriel: What kind of bottle?

Natalie: Well I only saw half of what it looked like since it was in the basket but it had some designs on in which I saw what looked heaven and the other what looked like some kind on monster face but other than that I am not sure what it was.

Ben: Tell me something miss did it look like this.(Ben saids and shows the image of the bottle in which Natalie and Gabriel looked to see what it was)

Natalie: Yes thats it?

Gabriel: Mr.Reilly whats the reason for this bottle called War Seduction that miss Rossi had on her?

Ben: Because sir that is not a normal drink.

Chloe: He's right Gabriel that drink has been outlawed from everyone country around the world.

Gabriel: Outlawed you say?

Natalie: How could it be outlawed?

Ben: The reason why is because it's a very strong drink and very dangerous as well as a highly addictive drug.(Ben saids in which made Gabriels eyes wide as well as Natalies)

Natalie: A drug.....

Marinette: It's true sir look it up and you see for yourself because more than fifty people who drank that bottle turn them into completely different people in which caused so much destruction and chaos around the world.

Gabriel: Natalie look up this War Seduction and see if everything that say is true.

Natalie looked up the name of the bottle on her pad in which she found the name and read about it in which caused her to look in pure horror as well as shock of what she has read about the War Seduction and the cause of what people do when they drink it.

Natalie: may want to read this.....(Natalie saids while still in pure shock and horror and handed Gabriel the pad in which he took it and read the files on the War Seduction)

Gabriel read the files himself in which while he was reading he was beyond shock more than Natalie in which caused him to panic as well as drop the pad on the ground and it broke then his face turned from horror to pure anger and hatred.

Gabriel: son.......and miss Rossi.

Kagami: We were trying to figure that out sir in which they could be anywhere in the city.

Ben: And the destruction you see before you is the caused of them due the effects of the War Seduction in which their initials are right there on the mayors building that were spray painted with graffiti.(Ben saids and points to the graffiti in which Gabriel looks and was now more furious then ever)

Then out of nowhere the mayor came out along with some police officers who were discussing of what happened to the city and trying to find out who caused it.

Mayor Bourgeois: I don't care how long it takes find those who caused all of this destruction and bring them to justice!

Police Officer: Yes sir!

Chloe: Daddy we know who caused this!!

Mayor Bourgeois: Oh my princess thank goodness your alright and what do you mean you know who caused this destruction to our beloved city.

Nino: What she means sir is that we know who did all of this in which they could be still in the city somewhere.

Mayor Bourgeois: You do well who did it then?

Luka: Two students who go to my sisters school Lila Rossi and Adrien Agreste.

Mayor Bourgeois: Gabriels son did this! And this Miss Rossi isn't she the girl who was bullying your friend Marinette sweetie.

Chloe: Yes daddy thats the one.

Gabriel: What do you mean bullying?

Ben: Oh I guess your son never told you Mr.Agreste that Lila Rossi was spreading lies all in school about Marinette here in which their classmates ate up her lies that she told and they ganged up on her and beat until she looked like she couldn't breathe in which your son didn't do anything to help her but just watch her get beat up and using that stupid advice of his taking the high road and saying Lila's lies are not hurting anyone in which they were hurting Marinette.

Gabriel: Is this true miss Dupain Cheng?

Marinette: It is sir, Adrien was no longer the friend I knew in which he changed in which he knew about Lila and her lies and just told me to keep quiet but no matter what I do my former classmates always gang up on me and beat up until I am in pool of my own blood in which Lila kept on telling them lies that I hurt her in which your son believed in the lies and nothing more than a coward in which he was forcing me to apologize to Lila for doing things to her that I never did and was grabbing me and pulling me in which hurt me more even when he slapped me in the face after I refused to do what he asked.(Marienette saids in which Gabriel was shocked and yet very angry about what his son has become and will give him a punishment of a life time)

Ben: Tell me something Mr.Agreste did you give him that high road advice?

Gabriel: I did but I told him to be a bigger man not someone that would just stand there and do nothing.

Ben: Well I guess he didn't get the memo?

Gabriel: Tell me were you the one who punched my son in the face in which he has to wear the mask on his face?

Ben: Sorry to say this sir but yes I did after what he  tried to do to Marinette and was hurting her and when I saw him slapped her in the face so hard I took action.

Gabriel: I see and no I am not angry for that you were just doing what was right while my son wasn't acting like himself in which I apologize miss Dupain Cheng for what my son has caused you and your friends here.

Marinette: I forgive you Mr.Agreste but I cannot forgive Adrien or Lila not even more former classmates for what they did to me and my friends.

Gabriel: Understood in which once I find him and miss Rossi I will show no mercy of what they have done.

Police Officer: Mayor Bourgeois, we got reports from all over the city about banks being robbed as well as missing bank trucks and many bottles of wine and beers from restaurants.

Mayor Bourgeois: What else did you find out officer?

Police Officer: Well we reports of civilians being sexual assaulted and injured in which most of them have scars and the others will probably never see the light again in which they might take weeks or months to recover from what happened to them.(The officer saids in which got everyone shocked as well as horrified of what they just heard)

Mayor Bourgeois: My goodness did they say who caused it?

Police Officer: We got reports from some of the civilians who saw what happened in which they described that a girl with sausage like hair was running around Paris acting crazy along with a blonde kid wearing a white mask and smashing and doing things I do not want to say.(The officer saids in which got the attention of Marinette, Ben their friends even Gabriel)

Ben and Marinette: So it was them...(Both said in thought)

Police Officer: Not only that but paintings and artifacts from the museums were also taken and stolen as well in which the catapult right there is from the museum.

Mayor Bourgeois: How many people were injured and how many were you know?

Police Officer: About twenty people are injured while some who were sexual assaulted were about ten of them in which they are in the hospital now getting treated.

Mayor Bourgeois: Thank you officer, and my daughter along with her friends found out who caused all of this.

Police Officer: They do, who were they?

Gabriel: My former intern Lila Rossi...and my son Adrien in which I want them both found soon as possible.

Ben: Officer, did you and your men have a report of a missing War Seduction that was stolen from a shop owner in which he was planing to give to you guys so it could be destroyed.

Police Officer: Yes that is correct why you ask.

Ben: Because the person who stole it was Lila Rossi in which she and Adrien Agreste drank it and caused all of this mess.

Marinette: We even have footage of her taken it while wearing a disguise in which it's not that much of a disguise in the first place.(Marinette saids and shows the officer the video of Lila stealing the War Seduction without the cops and shop owner knowing about it)

Police Officer: Calling all units I repeat calling all units I was informed of who has been causing all this destruction in Paris in which the names of the suspects are two school students named Lila Rossi and Adrien Agreste search the city and find them as well as apprehend them for the crimes they committed to our city over and out.(The officer saids on his radio in which every cop in the city heard the report and were getting ready to start the search for Rossi and Agreste Jr)

Gabriel: Mr.Reilly tell us were they also responsible for the destruction of the school as well as down town in which me and Natalie drove by on our way here.

Ben: That is correct War Seduction can make people do all sorts of crazed up things including mass destruction.

Natalie: And what about the lies she told what were they?

Marinette: Things like I save Jagged Stone kitten from a moving airplane, knowing celebrities, traveling around the world, being best friends with Ladybug, Meeting Prince Ali, Donating money for children's hospitals, and much more.

Gabriel: Well what I can tell is that I will not be having someone like her as my intern in which I am going to have her fired and her contract termination including having a restraining order against the Agreste.

Nino: Hey hows about we get Lila's mother in all of this so that she can know what a horrible person her own daughter turned out be.

Alix: Not a bad idea Nino.

Mayor Bourgeois: I will inform that girls mother for what she has down in which I intend to have her kicked out of France for causing all of this mess!(Mayor saids then heads back to the building to make the call to Lila's mother)

Luka: Hows about the rest of us look for Lila and Adrien in which they could be somewhere in the city hiding.

Chloe: Yes but where though?

Ben: Hmm....tell me something are they any other places that haven't been damaged?

Nino: We checked and none of them were destroyed except for a building that had graffiti of Gabriel Agreste which was spray painted.(Nino saids and shows everyone even Gabriel the photo in which he was ticked off and pissed of what he was looking at while Natalie was covering her mouth and trying not to laugh)

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Marinette: Pfff....Ok I have to admit that does look funny.(Marinette saids in thought while trying not to laugh while the others did the same except for Gabriel)

Ben: Yea Gabriel is so going to kill them both...(Ben saids in thought while looking at a furious Agreste who was about to blow a gasket until another police officer came running towards them with some news)

Police officer 2: Sir! Sir! we found them, one of our men spotted them inside the Grand Palais in which the place itself looks bad in which there is garbage everywhere as well as broken down helicopter, a ramp in which look like it was used to launch a bus and is now on top of the place while the roof is painted orange and has flags of a girl on it.

Police Officer: Well what are you standing around for lets' get go them!

Police Officer 2: Yes sir!

Admittedly everyone left with the cops and headed towards the Grand Palais to see if what they said was true that both Adrien and Lila were there in which the place did look like a mess like the cop said and the building itself was painted orange with flags that had Lila on them.

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By the time everyone arrived at the scene it looked like they were shocked and also disgusted of how the place looked in which they had to wear mask to cover their noses from the stench coming from the garbage while looking around them to see damaged vehicles as well as half of the roof on fire and paint stains one the sides and broken glass windows but also the bus on the roof in which makes everyone wonder how was it possible to get a bus on a roof while using a ramp.

Police Officer 3: Sir we set up a perimeter around the place and blocked all the exist just in case they try to make a run for it.

Police Officer: Good work and keep the men where they are while we go into front door. If they try anything tase them so we can knock them out.(The officer said in which the cops took out their tasers to get ready if something happens)

Gabriel: Officers that is my son I will deal with him if he tries something.

Police Officer: Very well sir but I will recommend everyone wears a mask because the stench in there could be horrible so just be aware of that.(The officer saids in which everyone even Marinette and Ben took a mask out and placed it over their face)

Then soon a car came up to the place in which a woman dressed in a suit as well came running towards everyone in which she looked between furious and wanted to have a talk with someone important in which it would bring chills down their spines in which the person was Mrs.Rossi herself and got the call from the Mayor and he explained everything to Mrs.Rossi of what her daughter did and will see to it that she will get what is coming to her.

Mrs.Rossi: Hello you must be those students that my daughter Lila has been bullying, I am her mother I just want to say I am deeply sorry for what she has caused and I will make sure she will pay for what she has done to all of you.

Marinette: We thank you Mrs.Rossi for now let's find her and Adrien so that their sentence would be judged.(Marinette saids to Mrs.Rossi in which she nods and was handed a mask as well to put on)

Soon the police barged into the Grand Palais in which they had their tasers set for stun and once everyone else came into the place what they saw was what the officers said about the stolen money as well the artifacts in which they saw a huge stack on money, coins, gold, diamonds, garbage, as well as a bank truck with Adrien's colors even a thrown that belonged in the museums. But not only that but the inside was painted orange and there were many empty bottles of drinks as well as a sign that had Lila's name on it.

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Ben: Geez...they stole a lot of things while under the War Seduction?

Marinette: Yea I mean look at all of that money and gold that was taken from the banks.

Chloe: Those two are in so much trouble and I cannot wait to get it on video.

Nino: Look at all of those empty bottles how much did those two drink?

Kagami: A lot, looks like they drank a lot of them...disgusting.

Luka: Not only that but it looks like some of the stuff from the museums are also here like those lanterns and that chest filled gold, along with that thrown.

Alix: I still cannot believe that they did all of this last night?

The police surrounded the entire place in which they checked every room in which half of them had uneaten food, empty bear and wine glasses as well as money everywhere then when they finished they looked to see only one room left in which was the center on top of the steps.

Police Officer: Alright men some go to the left and the others to the right so we can squeeze them in once we enter the room.(The officer saids in which the mens listen and each of them went up the steps while Ben and Marinette along with their friends also Gabriel and Mrs.Rossi followed behind)

Once all of them are at the top of the steps two officers went towards the doors and decided to open the doors first and once they did what they saw was absolutely shocking and disgusting and the smell of the room was really really bad.

Police Officer 4: 🤢.........All my god.......

Police Officer 5: ....I need some air!(The officer said in which he ran out of the building while the other one was puking on the other side of wall)

Then soon Gabriel along with Natalie and Mrs.Rossi walked towards the door and what they saw was complete utter disgust in which they look to see Adrien covered in a mess while still wearing the face mask but also has a crown on his head while Lila who was wearing nothing but her bra and some shades was sleeping next to Adrien in which he look like he didn't have anything on because all his clothes were on the floor along with Lila's while there was tuns of money, gold, and stolen paintings behind them as well as the empty bottle of War Seduction in front of them.

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

When Marinette and Ben along with their friends saw this, their eyes widened like dinner plates in which caused them to gasp of what they were looking at and couldn't believe what they were seeing in which the girls were sick to their stomachs while the boys were disgusted and filled with hate of what these two idiots have done to the city of love.

Gabriel didn't say anything neither did Natalie in which she fainted of what she was seeing while Mrs.Rossi looked like she was going to puke as well as faint for what her own daughter has done in which she and Adrien committed sexual intentions in which she saw all over the floor and was disgusted of what the two have become. Ben was covering Marinette's eyes because he doesn't want her to look at what Agreste and Rossi have down in which Marinette thanked Ben for covering this nightmare from her eyes.

Then after a while Lila along with Adrien began to wake up in which their heads were starting to hurt in which they cannot remember what happened to them but then all of sudden something got their attention in which a furious father and a very pissed off mother that screamed out their names.

Gabriel and Mrs.Rossi: ADRIEN GABRIEL AGRESTE!!!!!!! LILA ROSSI!!!!!!!

Lila and Adrien: DAH?!!!!........AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!(Both scream in shock then looked at each other in which they both looked down and saw they weren't wearing nothing in which caused both to scream at each other and get out of the bed while covering themselves up)

Police Officer: This is the police don't move!(The officer saids and points his taser at both Lila and Adrien in which his men did the same)

Lila: What....what the hell happened?!!!!!


Gabriel: Adrien you are in so much trouble!!!!

Adrien: FF....Father.....

Lila: MM...Mama.....


Lila: But Mama I......


Lila: YYes........

Adrien: FF....Father...I...

Gabriel: I am very disappointed in you Adrien very disappointed in which you will be getting a very harsh punishment.

Adrien: Gulp........

Police Officer: Lila Rossi and Adrien Agreste for the crimes you both committed to Paris and the people who live in the city you both will be brought into custody and judged for the crimes you have done as well as the destruction of private property. Take them boys.(The officer saids in which the men were getting both Adrien and Lila who put on their clothes and were handcuffed and dragged out of the room without knowing that Ben and Marinette along with their friends were watching)

Police 2: Sir looks like the kids were right here is the last bottle of the War Seduction and its completely emptied which means that those two are the ones who caused all of this mess.

Police Officer: Good we will bring that in as evidence. As for you Mr.Agreste and Mrs.Rossi your children will be judged first thing tomorrow in which their crimes and sentence will be announced to the public.

Gabriel: I understand officer, now I must take Natalie home after what she and I have experienced of what my son and Miss Rossi have done.(Gabriel saids and carries Natalie in his arms and headed outside to go back home)

Mrs.Rossi: I might as well go home as well but first which one of you is Marinette?

Marinette: That would be me ma'am.

Mrs.Rossi: Sweetie I am so sorry for everything that Lila has done to, the lies, the bullying, the threats everything and I should of known what she was doing was wrong I just don't understand why she would do this.

Ben: She was doing it to make my girlfriends life miserable in which I can probably tell that she did it to others as well, in which that daughter of yours only cares about money, fame, being famous, lying to people to get what she wants and making others suffer.

Mrs.Rossi: I cannot believe that she would do such awful things to a sweet person like you Marinette I am very sorry.

Marinette: It's alright ma'am I understand I forgive you but not your daughter she is a horrible human being in which she deserves to be punished for what she has caused to me as well as to the people of Paris.

Mrs.Rossi: Thank you Marinette and Mr.Reilly was it you are good person as well and I can see how you are very protective of Marinette here.

Ben: I love this girl with all my heart and I will do anything to protect her even from threats like Lila.

Marinette: Ben....

Mrs.Rossi: Thats wonderful to know because after Lila is trialed for what she has done, I will see to it that she gets what she deserves.

Ben: Good and hope Agreste Jr gets what he deserves as well.

Soon Mrs.Rossi said her goodbyes for now and decided to head home for the time being after what information she has learned from her daughter who was being nothing more than a liar and a complete psychopath.

Rose: Say how long would it take to rebuild the parts that have been destroyed by both Lila and Adrien?

Chloe: Daddy texted saying it would take about a month or more so in which means that the school is going to be closed down but we will have to do online work for the time being.

Ben: I am alright with that.

Nino: Me too...

Luka: In the mean time hows about we all head to my place and forget about what took place today maybe that would lighten up the mood.

Juleka: Yea because I think Rose and I could use some relaxation.

Rose: I agree...

Alix: Sure why not I could use some fun right about not to help me forget what I saw between Agreste and Rossi in the room.

Kagami: Disgusting both of them are....

Ben: Come on guys let's get out of here and away from all of this crap.

Marinette: I am with you Ben..

Everyone headed out of the Grand Palais and started to head to Luka's place to relax while Lila and Adrien were at the police station in a jail sell to await their sentence of what they did to Paris as well as the people in which they still don't remember what they did but what they did know is that they both lost their virginity to each other in which wasn't that pleasant.

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