Chapter 12: A day to Remember!
It has been days since Scarlet Spider also known as Ben Reilly took the Peacock miraculous away from Hawk Moth in which made his partner slash girlfriend Ladybug aka Marinette Dupain Cheng very proud and happy that her new partner in crime was able to get his hands on the stolen miraculous away from the enemy without Hawk Moth knowing that the peacock miraculous was taken from him until he did know and was still furious about losing a miraculous and now all he had left in the butterfly miraculous which makes the heroes job more easier now that there wont be any Amok monsters running around to terrorize Paris. Not only Scarlet Spider made himself a proud member of the miraculous team but he also received the honor of becoming the new holder of the miraculous of destruction in which Plagg explained to everyone that Ben is the true holder of the miraculous of the cat and not Adrien since his aura didn't match with the miraculous itself so Plagg made Ben the new holder of the miraculous in which his aura matches perfectly with the god of destruction.
After Ben received the miraculous of destruction in which he had a totally new suit in which was a black suit with green pattern and a big green spider on the front and back as well as cat paw prints on the shoulders along with the cat ears and a mask that covers his whole head at first Ben didn't like the ears on the head of the mask but he learned to deal with it but he really liked the suit itself and it looked way better than what Cat Noir wore which made Marinette think of lovely thoughts of seeing her boyfriend Ben in that new spider suit and cannot get over how perfect he looked. During those couple of days Marinette offered to train Ben in how to use the miraculous of destruction in which Ben got the hang of it but for some reason there weren't any Akuma's showing up which meant after Hawk Moths ridiculous defeat by Scarlet Spider he might be taking some days off and probably focusing on something different in which the heroes couldn't be more pleased to know but still kept their guard up just in case something bad happens. But that wasn't the only thing that was going on, Lila along with mindless sheep didn't bother with Marinette because of Ben and how he is so protective of the girl he loves in which they didn't bother Marinette all day in school or try to harm her for still believing that she did things to Lila well because if they did do something they will have to deal with Ben Reilly as well as his alter ego the Scarlet Spider because after the warning he gave them they decided not be around Marinette while Scarlet Spider is keeping an eye on them.
So right now today the two heroes were jumping from building to building as well as doing some tricks to keep up their skills and abilities in which Ladybug and Spider-Claw were just having fun together in their alternate egos but while also checking to see if Paris is doing alright so far as well as checking out for any sign of Akuma's.
(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)
Ladybug: your a lot faster then before Spider even more so.(Ladybug saids while trying to catch her breath from jumping and swinging around while keeping up with her partner in which both landed on top of a building)
Spider-Claw: Yea thanks to the power of the miraculous my powers increase and sorry I didn't mean to tire you out Ladybug.
Ladybug: Its alright Spider besides I am happy that you are doing excellent as well as using the miraculous properly.
Spider-Claw: Thanks Ladybug and unlike Adrien whats his name, at least I can get the job done right without saying ridiculous puns as well as being a goof ball and a pervert.
Ladybug: And that is why I like about you Spider because you have compassion, your honest of what you do, you get the job done right, you treat me and my team mates with such respect and it makes you a great partner as well as......
Spider-Claw: As well as what?
Ladybug: also makes you a great boyfriend.....
Spider-Claw: Hehehe I guess that does make sense, wanna change and spend some time together in our civilian forms.
Ladybug: I would love to my Spider.(Ladybug saids and raps her arms around Spider Claw in which he smiled under his mask and carried Ladybug bridal style and landed in an alley way to change along with her)
By the time they both landed on the group with Ladybug still in the arms of her partner, Spider Claw let go of his partner in which both of them looked each other in the eyes and smiled at each other and then began to transform back by saying the words.
Spider-Claw and Ladybug: Claws In/Spots Off...(Both said in which the glow around them dropped in which now they were both Ben Reilly and Marinette Dupain Cheng)
Plagg: that was quiet exhausting.
Tiki: Oh don't be such a baby Plagg at least Ben treats you better than Agreste.
Plagg: Yea I know but still I get tired all the time, I cannot help what I am.
Ben: Maybe this will cheer you up Plagg, here have some cheese.(Ben saids and hands Plagg his cheese)
Plagg: Cheese!!!!💚🖤
Marinette: I made you some cookies Tiki their in my bag for you.
Tiki: Thanks Marinette!(Tiki saids and goes into the bag while Plagg goes into Ben's jacket to sleep after eating his cheese whole)
Ben: So what do you wanna do little red, anything you want just name it.
Marinette: Well for now I just want to be with the man I love and spend some time with him but for your question hows about we head back to your place and some movies together and we can order some food as well sound good.
Ben: Sure why not, wanna walk together and it is a great day out.
Marinette: Sure I would like that very much sweetie 💋(Marinette saids and kisses Ben on the cheek)
Ben: Say when we get back to my place to watch movies and order food, I just found out that I have a basement hot spring and I was thinking of trying it out would you like to try it as well Marinette.
Marinette: A basement hot spring that is so amazing! Yea I would love to try it out, I just need to pick up a swimsuit as well as a change of clothes then we can head to your place.
Ben: Alright then but can I ask you something important.
Marinette: Sure what is it Ben?
Ben: Should we I don't know tell your parents about you know us being together I mean I think they waited long enough don't you think?
Marinette: Well now that you mention it, it has been a month as well as weeks and days I guess we can tell them now, I just hope they approve to you thats what I am worried about.
Ben: We will see once we get to your place come on lets go little red.
Marinette: Alright my handsome spider.
Then soon Marinette and Ben came out of the alley way and started walking hand and hand in the streets of Paris in which they are happy to have a nice peaceful day with each other and what they said before in the alley way they were going to the bakery first to let Marinette grab some clothes and her swimsuit as well as tell her parents that both her and Ben are together and she hopes that they will approve of him being with their daughter. But for now the happy couple are walking towards their destination in which they decided to cut through the park area in which Marinette started to remember something from when her and Ben were in the same park together.
Marinette: Hehehehe....
Ben: Something funny Marinette?
Marinette: Sorry its just that this is the same place of where I confessed my love to you and I remember it like it was yesterday.
Ben: Oh yea you were twitching as well as mumbling words trying to form a sentence until you just blurted it all out so fast that I couldn't understand what you were saying.(Ben saids in which causes Marinette to blush with embarrassment)
Marinette: Ben?!...I was nervous alright I am not that good at confessing to someone I like cut me some slack.
Ben: Hehehe I am sorry Marinette but the way you confessed to me fully made me realized I felt the same way about you and after spending so much time with you made me want to be with you for the rest of my life and I couldn't be happier the way I am.
Marinette: I am so happy to have someone like you in my life Ben, I mean after everything Lila and Adrien along with the sheep did to me but when you came into my life that all change in which I am no longer afraid to stand up for myself and I was happy that you clawed Lila's face as well as gave Agreste a broken nose after he slapped me in the first for hurting me.
Ben: If he tries something like that again just kick him in the nuts really hard so that he wont be able to walk for a while or better yet I could just break his hands instead.
Marinette: Ok kicking where it hurts sounds like a great idea but breaking his bones is another thing but will we save that if he tries anything.
Ben: I got word that he was released from home and had to wear a face mask due the injury to his nose in which I think he looks more ridiculous with that thing on him.
Marinette: When did this happened?
Ben: I heard the rumors from school from one of the mindless sheep that Agreste will be coming back to school again but he still has a little bit of garbage smell to him even though he took so many baths and had to be scrubbed like none stop but they said that wouldn't stop him from coming back to school and being with Scar Face Rossi.
Marinette: Great now I have to deal with Agreste again I thought they said he would be out for months?
Ben: He probably got out early by his so called father Agreste Senior.
Marinette: Yea I guess that does make sense.
Ben: Yea but lets not get involved about those assholes for now lets focus on us and head towards your families bakery and maybe once were there and explain to your parents about us being a couple maybe can pick up some bake goods to take back to my place.
Marinette: Sounds great Ben I like that idea. Say what do you he is doing right now?
Ben: Who?
Marinette: Peter you know your friend Spider-Man from the world you came from.
Ben: Unfortunately I do not know but what I can tell is that he doing what he does best being a hero just like his uncle Ben and I know that he will take down Ock for what he has done to me and the others.
Marinette: I know he would Ben, you and him along with the Web Warriors are like brothers in which brothers look out for each others no matter how much bigger the danger is they will always be with you no matter what.
Ben: Thanks Marinette that is really kind of you to say.
Marinette: I will do anything for my boyfriend because I love him with all my heart.
Ben: And I love you as well Marinette no matter what the future has in store for us, I will always be by your side.
Marinette: Thats what I like to hear from you.(Marinette saids and hugs Ben in which he hugged his girlfriend back)
As soon as the couple separated from their hug and gave each other a kiss on the lips they continue to walk towards their destination to the bakery and found the park right next to the place and headed inside to get to the place they wanted to go until they were stopped by two people were at the park themselves in which they were two people who they didn't want to see in which was Scar Face Rossi and Adrien Ass Agreste with his ridiculous face mask.
Lila: Oh my gosh Marinette and Ben what a splendid surprise to see you both here!(Lila saids with a fake smile)
Ben and Marinette: Oh great the lier and model just perfect.(Both said in thought while rolling their eyes and not caring what the lier is saying)
Adrien: Hello Mari and......Reilly(Adrien saids to Marinette while also glaring at Ben in which Ben glared harder in which spooked Adrien)
Ben: Hello Agreste hows that face of yours and I still see you smell of garbage.(Ben saids with a smirk in which Marinette was trying to hold her giggle)
Adrien: No thanks to you for what you did to me......
Ben: You kind of deserved for what happened in which you forced Marinette to go out with you and grab her arm in which was hurting and you slapped her in the face for no dam reason so that is why I decided to step in and break your nose and shove you in the garbage of which you belong in. By the way the mask looks a lot more better on your face at least I don't have to see your ridiculous face again.
Adrien: Hmph........jerk....
Ben: Oh I am the jerk because last time I heard it you were the jerk as well as the one who knew about Scar face here about her lying to people as well as making peoples lives miserable I have to say you two make me sick that I want to barf on your clothes. But for you Agreste your nothing more than a daddies boy and a suck-up and your high road advice is pretty stupid for a lousy model who knows nothing what goes on in the world in which he is living in a fantasy world and not the real world so do me a favor and act your age. And you Rossi soon your lies are going to be expose in front of everyone you lied about and makes me wonder what a group of celebrities will think of what you said about them to make your sheep believe in those lies you spilled.
Lila: I only tell them what they want to listen to it is not my fault their such idiots.
Ben: Well your right about that they are idiots to believe in what comes out of the trashy mouth of yours and it makes me wonder what else you have caused besides lying to people to get what you want.(Ben saids while looking at Lila in which he can that Lila did other things besides lying to people)
Marinette: Sigh...Ben lets just go and let their not worth our time.
Adrien: Why don't you stay Mari so that you and Lila can make up for the mistakes you caused her.
Marinette: You mean the mistakes that I didn't do to her in which she blamed me for everything and had her sheep beat me to death and you think I want to be around this lier here I don't think so Agreste.
Ben: And besides we don't want to interrupt your picnic here now do we.(Ben saids while looking at the basket and the food)
Lila: Come on Adrien their just jealous that were better then them.
Ben: Why would we be jealous of a bitch and an asshole model because the way I look at you two, all I see here is a lier and a boy who can't even grow a backbone.
Adrien: Tch........
Ben: But before we leave tell what is that bottle you have there, is it some sort of drink?
Lila: Oh I am glad you ask because this drink was given to me from a royal family in which I intend to share it with Adrien in which I found out it can make the person that their with fall in love and become something great!
Ben and Marinette: Still lying as usual..(Both said in thought)
Ben: Whats the drink called?
Lila: Allow me to show you, its called War Seduction and the taste of it is divine in which many people online say once you drink this it will change your life forever.(Lila saids and holds up the bottle in which Ben got suspicious about the drink while Marinette looked frighten of what the bottle looks like)
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Ben: Ok that doesn't look like something to drink and I can tell it could be illegal in this country or probably in all countries might as well take a picture and look it up online.(Ben saids in thought and takes a picture of the wine without Lila and Adrien knowing and was thinking of looking up the drink online)
Marinette: What kind of drink is that it looks like something from hell?(Marinette saids in thought while looking at the drink in person)
Lila: What do you think isn't it amazing looking!
Ben: Sure whatever, come on Marinette lets go so that these two can enjoy their picnic together.
Marinette: Alright...
Adrien: Wait Mari.......
Marinette: Only my friends get to call me that and you Agreste are not one of them so back off and stay away from me and I mean it this time.(Marinette saids with a glare in which Adrien backed away while Ben smirked)
Ben: Hehehe dumb ass...(Ben saids in thought while walking with Marinette to the bakery while leaving Adrien and Lila to themselves)
After they both left the park leaving the two idiots alone to enjoy themselves both Marinette and Ben arrived at the bakery to head inside to get what Marrinette needed to go to Bens place while also going to have the that talk with her parents about being a couple.
Ben: Hmmmm.......
Marinette: You ok Ben?
Ben: That drink that bottle that Lila had it doesn't look like something you get from a normal store and I can tell from the lies she said she didn't get it from a royal family.
Marinette: Yea I know the way I was looking at the bottle, I could sworn I saw something from hell why is that?
Ben: I might have to do some research on that drink of theirs after we get to my place of course.
Marinette: Alright my parents should be upstairs right now so lets head right inside to see them.(Marinette saids in which Ben nods and they both headed inside the bakery together)
Both Marinette and Ben got inside and locked the door and put up the close sign meaning the bakery is closed since it is a weekend and headed upstairs to see both Sabine and Tom in the living room together cooking and watching some television.
Marinette: Mama, Papa I'm home and I brought Ben with me.(Marinette saids in which both parents looked to see both their daughter and Ben together in which they both got up to greet the two)
Sabine: Hello sweetie what are you doing back home so soon and hello to you as well Ben its nice to see you again.
Ben: Thank you Sabine and hello again Tom how you been.
Tom: Ben my boy its good to see you and welcome to our lovely home!(Tom saids and hugs Ben tight)
Mairnette: Hehehe uh papa can you let him go I think he needs some air.
Tom: Huh oh so sorry son.
Ben: Its alright sir really and thank you.
Sabine: So what brings you here Ben is something going on?
Marinette: Sigh...well actually there is something I need to tell you both and it evolves Ben being here.
Tom: Well then why don't we sit together as a family and we can see what needs to be discuss.(Tom saids in which everyone nods and goes sit on the table in which Marinette and Ben sat on one side while Tom and Sabine sat on the our side)
Sabine: Alright sweetie, what is that you wanted to talk about and why does it evolves Ben?
Marinette: Gulp....well I am just going to come out and say it.....
Tom: Well sweetheart whatever it is you can tell us.
Marinette: Sorry....I didn't think I would be this nervous.
Ben: You can do it Marinette I know you can just trust your feelings.(Ben saids to Marinette in which she nods and smiles at Ben)
Marinette: Ok Mama, Pappa as you know me and Ben known each other for a whole month and well....I mean I am just surprised as anyone....
Ben: Tom, Sabine your daughter is an amazing person as well as incredibly wonderful and I am so thankful that she feels the same way about me when she and I first met.(Ben saids while holding Marinette's hands in which she held his)
Marinette: Mama, Papa...what...what were trying to say to the two of you is and Ben....
Ben and Marinette: Were together as in were a couple and have been dating since we got to know each other and spend time together...(Both said at the same time)
Then there was silence in which both Ben and Marinette looked to see both parents looking at them in shock in which caused Marinettte to look upset until her mother spoke.
Ben and Marinette: Huh?
Tom: Oh my goodness I couldn't be any prouder than what I am right now!!!!
Sabine: I am so happy for you Marinette why didn't you two tell us sooner both of us like seeing you with Ben in which he is a good man to always be there for you and treat her with such kindness.
Marinette: mean you approve of me being with Ben....
Tom: Of course we do sweetheart you finally found a boy to your liking!(Tom saids in which made Marinette blush while Ben smirked at Tom's reaction)
Ben: What you know they approve of us who would of guess.
Marinette: They took it well....
Sabine: Wait a minute sweetie when you went out that day with that beautiful dress you created was that your first date with Ben!
Marinette: Um...hehehe yes...yes it was mom..I am sorry I never told you both I just wasn't quite ready to tell that me and Ben are a couple I wanted to wait for the right moment to tell but I got worried that you wouldn't approve of me being with someone like Ben.
Sabien: Aw...Marinette were sorry and why would we not allow you to be with Ben because unlike Adrien, Ben is very protective of you and showed you and your friends such compassion and kindness in which we are pleased to allow him to be with you and not only that he enjoys our pastries as well as our company.
Marinette: Oh Mama, Papa thank you!(Marinette saids and hugs her parents in which the three hugged together)
Ben: Hehehe.....
Sabine: Join in Ben your part of this as well and you always been like part of the family.
Ben: Alright make some room...(Ben saids and gets in the hug with the others in which they had group hug together)
As soon as they finished the group hug and Marinette explained everything that Ben and her did together, the parents were so proud and happy for their daughter in which they were thinking about what Ben would be like as their daughters future husband and how many kids would they have in which both Ben and Marinette can feel a slight chill from their spines from what the parents were thinking about just a while ago. Then after Marinette told them that she was going to stay over Bens place for today and tomorrow in which they gave her their approval in which Marinette went to her room to get the things she needed for Bens place and after words she came back down with a bag of clothes as well as swimsuit inside and then she hugged her parents goodbye while also making sure to lock the front door in which she did just that.
Ben: Well what you know little red they approve of us being together have to say they honest about us getting together.
Marinette: I know right, I mean I was scared at first but I can see that they love me and they love you as well in which makes my life a whole lot better.
Ben: Thats good enough for me.
Marinette: Their still in the park aren't they?(Marinette saids while thinking about Lila and Adrien)
Ben: Yea they are and it looks like their having their sandwiches and snacks first, but I suggest we leave now before things get crazy.
Marinette: What do you mean crazy?
Ben: That bottle they have I don't trust it and something about it made my spider sense trigger.
Marinette: So your saying that drink is dangerous? If so where did Lila get if from?
Ben: I don't lets head back to my place for now and we can do some research on that drink before we have time for ourselves.
Marinette: Alright lets go before they see us.
Ben: Their too glued to each other to notice us.
Marinette: Good point..
Marinette left with Ben to head back to his place to have some time together while also find out about that drink that Lila had because something about it made Ben's spider sense go off for some reason and the way it looked made it look like it wasn't meant to be drink. Soon the two arrived at the house and Ben opened the door for Marinette in which she thanked him for being nice and soon they headed upstairs to the living room where Marinette took off her boots and jacket to relax while Ben brings out his laptop to do some research on the bottle that Lila had.
Ben: Alright lets take a look at that drink that Lila had on her and why it made my spider sense go off.(Ben saids while typing the name of the drink that Lila on her while Marinette sat next to Ben to see what it was as well)
Marinette: If something like that made your spider sense go off makes me wonder that drink that Lila has is not an ordinary beverage?
Ben: Yea lets see what the story on this drink....
Tiki: Whats going on?
Marinette: Were checking out this drink Lila had on here in which Ben senses got an alert from it and we think it is something that is dangerous but were not sure until we know what it is.
Plagg: What do you think it is Sugar Cube?
Tiki: Not sure Plagg but lets find out as well.
Ben: Ah here we go the drink is called War Seduction in which it is a wine that has been outlawed in every country known to man in which it was banned from ever being sold in many stores or restaurants.
Marinette: Outlawed?
Tiki: Why would a drink like that be outlawed?
Ben: Because this is not an ordinary drink Tiki, because when I was reading more about it I found out that this drink is also a strongly and highly addicted drug that can cause a person to loose control of themselves and turn them into a complete lunatic.(Ben saids in which shocks both Marinette and the Kwami's)
Marinette: Wait let me saids here that when a person who drank a sip of this wine it turned that person the other way around in which more than fifty people went crazy and started to do absolutely the most barbaric stunts in human history.
Plagg: Whoah and check out the crimes it has done to people.
Tiki: The examples of this drink that can cause a human being are: Destruction of property, Delusion, Idiocy, Anger, Frustration, Sexual violence, Drug addiction, and many more that I do not want to know about.
Ben: It also saids here that a guy who drank a bottle of it went completely nuts and nearly ate someone....ughh.....that is just wrong.(Ben saids in which Marinette along with Tiki and Plagg were disgusted by what they were reading)
Marinette: Oh my goodness!
Plagg: Gross!
Tiki: Yea that is so horrible.....
Ben: It saids here that after the drink was shown the truth about being a drug the police and government have decided to destroy all remains of the War Seduction so that no one can over come to the drug addiction anymore.
Marinette: But since it was banned and the government had destroyed the remains how did Lila get her hands on one of them?
Ben: Lets check to see any War Seduction sold or stolen maybe that can help us.(Ben saids and typed in what he said in which Marinette and the Kwami's wait for what Ben has found)
Ben looked up any stolen and bought War Seductions in Paris in which he found what he was looking for in which a store that was selling drinks to people in which the place had every drink available but when the police came and saw the illegal drinks they ask the owner to hand them over or risk losing their store in which the owner did just that until a random person wearing all black and kept their face hidden except for the eyes of course came into the store and stole a few drinks without the owner and police knowing.
Ben: Looks like a store got robbed in which the police and owner didn't know about until they looked to see that one of the drinks and other that were basically water, soda, and orange juice have been taken and it saids here when the owner told them that he had one of the War Seduction remains the police sent out an alert to find who have taken the last bottle of War Seduction and if the person drinks it there is no telling what could happen.
Marinette: So Lila disguise herself and robbed the store and stole the War Seduction thinking it was some kind of random drink. Does she know what that stuff would do to her and Adrien!
Ben: A drink that could cause them to loose their minds and do such crazy and bizarre things.
Tiki: You think we should stop them!
Ben: We could or....
Marinette: Or what Ben?
Ben: We could just let them do what they want.
Marinette: Ben what are you.....oh I know what you mean now.(Marinette saids with a smirk in which confused both Tiki and Plagg)
Tiki: What are guys thinking about?
Ben: Well we could warn them about the drink they are having in which could just lead to Lila working her crocodile tears out and blame us for a drink she doesn't know about or we can just let her do what she wants.
Plagg: You mean like let Lila and Adrien drink the War Seduction in which they cause a lot of problems in Paris which could get them into a lot of trouble for doing something out of the ordinary in which their parents will be furious about as well as disgusted by.
Ben and Marinette: Yup thats right!
Plagg: I like it!
Tiki: As much as I disagree with you all I have to admit it would be a great revenge for what Lila and Adrien did.
Ben: And I got the proof that she stole the wine as well as holding the bottle in her hands.
Marinette: I love you Ben Reilly for being such a smart boyfriend and a clever one as well.
Ben: I love you as well so while the idiots make themselves look like fools and total crazy lunatics wanna have that time together.
Marinette: Yes I would love to Ben!
After Ben got everything about what Lila did like not only she is a lier but also a thief as well in which he kept the stuff about her in his files and in storage for safe keeping and went to spend the rest of his day with Marinette in which they decided to watch a movie together and order food for dinner.
Ben: I ordered us some pizza to have while we watch a movie sound good.
Marinette: Sure I can go for some pizza today sounds great sweetie.
Soon after waiting for an hour and half the pizza man arrived in which Ben payed the man and then took the pizza upstairs so that Ben and Marinette can sit down and relax while having some food and watching a movie together.
Marinette: Mmm...smells good Ben shale we eat and watch a movie a together.
Ben: Sounds good but which movie you wanna watch I got a lot of them here.
Tiki: OOO! can we watch Hercules I always wanted to watch that movie like forever!
Ben: Hercules, do you want to watch it Marinette?
Marinette: Sure I do love Disney movies since I was little why not.
Plagg: I have no argument about it either.
Ben: Alright then Hercules it is, then after wanna try out the hot spring downstairs red.
Marinette: Sure and I got the perfect swimsuit to wear and I know you would love it Ben.
Ben: Ok then.....(Ben saids and then turns on the television to play the movie Hercules)
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Soon as the opening went on both Marinette and Ben relaxed and cuddled next to each other while Tiki and Plagg sit on a pillow eating cheese and a cookie to watch the movie all together in which the movie was great and was filled with romance, thrill, adventure, action, battles, being strong, as well as bonding with family and friends. Then after words everyone had their fill and help clean up the mess and headed off downstairs to relax in the hot spring that Ben said and he told Marinette there was a changing room down the hall in which she left to change into her swimsuit while he changes into his.
Marinette: Hey Ben I finished changing I am going to try out the spring if that is alright!
Ben: Sure go right a head I will be out soon!
Marinette: Thanks!
Marinette now in her swimsuit walked towards the spring in which she put her foot in and felt the warm water on her skin in which she felt the temperature of the spring to be perfect.
Marinette: Sigh......this feels amazing......sigh.....I'm in heaven....
Soon after Ben came into the room in which he looked to see Marinette in the pool but stopped to look at how amazing and very attractive she looked in her red bikini with black spots that looked like her Ladybug suit in which caused Ben to blush at the site he was seeing in which Marinette looked to see her boyfriend and his well toned body and muscles as well as his abs in which made Marinette blush at the site she was as well.
Ben: Wow you nice red....and very.....gorgeous...
Marinette: you look well...B...Ben...
Plagg: Awkward....
Tiki: Mhm.....(Tiki nods in agreement while her and Plagg were sitting by the spring side while looking at their holders)
Marinette: Say can you do something for me Ben.
Ben: Um sure what is it?
Marinette: Can you put your mask on for me because the way I look at you with your mask on makes you look more good looking then ever even when your upper body is exposed.(Marinette saids with a smirk in which made Ben blush again and then took his mask and put it on to hide his embarrassment)
Ben: Better....
Marinette: Yea, by the way the water feels great would you like to join me.
Ben: Sure but first what kind of music you want to listen to I have a lot of soundtracks?
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Marinette: Any kind would be just fine but it has to be romantic or some kind of love song because I love those.
Ben: Let me see here, hows about this song called Ego by Alex Skrinko and Lasse Meling.
Marinette: Oh I love that song can you play it!
Ben: Sure thing.(Ben saids and starts playing the song and then walks to Marinette to get into the spring with her)
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ben: How you liking the water guys.(Ben saids while relaxing in the spring)
Plagg: Sigh......I feel it and it feels great...
Tiki: I love it Ben and the temperature is just right.
Marinette: I love it as well and it feels amazing on my skin did you know about this spring before you got here Ben?
Ben: I found out about it a couple of days ago never knew I had a basement with a spring in it, makes me wonder what other rooms I have in this house I never checked out.
Marinette: Well whatever the case is, I know you will figure it out but for now I want to relax here with you Ben.(Marinette saids and moves close to Ben in which Ben felt his girlfriend smooth skin on him in which caused him to blush under his mask)
After a while now both Marinette and Ben were relaxing in the spring for at least an hour now in which the heat was starting to catch up to Marinette in which was making dizzy while Ben was looking fine along with Tiki and Plagg.
Ben: Hey red its been an hour now you wanna......(Ben saids then stops to look at Marinette who looks like she past out from the heat of the water)
Ben: Oh boy......
Tiki: Uh oh looks like the heat has gotten to her.
Plagg: Man pig tails was just fine an hour ago and now she is past out just like that?
Ben: I am going to take her upstairs to let her rest, you guys coming or want to stay?(Ben saids as he takes off his mask and then carries Marinette in his arms)
Plagg: I think were going to stay I enjoy this relaxation.
Tiki: Me too and Ben take care of Marinette while we enjoy ourselves alright.
Ben: Don't worry I will you two take all the time you want.
Ben left the basement and took Marinette to a spare room that he had just in case someone wants to stay over in which any case was Marinette, then after he got her to the room he placed her on the bed and looked to see that while he was taking to her the room all of sudden he sees that Marinette's swimsuit came off in which made Ben face turn crimson and then decided to cover up his girlfriend with a blanket until she wakes up while he puts her swimsuit in the basket next to the bed where her bag was.
After a while now Marinette started to wake up from her nap while resting until the heat wore off and looked to see that she was in the spare room and looked to see Ben siting next to her on the other side of the bed.
Marinette: Mmm.....Yawn!....hey Ben what happened?
(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)
Ben: Well see....the thing that happened was.....(Ben was trying to say something to Marinette until the girl looked down at her and saw that she covered up in a red blanket and once she looked under she saw that she had nothing on in which caused the girl to blush red)
Ben: Well you see Marinette when I was in the spring you sort of past our from the heat in which I took to the spare room but while I put you on the red all of sudden your swimsuit fell off and I had to cover you up as fast as I can.
Marinette: You saids while blushing pink and covering herself)
Ben: I didn't mean too red...I swear it was an accident...and I didn't do anything after that I swear....
Marinette: How did I look...........(Marinette saids while looking away from Ben)
Ben: What?
Marinette: I said how did I look when you saw me........
Ben: You were beautiful......(Ben saids in which he blushes and looks away from Marinette in which she turn to see Ben)
Marinette: R...really.....
Ben: Yea......and I am still sorry I looked.
Marinette: Its alright and your probably the first boy to see me naked so I don't mind if only its just you Ben....(Marinette saids to Ben in which caused him to turn around to look at Marinettte)
Ben: You don't mind seeing you, well you know.
Marinette: Yea and its ok if it was an accident but lets keep it between us alright.
Ben: Sure I can do that is there anything else I could do for you red.
Marinette: Actually there is....(Marinette saids then gets up from the bed and walks towards Ben)
Ben: What is it Marinette?
Marinette: I have been thinking about this for a while now for the past week and half and I want to actually do it that is if you want to or not Ben I understand.
Ben: Do what Marinette?
Marinette: Ben.....I want you to make love to me...I want to give you my virginity....(Marinette saids in which causes Ben's head to blow up with so much redness)
Ben: What?!!!! mean you and me and well you know you know.......(Ben saids in a panic while trying to tell Marinette what he is saying in which caused her to look down)
Marinette: I knew it, it was a stupid idea from the start....
Ben: Marinette I....
Marinette: I will just leave and........(Marinette saids then goes to leave the room until Ben took her hand in which caused her heart to thump)
Ben: Marinette....I....I will do it.....if it makes you happy.
Marinette: will......I mean really.
Ben: Yes.....I mean I did see what you look like and if this makes you feel better then I have no choice but to please the girl I love.
Marinette: 😢sniff....Oh Ben.....thank you!(Marinette saids and hugs Ben in which he hugged back)
(Lemon) 🍋
When both Marinette and Ben let go of the hug they looked into each other eyes then leaned into each other in which both of them kissed each other on the lips and started to have an all make out session in which they started to fight for dominance in which caused Marinette to moan with pleasure.
Marinette: Ben.....
Ben: Marinette.....
Marinette looked at Ben with a lovely smile then took the blanket she had on and dropped it to the ground to reveal her beautiful body in which Ben looked to see how amazing his girlfriend looked then leaned in to kiss her neck in which caused Marinette to moan once again.
Marinette: B...Ben.....mmmmmmm........
Ben then carried Marinette bridal style and lead her to the bed in which he started to massage Marinette's breast in which caused the girl to moan with such pleasure and love while blushing heavily and watching her boyfriend make her feel good.
Ben: Your breast are soft red and very beautiful like you....
Marinette: Ben.....don't stop keep doing what you are doing feels amazing.
Ben continued to massage Marinette's breast in which he started to lick and suck on them which causes Marinette to moan louder then before while starting to feel hotter from what Ben is doing to her and it looked like she was enjoying every minute of it. Ben then started to rub his hands all over Marinette in which caused her to feel the hear rising to her head while looking down to see Ben doing what he is doing to her in which made her happy inside. Ben then proceeded to move down further towards his girlfriends legs in which he started to kiss every part of them while Marinette was moaning with such pleasure from her man.
Marinette: Yes.....yes right there...don't stop Ben....yes......
Ben: You have the body of a beautiful goddess red I will give you the pleasure you want to make you happy.
Marinette: Then continue what you are doing my love.....I want to feel every part of this.
Ben then started to lick towards Marinette's lower half in which caused Marinette to gasp and moan in pure pleasure in which she started to sweat and blush heavily once again while Ben was making his girlfriend feel better.
Marinette: Ben I can't.....I' gosh!!!!......this...this feels...aaaaahhhh!!!!(Marinette screams in pleasure as she came on Ben in which he cleaned himself while smiling at Marinette)
Ben: Seems like miss Ladybug is enjoying herself am I right.(Ben saids with a smirk in which causes Marinette to blush crimson red)
Marinette: Y.....yes....
Ben then took off his shorts in which caused Marinette to turn more red then ever in which she looked to see Ben coming towards her and lay himself on top of her while she smiles and wraps her arms around Ben's neck.
Ben: Marienette.....
Marinette: Call me Mari Ben please I like that more.
Ben: Mari are you sure you want this, because when it happens there is no going back.
Marinette: I wanted this for a long time now, and I wan you to be my first Ben and don't worry I already have taken the pill so I am all good now.
Ben: If you say what is true then alright then.
Marinette: This is my first time Ben so please be gentle with me, I want you to make me into a woman, I want to experience the pleasure of the man I love.
Ben: I will Mari, I promise but lets keep this between us alright.
Marinette: Hehehe of course Ben this would be our little secret until we can say till the future. Now shut up and kiss me my spider.
Ben and Marinette then started to kiss each other on the lips while Ben was getting into stance in which he began to slowly enter Marinette in which caused her try endure the pain for a while and then when Ben went completely inside of her, the pressure caused her to gasp and moan in pain for while in which Ben heard.
Marinette: Argh.....(Marinette moans in a little pain while showing a tear)
Ben: Mari are you alright did I hurt you?
Marinette: I'm alright sweetie don't worry about it.
Ben: You know we could stop if you like and......mph.(Ben saids then stops when Marinette kisses him on the lips)
Marinette: Mph.....just shut up sweetie and no I want to continue feel me up with such pleasure, I want to lose my virginity to only you and just you.
Ben: Whatever the Ladybug wishes.(Ben saids then goes back to kissing Marinette on the lips in which they both started to make out while Ben was moving in and out of Marinette)
After Marinette let go of the pain all of sudden she started to feel the pleasure now in which was causing to moan that she wanted to Ben to give her and then she got on top of him and stared to bounce up and down while Ben was squeezing her soft breast that made Marinette moan more.
Marinette: I can't believe it I am actually doing it....I am making love to my Spider...(Marinette saids in thought while continuing to enjoy the pleasure of love making from Ben)
Ben stared to grab Marinette's hips and pull her down more in which caused the girl to moan louder then before and bounce faster then ever.
Marinette: Ah!!....yes Ben right there...oh kwami this feels amazing!!!! Keep going!!!!
Ben: Yes Ma'am!!!
Marinette: Don't stop keep going....give it to me Ben!!!!
Both Marinette and Ben were close to their limit in which they kept of kissing and riding and something inside of them was about to burst which was causing both to moan in pleasure even more so then before.
Marinette: Ben!!!! I...I can't take this anymore...I'm....about to....I can't hold it!!!!
Ben: too Mari....I can't either as well!!!
Ben then layed Marinette on the bed and was now on top of her once again and started to push into her more and more which was making Marinette moan with more pleasure while drooling and then started to make out with Ben more while she wrapped her arms and legs around him while also enjoying the pleasure that she is being given.
Ben: Mari...I'm...about know......
Marinette: Me...too!!!......Shoot it inside me I can take it!!!!!
Ben: Are you sure!!!
Marinette: Yes do it it right now!!!
Ben then thrusted deeper into Marinette in which the girl screamed in pleasure then felt that she was going to burst along with Ben until he came inside of her which caused Marinette to moan and scream at the same time with love and pleasure in which she lost her virginity to the man she loves and started to look into her mans eyes as well as Ben in which they both looked and kissed once again on the lips then Ben started to move away from Marinette and rest next to her after what he and her did today in which they will never forget about it.
(Lemon End)
After what Marinette and Ben did in the bedroom they both were tired and needed to rest in which they both were breathing heavily as well as smiling at what they just did changed their lives forever.
Marinette: that was.....just this is what it like to feel so much pleasure in a man..
Ben: were something else red and I cannot believe it was my first and yours as well.
Marinette: Really I am your first.
Ben: Yea pretty much red in which you were incredible.
Marinette: Hehehe, you were the one who was incredible. I am so happy that you were my first Ben and thank you for making me the happiest girl ever. 💋(Marinette saids then kisses Ben on the lips)
Ben: Your welcome and were still keeping this our secret until the future correct.
Marinette: Yup that is correct Spider, but for now....Yawn!....I could use some rest right now.
Ben: Yawn!...same here red same here.
Marinette: Good now be a good spider hero and cuddle me.(Marinette saids and then snuggles up to Ben in which he wrap his arm around his girlfriend and pulled him close to him)
Ben: You feel better now Mari.
Marinette: Yea I do now....goodnight sweetie I love you so much.
Ben: I love you too Mari sweet dreams.
And so the happy couple went to sleep after what love they had together and then started to snuggle into each other arms to get some sleep. But for Paris however things weren't looking that well in which two people who look high and absolutely crazy were causing problems during the night in which by morning things are going to change a whole lot differently.
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