Chapter 11: Scarlet Spider becomes Spider-Claw!

After the battle between the Amok monster as well as getting back the peacock miraculous from Hawk Moth who is still moaning the loss of one of his miraculous in which Marinette was so happy that her boyfriend slash partner in crime was able to retrieve the peacock miraculous but wasn't able to get the butterfly miraculous though but it didn't matter at the moment the important thing is the peacock miraculous is back in good hand now all thanks to Ben Reilly aka Scarlet Spider. So right now both Ben and Marinette are heading back to the bakery and gave their friends a text to meet them in Marinette's bedroom so they give out the great news of what just accord.

Marinette: Ben I can not believe you actually done it!(Marinette saids as both her and Ben were heading towards the bakery again)

Ben: Well lets just say I am quite lucky to do it makes me wonder how Moth is taking the news that his second miraculous is gone.

Marinette: Hehehe, he is probably going to be piss that he can no longer use the miraculous of the peacock ever again and thank goodness because I can not stand dealing with both Akuma's or Amok's but now that we have the peacock miraculous back in our hands; Hawk Moth can no longer create monsters or use the miraculous to harm anymore innocent people.

Ben: Don't get your hopes up yet, we still need to retrieve the butterfly miraculous otherwise there is not going to be and peace or balance ever again.

Marinette: Yea your right Ben but for now lets head inside and up to my room and wait for the others to show up so we can give them the great news.

Ben: Absolutely and sorry that our day got ruined by Hawk Moth and his Amok monster.

Marinette: Hey it is ok sweetie, we can always do it another time and lets pick a day so that we can know rather Hawk Moth will send out another Akuma or not.

Ben: Sounds good to me.

Admittedly both Ben and Marinette walked into the bakery together and found out that nobody is home in which they found a note for Marinette that is from her parents saying that they went out to get some groceries and will be back later on in which they left her some cookies and sweets upstairs.Then soon their friends came into the bakery in which they all received the text from their friends.

Nino: Hey dude and dudette whats is going on that you want all of us here?

Marinette: Well guys have the most exciting news to tell all of you!(Marinette saids with a big smile in which everyone except for Ben looked confused)

Alix: What is it Marinette?

Marinette: I will tell you upstairs but first Luka can you locked the door my parents aren't home right now and will be back soon.(Marinette saids to Luka)

Luka: Sure thing Melody.(Luka saids and locks the bakery door)

Kagami: So whats the accession?

Ben: Come on we will fill you all in of what happened when me and Marinette were out this evening.

And so Marinette along with Ben took their friends Chloe, Nino, Alix, Luka, and Kagami upstairs to the bedroom while taking the cookies and sweets that Tom and Sabine left before they left and headed up to Marinette's bedroom where all the Kwami's along with Plagg were waiting for their friends to come back home.

Chloe: Ok Mari-Bear and Ben what is going on that has you excited especially you Marinette?

Marinette: Well guys while the rest of you were enjoying your day as well as me and Ben, an Amok monster showed up and was causing havoc in Paris.

Nino: Wait another Amok monster appeared why didn't you two warn us and we could of helped?(Nino saids to Marinette and Ben in which the team nods in agreement)

Ben: Well that was the thing we didn't need any help because we both took down the monster in minutes in which was a giant walking candy man made out of candy itself.

Marinette: The Amok landed on baby August's pacifier in which looked like he wanted a lollipop but his mother wouldn't allow it.

Alix: Thats a baby for you always begging for something that they want in which they are too young to have something like that.

Ben: Anyway, after me and Marinette defeated the monster my spider senses were picking up something coming from the buildings behind us in which Marinette never knew about it in which I saw a figure who was hiding behind the chimney in which I knew it was someone who came out of his hiding place and I decide to go follow him and confront him.

Kagami: Ben you don't mean who I think you are talking about right?

Ben: Thats right Kagami, I picked up Shadow Moth in which I fought him in person and I have to say he didn't put up much of a good fight when he and I fought each other.(Ben saids to everyone except for Marinette who knows already in which the team and the kwami's were shocked that Ben took on Shadow Moth all on his own)

Alix and Nino: YOU FOUGHT SHADOW MOTH?!!!!

Ben: Yup..

Luka: Unbelievable you went up against the most powerful super villain who was terrorizing Paris for years and you took him on and came back without a scratch thats quite amazing Ben.

Chloe: So what happened after you fought him did he get away?

Ben: He did but what after I took something from him in which he is going to be very pissed that I took it without him knowing because I webbed up his entire body in order to take it away from him.

Nino: And what would that be dude?(Nino saids in which both Marinette and Ben looked at each other and nod until Marinette unfolded her hands to reveal what she hands in her hands)

Marinette: Guys Ben was able to do the impossible in which I tried so many time to retrieve this and Ben did all on his own in which I couldn't be any more happy than what I am.

Alix: And that is what?

Marinette: This...(Marinette saids and shows everyone the missing miraculous which is the miraculous of the peacock in which all the kwami's and the team were stunned of what they were seeing with their own eyes even Tikki and Plagg were shocked of what they are seeing in Marinette's hands)

Ben: I was able to retrieve the peacock miraculous from Shadow Moth who is now just Hawk Moth but I wasn't able to get the butterfly miraculous because Hawk Moth was almost free of my webs that was holding him but now that he doesn't have the peacock miraculous he can no longer create Amok monsters.

Tiki: Ben you did it!!! you actually did it!!!(Tiki saids with joy along with the other Kwami's until the peacock miraculous began to glow in which a Kwami came out of it in which was the Kwami know as Duusu who was finally free from Hawk Moth's hands)

Duusu: HI EVERYBODY I AM BACK!!!!!(Duusu saids with joy and happiness)

Tikki/Plagg/Kwami's: DUUSU!!!!!!(All the Kwami's fly over and hug their friend they haven't seen in couple years in which brought smiles to the team even Ben and Marinette that Duusu is reunited with his fellow Kwami's)

Chloe: I cannot believe it, Ben you actually got the peacock miraculous away from Hawk Moth and not only that but fought him in which he didn't stood a chance against you!

Ben: He tried to attack me so many time but thanks to my spider sense I was able to dodge each of his attacks and pin point of where to strike him when he wasn't looking.

Nino: Still man that is quite something I mean during heroes day, when all of us tried to take him on we couldn't lay a finger or scratch on him but you dude, you did the impossible and showed that guy what an actual hero can really do I got to say Ben I am happy to have a team mate like you fighting along side us.

Alix: Yea man you showed what it takes to be a hero as well as a good friend to us thanks.

Luka: You heart is in the right place in which we thank you for everything, your a good man Ben Reilly even from someone from another world.

Kagami: You have earned my respect Ben.

Chloe: And you made my Mari-Bear the happiness girl ever by being in her life which I am very happy that you did so much for her thank you Ben.

Ben: Thanks guys that really nice of you to say such things to me.

Marinette: Well you deserve it Ben and I am very happy to have someone like you in my life 💋.(Marinette saids and kisses Ben on the cheek)

Plagg: Hey guys I have something to say to all of you and this involves you Reilly.(Plagg saids to everyone in which they gave their attention to the god of destruction including Ben)

Marinette: What is it Plagg?

Tiki: Well you see Marinette do you remember the day when you and Ben took away the miraculous of destruction from Adrien.(Tiki saids to Marinette in which everyone got an annoyed look from hearing the Agreste's name)

Marinette: Yes why Tiki?

Tiki: Well when me and Plagg were talking to ourselves, Plagg discovered something that would make things turn the other way around.

Ben: What are you talking about?

Nino: Yea I am not sure we are following?

Plagg: Sigh....what she means is that I discovered something that only I know.

Chloe: What would that be?

Plagg: Well while I was with Agreste Jr, I discovered that his aura didn't match with the miraculous of destruction in which I think Master Fu made an error when he chose Adrien to be the holder of the miraculous of destruction.

Marinette: Makes sense Adrien wasn't that much of a hero to begin with and just comes to flirt with me and not doing his job as an actual miraculous holder and is why I had to take away his miraculous and erase his memories of ever being Cat Noir.

Plagg: That is correct Pigtails, but as I was saying when you took away his miraculous I discovered someone with identical aura to the miraculous of destruction.

Marinette: Wait you mean you found the true holder of the cat miraculous who is it Plagg tell us.

Plagg: This guy right here in front you.(Plagg saids to points to Ben in which he along with everyone else was shocked that Ben Reilly is the true holder of the cat miraculous)

Ben: Wait a minute me? How is that possible?

Plagg: I sensed your aura within yourself Ben, and your aura matches with the power of the miraculous of destruction which makes you the true holder of the ring.

Marinette: My boyfriend is the true holder of the cat miraculous!!!!!(Marinette saids in thought while in shock and couldn't believe what she has heard)

Ben: Wow this quite shocking, I mean me...a miraculous holder now things couldn't get any stranger and are you sure I am the true holder.

Plagg: Absolutely!, and I always wanted a new holder since Agreste wasn't that much of a holder to begin with but you Ben Reilly fit the picture and I would love to have you as my new partner and besides you give cheese all the time while Agreste hardly feeds me.

Ben: What do you guys think I should do?

Alix: I say go for it!

Nino: Yea dude it could help us even out the playing field against Hawk Moth.

Kagami: And since you are our new team mate it wouldn't hurt to try to use a miraculous.

Chloe: I like the idea, and besides your way better than Agreste or maybe more so.

Luka: It is you decision Ben not ours.

Tiki: I agree with them Ben, if what Plagg saids is true than I will respect his judgment.

Ben: Little Red?(Ben saids to Marinette who gets up from her spot and holds out the ring of destruction towards Ben while smiling)

Marinette: Ben Reilly this is the miraculous of destruction which will give you the power of destruction and you will use it for the greater good and will help us defeat Hawk Moth and bring balance to the world and I the guardian of the miraculous make you Ben Reilly the true holder of the miraculous.(Marinette saids with a smile in which the ring in her hand starts to glow and goes on Ben's finger)

Ben: Whoah that was something?(Ben saids as he looks at the ring on his finger that magical appeared on him)

Plagg: Say hows about showing what you would look like in the suit.(Plagg saids to Ben in which got everyones including Marinette's attention)

Ben: Hmm...might as well and how do I transform and I already know about the rest of the the things thanks to Marinette and Tiki.

Plagg: To transform just say Plagg Claws out and to de-transform just say Claw In.

Marinette: And Ben when you ever use your special power the cataclysm you only have five minutes before you transform back.

Ben: Make sense since when you use your lucky charm to fix everything.

Nino: Come on dude lets see the magic moment!

Ben: Ok...ok....Plagg Claws Out!(Ben saids as Plagg goes into the ring and Ben begins to transform)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Ben Reilly's transformation theme song/Spider-Man Unlimited)

Admittedly Ben starts transforming in which his entire body is covered in a black suit but with a different kind of style different from Cat Noirs in which Ben's costume is a black suit with the same cat staff but on his back, he has green lines running down his suit along with a big green spider on the front and back along with green cat like paw prints on the shoulders and ears on the mask the covers his whole head.

When the green light dye down everyone in the room including Marinette were shocked and amazed by Ben's new appearance in which they looked at him in awe while Marinette was blushing at her boyfriends new look in which she found him to be very attractive and far more better looking that Cat Noir.

Marinette: (Thump!)...........Oh wow...........❤️.......(Marinette saids in awe as well in love which made her heart skip a beat)

Ben: So how do I look?(Ben saids to everyone even the Kwami's)



Kagami: Looks so different from what Adrien wore.

Chloe: I like it!

Luka: The miraculous of destruction works perfectly with you Ben.

Alix: Go see for yourself Ben!(Alix saids to Ben in which he walks over to a mirror and saw his reflection of what he looks like with miraculous suit)

Ben: Hmm...not bad not bad at all, though the ears kind of look silly but I do like the suit itself at least I don't have a tail because that looked stupid even that ridiculous bell but at least it covers my full head.

Tiki: You look magnificent Ben, I can see why Plagg chose you to be the next holder of the miraculous of destruction.

Ben: Thanks what do you think Marinette?(Ben saids to Marinette who is still staring at Ben in his suit while blushing)

Marinette: You look so.....perfect.....❤️(Marinette saids thought while in love as well as blushing)

Ben: Marinette?

Marinette: You look so attractive.........(Marinette saids out load in which was heard by everyone in the room even Ben who was blushing under the mask)

Nino: Hehehee, did she just say what I think she just said.(Nino whispers to Alix in which he nods and smirks)

Luka and Kagami: Oh my god hehehehe.

Chloe: Oh my Mari-Bear did you just say that he looks attractive out load!!

Marinette: OH MY GOSH DID I REALLY JUST SAY THAT OUT LOAD?!!!!(Marinette saids while blushing a mess of red and pink in which her friends were laughing their heads off while Ben looked away from his girlfriend just said out load)

Tiki: Hehehehe you kind of did Marinette so sorry.(Tiki saids to her holder who hides her face from the embarrassment)

Marinette: I am so sorry Ben!!!!!

Ben: Um its ok Marinette really just remind yourself that when you say something like that don't let it get heard by people around you.

Marinette: Hehehe, yea I will make sure to do that but I have to admit you do look amazing in that suit makes wonder something.

Ben: What is it Marinette?

Nino: Can you still use your spider like powers even wearing a miraculous?

Ben: Hmm...let me try(Ben saids then goes towards the wall and start to crawl on the wall in which he starts sticking to it which means that he can still do wall crawling)

Alix: Well looks like you can still crawl on the walls but what about your webbing?

Ben then stopped what he was doing and heard what Alix said and then try shooting a web in which it did and then shot another web and aimed it at Marinette in which she goes flying towards Ben in which he catches her in his arms which made the girl blush again while being in her mans arms.

Ben: Seem like I can still shoot my webs out as well.

Marinette: (Purr!).............(Marinette purred in which Ben heard it)

Ben: Did you just purr Marinette?

Marinette: Wh......what?!....hehehe must be hearing things.

Ben: Well ok then.......

Kagami: What about your claws in your wrist do they still come out?

Ben: Let me see....(Ben saids as he jumps down from the wall and puts Marinette down and stood back and then releases his claws out his wrist meaning that they came out which meant that Ben can still use his spider like powers)

Chloe: Looks like you can still use your spider like powers even wearing a miraculous thats very impressive Ben.

Ben: Thanks Chloe, I never knew it was possible or not?

Tiki: Well that is something that me and Plagg were thinking as well and it looks like it works.

(Edit done by me:95nicholasnm)

Ben: Got to say the suit works perfectly on me and I still feel like myself, and makes me wonder what else I can do?

Nino: Wait a minute since you are the Scarlet Spider and now a miraculous holder, your gonna need a new code name if you are wearing the miraculous of destruction.

Alix: He's right hows about Spider-Noir.

Ben: Uh no...and besides Spider-Man told me that there is already a guy named Spider-Noir in another universe so no I can not use that.

Marinette: There is?

Ben: Yea he told me and the other web warriors that there is a multiverse of spiders from other words in which Spider-Noir's universe is in the late nineteen thirties and everything is all black and white.

Everyone and Kwami's: Whoah.........

Chloe: Cat Spider?

Ben: No....

Luka: Spider Kitten....

Ben: Hell no!.....(Ben saids in which made Marinette giggle)

Marinette: Hows about Spider-Claw?

Ben: Spider-Claw? Hmm....that actually does sound a lot more better and it does go well with the claws that shoot out of my wrist.

Marinette: Any objections?

Nino: I like it dudette.

Alix: Works for me.

Luka: He does suit him better.

Kagami: I agree

Chloe: Aww but I think Cat Spider sounds nice.

Ben: Sorry Chloe but I ain't using that.

Chloe: Well I tried and I except the name Spider-Claw

Ben: Excellent for now on when I am ever wearing the miraculous call me Spider-Claw but if I am not just use Scarlet Spider.(Ben saids in which everyone nods in agreement)

Marinette: Great now that we have everything settled hows about we have a movie night together while celebrating Ben being the new holder of the miraculous of destruction.

Everyone: Sounds good!

Spider-Claw: Great but first claws in!(Spider-Claw de-transforms back into Ben Reilly with Plagg floating right next to him)

Plagg: Glad to have you has my new parter Reilly thanks.

Ben: No problem Plagg here you deserve a treat, here you go a piece of your favorite cheese.(Ben saids to Plagg and hands him his cheese)

Plagg: Oh my camembert!.........(Plagg saids in love with his cheese and eats it whole)

Then soon everyone got ready for movie night at Marinette's place in which both Alix and Nino decided to make the popcorn while Luka and Kagami get the drinks while Chloe helps Marinette with the seats so everyone can sit down and enjoy the movie and as for Ben he decided to pick out the movie for everyone to watch together.

Ben: What do you guys prefer watching?

Marinette: Well I was always a Disney movie fan hows about we watch something from Disney.

Nino: I got no problem with that I loved watching Disney movies when I was kid.

Chloe: Same I adore them especially the princess movies.

Kagami: I really liked Mulan it was my absolute favorite Disney movie.

Luka: I do enjoy the musical films they bring out my inner child.

Alix: I like the action Disney movies they always have the best scenes.

Ben: Hmmm....hows about this one it is called Tarzan.(Ben shows everyone the movie called Tarzan as well as the cover)

Nino: You know what I never seen that movie yet what about you guys?

Alix: No not really I haven't seen the trailer for it?

Marinette: What year does it say when it first came out?

Ben: It came out in the summer of nineteen ninety nine, it saids it has music, action, adventure, and romance.

Luka: Is there a trailer for it so we can see what it is about?

Ben: Yea there is let me play it so we can see what it is about.(Ben saids as he clicks the play button to start the trailer for Tarzan)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Trailer for Tarzan/Still the best trailer because it has Phil Collins Son of Man song to it)

After the trailer was over everyone was quite amazed of what the movie was about in which they all decided to watch the movie together in which they had Ben play the movie in which he did just that and sat right next to Marinette who cuddles into Bens chest while they both shared the popcorn together.

Meanwhile with Hawk Moth who was in his lair alone as well as frustrated and angry for what has happened to him and for losing the miraculous of the peacock.

Hawk Moth: Scarlet made a fool out of me, you made me look like failure, you took away the one thing that would achieve my goal to ultimate power but now that you have take the peacock miraculous away from me; my plans are now ruined!!!!!(Hawk Moth saids in anger and hatred for the spider hero)

Hawk Moth: I SWEAR SCARLET SPIDER I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE AND I WILL HAVE THOSE MIRACULOUS AND LADYBUG I WILL CRUSH YOU BUT I WILL CRUSH THE SPIDER FIRST THEN I WILL SAVE YOU FOR LAST!!!!!!(Hawk Moth screams on the top of his lungs until the window of his lair closes while leaving an angry villain alone in darkness)

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