Chapter 10: No more Shadow Moth only Hawk Moth!
It was Saturday in the city of love and the sun was beginning to rise in Paris in which everyone including the heroes Ladybug and Scarlet Spider who go by Marinette Dupain Cheng and Ben Reilly who are now officially a couple after their romantic date last night in which the love bugs are in bed and still sleeping after that special day they both had until the sun that was starting to rise was reflecting from Bens bedroom window in which caught his eye while his girlfriend Marinette still slumbers while cuddling next to Ben.
Ben: Argh.....dam sun is in my eyes....YAWN!......lets see here it is about nine thirty in the morning might as well get up since it is a Saturday.(Ben saids to himself while getting up from bed but stops when an arm grabs him and he looked to see who it belong to in which was Marinette)
Marinette: No......don't go....stay.....your so warm......(Marinette whispers to Ben while still sleeping in which made Ben giggle at his girlfriends sleep talking)
Ben: Hehehe come on little red I need to get up so I can make breakfast for the both of us.
Marinette: Nooooooo........stay....with....YAWN!....stay with
Ben: Hehehehe, might as well do this the other way.(Ben saids and takes a big pillow while getting out of Marinette's hold in which she starts begging for Ben to come back in bed in which instead of him, he gave Marinette the big pillow instead in which she took it and went back to sleep)
Tiki: Yawn!.....mmmmm...morning Ben hows Marinette?(Tiki saids while waking up from her nap and goes towards Ben who was stretching while Marinette still sleeps)
Ben: Morning Tiki, Marinette is doing just fine I think it is best we let her sleep for a little more but when she smells the food that I will make right now she will start to wake up.
Tiki: Yea I think that would be good for after all the craziness that has been going on in Paris, she deserves a long relaxing nap. Thanks for looking after her as well as being there for her Ben really appreciated and I am happy that she has found someone to be with her.
Ben: No problem it is the least I can do after what she did for me, and your right she does need a good rest from all the battles against Akuma's as well as dealing with Lila Scar Rossi.
Tiki: Yea, so what are planning on making for breakfast?
Ben: You will see once I get into the kitchen and since you like sweets I will put out some small cookies for you to have.
Tiki: Great!
Admittedly both Ben and Tiki left the bedroom together and headed into the kitchen to cook up some breakfast for both him as well as Tiki and Marinette who was still in bed. Then a half an hour later Marinette began to wake up from her nap from the sweet smell of food that was surrounding her nose and once she was fully awake and did some stretching and looked around where she was in which she remembered that she was invited to her Bens house and offered her to stay for the night in which she and him shared the bed together in which she really enjoyed it and didn't get flustered or nervous because she was sleeping the entire time.
Marinette: Yawn!......mmmmmm....that was the best sleep I ever had....and where is that sweet smell coming from? What ever it is it smells delicious, looks like Ben and Tiki are awake maybe their cooking breakfast might as well head down and see for myself.(Marinette saids to herself and did her stretching then began to walk out of the bedroom and head into the dinning room to see where the smell of food is coming from)
Marinette left the bedroom and headed into the dinning room but not before going to the bathroom and freshen up a bit because every breath you must wash up so that you look perfect for every meal in which what Marinette did then headed towards the dinning room and looked to see both Ben and Tiki in the kitchen in which Tiki was nibbling on small cookies while Ben was cooking up some breakfast for both him and Marinette.
Tiki: Mmmm.....oh morning Marinette!(Tiki saids while eating her cookies)
Marinette: Hehehe morning Tiki and good morning handsome spider💋(Marinette saids to Tiki then goes over to Ben and gives him a kiss on the cheek while he is cooking the food)
Ben: Morning little red sleep well.
Marinette: Sure did and it was the best sleep I had in years thanks for letting me stay over for the night.
Ben: No problem I figured you could use the rest as well as a place to wait out the storm last night. Oh your clothes are done from yesterday, Tiki putt them on top of the dryer for ya.
Marinette: Thanks Tiki and mmmmmm.....breakfast smells good whats you making?
Ben: You will see soon enough go take a sit and I already pored you a glass of orange juice to help start the day.
Marinette: Thank you Ben(Marinette saids and goes over to take her seat and takes a sip of her orange juice)
Soon after Ben finished cooking the food for both him and his girlfriend as well as cleaned up the mess he brought over the food for both him and her in which Marinette was amazed of the food she was looking at in front of her even Tiki who was eating her cookies couldn't help bust stare at the delicious food on the table.
Marinette: Wow!....Ben all of this looks so good who taught you how to make food like this.
Ben: Peter taught me as well as May they showed me how to cook and boil the food as well as how to prepare it right so that the person who eats it will be amazed.
Marinette: Well considered me amazed and that is really nice of them to help you with your civilian life.
Ben: Yea I can tell you will like them very much.
Marinette: Yea I might including the web warriors as well.
Ben: So shale we dig in because we need all of our strength for a splendid day if Shadow Moth doesn't try to ruin it like always.
Marinette: Yea lets and your right I hope he doesn't ruin our perfect Saturday with Akuma's or Amok's.
Both Marinette and Ben started to eat their breakfast together in which Marinette found the food to be quite delicious in which she should ask Ben to make breakfast for her and her family all the time in which Ben had no problem doing that since he likes Marinette and her family. Then after they were both done they helped cleaned the dishes together while Tiki just sat on table washing both her older and Ben together in which she found them to be a great pare as well as a great crime fighting team. After words Ben decided to grab a shower and get dressed while Marinette did the same but she asked her boyfriend if she could drive her back to her place because she wants to wear something different before her and Ben can enjoy their Saturday together.
Marinette: After you drop me off at my place, so I can get into something more casual then I am all yours Ben.(Marinette saids to Ben in which both her and him were in the back of the house about to get on the motorcycle together)
Ben: Sounds good to me little red, hang onto me just like before while we drive towards back the the bakery.(Ben saids and hops on his bike with Marinette and Tiki behind him)
Marinette: You got it Ben!(Marinette saids and wraps her arms around Ben and smiles under her helmet while Tiki giggles at her holders excitement)
Ben started up his bike and began to drive away with Marinette hanging onto him in which they both were driving around the blocks across the city of Paris and were a couple blocks away from the bakery in which Ben started to see the place and then started to slow down and park his bike next to the bakery in which Marinette got off the bike and thanked Ben for the ride and headed into her house to greet her parents in which she told them that she was alright and was going to head up into her room to get ready to spend her Saturday with the man she loves while Ben on the other hand was waiting outside for his girlfriend to get ready until his friends spotted him which were both Alix , Chloe and Nino who walked over to see their friend and team mate.
Alix: Hey Reilly hows it going!(Alix saids as her along with Nino and Chloe walk over to see their friend)
Ben:Hm?....Oh hey guys I am doing great thanks for asking.
Nino: Good to hear dude, so how did the date go last night with dudette.
Ben: It went great took her to this placed called Le Grand Colbert which is a couple blocks where I live in which we had a wonderful time together and she really enjoyed it.
Chloe: Oh my gosh!, please tell me what else you and Mari-Bear did details please!
Ben: Well once we got there thanks to Madam Web, we sat at the very top of the restaurant in which had a great view of Paris in which both me and her really enjoy the view as well as the seating arrangements. We both had a splendid dinner together as well as dessert then after words we decided to have ourselves a romantic dance together in which both me and Marinette really enjoyed then soon after we left the place she invited me to go on patrol with her as Ladybug and Scarlet Spider but then after we did that she and I confessed to each other in which we shared our first kiss while it started to rain and I invited her to stay at my place for the night so that we can wait until the weather was nice to go back out.
Nino: So that means you and Marinette are officially a couple now.
Ben: Yes we are Nino
Chloe and Alix: KYAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!❤️(Chloe and Alix sequel with joy of Ben and Marinette together while the boys held their ears from the girls scream)
Chloe: Congratulations you two! I am so happy for the both of you. My little Mari-Bear is growing up so fast.(Chloe saids with joy while also congratulating Marinette on getting a good boyfriend)
Alix: Nice Ben awesome scoring a date with Marinette and making her very happy.
Nino: Congrats Dude!
Ben: Hehehehe thanks guys really appreciated.
Alix: So what is our little miss bug doing right now?
Ben: Well after we left my place she asked me to take her back to her place so that she and I can enjoy our Saturday together in which she wants to changed out of her dress she wore last night and put on some casual clothes.
Chloe: Make sense I mean it was kind of bad last night with all the rain poring down.
Alix: Yea but right now it is sunning and the weather is just perfect but hopefully Shadow Moth wont ruin our day with Akuma's of Amok's.
Ben: Well just to be on the safe side you guys may want to hang onto your miraculous's and keep your guard there is no telling when he is going to summon another one of his villains to attack the city.
Nino: Don't worry dude we will be ready if that ever happens.
Ben: Good
BYE MAMA! BYE PAPA I LOVE YOU TOO!(Marinette saids while coming out of the bakery in her casual clothes and looks to see her friends chatting with Ben)
Marinette: Hey guys!
Nino: Hey dudette!
Alix: Sup Marinette!
Chloe: Oh my gosh Mari-Bear I am so proud of you and Ben getting together!(Chloe saids and hugs Marinette in which she hugged back)
Marinette: Hehehehe thank you Chloe, I see that Ben told you about our date last night.
Ben: I had to they wanted to know what went on last night.
Nino: And for that we thank you dude and Marinette congrats on the new boyfriend here.(Nino saids to his friend in which she smiles and blushes at the comment)
Marinette: Thank you Nino and thanks guys really appreciated.
Alix: So what are the happy couple going to do on this fine Saturday?
Ben: Hmmm not really sure but once we walk around more, we will probably find something do to right little red.
Marinette: Absolutely I mean we can take a nice walk around the park together like most couple do.
Ben: Hmm...well I could use some fresh air as well as a good walk sure why not that sounds great to me.(Ben saids in which made Marinette smile and happy while the others did the same)
Nino: Well then we better let you two have some a lone time together, be sure to text us if you want to hangout with us.
Marinette: We will make sure Nino.(Marinette saids and walks towards Ben and holds his arm)
Chloe: You two have fun together but not too much fun and Ben if you are thinking about having it with Mari-Bear make sure to wear protection.(Chloe saids in which made both Ben and Marinette blush red while Nino and Alix were smirking and holding in their laughter)
Ben: Good grief.....(Ben saids while rubbing his head in embarrassment)
Chloe: I was just making sure thats all come on guys let's get going, see you two later.
Ben and Marinette: Yea sure see ya.......(Both said while still embarrassed)
After their friends left, both Marinette and Ben calmed themselves down and started to walk together with their arms together and headed to the park near the Eiffel tower where Marinette asked Ben out on a date in which it is the perfect place to relax while being with the person who loves you. Meanwhile Shadow Moth has grown tired of hiding in that lair of his and decided to actually for once show his face in public but not exactly in public but just hiding within the alley ways as well as on top of the buildings so that no body can see him as he is about to work on his next plan to get the miraculous from Ladybug but he also has to deal with the Scarlet Spider after the fail attempts to stop him.
Shadow Moth: After so many attempts to get the miraculous I have to do things myself, maybe this time I will get the miraculous and finally squash that argent spider once and for all.(Shadow Moth saids to himself while hiding behind a chimney on top of a house)
Shadow Moth: Hmmm...I don't sense any negative emotions at this matter might as well summon an Amok instead and maybe this time I will get what I want.(Shadow Moth saids and takes out a feather so he can create a new Amok monster)
While Shadow Moth was thinking of what to create for the Amok, he heard something coming from below in which he saw that a baby with his mother who was complaining that he wanted a lollipop in which gave Shadow Moth an idea for what to create in which he blew his feather.
Shadow Moth: Fly away my little feather and enhance as well as home that frustration and give me my creation!(Shadow Moth saids and makes his amok in which the feather started to land on the babies pacifier)
After the feather landed on the babies pacifier, the amok like creature began to emerge in which is now standing in front of the mother the baby was a giant like candy lollipop monster in which the mother and baby started to run away from it while Shadow Moth watches from on top on the buildings and await for Ladybug and Scarlet Spider to show up.
Shadow Moth: Excellent now all I have to do is wait for Ladybug to show up as well as that Spider.
Meanwhile with Marinette and Ben, they both arrived at the park near the Eiffel tower and they both were enjoying their time together as a happy couple like everyone else in the park.
Marinette: Sigh...this is exactly what I needed some peace and quite as well as some quality time with the man I love in which he is also the best crime partner I ever had thank you for this Ben 💋(Marinette saids to Ben and kisses him on the cheek)
Ben: Your welcome Marinette and I am happy that you are enjoying this as much as I am.
Marinette: Yea, hey there is nice spot by the tree right there wanna relax there.
Ben: Sure why not and I could put on some music to help lighten the mood.
Marinette: I like that very much Ben.(Marinette saids to her boyfriend in which both her and him went over to the shady spot near the tree and started to relax up against the tree in which Marinette moved closer to Ben and leaned her head on his shoulder while Ben looked through his phone to find some music to listen to)
Ben: What song would you like to listen to I have a lot on my phone?
Marinette: Let me see for myself.(Marinette saids to Ben as he hands her his phone to check what song would be interesting to listen to)
Marinette scrolled through the songs that Ben had on his phone and found a lot of them to be interested to listen to until her eyes caught on a song that would be perfect to listen to for both her and for Ben.
Marinette: Oh heres a good one, it is called Walk with Me by Bella Thorne.(Marinette saids and shows Ben the song)
Ben: Hm?...never listen to her before well if it is your choice Marinette go for it.
Marinette: Ok Bella Thorne it is!(Marinette saids and plays the music)
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Bella Thorne:
I wish I could stand on a star
I wish I could be where you are
They say, "don't you ever give up"
It's so hard to be somethin' when you're not
But I have walked alone with the stars in the moonlit night
I have walked alone, no one by my side
Now I walk with you with my head held high
In the darkest sky, I feel so alive
Adrift a lonely, little cloud
Above ground where I stand so proud
My face glowing loudly through the crowd
As I walk with the beauty of the night
But I have walked alone with the stars in the moonlit night
I have walked alone, no one by my side
Now I walk with you with my head held high
In the darkest sky, I feel so alive
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh
But I have walked alone with the stars in the moonlit night
I have walked alone, no one by my side
Now I walk with you with my head held high
In the darkest sky, I feel so alive
Song Ended
(Song by Bella Thorne)
When the song has ended Marinette cuddled right into Bens chest after listing to such a beautiful song in which he smiles and starts petting Marinette's head while she is cuddling up to him. Admittedly both Marinette and Ben were enjoying their day together as a couple but it was about to end when they both felt a vibration under them in which they both felt it.
Ben: Tell me you felt that because I know I did?
Marinette: Oh please tell me it is not what I think it is......
RUN FOR YOUR LIVES?!!!!!(People running for their lives and screaming in terror)
Ben: Sigh...yup it is exactly what you think it is, great just great there goes our relaxation.
Marinette: Come on we better see what the commotion is about.(Marinette saids to Ben in which he nods as both of them run off to changed into their super hero suits)
When they both changed into their super suits once again, they both strung towards where the problem was taking place which was in the park area near the bakery in which both heroes landed on top of the building and saw what looked like a giant walking candy man and its entire body was covered in lollipops.
Scarlet Spider: Looks like it is another Amok monster? And it's a giant walking candy pop? That is just so lame.
Ladybug: Well its an enemy of ours which you know what that means Scarlet.
Scarlet Spider: Saves lives, take the Amok monster down, find the Amok, you purified it and we win like always.
Ladybug: Exactly but first we need to know where the Amok is first?
Scarlet Spider: Let's head down to the park maybe we can find where it is.
Ladybug: Good thinking Spider lets move!
Ladybug and Scarlet Spider swung towards where the Amok was located which was in the small park area but while they were heading towards that direction Shadow Moth was spying from the building side and saw the heroes heading towards his Amok monster.
Shadow Moth: Excellent both of them are heading towards my Amok monster now all I have to is wait for Ladybug to use her Lucky charm and once she transforms back into her civilian self I can easily take away her miraculous but for the spider I am not sure of how to deal with him.
Meanwhile with Ladybug and Scarlet Spider they both landed near the park area and saw the candy like Amok causing havoc in which the heroes were searching everywhere to find where the Amok has landed on.
Ladybug: I don't see anything? Scarlet how about you?
Scarlet Spider: Hmmm?(Scarlet Spider was looking around the park trying to find where the Amok would be hiding until he spotted a mother with her baby and when Scarlet Spider looked closer at the babies pacifier on the ground that was glowing black he spotted where the Amok was hiding)
Scarlet Spider: I think I just found it Ladybug, I believe it is in that babies pacifier on the ground because it is glowing black.(Scarlet saids to his partner in which she spots the pacifier as well in which her partner was right)
Ladybug: Nice Job Spider, you distract the Candy Monster while I'll go fo the Amok.
Scarlet Spider: Right!(Scarlet saids as he swings down to the park and webs the Candy monster by the legs while Ladybug goes for the Amok that was in the pacifier)
Scarlet Spider attacked the Candy monster by shooting it with his webs in which he aimed for the legs so that it would trip and fall to the ground in which it did while Ladybug landed next to the mother and baby and picked up the pacifier and broke it in which the Amok came out of it.
Ladybug: Got Ya!, bye bye little feather, Miraculous Ladybug!!!!(Ladybug saids as everything returned to normal once again)
Scarlet Spider: You didn't have to use your lucky charm for this one?
Ladybug: Yea at least that is good news.
Scarlet Spider: I didn't know you can still repair the damages without the charm?
Ladybug: What can I say Spider I am full of surprises.
Scarlet Spider: Hehehe you sure are.
Ladybug and Scarlet Spider: Good Job!(Both said and pound their fist together)
Soon Ladybug gave the pacifier back to the mother of the baby and made sure they got out of the park safely until Scarlets spider sense was tingling which meant that there is still danger lurking around until he looked up at one of the buildings and saw a figure hiding behind the chimney and once he looked at the figure without the figure noticing he saw that the figure was wearing dark purple like outfit and was holding a cane and had a gray looking mask which means that Scarlet Spider was looking at Shadow Moth which meant that he made his appearance.
Scarlet Spider: So he made his appearance after all...(Scarlet saids in thought while glaring at Shadow Moth who was taking off and Scarlet decided to follow him)
Beep! Beep!(Ladybugs earring beeping)
Ladybug: I am about to transform back Spider.
Scarlet Spider: Alright we will meet back up soon.(Scarlet saids to Ladybug in which she nods in agreement and swings off while Scarlet on the other hands decides to follow a certain Moth)
Back with Shadow Moth after his failed attempt yet again to get the miraculous he decided to flea into an alley way while grumbling over his failure.
Shadow Moth: I failed yet again!!!!, I was this close to getting what I want this close!!!(Shadow Moth saids and hits his fist into the wall)
So you decided to show that ugly face of yours after all.(A voice came from the alley way in which got Shadow Moth startled)
Shadow Moth: What!, whose there?(Shadow Moth saids as he looks around him and sees no one until the voice was heard again)
I have to say from the villains I fought you are by far the worst looking one I ever especially that ridiculous outfit you got on and whats with the cane too old to play dress up.(The voice saids again in which Shadow Moth got irritated)
Shadow Moth: WHO ARE YOU?!!! SHOW YOURSELF!!!!
Look behind you Shadow Moth(The voice saids in which Shadow Moth turned around and saw where the voice was coming from in which was known other than Scarlet Spider himself)
Shadow Moth: YOU!!!!!!!
Scarlet Spider: Hello Shadow Moth so we finally meet in person.
Shadow Moth: I don't know how you found me or where you came from but I am going enjoy this by destroying you spider!!!!! You made a fool out of me and my Akuma's but now I will end you right here and now and as soon as you are out of the way taking Ladybug's miraculous will be all that matters now!!(Shadow Moth saids in anger as well as get into fighting stance)
Scarlet Spider: Hmmm....Ladybug said that he gets his powers from his miraculous which is the butterfly and peacock miraculous, if I somehow remove one of them then maybe just maybe he wont be that much to take down but which one should I take off him.(Scarlet Spider saids in thought while looking at Shadow Moths miraculous's on his vest while deciding which one to take from him)
(The Butterfly and Peacock Miraculous)
Scarlet Spider: If I take away his miraculous of the butterfly then he wont be able to Akumatised anyone but if he kept the Peacock miraculous then he can create more of those monsters and I can not let that happened so might as well take away the peacock miraculous so that he will not use it to make more of those creatures ever again.(Scarlet Spider saids in thought again and found out which miraculous to take away from Shadow Moth)
Shadow Moth made the first move and charged at Scarlet Spider but thanks to the spiders reflexes he dodged the attack in which Scarlet did a flip over Shadow Moth and when Shadow Moth didn't look Scarlet Spider jumped and punched Shadow Moth in the face really hard in which the villain felt pain.
Shadow Moth: ARRRGGGHHHH!!!!!!......
Scarlet Spider: Hmm...serves him right he deserved that one.(Scarlet saids in thought while looking at Shadow Moth after the hit in the face he was on the ground and hurt)
Shadow Moth: Argh......what just happened how did he dodge my attack so quickly?(Shadow Moth saids to himself and gets back up from the ground and back into fighting stance)
Scarlet Spider: Oh you want some more than come and get it Moth.(Scarlet Spider saids while showing a sign that saids bring it on)
Shadow Moth: GRRRRAAAAHHHHH!!!!(Shadow Moth yells in anger and charges again in which Scarlet Spider dodged every attack that Shadow Moth was throwing at him until Scarlet Spider found an opening in which he started to punch Shadow Moth in every direction like the face, the gut and the back then used his claws from his wist and made really mean cuts on Shadows Moths body in which blood was dripping from him)
Shadow Moth: I WILL NOT BE BEATEN BY SOME INSECT LIKE YOU!!!!!!!(Shadow Moth yells in anger again and uses his cane to hit Scarlet Spider but the spider dodged again and jumped into the air and then used his web to do a flip and kicked Shadow Moth in the gut in which the villain went flying and crashed into a Paris bus)
CRASH! 💥 (Shadow Moth hitting the side of the bus in which left a dent in it while the villain was struggling to get up in which he wasn't looking too good)
Shadow Moth: Path.....path.....path......I don't understand it, it can not be this hard for him to fend me off I am so much powerful to loose to a spider.(Shadow Moth saids while in pain and was bleeding from the mouth as well as his arms and the rest of his body)
Scarlet Spider: I guess I was right about one thing Shadow Moth, your pathetic just like the villains you create to terrorize Paris but most importantly your not that strong as matter of fact your weak and so out of your match. I have to say for someone your age I can not believe you keep on loosing to a girl dressed like a Ladybug and all of your plans are beginning to fall apart all because you want some jewelry you really are the worst super villain in history. Soon Ladybug will take your miraculous and you be a nobody and what I can tell is your civilian form is probably even more pathetic than what you already are.(Scarlet Spider saids to Shadow Moth in which the villain was not only shocked of what the spider hero said but was by far more angrier by the minute in which he now despised no he hates Scarlet Spider with everything he has for making him a fool and for calling him weak)
Shadow Moth: Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!.........I WILL MAKE YOU!!!!!!!!......HMPH!(Shadow Moth was about to say something else until he was webbed in the mouth by Scarlet Spider)
Scarlet Spider: You know you really scream too much and it is about time you shut the hell up.(Scarlet Spider saids to Shadow Moth in which he was trying to get the web off his mouth but couldn't until Scarlet webbed his eyes shut they his whole body)
Scarlet Spider: He really is pathetic..but I can worry about that latter because I need to take away something that he wont be needing anymore.(Scarlet Spider saids in thought then walks towards the webbed up Shadow Moth then looks at the miraculous of the peacock and with Shadow Moth still webbed up Scarlet Spider snatched the miraculous of the peacock and left with just Shadow Moth who reverted back to Hawk Moth without him realizing that his miraculous was taken from him)
Then soon when Hawk Moth got free from the webs and saw that Scarlet Spider was no where to be seen he left the area and headed back to his lair while not knowing that his second miraculous is missing but he will soon learn once he returns back to his lair in which he is not going to be very happy that his miraculous of the peacock is not longer in his hands.
Back with Scarlet Spider after he beat the crap out of Shadow Moth and took away his second miraculous he spotted his partner Ladybug on the building next to the Eiffel tower in which she was passing back and forth while having a worried look on her face until she saw Scarlet Spider landing in front of her in which she ran towards him and engulfed him into a hug.
Ladybug: Scarlet!, I was so worried about you when you didn't show up I was starting to think something must of happened to you.
Scarlet Spider: I am sorry I made you worried but I am fine really I am.
Ladybug: Well thats good to know but where did you go?
Scarlet Spider: Sigh...apparently after we defeated the Amok monster and restored everything, my spider sense was picking up something the top buildings near the park area.
Ladybug: Really what did you pick up?
Scarlet Spider: I saw figure behind a chimney in which he wore a gray mask and dark clothes as well as carrying a cane with him and I think you know who I am talking about.(Scarlet Spider saids to Ladybug in which she gasped in horror that her partner encountered Shadow Moth from the buildings)
Ladybug: You picked up Shadow Moth!
Scarlet Spider: Yea, he was watching the entire time while we were fighting and it looked like he was trying to wait until you were out of shape so he can swoop in and take your miraculous but thanks to us we defeated his monster and he left without you knowing except for me.
Ladybug: So he actually showed himself yet again but left after we defeated his Amok monster what happened after?
Scarlet Spider: After you left to transform back, I decided to follow him.
Ladybug: Scarlet do have any idea how?!!!!!
Scarlet Spider: Dangerous he is give me a break he put up a good fight I kept dodging his attacks and easily waited for some moments to strike in which I did and he wasn't looking that good after all the punching and kicking as well as having my claws cut ever part of his body.
Ladybug: He fought Shadow Moth on his own and he came out perfectly ok while Shadow Moth was the one who was getting hurt unbelievable.(Ladybug saids in thought while in awe of how her partner over powered her enemy)
Scarlet Spider: Then soon after he wasn't looking too good I decided to web up his mouth including his eyes and his whole body in which he was trying so hard to get free from my webs then soon I left him but taking something that doesn't belong to him.
Ladybug: What did you take after he was still trapped in the web?(Ladybug saids in question until Scarlet held out his hand and then opened it in which Ladybug was beyond shocked of what she was seeing with her own eyes and couldn't believe her partner was able to get it from Shadow Moth)
Scarlet Spider: I grabbed this when he wasn't looking.(Scarlet Spider saids while holding the peacock miraculous in his hands)
Ladybug: The peacock actually manage to retrieve it from Shadow Moth.(Ladybug saids in shock and awe that Scarlet Spider has got the peacock miraculous away from Shadow Moth who now just Hawk Moth now)
Scarlet Spider: I wasn't able to get the butterfly miraculous because there was no time and the webbing wasn't going to hold Hawk Moth forever so I took the only miraculous I could think of in which was the miraculous of the peacock in which Hawk Moth can no longer use to create those Amok monsters.
Ladybug: He did it....he actually did the thing I tried so hard to retrieve and he actually did it...for me and for Master Fu.(Ladybug saids in thought while tears were coming down her face in which her partner was looking at her)
Scarlet Spider: Hey are you o..k?(Scarlet Spider saids in which he is now being engulfed into another hug by his partner in which she was crying tears of joy)
Ladybug: YOU GOT IT BACK! YOU ACTUALLY GOT IT BACK! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!(Ladybug saids with joy while hugging her partner who the most amazing thing for her in which Scarlet smiles under his mask and hugs his partner back)
Scarlet Spider: Your welcome Ladybug, now all that is left is Hawk Moth's butterfly miraculous.
Ladybug: 😢sniff.....which would make our job a whole lot easier now that he can no longer use the peacock miraculous ever again. Thank you so much, you are the best partner I could ever asked for.
Scarlet Spider: So are you Ladybug, and I am proud to be your partner in crime.
Ladybug: Oh my gosh we have to tell the others as well as the Kwami's!!!
Scarlet Spider: Well what are waiting for let's head back to your place, then after words we can get back to our perfect Saturday.
Ladybug: Oh yea absolutely!
Ladybug and Scarlet Spider swung back to the bakery to tell the others that the peacock miraculous has been retrieved by a certain spider hero of Ladybug. Back with Hawk Moth after his humiliating defeat by the hands of Scarlet Spider he returned to his lair in which his injuries started to heal thanks to his miraculous and then once inside and alone he begins to de-transform into his civilian form which we wore a white suit with red pants and glasses and had grayish blonde hair along with grayish eyes and next to him was a Kwami that looked like a butterfly and was floating around him in silence. In which the the Kwami name was Nooroo and his holder was the father of Adrien Agreste and famous fashion designer Gabriel Agreste.
Gabriel: Arrrrghhhh!!...curse that Spider if I ever see him again I swear I will show no mercy!!!
Nooroo: At least the miraculous healed you from the injuries that he gave you master.
Gabriel: least that is taken care of I never imagined someone like that spider could have such strength and skills where on earth did he get that kind of skills?
Nooroo: Not sure maybe he is like those heroes from New York maybe he came from there?
Gabriel: Possibly but where ever the case is he is the enemy along with Ladybug and I will crush them both.
Nooroo: Yes Master.........
Gabriel: Hang on a minute something is missing and I can not put my finger on it?
Nooroo: What is wrong master?
Gabriel: Wait wheres Duusuu?(Gabriel saids in which his Kwami looks towards him then at his miraculous of where he keeps both the butterfly and the peacock miraculous but all of sudden the peacock miraculous is no longer there)
Nooroo: Master the peacock miraculous!
Gabriel: What about it Nooroo?
Nooroo: Its gone it is no longer on you!
Gabriel: WHAT?!!!(Gabriel saids and looks to where he kept both miraculous in which he only sees the butterfly miraculous and not the peacock miraculous)
Admittedly Gabriel started to look everywhere for the miraculous but he couldn't find it anywhere and then he remembered that he wore when he was fighting Scarlet Spider then after he was webbed up like a cocoon and then all of sudden it hit him.
Gabriel: He.....he took it.......
Nooroo: Master?
Gabriel: He took it...when I was still trapped in his webs.......
Nooroo: Who took it?
Gabriel: THAT SPIDER TOOK THE PEACOCK MIRACULOUS!!!!!!!!(Gabriel screams in anger of what has happened and he no longer has the second miraculous anymore)
Nooroo: Scarlet Spider took the miraculous so that mean he gave it back to Ladybug which means that Duusuu is free from my masters hand oh thank you Scarlet Spider thank you for saving my friend.(Nooroo saids in thought while happy that his friend in good hands now was watching his older grovel in sorrow and defeat)
Gabriel: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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