Chapter 1: New World and Settling In!

After Scarlet Spider made his choice and help May Parker and Spider-Man and leave Ock to become a hero and stir the Hydra ship into the water and later transported to meet a woman named Madam Web who wants to send him to a new world where he can start a brand new life without Ock around or Hydra but he will also meet a heroine there who uses magical jewels called Miraculous to help stop a mad man from destroying the world but first he must settle down and get his civilian life together so that he can blend in with the people of this dimension.

Paris of another Dimension 10:30pm:

It was a beautiful night in the city of love and everyone is enjoying their good night sleep while all the lights are still on but then something happen, all of sudden a portal appeared out top of the houses and out came the red and black spider hero from another world.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Scarlet Spider: Whoah.....I am never doing that again, travel through portals is really annoying.(Scarlet Spider saids when he comes out of the portal and then looks in front of him and what he saw was unbelievable)

Scarlet Spider: So this is the other world Madam Web told me about, have to say everything looks different?, Whoah! what happened to me? Did my physical form change and my suit it looks completely different but same but different, I wonder?(Scarlet Spiders saids while looking at the world he is in as well as himself and goes to a blank window and see what he looks like in this dimension)

(Face edit by me: 95nicholasnm)

When Ben took off his mask to see what he looks like, he has to say he looks good in this world and everything didn't change like his eyes, hair and the scar on his face so which means he is all good now.

Scarlet Spider: Hmmm? Not bad for a new look in another dimension at least I still look like myself and feel like myself. I might as well head to the place Madam Web wrote down for me and get settled in and then in the morning I will find a school to learn so that I will fit right in to this world and also to find this Marinette Dupain Cheng who is this Ladybug heroine included.(Scarlet Spider saids while putting back on his mask and web swing across house to house)

While swinging to his destination, Scarlet Spider took in the world he is in and he has to say it looks quite nice to be exact and best part Ock or Hydra doesn't exist in this world so he will be ok but he still worries for May and Peter that he hopes that their doing ok along with the others included. Then after swinging from everyone part of Paris he came to a stop and found the street address and the house he is looking for.

(Red House is Scarlet Spiders)

Scarlet Spider: This looks like the place? Have to say it doesn't look that bad as long as the inside is alright then I will be fine.(Scarlet Spider saids to himself and takes out the keys and opens the door and when he is alone he took off his mask and have a look around the place)

Three hours later Ben finished looking around the place and he has to admit it looks awesome and the coolest part he gets a motorcycle that he likes and it was design for him only in wish he thanks Madam Web for doing this for him as well as having a closet filled with hundreds of his Scarlet Spider suits that are made imperviousness to mostly anything but for now he is going to take a shower in his new bathroom and sleep on his new bed because starting tomorrow he will be finding a place to start school as well as try to find Ladybug as well as be this worlds new spider hero.

Ben: Alright starting tomorrow find a school get registered and become a student there and learn like anyone else would and then maybe search for this Marinette Dupain Cheng person who is this Ladybug hero which I still don't know what she looks like, but I will see what I can do once I have a look around.(Ben saids to himself then closes the light and heads to bed while thinking of his plans)

It was now morning in the city of love and Ben has got up from his nice and relaxing long nap in his new home and got dressed and decided to make some breakfast until he saw some papers on the counter that has his name on it and it looked like school papers for a place called College Francoise Dupont which means that Madam Web properly already signed him up to be part of school already and the time he has to be in is around nine thirty which right now is eight o'clock now so he might as well eat up and head right over to the school.

Ben: Thanks Madam Web for this, might as well give my new bike a try and head to this College Francoise place.(Ben saids to himself then hops on his new bike and drives towards the school and while driving he really enjoyed the cool breeze on his face and how nice Paris looks while looking around him)

Then after driving around from to block to block and street to street, Ben came upon the place he was looking for and he has to admit it looks a lot bigger than Midtown High School and it looks better and much more cleaner.

Ben: This looks like the place might as well.......(Ben saids until he hears a female voice who sounds like she is panicking)

I'M LATE!!!!!!(The voice saids and then all of sudden the voice bumps into Ben and the person gets knocked over)

Ben: Huh?...(Ben looked behind him to see who bumped into him and when he did, he was looking at a girl with bluish black hair with pigtails along with pink jeans, white and black shirt and flats and what Ben had to say was in his mind was this girl who is on the ground is very beautiful)


Ben: Hey it is ok miss?(Ben saids to the girl who looks up and sees Ben and when she did she couldn't help but blush of how handsome and muscular Ben looks and what made the girl stare at him more was his blue eyes)

Girl: I.....I......I.....MM........My name.....Is.......MM.....Marinette! name is Marrinette Dupain Cheng.(The girl known as Marinette saids to Ben while blushing at the site she is seeing in front of her while trying to get a hold of herself)

Ben: So this is Marinette Dupain Cheng which means she is also the Ladybug hero, I have to say I never seen a girl this beautiful before and those eyes of hers they look so magnificent.(Ben saids in thought while looking at Marinette from head to toe)

Ben: Well it is a pleasure to meet you Marinette, my name is Ben...Ben Reilly I just moved here a day ago and was heading inside this school here to be registered as a student.

Marinette: Oh it is nice to meet you too Ben and welcome to Paris, where did you move from before you came to Paris.

Ben: New York City, it got a little crowded and too much noise, so I decided to move to Paris and start a brand new life for myself.

Marinette: Your from New York! thats awesome!, and you said you are going this school because this is where I go as well would you like me to show where the principle office is.

Ben: Sure that would be great Marinette thank you

Marinette: No problem Ben...(Marinette saids with a sweet smile in which Ben finds it to be charming)

Ben: Hmm...I think I am going to like it here in the dimension.(Ben saids in thought while following Marinette to the principle office while some of the other student were whispering about Ben)

Girl Student: Hey check out the new guy that just walked in, he looks so hot!(Girl saids to her friends in which they agreed to)

Girl Student 2: Check out those arms so manly! ❤️(Girl saids while blushing)

Boy: Whoah that dude is ripped and check out that scar on his face?

Boy 2: Yea was he in fight with someone, I mean look at him?

Boy 3: I wonder where he works out at because I wouldn't mind having a figure like that.

Girl student 3: Wow he looks dreamy.......

Marinette was hearing the whispers coming from the other students in which she also has to agree with them that Ben does look pretty handsome and musclier as well as hot in which she blushes again but when they walked up the steps and came to the principles office she shrugged it off and looked towards Ben.

Marinette: Alright Ben the principal is inside waiting, I hope to see you around the school.

Ben: Thank you Marinette and hows about we hangout during school I would like a tour around this place so I know my way around.

Marinette: Oh sure of course!, I will see you soon I have to get to class it was nice meeting you Ben Reilly.

Ben: As well as you too Marinette Dupain Cheng.(Ben saids with smile in which made Marinette smile and blush a little then runs towards her class)

Knock! Knock!(Ben knocking on the principle door)

Come in!(The male voice said)

Ben: Hello there sir are you the principal of this school?(Ben saids to the person in front of him who looks like an owl)

Principal: Yes hello there my boy, I am Principal Damocles but you may call me Mr.Damocles and what do I have to pleasure of having you here in my office.

Ben: I am here to register as a student here sir, my name is Ben Reilly.

Mr.Damocles: Let see Ben Reilly...........Ah! here you are Ben Reilly transfer student from New York City and in his junior year in high school and is very intelligent and perfectly healthy who took many courses and never failed anything which is pretty incredible by the way.

Ben: Thank you sir

Mr.Damocles: Now hows about I show you to your first class today, and here is your school schedule to help you get settled in.

Ben: Thank you Mr.Damocles

Mr.Damocles got up from his desk and walked out of his office along with Ben following him and headed toward the first room so that Ben can start his first day of school with other people he never met.

Mr.Damocles: And if you need anything Mr.Reilly don't free to ask anyone in the school for help.

Ben: Dudley noted sir

Knock!(Mr.Damocles knocked on the door and it opens to revel a female with red hair)

Mr.Damocles: Hello Miss Bustier this here is the new transfer student Ben Reilly who will be taking your class today, Ben Reilly this is Caline Bustier your new teacher.

Ben: Pleasure to meet you Miss Bustier

Caline: It is a pleasure to meet you as well Ben, we look forward to having you here at College Francoise and would mind waiting outside until I tell my students that you are coming in.

Ben: Not at all take your time.(Ben saids to the teacher who nods and goes back to the room and Mr.Damocles nods as well and heads back to his office)

Ben: I hope some of the students are not a pain in the ass or jerks here or something else.....(Ben saids in thought while thinking what the students are like here)

Meanwhile inside the classroom:

Caline: Sorry about that everyone, but may I have your attention please.(Caline saids to her students who nod and listen to what the teacher is going to say.)

Caline: Today we have a new transfer student from New York City and I hope you all get along with him pretty well. Alright you may come in now!(Caline saids to her students and told Ben to come in and once he made his way in all the girl except for Marinette who already knows what Ben looks like blush at the site they were seeing)

(Edit by me:95nicholasnm)

Marinette: I have Ben in my class this great!, I just hope Lila and her sheep don't turn him because I can not stand the torment of people leaving me after she took mostly everyone I cared about except for my parents, Chloe, Kagami, Luka, Alix, and Nino while Adrien stupid high road isn't really helping at all.(Marinette saids in thought while looking towards the front and sees Ben Reilly)

Caline: Would you introduce yourself to the class

Ben: Hello students of College Francoise my name is Ben Reilly I am from New York City and if anyone ask I like to keep to myself and read a lot as well as work out and focus on my studies.

Caline: Well thank you Ben, why don't you sit right next to Marinette, Marinette raise your hand.(Caline saids to Ben then to Marinette who raises her hand in which Ben smiles to see Marinette again and goes sit with her)

Ben: Good to see you again Marinette(Ben whispers to Marinette in which she smiles)

Marinette: Happy to have you here in my class Ben(Marinette whispers back to Ben)

Caline: Alright everyone would all turn to page three hundred three in your books and Ben since you are new here, you and Marinette can share is that alright.

Ben: Sure not all Miss Bustier, you wouldn't mind Marinette?

Marinette: Not at all Ben

Caline: Very well lets get started everyone

Admittedly class was going by pretty good for Ben and he was learning so much while in the classroom and thanks Marinette for sharing her book and notes so he can get an understanding of what he is doing while some of the students were glaring at Marinette except for the ones she can call friends her true friends in which got Ben confused onto why the other students were giving Marinette a glare.

Ben: Wonder what their problem is? And why are they glaring at Marinette?(Ben saids in thought while continuing his studies and note taking for the class that his new teacher is teaching)

After class was finished and Caline gave out the homework assignments to everyone, everyone started to headed towards their next classes which were pretty easy for Ben to handle and it wasn't too long that Marinette finds out how Ben is adjusting to her school so well and was amazed how he is doing so well in class without causing a commotion like Lila and her fellow sheep who always interrupt class about make believe adventures and lies. So right now lunch is starting and Ben was trying to find a spot to sit down because a group of students from Bustier class were surrounding a girl with weird looking sausage hair and green eye that look like snake eyes so Ben decided to avoid them because he thinks they could bad news but when he saw Marinette along a few other students he decided to go sit there instead.

Ben: Hey there Marinette

Marinette: Oh hey Ben!

Ben: You mind if I sit here with you guys, I don't want to sit with those crowds of students over there.

Marinette: Sure not at all, Ben Reilly I want you to meet my friends here.(Marinette saids to Ben in which Ben took his seat next to her and she introduces her friends to him)

Nino: Sup dude names Nino hows it going!(Nino saids holding his fist up for Ben to give him a fist bump in which he did)

Ben: Please to meet you Nino and things are going well thank you for asking.

Alix: I am Alix nice to meet you Ben Reilly, I have to say you look someone who loves to work out a lot and I mean really a lot.(Alix saids to Ben in which he smiles and likes the girls attitude)

Ben: Nice to meet you too Alix and yes I do work out a lot, I always want to make sure to get into good shape before starting my day.

Alix: Understandable

Chloe: Hello there Ben my name is Chloe Bourgeois daughter of the mayor of Paris Andre Bourgerois and daughter of Audrey Bourgeois the fashion queen and you already met my best friend Mari-Bear here.

Ben: Hello Chloe nice to meet you and who might you be miss?(Ben saids to the Japanese girl with brown eyes)

Kagami: Hello Ben Reilly my name is Kagami it is a pleasure to meet you and we look forward having you here at school with us.(Kagami saids while bowing her head in which Ben did the same)

Ben: Likewise Kagami

Marinette: So Ben how you liking the school so far?

Ben: So far so good, I mean it reminds me of my friends school but much more cleaner and way more bigger and the teachers and lessons that I am getting are ready interesting.

Nino: Well glad your enjoying yourself Ben

Alix: What made you want to transfer schools wasn't New York fun?

Ben: got too noisy and too crowded around the area and I couldn't take it anymore so I decided to move to Paris to start my new life and go to a totally different school and finish up my year.

Chloe: Can't say I blame you but New York is a very busy city and there many things happening there that is impossible to deal with.

Alix and Nino: True on that!

Ben: Hehehehe, say can I ask you guys why are all those students over crowding that sausage hair looking girl.(Ben saids to Mairnette and her friends in which they got a little mad at)

Marinette/Chloe/Nino/Kagami/Alix: Lila Rossi............

Ben: Lila Rossi?

Alix: She is bad news Ben and someone like you does not want to get involved.

Ben: Really do tell(Ben saids as he wants to know who this Lila Rossi is)

Chloe: Lila is a lier and bully to us but mostly towards Marinette here.

Ben: Could this be one of her struggles Madam Web told me about?(Ben saids in thought)

Nino: Yea dude she turned everyone against dudette here for trying to call out her lies in which everyone except us including our other friend Luka didn't believe her and started abusing her as well as hurting physically and mentally in which she ended in the hospital twice already for something she didn't do but they all think that Marinette did awful things to Lila in other words she comes to class with fake injures and cuts all over herself and blames it on Marinette and they can't even prove it was real or not they just simply attack Marinette for no reason without giving her a chance to speak and it is the reason why I broke up with my ex girlfriend who took the liars side instead of her best friend.(Nino saids to Ben in which he looks angry and then looks at Marinette who looked sad and hurt)

Ben: Marinette is that true?

Marinette: Sigh...........yes......its true.....(Marinette saids while looking sad)

Ben: Does anyone else know about this besides you guys?

Alix: Marinette's parents never believed them in which they were banned from the bakery and the other is Adrien Agreste who is the son of Gabriel Agreste the greatest fashion designer next to Audrey Bourgeois.

Ben: And where is he?

Kagami: He is over there with Lila and her sheep(Kagami saids while pointing at where Adrien is)

Ben: That dude has weird taste in women?(Ben saids in thought while looking at Lila with Adrien)

Ben: So thats Adrien Agreste and he doesn't believe in her lies as well?

Marinette: No but he said to me that I should take the high road and not do anything to expose her in which was not helping all because when I tried to take his advice everyone still bullied me and physically attack me in which Adrien just stands there with a look of disappointment and he thinks I am bullying Lila which I am not but he never believes me in which my crush for him died out and I moved on with my life but no matter what I do Lila and her sheep still keep hurting me.

Ben: Thats the one thing I hate the most people being bullied and beaten down by the people you trusted with your lives but also liars as well I really hate them.(Ben saids in thought while glaring the the crowd where Lila was sitting with Adrien)

Ben: I am sorry Marinette you had to go through that including you guys as well.(Ben saids to Marinette in which she looks up at Ben with a smile as well as her friends)

Marinette: Thank you Ben, I was just afraid that she might turn you against me and my friends.

Ben: Oh please the way I was looking at her means that she is something I do not want to get involved with and that hair of hers yuck I rather barf then hang around girl like that and her eyes look like something that wants to kill.(Ben saids to Marinette and her friends in which they giggle at what he thought of Lila)

Alix: I can tell he is going to get along with us just fine.(Alix whispers to Nino in which he nods in agreement)

Ben: And another thing taking the high road is not the best way it is the worst idea that Agreste came up with, I mean Marinette you took it and you still got bullied and I don't understand why he didn't bother to help you.

Marinette: Because he doesn't want Lila to get Akuamatised again thats why he ask me not to expose her lies saying that they are not hurting anyone.

Ben: Not hurting anyone well what I can tell they are hurting you and your friends Marinette and  how many times did she get you know Akumatised?

Nino: More than six times already

Ben: Geez and nobody can not just look up on the internet and see if her lies are true or not?

Chloe: Their mindless sheep with no brain cells left so there is no way convince them.

Ben: And what kinds of lies did she spill out, if you don't mind me asking since I already know about Marinette's lies but what others are there.

Chloe: Well she lied about a famous music artist named Jagged Stone who Lila saids she saved his cat from a moving air plane when it was about be run covered, in which Jagged Stone doesn't have a cat since he is allergic and went to get a pet crocodile named Fang instead. The next one she lied about meeting the queen of England and spending time with Prince Ali and helping the children in the hospitals. Then she lied about Marinette stealing her fake necklace in which got her expelled but Adrien told Lila to come up with another lie in which got Marinette back. She also lied about being Adrien's girlfriend and is now working with his father to get money and attention which is not that great for the brand by the way. And finally she lied about being of beloved super heroine  Ladybug's best friend in which she got Akumatised into the super villain known as Volpina.

Ben: Yea this girl is bad news and I would laugh my ass off if her lies did get exposed.(Ben saids in thought)

Ben: So she is pathological lier who only wants attention and money so she can become popular and the only thing standing in her way are people who try to expose her lies to the public in which she get into a whole mess of trouble for. And she turned herself into a super villain with dumb ass name, I mean what kind of name is Volpina I mean really.(Ben saids to everyone in which they all giggle and agreed what Ben said is true)

Nino: So you don't believe in her lies?

Ben: I am looking up the stuff you said to me on my phone and so far nothing appeared up except for this blog called the Ladyblog what is that?

Marinette: The Ladyblog was created by my ex best friene Alya who was also Nino girlfriend before she turned her back on me and joined Lila's side; she made that blog for the super heroine Ladybug which had many pictures and videos of her but when she started posting stuff about Lila the viewers went down the drain and everyone who used to follow the blog said mean comments saying the stuff on the blog that Lila did was not true.

Ben: Oh yea I can tell, there is a lot of mean and disturbing comments on this blog, I don't understand what that girl was thinking and posting these things without fact checking her sources first.

Alix: Yes finally someone who gets it now!

Marinette: I have been trying to tell Alya to fact check her sources but always ends up telling me that I am jealous of what Lila does and that I am doing this and that for attention.

Ben: And let me guess she wants to become a reporter well sorry to break the news I don't think that dream of hers is going to come true if doesn't stop doing what she is doing.

Kagami: I almost feel sorry for the others as well because Lila promise them future job but I can tell that would not end well.

Nino: Well enough of that Lila stuff why don't we change the subject shale we.

Marinette: Yea so Ben what do like doing in your life besides keeping to your own, and focusing on your studies.

Ben: Honestly I am not sure I didn't really have a childhood like you guys had, I grew up in orphanage and when I got older I decided to teach myself and learn how to survive on my own in which I did and it made my life better but I did meet some really nice people who treated me with kindness and couldn't thank them for they did for after I left New York and moved here.(Ben saids to everyone who looked sad for Ben that he never had a normal childhood and he grew up in an orphanage and has been alone for his whole life)

Marinette: Ben I am sorry I didn't know

Ben: Hey it is ok Marinette and besides this could be the life I am working for and I mean I would like us to become friends and it could change my life for the better if I socialize with other people and do things with them.

Nino: I wouldn't mind having you as my friend dude!

Alix: Yea and I feel bad for you for not having a family or have people to talk to sure I will like us to be friends.

Kagami: So would I Ben, you sound like good person to be around.

Chloe: I would love to be your friend Ben, as matter of fact you can be my second best friend while Mari-Bear here is the first.

Marinette: I would like to be friends with you Ben

Ben: Thanks guys really appreciated, and maybe someday we can you know ah hangout together and you can show me around Paris.

Nino: Sure man no problem!

With that said Marinette along her friends became Ben Reilly's new friends and they all talked about mostly everything in which they are getting along just fine which made Ben happy that his new life in this world is starting to grow on him but he also has to keep an eye on that Lila girl and her sheep because they seem bad news for him and his new friends. Then after lunch was finished everyone went to their next classes which were still pretty easy and not hard at all for Ben to handle which he followed all the rules and took down many notes as possible for him to study and learn. Then finally the bell have rang and it was the end of school which means everyone was getting ready to head out except for Marinette who needed to get some things from her locker.

Marinette: Hey guys I got to get something out of my locker I will join you soon.(Marinette saids to her friends and Ben but Ben however decided something else)

Ben: Psst guys I am going to follow her to the lockers I can tell something might happened.(Ben saids to his friends in which they nod and he begins to follow Marinette to the lockers)

Nino: Be careful dude

Alix: Yea what Nino said

Ben: I will guys trust me I know...

In the locker room:

Marinette: Ben Reilly, he seems really nice don't you think Tiki?(Marinette saids to a little red creature floating next to her)

Tiki: Yea he does Marinette and the best part is he doesn't in Lila's lies unlike the others do which is really great.

Marinette: Yea but I do feel bad for him that he didn't grow up with any parents I wonder what happened to him those years ago.

Tiki: Well he will probably tell you and your friends when he is ready or not.

Marinette: Yea I guess that is true

Marientte finished what she got out of locker and Tiki went into her bag and when Marinette got what she needed she closed her locker and was about to leave until a strong hand grab her by the shoulder and the next thing Marinette knew she was being dragged out of the school while Ben saw what was happening and goes to follow)

Ben: Better suit up because what I can tell is that this not going to end well.(Ben saids as she runs over to a dark alley way and changes into his spider suit then shoots a web and follows where Marinette is being taken)

In Dark alleyway on opposite side of the school:

After Marinette was about to leave the locker room, a huge hand grabbed her by the shoulder and was dragging her outside of the school and into a dark alley way where no one can see or hear anything and the people who are doing this were known other than former friends and enemy of Marinette, Lila Rossi, Alya(Ex best friend), Kim and Ivan from Miss Bustier class.

Marinette: Let me go I didn't do anything!(Marinette saids while trying to get out of Kim and Ivans hold)

Alya: No way in hell Mari-Slut! not what after you did to poor Lila!

Marinette: And what did I do to her?!

Alya: You attack her after class was finished and called her means names!!!

Marinette: I was with my my real friends after class!!!

Alya: Lila did she do those things to you!

Lila: She......she....said....those....awful things when I was trying to be her(Lila saids while fake crying)

Marinette: YOU LIER?!!!

Alya: Shut It!!!!(Alya saids as she attacks Marinette and beats her up with Kim and Ivan still holding her)

While Marinette was being physically beaten from on top of the building a certain spider was looking down at everything and he was furious of what these idiots are doing to his new friend and decided to recored the whole thing for bulling and physical harm.

Scarlet Spider: Those assholes will pay for what they are doing to Marinette!(Scarlet Spider saids and he got his recording and decided to go down there and teach those mindless sheep a lesson they will soon never forget)

While back with Marinette she was all covered in cuts and bruises as well as ripped clothes due to Alya along with Ivan and Kim but she was still breathing and looking right at Lila and her sheep on her knees while still banged up.

Lila: Looks like she still have some fight left in her Alya?

Alya: Don't worry I will take care of that personally(Alya saids and she hands both Kim and Ivan wooden bats and while she held one as well ready to beat Marinette down to a bloody pulp)

Kim: Time to take your medicine for what you did to Lila!

Ivan: Yea!

Marinette: 😢sniff.....please I didn't do anything!(Marinette saids while crying and hurt as well)

Kim: Yea yea we all heard that one before now take your punishment slut!(Kim saids and goes to hit Marinette with the back while she closes her eyes and waits for the hit until a web string hit the bat that Kim had)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Spider Web sound effect)

Kim: What the.......AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!(Kim saids and then gets dragged into the darkness and then later get beaten down while the others looked shocked of what happened)

Alya: What the heck was that?!!!

Ivan: I don't know, Kim are you alright!(Ivan saids to Kim who was being beat down then another web comes towards Ivan and get dragged into the dark as well and beaten just like Kim)

Ivan: AAAAAAAAHHHHH. OOFFF.......OW!!!(Ivan saids while being beaten up in the dark leaving Alya and Lila scared while Marinette is confused)

Marinette: What is going on?(Marinette saids in thought while thinking what was happening)

Then sooner or later Alya along with Lila also get shot with the web and dragged into the dark and also get hit as well but not too badly but for Lila she scream a lot when she gets something on her face and then after a while now everyone who attack Marinette ran off leaving Marinette confused and saw how scared Alya, Lila who was holding her face along with Kim and Ivan who were hurt running for their lives.

Marinette: What just happened?(Marinette saids to herself while getting up from the ground while still injured)

What happen was that your safe now Marinette.(The voice that said from the dark behind Marinette in which spoked her)

Marinette: Dah! who said that?(Marinette saids to the voice who was walking towards her out of the dark and when it did Marinette couldn't believe her eyes of what she was seeing in front of her and it was a guy wearing a red and black spider suit with red eyes)

Marinette: A miraculous holder, but I never seen one like this before and I never seen a spider miraculous before?(Marinette saids in thought while looking at the mask hero in front of her and was walking towards and her)

Scarlet Spider: Are you alright Marinette?(Scarlet Spider saids to Marinette who looks shock that he knows her name)

Marinette: Yes.........but who are you and how do you know my name?(Marinette saids in question while thinking that Scarlet Spider could be an Akuma sent by Hawk Moth)

Scarlet Spider: The name is Scarlet Spider and the reason why I know your name is because I know all about you including you being the heroine known as Ladybug and the miraculous.

Marinette: WHAT?!!!!........hehheheehehe me Ladybug don't be silly you must of got me confused with someone else?

Scarlet Spider: Marinette I was sent here to help you take down Hawk Moth so he wont use your miraculous that could bring the end of everything and everyone you care about in danger.

Marinette: How does he know this?(Marinette saids in thought while looking at the spider hero)

Scarlet Spider: And I know about the kwami's as well so you can come out of the bag little one.(Scarlet Spider saids to Tiki who was hiding in Marinettes bag and they shows herself which made Marinette panic)

Tiki: You know about Kwami's?

Scarlet Spider: Huh so this what you guys look like I have to say, I seen stranger things in my life but I never seen something you before.

Tiki: I could say the same thing Scarlet Spider and how does it you know us and Marinette?

Scarlet Spider: I was summon to this world by a person who calls herself Madam Web who is inter dimensional traveler who can travel to other worlds in which she sent me here to help your friend there stop this Hawk Moth from destroying the whole world with that wish he would make if he gets those miraculous Madam Web told me about, oh and she knows everything and I mean everything about you guys including your world.

Marinette: Other worlds? Madam Web?

Tiki: Oh then you must be the one she sent to help us!

Marinette: Wait Tiki you know what he is talking about and this Madam Web?

Tiki: Indeed I do Marinette, you see a couple of years ago I made contact with a inter dimensional being named Madam Web who I ask if she can help us defeat Hawk Moth and his Akuma's but sadly she isn't a fighter but she said that she will find a hero that is worthy to fight along side us and help us defeat Hawk Moth and bring order to the world and I believe Scarlet Spider is the one.

Scarlet Spider: You know for a little fairy, you are quite smart I give you that.

Tiki: Thank you

Marinette: So you know everything about me, I mean like me as a person and as Ladybug and what I do?

Scarlet Spider: Madam Web told me everything about you Marinette.

Marinette: Well if you say what is true then I believe you but what kind of miraculous do you have?

Scarlet Spider: I don't have a miraculous Marinette my powers are all natural, except I can't remember where I got them from because a villain in my world took away my memories and tortured me and used me as a weapon to take down people who I call them as a family.

Marinette: I am so sorry Scarlet, and you mean like the way shot that web at my ex friends where did that come from?

Scarlet Spider: From my wist of course, I have organic webs, super strength, spider sense that can alert when danger is around, wall climbing, healing factor, and these adamantium claws that come out of my wist as well.(Scarlet Spider saids to Marinette and shows her the powers in which Marinette was shock and yet amazed by his abilities)

Marinette and Tiki: Amazing!

Scarlet Spider: Oh there is one more thing you should know, there is another reason why I know your name is because we met before in school.

Marinette: We met before?

Scarlet Spider: Yup see for yourself and tell me you don't recognize this face.(Scarlet spider saids to Marinette and revels his face as Ben Reilly which brought Marinette into more shock even Tiki)

Marinette: BEN?!!!!!

Ben: Hey Marinette

Marinette: Ok this is a lot to take in right now!

Ben: You wanna come to my place so we can get those cuts and bruises patched up and I will explain the rest of my story to you.

Marinette: Uh ok yea sure that would be best, and I could use some healing.(Marinette saids to Ben in which he puts his mask back on and holds her by the waste in which she blushes red)

Scarlet Spider: Very well hang on tight ok

Marinette: Ok.............(Marinette saids while blushing while being in Scarlets arms)

And with that Scarlet Spider shot his web and both him along with Tiki and Marinette swung away while Marinette was really enjoying the ride she is having and never tried something like this before when she is Ladybug.

Chapter 2 coming soon!

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