The Raft

Inside a small room, Wanda sat opposite of Val as she began questioning her. Wanda was physically and emotionally torn apart. She had no energy left in her body and she was starving of thirst. Her entire body was in pain from the 4 hour treatment she received, but her heart was in even more pain, and her dignity destroyed. Her body was trembling slightly for multiple reasons.

Val: I gotta say... I'm impressed. Of all the years I've worked at the CIA, Damage Control, FBI, Special Forces, the Thunderbolt program... I have never... seen any act this graphic or horrifying in my life. And I witnessed the Sentry tear through my Agents like they were nothing.

Wanda was extremely confused and frightened. She knew exactly what this woman was referring to, but she knew for a fact it wasn't her. It couldn't have been her, could it? But she also thought about the dream she had just a few moments before that happened, which made her doubt her own mind.

Val: Look, we both know you're guilty. The whole world knows it by now, and even the little supporters you garnered with your "hero" act... They're all aware of the truth now too. But Unfortunately I received a call this morning from HQ. Apparently it is still mandatory for all super-powered individuals to have a fair trial no matter the level of danger they pose, as stated by a new bill from the Superhuman Law division. However, due to the nature of your powers and the danger it poses... Bail will not be granted during these proceedings.

Wanda was silent and mentally not present.

Val: Do you understand?

She didn't say a thing.

Val: Nod if you understand.

Wanda nodded slightly.

Val put multiple images on the table one by one. These images were of the brutal scene at S.W.O.R.D, showing Wanda at the center of it all. Taking the lives of everyone in the room showing no restraints.

Val: How do you sleep at night? How is this, the same person as... This!

She threw another image on the table of Wanda rescuing people from the burning building.

Val: What did you gain, trying to fake this "hero" act? Hmm?

Wanda looked at the images at S.W.O.R.D and her entire body went into shock when she saw herself killing those people. She tried to defend herself, but her words couldn't form a sentence. Her voice was barely working from screaming for hours, and she couldn't help but stutter as she spoke.

Wanda: That... that wasn't... me! I... No it c-couldn't be... I can't... I...

Val: It's not you?

Val pointed to the images of the bloodbath at S.W.O.R.D that clearly showed Wanda doing it.

Val: That's not you!? Even in chains, with hard evidence in front of you, you're still in denail.

Wanda: I... I... No this isn't real. This isn't happening... S-something i-is wrong! What's going on!!!

She closed her eyes and shook her head.

Wanda: I don't belong in here! It w-wasn't me! You have to believe me! You don't know wh... what they do to me... I... Please. At least let me call my Husband.

Val: Look at yourself. You're clearly insane. Did you even think about the horrible way you were murdering these people? Did you even think about their families? What about Kamar Taj? Did you not think about their families? Oh yes I know how much you love family.

Wanda had no idea how to defend hersef in this situation. Where does she even begin? She didn't even have the energy or emotional stability at the moment to think rationally, so she kept quiet.

Val: And don't try and blame the darkhold for those actions either, considering your more recent actions it seems more likely you were in full control. I must admit this is our fault too. We should've locked you up the moment Westview was freed from their two week long torture session. I can't believe I'm even in the same room as you. You disgust me.

A giant scar was torn open in Wanda's heart after those words. Revealing a troublesome fact that she never got over what happened at Westview or Kamar Taj.

Wanda: I didn't... mean t--

Val: We're not talking about that now, are we? Although we will most definitely be looking into that again, we're talking about what you did to these innocent S.W.O.R.D employees. Which also raises another question... This very same thing happened at Transia a little more than a year ago, and (gasps sarcastically), you were the only survivor! What a coincidence!

Wanda looked away from her. She was unable to stop her tears from streaming down her face. This was wrong. Something was very wrong, but she had no idea how to even begin to try and explain everything.

Val: We have received very good intel that you were indeed the one who murdered all those innocent souls at Transia, the exact same way you did two days ago. Intel YOU gave!

Wanda: What?

Val: We know about the cryptic messages you left us. It told us you were responsible. Wanda you even looked directly at the camera when leaving clues on the wall! But what we still can't decipher is the word "DnEbOrMtUS".
Ring any bells?

Wanda: I don't... know w-what you're talking about!

She can't even remember doing any of this at S.W.O.R.D, nor can she remember anything of Transia. Maybe it really was her mind playing tricks on her. Maybe she was going insane. Maybe that whole conversation she had with Doctor Strange was all in her mind after all. What if this was all in her mind too?

Wanda: This is a mistake!

She sobbed.

Val: Oh spare me the crocodile tears! We both know you deserve this. If you don't think so, well then you might be more delusional than what your file lets on. You won't admit to anything! You can't even admit to hard evidence in front of your face! What about the exploding cop cars on the bridge? Hmm? Was that somehow also not you?

She cried out to Val in a desperate plea. Sounding like a sincere soul, confused and afraid.

Wanda: Why does this... keep... h-happening to me!? Why can't I just be happy!?

Her plea turned more into a prayer as she looked up at the roof.

Wanda: Why me!? WHY!?

Val: Nobody's coming to save you. You're exactly where you belong. Where monsters get what they deserve.

Wanda: Please stop!

Val: Stop what!?


Val: Stop what!?

Wanda: Stop!!!

Val: Are you responsible for Transia!?

Wanda: I don't know what you're talking about!!!

Val: I'm talking about this!!

She put images on the table, taken at the crime scene after the bodies of multiple heroes and agents were found lying in the streets of Transia along with multiple civilians. Wanda was shook to her core. This must've been the event that took Strange's life. One of the images showed a familiar face that made her gasp.

Wanda: (gasp)

Val: Don't tell me this wasn't you either.

Wanda: Agatha...?

Val: Yes. That's her. Most of her face and skin completely peeled off her body with a missing limb. But you already knew that... didn't you? Because it was you, right? It was you.

Wanda seemed to gag slightly trying to stomach these images. Some of these people felt so familiar to her, but she never met them in her life, or so she thought. (Frank Castle, Elsa Bloodstone, Blade, Robbie Reyes, Moon Knight)

She noticed no images of Strange anywhere. There was no images of Wolverine either but she didn't even know he was involved in whatever this was.

Wanda: Please s-stop sh-howing me this!

Val: Why? Easier to do it than to look at it? You're sick!

Wanda: I'M NOT... SICK!

Suddenly the door slammed open and a voice echoed through the room.

Matt Murdock: Stop talking.

Both of them seemed confused as to who this man was supposed to be. He appeared to be blind.

Matt Murdock (Daredevil): My name is Matthew Murdock, I'll be your attorney... From now on, I'll be your voice. Understood?

Wanda: But--

Matt Murdock: I said stop talking. I'll take it from here.

Val: Excuse me!? Who let you in!?

Matt: Oh I let myself in. See, I have legal authority to be here. Just got off the phone a few hours ago with the DODC HQ and they were more than happy to comply once I... persuaded them to let this go to trial.

Val seemed annoyed and angry.

Val: Do you know who I am!?

Matt: Do you know who this is? She's the reason we're all still alive. I think everyone forgets that part. Anything you say to my client, she has a right to say nothing back. Now, kindly exit the room so that I can have a time alone with her.

Val jumped up from her chair and looked at Matt with a stern expression.

Val: I think I recognize you now. You were involved with the Frank Castle trial some years ago. Seems like you love to defend horrible monsters. That tells me all I need to know about you.

She walked out of the room and left Matt alone with Wanda. He then sat opposite of Wanda and sensed no camera in the room. He noticed the broken state she was in and the restraints they forced on her.

Matt: Wanda... What have they done to you!?

Wanda said nothing. But a tear falling down her cheek said it all. She was caught by surprise when he referred to her by her name and not her alias or surname.

Matt: This is wrong...

Her shallow breaths and shaking body was noticed immediately. He could sense all the ways she was tormented, and some were not linked to pain.

Matt: This is wrong. This is so wrong... How is this legal? Who did this? Are they hurting you?

Out of fear and out of attempted dissociation from the trauma, she didn't want to say anything.

Matt: What are they doing to you?


Matt: Wanda. Please talk to me.


Matt: You're not just hurt... You're hurting.

Wanda: Y-yes...

He already had a feeling about the things she endured and it gave him chills just thinking about it, but he needed to hear it from her, but she didn't want to answer.

Matt: Wanda. Look at me.

She teared up and looked away.

Matt: Hey, look at me.

Her troubled eyes met his face and he could sense her inner turmoil. To such an extent that he could feel overwhelming empathy for her unlike anything he's ever felt before.

Matt: I'm here to help. I'm your attorney. You must tell me everything. Otherwise I can't help you.

She kept quiet.

Matt: Talk to me.

Wanda: I c-can't...

Matt sensed her heart rate going up and decided not to linger more on that subject. But he was suspicious of this place. He also noticed her thirst, so he tried to put her at ease with a simple gesture.

Matt: You seem thirsty. Do they not give you anything to drink in this place?

Wanda: How d-do you... know that?

Matt: I might be blind but I see more clearly than anyone else. I'll be right back.

Matt went out of the room and returned with a glass filled with ice cold water and held it over her mouth as she was unable to use her arms herself. She chugged the entire glass in a matter of seconds.

Matt: This is not right. You shouldn't have to be this thirsty... and you shouldn't be in these... inhumane restraints either.

Wanda: Can I... have s-some m-more... Please?

Matt: Hold on.

He went out and got another glass. She drank it up just as quickly as the last.

Matt sat down on the chair and sensed a tear of relief and gratitude on her face. Wanda felt new life as she was reminded of what she still had outside this hell. People that do care. People with kindness. People that saw her as a human being.

Wanda: Th-thank you.

Matt was stunned at her condition and it saddened him.

Matt: It's all good. What was I supposed to do? Let you suffer in thirst? I wish I got something to eat but--

She coughed up some blood and let out a soft squeal in pain while shutting her eyes closed.

Matt: Are you okay?

Wanda: I-I'm... It hurts... everywhere.

She was not just referring to the physical either.

Matt: Do you wanna continue this tomorrow or should we go on?

Wanda: No Not... not tomorrow.

Matt: Are you sure? I don't think you're in the right condition to--

Wanda: Please... g-go on. (She then whispered) I don't wanna go back there.

Matt: Okay Wanda... Let us proceed then. So as you already guessed, you will be put on trial. We have to be smart about this. Getting you out of here will not be an easy task. No monster in this place ever stood a chance. That footaged looks very convincing. But there are some of your friends... Very noble heroes out there... saying there's no way you could've done this. If we can prove your innocence, we can prove it for the events at Transia as well. Understand?

Wanda: Yes, sir.

Matt: Please, call me Matt. You have to understand that this will be very hard for you. Emotionally even more. The whole world is against you. Literally. And I understand why, considering past events. Unfortunately this will be the biggest case in probably a hundred years if not in history... You're the most famous person in the world by now... But you have to be strong.

She couldn't believe it has come to this. How can she ever endure something like this? An introverted, damaged soul being put on the spotlight, not a good one, while the entire world was watching. She felt another kind of fear right now. A different kind of fear she has never felt before.

Wanda: They all... think I'm some... some evil monster. How w-will I... do this!?

Matt: This could be good. Think about it. It can give you the opportunity to let the world truly see you for who you really are. I can say from personal experience last year during the Incursion, you're not a monster. If we can win the people, we are one step closer already.

Matt sensed her unease, sadness and irregular heartbeat.

Wanda: H-how do you... know about...

He leaned towards her and whispered.

Matt: Because I was there.


Matt: I'm Daredevil.

She was silent for a while.

Wanda: Who?

Matt: You know...

He made pointy horns on his head with his fingers.

Wanda: Y-you're... blind?

Matt: It's complicated. I'm also a good friend of Peter Parker. He seems to have a special reserved place in his heart for you. He pleaded for me to take this case, adamant that there was absolutely no way you could've done this. He was this close to putting on his suit and coming to break you out.

For the first time in a while, Wanda caught herself smiling faintly when she heard what Peter would've done for her. But it was shortlived as her other thoughts buried it six feet under.

Matt: Moments later, Professor Xavier reached out as well. He tried reaching you with something called Cerebro, but this place is somehow blocking him.

Wanda: They... s-sent you?

Matt: Yes. Now you have to be truthful to me. Can you do that?

Wanda: I th-think...

Matt: You think?

Wanda: Everything is... E-everything is a mess. I don't th-think I... I don't think my mind o-or... or my... heart is... trustworthy.

Matt: Well. Good thing I'm here then.

Wanda: What... d-do you mean?

Matt: You could say I have certain talents.

She coughed again and a severe pain shot through her body. She couldn't help but make a sound in pain while she gnashed her teeth.

Matt: Wanda, your eyes. They're bleeding.

She was unable to use her arms to wipe it away as it flowed down freely.

Matt used his hand to wipe it away, and used this opportunity put a secret contact lense in her eye.

Matt: What did they do to you!?

Wanda: I don't... wanna talk about it... W-what's this?

She took small gasps for air. Matt listened to hear if anyone was nearby before he could tell her.

Matt: There's a small camera inside.
Whatever they're doing to you in here... I will not stay quiet about it. Mark my words. They will get what's coming to them.

He showed her multiple images of deceased bodies from both the Transia incident and the event at S.W.O.R.D. Some images were very graphic, to test her response first. He had to know for certain the type of person she is deep down.

Matt sensed her unease, disgust, sadness and confusion. He heard her heartbeat raising as her agst became worse. She looked away with tears in her eyes. This Transia incident was the suppressed memory that started her chronic anxiety, everything that happened in Transia was the leading cause of her agst episodes, but she didn't know.

Wanda: Please... d-don't show me that!

She breathed heavily and was on the brink of another attack.

Matt: It's okay, I just needed to confirm something. It might come in handy. Now will you tell me the truth?

Wanda: Yes.

Matt: Did you or did you not kill those S.W.O.R.D Agents two days ago?

Wanda: I would never.

Matt kept quiet for a few seconds as he listened to her heartbeat, trying to sense if she was lying or telling the truth.

Wanda: I-It wasn't m-me!

Matt: Did you cause the explosion at the bridge that nearly killed multiple cops?

Wanda: No!

Matt: Did you kill those people at Transia a year ago?

Wanda: No! I... I don't even... I can't remember!

Matt: Were you in control when you were corrupted by the darkhold!!?

Wanda: NO!!!

Matt: Was Westview on purpose!?

Wanda: NOOO!!!!

She tensed up and made a small whimper in pain as her throat felt a painful sensation after raising her voice.

Matt: You okay?

Wanda: It... hurts.

Matt: I believe you, Wanda.

Wanda: a-about what?

Matt: Everything. About everything.

Wanda: Just... like... like that?

Matt: Of course I do. And I promise I will do everything I can to get you out of this place. But you gotta work with me. Can you do that?

Wanda: I th-think...

Matt: Good. Now, obviously we want to plead not guilty. So this trial might take while since they will want to look into Transia too, as well as events that occured on Kamar Taj, Universe-838, and Westview. The goal is to win some of the jury and public's empathy first. We cannot get into this without them knowing what you've been through and who you really are. They have to know it all.

Wanda: I don't... think I can do it.

Matt: You won't have to. I'll do the talking. All you have to do is sit and listen and do as I say, okay?

Wanda: O-Okay...

Matt: The more emotions you show during this trial, the better. It shows your vulnerability and humanity, but you always wear your heart on your sleeve anyway so it shouldn't be a problem for you.

Wanda: I can't go through that...

Matt: Wanda, this is the only way. Our only shot. Do you want to live the rest of your life in this hell underneath the ocean?

Just thinking of spending more than a week in this place made her feel numb and hopeless.

Wanda: No. Anything but this! Anything!

Matt: As I said, It will be hard. Being put in the spotlight... being watched by the whole world, being seen as a monster as you sit there under trial for... Horrible things... But you have to push through.

Wanda: W-when will it start?

Matt: In three days. Unfortunately I can't take you with me.

Wanda: No I can't stay here... I can't stay here! Please!

Matt: I'm sorry, Wanda. There's nothing else I can legally do right now.

He stood up and opened the door with sadness.

Wanda: What about my children!?

Matt: Your children?

Wanda: They're missing. They were taken... But they're not here!

Matt stood in front of the door for a few seconds.

Matt: Are you sure they're gone?

Wanda: Yes!

Matt: Thank you for bringing that to my attention.

He walked out of the room hastily.

Wanda: Wait! You can't leave me here! Please! You can't leave me in here!

Matt talked to the guards as he walked past them in the corridor.

Matt: If any of you hurt her again, trust that I'll know.

The guards looked in confusion as he walked away. They went into the room and threw Wanda back into her cell.

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