46: feelings

Sasha's P.O.V:

I think that today was the day I officially realized that I was in love with Damian Wayne.

And yes, I meant what I said.

Everyone's favorite emerald-eyed boy came sauntering into the cafeteria like the total badass that he was at lunchtime on a Monday morning. Damian hardly ever ate in the main dining area, mostly because he hated being around people. On the days that I didn't sit with him, he was off doing his own thing, whether that be working out in the school gym, studying in the library, or sneaking off to patrol the city as Robin.

But today was different. Today, all eyes were on him as he headed toward the jock table that Rebecca had dragged me along to, despite my rapidly beating heart at the thought that Drake could be back and sitting there. Again.

Girls were swooning and boys were glaring in a mixture of envy and intimidation as Damian made his toward us. He looked stupidly attractive, his uniform rolled at the sleeves and his collar slightly undone, revealing a bit of his tan chest. His hair was messy from gym class, and his brows were furrowed, a very concentrated look on his face.

I knew that look. It was the look he got when he had a mission to complete. When Robin had a mission to complete.

He dumped his tray full of fancy private-school food onto the jock table, then dropped casually into the chair, directly across from me.

In Drake's seat, might I add.

Talk about a power move.

It would've been an understatement to say that everyone was shocked at his arrival. They were petrified, almost, that this boy, the son of Bruce Wayne and probably the most respected (and feared) person in the entire school, was sitting with them.

"Uh, sup, Wayne..." one of the boys spoke, appearing almost nervous around him. The others immediately all went to greet him, offering fist bumps, casual nods, and other salutations.

But Damian's eyes were trained on me, those forest-green irises enchanting me like they always did. He leaned back into his chair and flashed me a tiny smirk, and even though it was quite faint, I still noticed it, my cheeks burning as I tried to stop my own lips from smiling back.

What was he doing here? He never sat in groups, especially not ones with thick-minded people like these.

Don't get me wrong, I didn't have anything against these people. Personally I enjoyed their sense of humor and playfulness, they made me laugh and kept me entertained. But intelligence-wise? They were highly unstimulating.

But maybe only ten minutes passed before Drake entered, entitled as ever, marching across the cafeteria toward the table he always sat at. Except this time he stopped, saw the boy who had tried to kill him on several occasions sitting in his seat, and froze.

That was when I knew what he was doing.

Like superman, Damian seemed to pick up on Drake's presence immediately. He grabbed his knife and fork as if he was about to start eating the expensive-looking steak in front of him. But then his jaw clenched and he stared right into Drake's shocked face with a cold, challenging sort of look.

Everyone else was too busy talking and being loud to notice what was happening between the two boys, but I did. Damian's eyes were now narrowed into slits, and without breaking eye-contact with Drake, he twisted the serated steak knife around in his hand so that his fist was clenched around the handle and it was pointing downwards at his plate.

Then he stabbed the knife -- rather aggressively, might I add -- right into the center of the thick steak below, startling pretty much everyone at the table. He was still glaring daggers directly at Drake, not even looking at his plate once, yet somehow managing to get it dead in the middle.

It was pretty obvious to anyone within sight to figure out what that meant: if I see you again, you're dead meat. Literally.

Drake seemed to figure this out, too, because he visibly swallowed and his face paled. It looked like he'd seen a ghost, the sandwich in his hand dropping to the floor like he was too paralyzed to even hold it. He turned on his heels and practically bolted out of the cafeteria.

"Henderson won't be sitting with you anymore," Damian announced nonchalantly, turning back to the table with a satisfied smile on his lips. He removed the knife from his steak casually like he hadn't just threatened to kill someone with it.

Everyone at the table nodded along with him, some confused, some terrified, but no one daring to oppose him.

Damian's eyes turned back to mine and they glistened knowingly. That smirk of his had my heart beating at a hundred miles a minute. He looked undeniably attractive sitting there, appearing all dark and murderous yet protective and completely hot at the same time.

I shook my head at him in mock-disapproval, however I couldn't physically hide the huge smile that was creeping onto my face.

Oh, he's evil, all right. He's evil and I love him.

And that was when I knew.


A few weeks later

Damian's P.O.V:

"Damian, I cant do this..." Sasha mumbled, folding her arms over her chest and almost caving into herself.

I was torn between laughing at her or being genuinely concerned. It was so odd that Sasha, of all people, was so afraid of this. So afraid of something that she could easily defend herself against, if need be.

We stood at the entrance of the Batcave, the clear glass elevator door being the only thing separating us from the cave. "There's nothing to be afraid of," I spoke, moving my finger toward the open button.

But Sasha grabbed my arm and forcefully pulled it away, her eyes wide with fear. "No, don't press that! Please, I can't do this."

I glanced down at her grip on my wrist, her soft palms clenched down hard. She was using a surprising amount of force, and although I would never admit it to anyone, it was so strong she probably could've overpowered me.

"Sasha, your being ridiculous. He won't hurt you," I spoke calmly, my eyes locking on her pale blue ones. She looked so unnaturally frightened, it was quite shocking.

She continued to shake her head repeatedly, fingers tightening around my wrist and surprisingly hurting me. It wasn't everyday that someone of her build and weight managed to inflict pain in me, the son of Batman and Talia Al Ghul.

It was weird.

I went to pry her fingers off of me, speaking softly, "Just trust me. I won't let anything happen to you."

She reluctantly let me remove her hands, her eyes remaining trained on mine. I moved slowly to the open button and pressed it, the hissing sound of the elevator doors sliding filling the space around us.

Sasha pushed herself back into the wall. "Oh, shit, I'm gonna die. I'm gonna have a panic attack. I think I'm hyperventilating," she began to ramble, raking her hands through her hair.

But I grabbed her arms and pulled them away from her head, then slowly lead her outside of the elevator like she was an elderly person who needed help walking. The things I do for people.

"You're fine," I told her firmly. She was acting like a baby and it was quite frustrating. "He's not gonna hurt you."

Then I turned, my hands still tightly gripping hers so that she wouldn't bolt. An abundance of gadgets, vehicles, and bat-tech stood before me, the cave ceiling hanging hundreds of feet above. I cupped one hand around my mouth and called out, "Titus!"

Almost immediately, the sound of a jingling collar and bounding footsteps could be heard. Sasha heard this, too, and freaked, attempting to pull herself free from my grasp and make a run for it.

But I grabbed her arms and held her there, her body struggling against me. "No, no, please, Damian, let me go," she was pleading.

I ignored her as my eyes landed on the dark figure leaping toward us. "Here, boy," I said, an involuntary smile stretching onto my lips as the black-coated Great Dane jumped excitedly to our feet.

Sasha screamed at the sight of him, trying desperately to run away and almost making me lose my footing on the ground at how violently she was pulling against me.

"Sasha, relax," I tried to console her, holding her firmly in place. Realizing I wasn't going to let go, she stopped moving so much and stood a little stiller, however the fear in her eyes was prominent.

In an even tone I spoke, "I'm going to let go of you, and you are going to pet him, okay?"

Then I slowly dropped her hands, hoping she wouldn't run again. I'd catch up to her in an instant even if she did. She needed to face her unreasonable fear of dogs. Sasha, of all people, was much tougher than this.

She didn't bolt, to my surprise, instead standing frozen like a statue as I bent down to Titus' level and scratched his ears. He licked at my hands and jumped around a little more, his tail wagging.

I held out my hand toward Sasha, glancing expectantly at her. She was still paralyzed and looked seconds from running.

"I'm right here," I told her, and her eyes met mine again, something settling inside of them at my words.

Sasha swallowed, but nevertheless, she gingerly placed her fingers in mine. I guided them toward Titus' head, his snout moving to her palm and taking in her scent. Then he licked her hand, and shoved his head beneath her fingers, giving her permission to pet him. Sasha flinched and pulled away on reflex, but I brought her arm back toward him.

Her fingers trailed down the side of his face, and then to my surprise, she took a step forward and continued to trace it along his fur, all the way down his neck and back.

"He's so soft," she whispered, the faintest smile forming on her lips. And when I let go of her hand, she didn't run away. Instead she continued to pet him, Titus happily enjoying all the attention.

Mission accomplished.

Sasha bent down to her knees and placed both hands around his face. He licked at her cheek and she laughed, scratching behind his ears and stroking his neck. I stared at her in a mixture of shock and awe, surprised that she'd managed to get this comfortable around him so quickly.

"You did it," I said.

Sasha glanced at me, her brows furrowing in confusion and realization.

"I... I did it."


Sasha's P.O.V

I think dogs are my favorite animal now. Especially Great Danes.

Damian had cured me of my traumatic fear of animals, mostly dogs, by forcing me to meet his beautiful pet Titus. Titus was by far the sweetest creature I'd ever laid eyes on, minus all the batman-style training Damian had put him under that had caused him to become an animal version of his owner. For example, he was very alert and smart, and over the hours I'd spent with him I'd realized just how calm and collected he was for a dog.

Now I was staggering up the stairs with an assortment of snacks in my arms, including candies and chocolate bars and packets of chips. I was dressed in comfy over-sized lounge wear and heading up toward one of the multiple living rooms, where Damian and Titus were meant to be waiting for me.

It's movie time, bitches.

That's right. I had somehow forced the notorious Damian Wayne to watch a Disney movie with me. Multiple Disney movies, in fact. And he wasn't allowed to leave.

"I have acquired the package," I announced in a mock-deep voice, holding up the snacks while entering the room to find Damian playing with Titus' ears. "Transporting to your location now."

He sent me a sour look. "Why can't you just speak normally?"

I tossed the assortment of foods onto the huge white couch and caught my breath. I definitely felt out of shape having walked up all those stairs while trying to balance snacks at the same time. It was kind of worrying. Maybe I needed to work out more.

"You're one to talk, Mister I-was-raised-by-an-army-of-assassins," I replied.

Damian just grunted at that, knowing that I was right. Of course I was right, I was always right.

I threw myself onto the plush sofa and stretched out my limbs, letting out a loud yawn. Damian sat with Titus on his lap at the end of the couch, right next to my outstretched legs. "Make yourself comfortable," he muttered sarcastically, scratching Titus' ears.

I just smiled wildly and placed my feet on his lap. "I will, thanks."

But suddenly Titus grew quite eager at my presence and jumped on to me, causing me to let out a yelp as he started licking my face profusely.

"Titus, stop!" I squealed, trying to shove him off me. He wouldn't listen to me as I shrieked and struggled against his weight. "Damian, get him off me!"

But Damian was just staring at me with a hint of a smirk, watching as his huge dog slobbered all over my face. "Nah, I'm good."

I groaned at his words and continued to shield myself from the tongue attacking my cheek. "Come on, please!"

When he still wouldn't do it, I managed to push the dog off me for a few seconds, allowing me to roll off the side of the sofa and land on my stomach on the carpet. Ow.

Titus went to attack me again but this time Damian finally spoke up, "Titus, no."

I picked myself off the floor and wiped at the saliva on my face. "This is so gross!" I whined, glaring daggers at the raven haired boy chuckling quietly to himself on the couch.

Two can play at that game, then.

I stepped toward him and dragged my wet hand down the side of his face. Damian practically jumped at the sliminess and shoved me off of him, causing me to explode with giggles. He wiped at his cheek repeatedly and made a retching face.

"You're disgusting."

I went to wipe my hand on him again, but this time he grabbed my wrist and twisted me around, slamming me into the couch so that now he was on top of me, holding me down as I laid there laughing.

I was in slight shock at the speed of his takedown; he'd reacted so quickly. But then I realized just how close his face was to mine, his hair hanging down on me and almost brushing against my cheek. Those emerald eyes of his were glaring at me, clearly pissed with me.

"Okay, I'm sorry," I apologized, rolling my eyes at him to try and take away from the fact that I felt his muscles pressed against me and it was sending my heart into cardiac arrest. I hoped to God he couldn't hear my pulse beating rapidly. Having him on top of me like this was making me feel some kind of way.

Damian's eyes drifted down to my shirt, and his eyes narrowed as if he'd just noticed something strange.

"Are you wearing my sweater?"

Oh, shit.

I realized then I was in fact wearing Damian's gray sweater. It was his preppy-looking one, the one that screamed I'm the son of a billionaire. He'd lent me it on that evening when I'd used his shower and forgotten a change of clothes.

I flashed him a nervous smile. "Maybe...?"

Damian still had me pinned to the sofa, his hand still grasping my wrist. There was something strange settling in his eyes, something strange radiating from him as he continued to stare at me.

"It looks good on you."

Now my heart was beating at a hundred miles a second.

Oh my God, what the fuck is happening.

I could feel my cheeks turning redder than a tomato. Damian Wayne had just complimented me. Complimented my appearance. And he was currently lying on top of me, his face only inches from mine.

I swallowed. "Uh, thanks."

Seriously, Sasha? "Thanks?"

Feeling the need to say something else, I added, "Well," and bit my lip at the laugh that was threatening to escape my lips, "Titus kinda ruined it now."

Damian's eyes drifted to my still slobbery hand and he let go of me, lifting his body off mine as I let out a sigh of relief. Jesus Christ, that had been too much to handle.

"Gross," Damian muttered, still rubbing at his cheek when he added, "We should wash this off."

I laughed at him again, watching as he made his way to the nearest bathroom. He glared at me over his shoulder, "It's not funny, it's incredibly unhygienic, actually," he snapped, which only made me laugh more.

About ten minutes later, we both sat slobber-less on the sofa after having washed our faces. It was dark outside, the sun had just about finished setting and now we were flicking through the abundance of Disney movies that Bruce had on all of his TVs. Being the billionaire that he was, he had every movie imaginable available for free. He also had Netflix, Disney Plus, Amazon Prime, HBO and more.

"Moana?" I suggested, flicking through the film list and sparing a glance at Damian.

He just frowned at the screen lit up with Maui's face. "That looks stupid."

I rolled my eyes at him for probably the tenth time. "Come on, boy wonder, this is like the twentieth movie you've said no to. They're not all that bad. I haven't even seen them all yet but I'm still being open-minded."

Damian continued to pet Titus' head, being oddly gentle with the beast and very unlike himself. It was interesting to watch.

Without looking up he spoke, "If you insist on us watching mindless fiction, at least choose something of a more mature nature."

But I shook my head at that, refusing to sit through anything other then a kid's film. "Nope, we're watching a Disney movie. You need to familiarize yourself with children's entertainment. You're too dark and brooding as it is."

He shrugged at my words, glancing at me from the corner of his eye. "Dark and brooding is better than naive," he muttered.

I smacked his arm with the remote at those words. "I'm not naive!"

If only you knew just how much bad stuff I did before I came here.

Turning back to the TV, I flicked to the next film, the screen lighting up with a picture of a girl holding a katana. Oh, fuck yes.

"Oh my god!" I practically shrieked, excitement taking over me. I lunged at Damian and shook his arm. "We have to watch Mulan! It's about samurai's and swords and fighting and all that stuff you like."

Damian was still frowning, however there was a hint of intrigue in his eyes now. I groaned dramatically at his lack of enthusiasm and pleaded, "Come on, out of all the movies, this is the one you'll love. I promise."

I even flashed him puppy-dog eyes that I knew probably wouldn't work, but was worth a try.

Titus let out a small bark at that moment, a deep noise that echoed throughout the room. He was looking directly into Damian's beautiful eyes as if to say that he agreed with my decision. I laughed and added, "See, even Titus thinks so."

Damian rolled his eyes. "Fine. But don't expect me to enjoy this, because I won't."

I smiled widely and selected Mulan from the list of films. "We'll see about that, tough guy."

what up hoes how are u enjoying the story? let me know if i'm doing it right cause i feel like i'm not lmao. this is my second update of the day cause i've kinda been pre-writing stuff and then trying to figure out which order i wanna post them. also i introduced titus so i hope y'all liked that!

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