43: old foes

I waited for Drake's meat-head friends to reach the end of the corridor and turn, giving me chance to escape.

Once I was certain they'd disappeared, I exited the classroom and headed back the way I came. I would have to find a different bathroom, it seemed, but that didn't matter. Anything to avoid being pumelled by those boys.

But I was too busy looking over my shoulder to notice that they had in fact tricked me. Suddenly they appeared in front of me, grabbing me by both my arms, completely catching me off guard. I screamed as they dragged me to the left and out the doors that lead outside.

Shit, shit, shit.

"Let go of me!" I growled at them, attempting to free my arms and perform some kind of judo throw. "You're fucking with the wrong person, you hear me? I could kill you!"

But they managed to contain my struggling body with their beefy bodies and height. I kicked at them and tried to pull away, however it was no use. Their strength overpowered my skill.

Now we were outside and the sun shone down on me, catching my eyes and blinding me. They dragged me toward the back of the building, somewhere far away and isolated from students and teachers.

"Do you not know what I could do to you?" I yelled at them, refusing to give up as I tried to yank myself free. "I'll fucking snap your necks!"

"Shut up," one of them snapped at me, the tallest one with sandy hair and a bandaid on his nose. I gathered up saliva in my mouth and spat at him, causing him to reel back in disgust and let go of my arm.

I used that free hand to send a lightning-fast punch to the other boy's face, knocking him back. I then pulled my second arm free and lunged at him, sending my foot to his stomach and winding him.

But then the first boy wrapped his arms around my neck from behind me, holding me in a headlock. My mind raced with hundreds of alternative moves to get myself free, and I was about to give this guy hell when a voice interupted my thoughts.

"Hey, Sasha, long time no see," Drake entered my line of sight, eyes narrowed into a look of pure hate.

He glanced down at his friend, who was groaning on the floor. "Get up," he hissed, and the boy painfully moved to his feet.

"What the fuck do you want from me?" I growled at him, anger coursing through my veins. I kicked at the dude holding me, who was surprisingly stronger then I realized and refused to let go of me.

"Drop her," Drake ordered him, and like a dog serving his master he did just that, throwing me to the grass.

I landed on my stomach, my hands catching me before my face smashed into the dirt. I went to push myself up but Drake was there, sending a kick to my gut that made me grunt in pain. He had hit me right where my stab wound was still healing, and the agony was so horrifying I almost wanted to throw up.

I rolled onto my side, holding my stomach as I glared up at him. Maybe it had just been a lucky shot, but somehow he'd managed to kick me in that exact spot. It was where I was weakest right now, and I was barely even able to move, let alone stand up.

Choosing to stall so I could think up an escape strategy, I said, "You're seriously still mad at me, huh? It's been like a month, get over it."

This only seemed to make him more angry, however, and he crouched down in front of me. "You're boyfriend nearly killed me, so I'm pretty sure I'm allowed to be just a tiny bit mad, don't you think?"

Fair point.

"Can't you go punch a wall like every other kid does, then?" I snickered, offering him a weak but still smug smile.

Drake's glare only deepened, and I realized I'd made a mistake.

So much for escape strategy.

He picked me up by my hair, yanking my to my feet as I cried out and reached for his hands. "You think you're funny, don't you?" He sneered, slamming up against the brick wall of the school building.

His beefy minions appeared at my sides and gripped my arms, holding me in place so I couldn't move. Drake grabbed my face with one hand and brought it close to his, snarling, "I'll show you funny."

I glanced down and noticed him extending his other hand toward one of the meat-heads, who reached into his pocket and pulled out a swiss army knife. He placed it in Drakes palm and I watched as he brought it up to my cheek.

Stupid fucking blood poisoning, I scolded myself, fury taking over me. If I hadn't been fucking stabbed and then gotten infected then none of this would be happening.

"Do you know just how many things I could do to you with this knife?" He smiled, though their was no joy in that smile, only hate. He moved it down my face, down my neck, down my collar bone and then toward the buttons of my school shirt.

I felt my heart beginning to beat more rapidly at that.

No, no, no.

Fuck, not again.

He let the hand that he was using to cup my face fall to my shoulder, his fingers tracing along the skin that rested at my collar. "Let's finish what we started at that party, yeah?" He whispered into my ear, trailing his hand down my shirt.

I tried to move but I was overpowered, the boys to my sides holding me down and Drake's knife slicing through my shirt.

How had I managed to get into this situation again? After everything that had happened last time, me getting drunk and letting my guard down, I'd sworn to never be that vulnerable again.

Now this time, Drake had two 200 pound guys on his side. Taking on each of them one by one would've been easy, but they'd known that, and they were smarter then I'd anticipated. They'd ganged up on me because they'd known I wouldn't be able to take them all on at the same time, especially with the two meat-heads weighing at least double my own weight.

And on top of that, he managed to kick me in my injury? My only weakness? Seriously? Was I cursed or something?

Maybe I'm just pure bad luck.

I was mad at myself, I was so, so mad at myself. How could I let this happen to me? Why was a such a fucking idiot?

But the sound of a blade being switched open from behind us caused all four of our heads to turn.

"Call that a knife, Henderson?" A cold voice spoke, and in a split second Drake was torn from me and slammed against a neighbouring brick wall, the same military knife from Coach Donovan's house pressed to his neck.


The meat-heads moved to help their friend and subsequently let go of me. Mustering all of my energy and trying my best to ignore the pain in my side, I swung my fist into the nearest one's face, his nose snapping rather loudly as he screamed and smashed into the ground.

I spun before the second guy could react and sent my elbow to his chin, then hooked my ankle around his knee and pulled his leg out from beneath him. With a flail of arms he tumbled to the ground, landing painfully on his back.

I kicked him in the face with the heel of my shoe and blood sprayed, making me smile at the sight of it. "I told you I could kill you," I seethed, turning to the second boy and crouching by his head, bashing it into the floor.

"Fucking piece of shit," I muttered, wiping blood from my trembling hands.

I glanced down at my ripped shirt and could see the bandages where my wound was. They had turned slightly red, meaning that the wound was bleeding again.

Fucking pricks.

But then I remembered that Damian was still threatening to slit Drake's throat open, and I turned toward them, noticing the look of absolute fear that shot through the boy's face.

"Nice stitches," Damian was snarling, a very evil look plastered across his face. "Looks like you healed up nice and quick, huh? Would be a be a shame if someone were to reverse all that."

Drake looked absolutely terrified. "You weren't meant to be here," he spluttered, glancing at me and then back into his eyes. "You were meant to be at therapy."

Damian had that empty, detached look in his eyes again. He wasn't even mad, per say, just purely cold.

"Let me get this straight," he began, brows creasing thoughtfully. "You thought that you'd try and assault the girl who's friend put you in hospital for a month, while he was at therapy for said incident?"

Drake was still eyeing the blade that was inching closer and closer toward his throat. Damian added, "Do you understand how ridiculous that sounds?"

When he got no reply, he pulled Drake forward and smashed him back into the brick wall. "I said, do you understand how ridiculous that sounds?"

Drake winced back, "Yes, I do."

Now Damian's eyes were narrowed into slits. "I should kill you. I should fucking kill you."

I knew I had to step in now. I couldn't bare watching him get this worked up over me. He was risking expulsion for something that was my fault, not his.

"Damian, don't," I said, although I did want to see that knife slicing through the veins of Drake's neck.

He glanced at me from the corner of his eye, his face softening ever so slightly. "What?"

I stood there, panting and out of breath from everything that had just happened, pressing both my palms into my side in hopes to stop the blood that was soaking my bandages. I shook my head and staggered forward him. "Don't hurt him. Just let him go, okay? Just let him go."

I could sense Damian's shock, and knew that his desire to kill Drake growing by the second. I wanted him to do it, in all honesty. But I also didn't want him to go to jail for life. And especially doing it here, on school property. It was all just too risky.

But Damian was smart, and he seemed to realize this, too, because suddenly his grip on Drake loosened and he violently shoved the boy to the floor.

I could practically hear him chanting justice, not vengeance to himself on repeat. It was something Bruce always told him whenever he wanted to kill someone. It seemed that it was working.

"Leave," Damian spat as Drake scrambled to his feet. "And if I ever see you anywhere near her again I will rip the skin off your face."

We stood there, both breathless as we watched Drake running across the perfectly trimmed grass of the oval like his life depended on it. Damian looked livid, his jaw clenched and his hands bunched into fists. I wanted to reach for him and tell him to calm down, but I couldn't when my own heart was still beating at one hundred miles a minute.

I took a step back, my body shaking with the realization of what had just happened to me. Of what Drake has just tried to do to me.

My eyes began to cloud with mist. I was... crying, it seemed, but not from being hurt. It was from the shock of what had happened. My mind was finally processing it, and now I realized just how scared I'd been.

Damian turned to me then, his eyes filling with concern at the sight of me. "Sasha?"

I faced away from him, furiously wiping at my eyes with the palms of my hands. He couldn't see me like this, being weak again. Not after he'd had to just come and save my ass. It was embarrassing.

His hand was suddenly on my shoulder, warm skin pressing against the part of skin above my collar, and I flinched.

"Did he hurt you," Damian demanded, his voice laced with worry. When I wouldn't answer he moved in front of me so that he could see my face. "Sasha, look at me."

I pulled away from him, walking off into the opposite direction. I was desperate to be left alone, I didn't want him to see me crying like this. I didn't want to appear vulnerable. I hated it.

"I'm fine," I spoke harshly, way too harshly for someone who had tears streaming down her cheeks.

Damian obviously new I was lying. Very suddenly, he wrapped both his arms around me and I found myself startled at the realization that Damian Wayne was hugging me, for the first time ever.

Feeling his muscles against me and the warmth of his skin radiating through that white shirt of his uniform made me bury my face into his shoulder and wrap my arms around him. It was at that moment that I gave in and let the words spill out of my mouth.

"He tried to do it again," I whispered, my breathing ragged and my voice cracking as I clutched him. "They held me down and he tried to do it again."

I felt Damian tense from beneath me and he pulled away, almost as if he was about to go charge after Drake with that knife and finish him off for good.

But I stopped him, gripping his arm tightly so that his gaze was torn to mine. "No, please," I begged him, unable to stop the sheer sorrow and desperation I felt inside. "Please, don't leave me."

And to my surprise, he didn't. He put aside his hate and his rage and he held me, letting me cry into his arms.

"I promise I won't let this happen again," he swore to me, arms gripping me tightly as he rested his chin on my shoulder. "If anyone ever touches you again I'll kill them, okay?"

I could only smile at his aggressive words, causing me to chuckle even through my tears. "I know," I sniffled back, and I closed my eyes as I listened to his heart beating in his chest. "I know."

raise your hands if u hate drake with a passion *raises hand aggressively*

this was originally a lot longer but i thought i'd split it up. i have a shit ton of ideas for the next chapters so get ready bitcheessss!! and thanks everyone for 37k x

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