40: the kiss

Look at this cute Damian and Beast boy drawing! This is kinda what I imagine to Damian to look like.

A week later

I exited my bathroom with a towel wrapped loosely around my body. It was late, too late for me to be having a shower. But I had woken in the middle of the night from another one of my gross nightmares. I'd been all sweaty and sticky, and I couldn't help it.

I headed to my walk in closet to find my pajamas. Wind whistled through my open huge french windows, luminescant moonlight seeping into my room.

But there was a noise, faint and most likely nonexistent to the average human ears. I sensed a presence from somewhere behind me.

I whipped around and let out a small scream at the figure standing on my window sill. I jumped back and nearly dropped my towel.

"Could you be any louder?" Damian's scarcastic voice filled the air, and relief washed through me.

"You scared the shit out of me!" I replied, my heart pumping like a jackhammer in my chest.

He was dressed in his Robin uniform, having most likely just gotten back from patrol. He began to peel off the armored parts of his suit before throwing himself down into my pink chair and undoing his boots.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned, confusion now taking over from my initial fear. I glanced at my phone and saw that it was two in the morning. Then I realized that I was still dripping wet in my towel, and I clutched it closer to my chest. "And you can't just show up like that. I could've been naked!"

Damian just shrugged, continuing to tug his shoes off as he glanced at me, eyes scanning my body.

I fished out my pajamas and rushed to the bathroom, changing quickly. By the time I entered my room again Damian was sitting on the end of my bed, his head in his hands. He looked sad, almost, or at the evry least distressed.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked softly, sliding onto my bed and shuffling up beside him.

Damian pulled his hands away from his face and stiffened, refusing to make eye-contact with me.

"Nothing. I'm fine."

But that was such an obvious lie. Why else would he be here at 2 in the morning with no context, acting stranger than usual?

The moonlight was shining down on him, his skin glowing beneath it. He looked almost angelic. At least, until I saw his cut lip and black eye.

"Woah," I breathed, instinctively reaching for his face. He flinched at my touch, jerking his head away from me.

Something was definitely wrong.

"What happened, Damian?" I questioned. "That looks bad. Badder than usual."

Damian had been visiting me a lot these past few nights, though never at this time. He usually came through my bedroom door, too, not the window. It had become a weird little habit of ours, where he'd tell me about his night and the people he'd fought with Bruce.

"It's fine. It doesn't hurt," he spoke blankly, eyes finally meeting mine. I noticed how those emerald irises almost seemed to shimmer under the light. It was truly beautiful.

I realized then how close we were. Fuck, he was probably so uncomfortable. I always tended to move toward him without realizing just how badly I was invading his space. And considering that he hadn't mentioned anything about our kiss in two weeks, he obviosuly didn't like me in that way.


I distanced myself from him, clearing my throat to try and relieve the awkwardness. But Damian just continued to stare at me, examining my face, taking in all my flaws and ugly features. I always felt so insecure when I was with him. He looked like a sculpted god and i was just, well, me, a mere rat in comparison.

"Sasha," he suddenly spoke, drawing my eyes to his.

I quickly stared back down at my hands, trying to avoid his eyes. I didnt like knowing he was looking at me, I always had to avert my gaze.

He titled his head to the side. "Why were you showering at two am?"

Yeah, that's a good question.

"I, uh, woke up... sweaty," I mumbled, a nervous laughter escaping my lips. "You know me."

He just frowned at that, eyes never leaving mine. I noticed how they focused on my lips for a while, then my body, then my eyes again. He was taking in my full appearance and I hated it. It was fucking two am and I had just showered, I looked like actual shit.

"You had a nightmare again," he said, and he didn't say it like a question, he said it like a fact.

I'd told him before that I frequently experienced nightmares about midnight. I hadn't really thought that he'd remembered that, though, and I was slightly surprised.

"Yeah..." I swallowed, tearing my eyes away from his. Then, realizing that he was still sitting there with a bruised and bloodied face which was ten times more important, I said, "But it's not a big deal, and you still haven't told me what happened to you. are you okay?"

He turned his head toward the window, the moonlight casting down on us. "Like I said, it's nothing. I've had worse."

That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt, though.

I didn't realize that my hand had subconsciously moved to rest on his shoulder, and I quickly pulled it away.

Fuck, Sasha, you need to stop. Control yourself.

But I just really wanted to touch him. I wanted to press my hand against his warm skin, wanted to rest my head in the nook of his neck. But I couldn't bring myself to do that knowing he didn't like me the way I liked him. Knowing that I'd kissed him and he hadn't even said a word about it.

Damian was looking at me now, his face creased into a look of confusion. "Why do you keep doing that?"

Oh, shit.

"Keep doing what?" I questioned nervously, knowing exactly what he meant but refusing to admit it.

He turned to fully face me, eyes searching mine for some kind of answer. "You keep distancing yourself from me," he said, and then in a quieter, more concerned voice he added, "Did I do something wrong?"

You could never do anything wrong, I wanted to say. Despite all the shit you put me through, nothing you do is ever wrong.

"No, it's not you," I replied quickly, almost too quickly. I wanted to slap myself for being so nervous around him like this. It was so stupid.

He wouldn't stop staring at me with those gorgeous eyes accompanied by that gorgeous face and that gorgeous body. I felt myself sweating even being in the same room as him, let alone only inches from his face. He was making me crazy.

Was this really what having a crush was like?? I'd never really had a full-blown one like this before. It was so painful and all-consuming, yet I couldn't stop it from occurring.

"It's just... it's just, uh," I stuttered, struggling to find an excuse to use. I was a mumbling mess and it was excruciating to watch. "I, uh, I just don't want to..."

"Sasha," Damian spoke calmly, a slight smirk on his lips. He was clearly well aware of how my anxiety was skyrocketing. "Relax."

How can you say that?? How am I supposed to relax around you??

I tucked my hair behind my ears out of nervousness, avoiding his eyes at all costs.

Okay, breathe. You need to tell him the truth. Just say how you feel.

I took a very deep breath, feeling my heart beat quickening at what I was absout to do.

You had the courage to fucking kiss him, you dumbass. I'm pretty sure you can muster enough to tell him how you feel.

And then suddenly, I blurted, "I'm just really confused because I... because I want to be close to you but I feel like you don't wanna be close to me so I'm trying to give you space but at the same time I can't control myself around you and it's driving me insane."

Oh, dear lord.

What the fuck have I done.

Damian was just staring blankly at the side of my face as I squeezed my eyes shut and cringed so fucking hard at myself.

Why am I like this?? Why can't I just be normal?? Is it really that hard?

But what he said next had me surprised as hell. "Why do you think I don't want to be close to you?"

I snapped my head toward him, my face twisted into shock. "What?"

He stared back at me with a puzzled and slightly weirded out expression. "You're confusing me."

I shook my head, still shocked by what he'd previously said. I shuffled around so that we were racing eachother properly, my eyes wide. "Wait, so you want to be close to me? But I thought you didn't... like me?"

This time it was his turn to look away, a flash of red tingeing his cheeks, and I suddenly realised that he was fucking blushing.

Damian Wayne was fucking blushing.

I swallowed, deciding it was best now for me to just get everything out now. "When I... kissed you, you didn't talk about it at all. You acted like it hadn't happened. I thought... I thought that meant you didn't want to be near me."

I couldn't help but stare at that sharp jawline as his face remained turned away, his eyes focused on the floor. I wished I could peek inside his brain and see what he was thinking about right now. I wished that I could get just a glimpse of his thoughts on this subject. I needed to know where his head was at.

"Sasha," he began, letting out a sigh and running a hand through his hair. "When you kissed me you were out of it. You were drugged up. You weren't aware of your actions."

I squinted at him, confusion washing over me. Was this really what he thought? That I had kissed him out of impulsivity when my emotions were heightened by anaesthetic?

He glanced at me again, emerald eyes locking on mine. "I thought... I thought it didn't mean anything."

Oh, no.

Is this why he was behaving so nonchalantly about it? Is this why he had gone back to being cold Damian again?

Memories from the past two weeks resurfaced, suddenly making sense. That afternoon when I'd slashed Coach Donovan's tires and Damian had told me that I should've realized Bruce would place a tracker on me the minute I discovered he was Batman. I had replied that the reason I hadn't realized was because I had been "out of it" thanks to all the drugs. He had replied, "Clearly," and I hadn't realised what he'd meant by that until now.

"You thought I didn't mean it?" I exhaled, my voice breaking as a sense of pain took over me.

Oh god, I had messed up bad. All this time he had thought that it had just been a spur of the moment, while I had thought that he just didn't like me back.

This time when I reached for his face, I didn't stop myself, instead tracing my fingers across his right cheek. "Damian, I did mean it," I spluttered, needing him to know just how desperate I was to fix this. "I meant every word I said, I promise."

He looked startled, his eyes widening slightly as they flickered over me.

But then suddenly he ripped my hand away from his face, getting off the bed and backing away. He ran his hands through his hair anxiously, turning so that his back was facing me.

"No, no," he muttered, glancing back at me. "You're lying, aren't you? You're messing with me."

I shook my head profusively, scrambling to my feet and moving toward him. "I swear, I'm not."

He looked so confused and distressed. "I don't get it. I'm a murderer, I'm an assassin. Everyone calls me an asshole and it's true, I'm mean and violent and selfish. How could you like someone like me?"

I gripped his arm, lowering it from his head. "Calm down, Dami," I coaxed, smiling at the old nickname. "Just calm down, okay?"

I looked straight into his eyes, forcing him to look back. He eventually stopped moving and became still and calm again, just like the Damian I knew. The cool and collected Damian who thought he was better than everyone else.

But then he pried my fingers from his arm with his free hand, stepping away from me and moving toward the window.

"I... can't," he said, propping himself onto the window sill, his face turned toward the dark sky outside.

I stepped toward him, anxiety rushing through my chest. "What do you mean you can't?"

He glanced at me, then quickly turned away as if he couldn't bare to look at me.

"Whatever this is, between us, it can't happen. I'm not cut out for this stuff, I'm Robin first and foremost. I can't afford distractions."

I just stared at him as he prepared to leave, lowering himself into a crouch. I didn't want him to go, I wanted to sort this out. Yes, he was Robin, but Robin was allowed to have a break every now and then. Robin was allowed to love, wasn't he?

"So you don't want this to happen then?" I asked, my voice noticeably shaky as I added, "That's it? You don't like me?"

"Of course I like you!" His voice cut in sharply, and then we both froze, realization hitting us.


He clenched his eyes shut, seemingly regretting speaking in the first place. I couldn't stop the tiny smile that reached my lips as I tucked more hair behind my ears in embarrassment. My face had most definitely gone red but by now I didn't even care.

"That... that wasn't meant to happen," Damian cursed, clearly frustrated with himself.

I took a couple steps closer to him, running my hands through my hair. "Look, I know what you're doing, Damian. I know it because I've done it too," I spoke softly.

This seemed to grab his attention, and his emerald eyes drifted to mine.

I continued, "You're trying to deny your feelings because you're not used to them. We were always taught that our emotions were bad, just things that got in the way of getting the job done. But that's not what they are. They're... healthy, and they make us happy. We don't have to hide them anymore. This isn't Midnight, and this isn't The League of Assassins. We're free now."

Damian stared at me for a long time, making me fidget under his gaze. I folded my arms over my chest in attempt to curl into myself, to hide my insecurities. I always felt so inferior around him.

Suddenly, he was lowering himself off the sill, landing on my carpeted floor and stepping toward me. In only a few quick strides he was in front of me, so fucking close to me and for a moment I thought he was gonna whip out a knife and stab me or something.

"What are you do—"

But then his hands were on my face and he pulled me toward him, our lips meeting as fireworks began to explode throughout my body. My eyes went wide at the realization that he was kissing me.

Oh my god oh my god oh my god.

Damian Wayne, son of billionaire Bruce Wayne, the fifth Robin and the son of the actual Batman was kissing me. Willingly.

He eventually pulled away from me, stepping back like he was afraid he'd just made a huge mistake.

"I shouldn't have done that," he said.

I was tempted to slap him in the face for even thinking such a thing. But instead, a feeling of desire washed over me and I practically lunged at him, my lips locking on his.

He stumbled back out of surprise, tripping over his boots that he'd left on the floor. We fell and I yelped, our bodies twisting so that I ended up on the floor, lying on my back as he landed on top of me.

That was when I exploded into laughter, tears escaping from my eyes at how fucking stupid we were. Damian just rolled his eyes at me, but I saw that he couldn't stop himself from chuckling a little.

I couldn't stop giggling, and I probably looked so ugly just rolling on the floor in a fit of laughter, my hair sprawled across my face. Damian was just watching me in amusement, a rare smile on his lips.

He reached toward my face and brushed some strands out of the way, his soft touch finally snapping me out of my mini seizure. I calmed down and realized that we were still pressed against eachother. I was beneath his lean body as he held himself up by his elbows, those strong biceps flexing as they used them so that he wouldn't crush me. His arms were on either side of me and I was essentially trapped beneath him.

Not that I was complaining. At all.

Realization seemed to dawn on Damian, too, because he quickly removed himself from me and got to his feet, helping me up.

"I should go..." he said, his cheeks red.

I could only nod, too embrassed to say anything else. I was certain that my face was even more pink than his.

He pick up his boots and the armored parts of his suit, moving to the window and preparing to leave. Before he did, however, he turned back toward me, a small smile on his face. "I'll see you tomorrow."

I had to look away so he wouldn't see the huge smile that was spreading across my face, making me cheeks hurt. "You too."

And then he disappeared into the shadows of the night.


what do u guys think of them? am i doing okay? you can send me some requests/ideas for Dasha moments if you want to because i would love to write them!

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