
After a long weekend of spending time with the girls and Nate, school was finally starting again. Scarlett got dressed in a black long-sleeve cold-shoulder crop-top, a high-waisted plaid skirt and black heels. 

As she was finishing putting on her makeup, Scarlett heard her mom talking to Scott, "This isn't just about what happened at the school, is it? It's Allison, right? You want to talk about it?"

"Not with you." Scott replied.

"Hey, I've been through a few breakups myself. Disastrous ones actually."

"I don't care about your breakups. And I'm getting her back." He slams the door to the bathroom ending the conversation.

Scar hears their mom sigh as she walks out of his room. She stands up to meet her in the hall. "Don't worry about him, he's not talking to me about it either."

"Thanks, Scarlett. I just wish he would talk to me." She pauses to think, "You would talk to me if you and Nate broke up, right?"

Scar smiled gently, "Of course. But that's not going to happen."

Melissa smiled back then made her way downstairs, Scarlett following after her a few minutes later.


Lydia and Scarlett arrive at school together and wait for Allison at their lockers. As soon as Allison's with the duo they make their way to class. "It's just weird. Everyone's talking about what happened the other night. And nobody knows it was us." Allison speaks.

"Thank you protection of minors." Lydia says.
At the same time Scarlett says, "Thank God for that."

"Do you girls think I made the wrong decision?" Allison asks.

Lydia speaks before Scar can, "About that jacket with that shirt? Absolutely."

"You know what I mean."

Again before Scar can say anything, Lydia speaks, "Hello, Scott locked us in a classroom and left us for dead. He's lucky we're not pressing charges or making him pay our therapy bills." She pauses then glances at her best friend, "Sorry."

Scarlett just shakes her head then answer, "He was trying to protect us. Maybe not in the best way but his heart was in the right place. And I don't think you're making a mistake. You have to do what feels right to you. No one but you can make that decision. Just try to be friends with him again before you date."


Allison and Scarlett sit next to each other in the exam room, Stiles was a little ways ahead of the two girls, Scott next to him. As the test got passed back, Mr. Harris started speaking,

"You have 45 minutes to complete the test. 25% of your grade can be earned right now by simply putting your full name on the cover. However, as happens every year, one of you will inexplicably fail to put your name on the cover and I'll be left yet again questioning my decision to ever become a teacher. So let's get the disappointment over with. Begin."

Ah classic Harris, always disappointed in his students.

Scarlett starts the test right as he finishes talking. The first few minutes go by fast and the questions are relatively simple. But after a few moments of listening to nothing but the sound of pencil on paper and the occasional turn of a page, Scott abruptly stands up and grabs his bag, rushing out of the room.

Stiles quickly rushes after him, Scarlett stands to follow but before she makes it very far, Harris yells, "Miss McCall if you leave this room I will fail you."

"But my brother-" Scarlett tries to argue.

"Sit. Down." She sighs, sitting back down. Scar quickly closes her eyes and takes a breath to calm herself then finishes the test in front of her.


Scarlett sits outside working on homework waiting for the lacrosse team to come out so she could watch practice. She glances up when she hears some noise. She can see Stiles and Scott walking out. Stiles has a huge grin stretched across his face.

Stiles' grin is contagious and Scar can feel a smile make its way onto her face. As he looks up and spots her, he waves his arm to get the brunette to go to them. She puts her books on her papers to make sure they don't blow away then heads down.

As soon as she's in hearing distance Stiles excitedly blurts out, "Scott made co-captain and I'm first line!"

Scarlett's jaw drops in shock, but she quickly recovers and starts smiling. She pulls the two boys into a hug, "Congratulations! I'm so happy for you both!" Scarlett can tell that Stiles is way more excited than Scott, causing the girl to frown. Scott has a pout on his face when Scarlett addresses him, "Why aren't you freaking out? Stiles is!"

Stiles nods his head in agreement as Scott replies, "What's the point? It's just a stupid title. And I could practically smell the jealousy in there."

Scar screws up her face in disgust as Stiles questions, "You smelled jealousy?"

"It's like the full moon's turned everything up to ten."

Stiles' interest is piqued as he asks, "Can you pick up on stuff like desire?"

Scar immediately rolls her eyes already knowing where this conversation is going, "I'm going to go sit back down," She mumbles.

 Neither boy is paying attention as Scott asks, "What do you mean desire?" She doesn't hear the rest of the conversation as she sits back down and continues her homework.

Scar watches as Lydia follows Scott away from a group of friends. After a few minutes, she comes back to the bleachers. Instead of heading to the group of girls she left she makes a bee-line for Scarlett. Scar starts putting her homework away as Lydia smiles at her, "What did Scott want?"

"He just asked me if Allison still likes him. I don't know why he hasn't asked you." Lydia replies.

"He doesn't want to talk to my mom or me about it." Lydia just nods her head as she watches practice.

The players are doing drills, Scott and Stiles are waiting in line for their turn. Soon, Scott steps up. When Coach blows the whistle Scott runs forward and is sent to the ground by Nate and another player.

Coach laughs, then blows the whistle for the next player. But before anyone can step up Scott takes the place once again. "That's the spirit. Earn it, McCall!" Coach cheers for the teen. Scarlett starts biting her lip, nervous about what is about to happen.

Scott quickly passes through Nate and the other player. As he makes it to Danny, who is in the goal, he shoves his elbow into Danny's helmet sending him to the ground. Scar gasps, quickly standing  up. The girls rush to the field to make sure that their friend is alright.

"Is he okay?" Lydia and Scar ask Jackson and Nate in unison, the moment they reach their side.

"It looks like he's just got a bloody..." Jackson trails off staring at Lydia.

"What?" She snaps.

"Your lipstick."

She quickly reaches into her purse pulling out a compact mirror to see that her lipstick is smeared. Scarlett narrows her eyes, only noticing the smudged lipstick now that it was pointed out. As Lydia fixes the smear she casually says, "I wonder how that happened."

Scar glances at her then look towards Scott as Jackson hums, "Yeah. I wonder."


Scarlett was downstairs eating her dinner while texting Nate, making up reasons why she couldn't hang out with him tonight. Stiles should be here soon so they could lock Scott up for the full moon.

Melissa was rushing around the house double-checking that she had everything for work. The sound of a car door slams shut and not even a minute later the front door opens. The mother and daughter duo turn, expecting to see Scott, "Stiles, I thought the door was locked?" Melissa says surprised.

"It was. I had a key made." Stiles proudly smiles as he holds up the house key.

Melissa looks over her shoulder towards her daughter, Scarlett shrugging in response. She turns back to Stiles shaking her head, "That doesn't surprise me. Worries me. Doesn't surprise me."

Stiles drops his black duffel bag as Scarlett moves to stand beside her mom. It lands in front of them with a heavy metal clunk. The three of them gaze down at the bag in awkward silence. "Uh, School project," Stiles says glancing at the older woman.

Melissa sighs then looks between the two teens, "He's okay, right?"

"Who? Scott?" Stiles asks.

"No, she's asking about Bigfoot." Scarlett rolls her eyes.

Stiles glares then answers, "Yeah. Totally."

Scar puts a hand on her mom's shoulder, "He's had a rough week mom."

"He just doesn't talk to me anymore. Not like he used to." Melissa sighs.

Scarlett's heart breaks a little at the sad look on her mom's face, "He'll talk when he's ready. You know that." She smiled, trying to reassure her mom.

She smiled back then took a breath and spoke to Stiles and her daughter, "Okay, be careful tonight. Full moon, you know."

Stiles and Scarlett quickly look at each other with wide eyes then exclaim, "What?"

Melissa looks confused but answers with a small smile, "There's a full moon tonight. You should see how the ER gets. All the nut jobs come out."

"Oh right," Stiles says as Scarlett sighs and nod.

"You know, it's how they came up with the word lunatic." Stiles nods as Scar kisses her on the cheek saying a quick goodbye. She then walks out the door, shutting it behind her. Stiles picks up the bag and they trudge upstairs to Scott's room.


Stiles and Scarlett walk into Scott's room, Scar turns on the light then looks up to see Scott sitting on his bed. Stiles and Scarlett both jump. Scar's hand fly's to her chest as she takes a breath to try and steady her racing heart. Stiles gasps, "Dude. You scared the hell out of us."

Scott says nothing. He just sits and stares at the duo and the black duffel bag so Scar continues, "When did you get home?"

"Not too long ago. I came in through the window." His voice is strangely calm, almost monotone.

Stiles and Scar glance at each other as he speaks up, "Okay... Well, let's get this set up. Check out what I bought."

He places the bag on the floor in front of Scott. Rather than moving to take a closer look, Scott stays put and simply says, "I'm fine. I'm just going to lock the door. Go to sleep early."

"I don't like that idea considering I sleep in the room right next to you." Scar pulls her lips together in a tight, awkward smile.

"Yeah, you also kinda have this serial killer look on. And I'm hoping it's just the full moon taking effect because it's starting to freak me out." Stiles says to his best friend.

"I'm fine. You should go. And if you're that worried, Scarlett, just go to Nate's or Lydia's."

Scar sighs then turns to Stiles who frowns; he answers before Scarlett can say anything, "All right, I'll leave. If you take a look in the bag and let me show you what I bought and maybe you use it, maybe you don't. Sound good?"

Scott stares, he slowly gets off of the bed and kneels beside the bag. He pulls the zipper open and inside are lengths of metal chain. Scott looks back up at Stiles, "You think I'm going to let you put these on? Chain me up? Like a dog?"

Stiles and Scar exchange another look, "Actually... no," Scott's twin slowly replies.

In an instant Stiles yanks handcuffs out of his jacket pocket, he moves to Scott and before Scott can react, Stiles has one end locked on Scott's wrist and the other end locked to the radiator by his bed. Scott lashes out as Stiles scrambles back, bumping into Scar. She grabs onto his shoulder to help him regain balance as Scott yells out, "What the hell are you doing?"

"Protecting you from yourself," Stiles tells him. The two boys glare at each other but Scar's face is one of concern. Stiles continues speaking, "And giving you some payback. For making out with Lydia."

Stiles leaves the room to grab some water while Scarlett waits with Scott. "Scarlett, c'mon. Let me out." Scott whines.

"I'm sorry Scott. But you know I can't do that." She says, avoiding looking at her brother. Scott keeps begging her to let him out while she blatantly ignores him.

Soon the twins hear footsteps, Scarlett peeks her head around the door frame to see Stiles returning. Once he's back in the room he looks at Scott and holds up a water bottle, "I brought you water."

He untwists the cap then pours it into a dog bowl. He gently places the bowl on the floor in front of Scott. The two humans turn and head out the door, leaving Scott.

The moment they are out the door they hear the dog bowl flip, spilling water everywhere. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Scott's angry yell is heard from his room.

Stiles clenches his jaw and hesitates, Scarlett goes to grab his hand to try and calm him but before she gets the chance he's turning back around to yell at Scott, "You kissed her. The one girl," He takes a breath. "And for the last three hours I've been telling myself, it's just the full moon, he doesn't know what he's doing, he'll be totally normal tomorrow. He probably won't even remember being a complete scumbag, total bastard, son of a bitch, unbelievable piece of crap-"

His rant is cut off when Scott calls out, "She kissed me."


"I didn't kiss her. She kissed me." Stiles steps back, looking even more hurt than before if that is even possible. Scott continues as Stiles fully steps out of the room slowly sliding down the wall.

"She kissed me. And she would have done a lot more. You should have seen the way she had her hands all over me. She would have done anything I wanted." He pauses then yells, "ANYTHING"

There was silence for about a minute, Scarlett keeps glancing at Stiles wanting to say something to comfort him but also knowing Scott would hear. She instead closes the bedroom door before sliding down the wall to sit next to Stiles.

Finally, Scott speaks up trying to convince the two sitting outside his room that it was just the full moon and asking to get let out. Stiles and Scarlett continue to sit in silence, staring at the wall in front of them.


About 5 minutes later, it's complete silence. They can no longer hear the tugging of Scott trying to get out of the handcuffs. The friends exchange a nervous glance then slowly stand up, listening through the closed door. When they confirm that they can't hear anything Stiles reaches out to push the door open. He makes sure that Scarlett is behind him just in case he has to protect her from Scott.

When the door is open they both look to see the handcuffs laying broken on the floor. A gentle breeze rustles the curtains. Scott is gone. "Shit" Scar whispers. Stiles and Scarlett rush downstairs and out the door to his car.

As they speed down the road in Stiles' Jeep, Scarlett awkwardly scratches her neck and starts speaking, "Now's probably not the best time... But about Lydia."

Stiles interrupts, "I don't want to talk about it."

"Just shut up and listen," She scolds. She takes a deep breath then starts to speak once again, "I know that she can be a bitch at times. I don't know why she would do what she did. But if she doesn't see how amazing you are Stiles, then you deserve better.

"You deserve someone who only has eyes for you. Someone as kind and caring as you. And no matter how much I love Lydia, right now that's not her. Maybe sometime in the future, it will be. But you should not be waiting until she realizes what she's missing."

Stiles glances at his best friend's sister from the corner of his eye and gulps. "Thanks," he whispers just loud enough for her to hear. She smiles at him, grabbing his hand and gently squeezing to hopefully comfort the brunette boy.

As Stiles turns a corner they come to a sudden stop. The sheriff's department squad cars are parked next to an ambulance. Scarlett stares on in shock as Stiles starts to mumble, "No... no..."

He quickly unbuckles and opens his door, getting out of the jeep. Scar quickly follows after him wanting to be there for support if the worse has happened. Before he could get too far away from her, she grabs his hand and gives it another gentle squeeze to let him know she was there for him. They both made their way through the officers searching for his dad.

"Hey, where's my dad? Sheriff Stiliniski? Where's the sheriff? Where's Stiliniski?" Stiles keeps asking officers that pass the two teens but no one is answering.

A gurney is rolled out of the woods as they look on in horror. Stiles tries to run forward but Scarlett keeps a tight hold on his hand. She steps in front of him and gently lays the hand that's not holding onto his against his chest, "Don't."

His eyes break from the gurney behind Scarlett to meet hers. He gulps and looks like he's about to cry. Before either teen can say anything they hear someone speak from behind Stiles, "Stiles?"

Stiles whips around, his hand still gripping Scar's like it was the only thing keeping him on his feet. As soon as he's fully turned the sheriff locks eyes with the teen girl then asks, "What the hell are you two doing out here?"

Stiles slowly takes a step away from Scar, their hands breaking apart when he's too far away. Without answering, he pulls his dad into a tight hug. Scarlett's shoulders sag as she lets out a relieved breath, watching as the sheriff returns the hug, knitting his eyebrows together, confused about what was going on in Stiles' mind.

As they pull away Sheriff Stilinski sends Scar a small smile then speaks to his son, "Bring Scarlett home, I'll see you when I'm done here." He smiles one last time and squeezes Stiles' shoulder, then turns and walks away.


When the teens pull up to the house Scar turns to Stiles and gently smiles, "I'll see you tomorrow?"

He just nods, still looking slightly dazed from the events of the day. Scar opens the door and steps out making her way towards the house. As she's getting out her house key, she hear Stiles open his door. Scarlett turns around just as he makes it to her. Before she can ask him what's wrong he wraps his arms around her shoulders.

Scar slowly wraps her arms around his waist, returning the tight embrace. When they finally break away Stiles coughs and rubs the back of his neck, "Sorry, I just..."

"You don't have to apologize. I'll always be here for you Stiles. You might be Scott's best friend but by default that makes you mine too. Plus I like your hugs." Scarlett smiles. 

Stiles shakes his head and lets out a quiet chuckle, "Thanks Scar." He then heads back to his jeep as Scarlett opens her front door and steps inside. Before she heads to bed, she peeks her head into Scott's room to see him sleeping on his bed, worn out from the effects of the full moon.


Hey everybody! Sorry I haven't updated in awhile, but my laptop broke so I had to get a new one. I'm going to start updating every Tuesday since that's the day I have the least to do. I may update more often but it depends on what's going on that week regarding my classes. I hope you all enjoyed the Stiles/Scarlett (Starlett?) moments in this chapter, I know I did. Thank you so much for reading and as always constructive criticism is welcomed! 

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