Season one Episode ten: Terrier of Hollywood Part one

Scamp Draken

Season one Episode ten: Terrier of Hollywood Part one


Johnny test instrumental theme for season one played during the song that would later become the intro theme; Scamp Draken as a male singer began to sing it.

A countdown began when the song started. "Drake Drake Drake. (Countdown ends) Scamp Draken. (Go go go!) He's (Scamp appears on the screen) action packed and (Scamp puts a jetpack on) turbo charged ready to blast. (Danny slides up to Scamp, who catches him) Best friend's a Dalmatian and they love to live fast (Scamp flies off while holding Danny). His (Annette is seen experimenting on something) sister Annette has him for (Scamp dashes in and takes a microchip off of Annette) crazy experiments. Check out a (Scamp eats the microchip) day in the life of Scamp Draken (Scamp gets a superhero costume and launches fire from his paw). (Go go go!)"

Scamp was seen skating through the town as the song continued. "His town's full of people who (Scamp pulls up a mega buster) faced life changing stuff. (Scamp shoots a crazy communist) Which is a lot worse than it seems with this bluff. (Scamp skates past Angel) His crush is an orphaned (Scamp skates back up to Angel and tries to look cool) Pomeranian. Check out (Lucy skates by and dumps a soda on Scamp's head) a day in the (Scamp skates after Lucy as Angel giggles) life of Scamp Draken."

The song continued with Scamp's upcoming enemy's being shown, starting with the mole king. "Mole kings, (A crazy barber is shown) barbers, (Two secret agents are seen putting special collars on Scamp's family's necks) secret agent friends. (A crazy clown is shown juggling chainsaws at a carnival) Psycho clowns, (A veteran is shown in the middle of a hardware store with a machete) veterans, (A German Shepherd motocross driver is seen with a doll of a female about two years younger than Scamp, pushing Scamp down and making him worry) motocross trends. (A crazy scientist is shown) Scientists, (A supermarket manager is shown) supermarkets, (A psycho chef is shown) head chopping chefs."

The song was about to wrap up with this final verse, with it starting off with Scamp playing video games. "Just another day in the life of a dude; (Scamp is seen crashing a party with a boombox) who likes to party hard and skate while nude; (Scamp is seen skating through town) then again he's a terrier pup; (Scamp jumps onto a fence) but even then he has the world cup; (Danny is seen running from a psycho barber as Scamp lends him his paw) for dealing with all of these crazies; (Scamp and Danny smile to each other with Danny grabbing Scamp's paw) who Buster started because he's a baby; (Scamp and Danny are seen singing at a concert) he's Scamp Dra-ken!"

Danny smashed his guitar as Scamp dropped his microphone, giving a peace sign to the audience. "Whoo!" Angel rolled her eyes while smiling as she hit the lights and the title of the show was shown.


The Draken car passed by a sign with Scamp then being shown looking out the window with intrigue. The thought of going to Hollywood intrigued him, as he knew of a lot of stuff that happened there; so when he got called by Mole king, who wanted Collette to do something for him, which we saw in the previous chapter, it gave him the chance to see what happened there. He didn't forget about the reason they were going though; so he took his excitement as a side plot. He did bring Danny with him so they could investigate together however. "So what do you think we'll find there?"

"I can see us finding a lot of stuff; even if most of it is celebrity vomit." Danny replied. "Maybe we'll find the creator for Sonic the Hedgehog there. Heck, we could even find the Sega building itself. Then we could ransack it and take all the bad stuff."

Scamp scoffed and found Danny's words boring. "Bor-ing. I meant stuff like ancient relics and artifacts. Hollywood's full of mystery dude; it practically breathes it every day. If we find one of those lost relics then we could become famous, and possibly even so rich that we could buy a million houses and expect no ransom. Wouldn't that be awesome?"

"I guess." Danny replied with a shrug, despite not being up for the dangers that could come. "But what if we get shot or something? Don't forget; we have actual guns in our universe, so it's not exactly a friendly world." Scamp rolled his eyes at Danny's cowardly nature. "I'm just saying Scamp. We could get hurt out there."

"What adventure DOESN'T get us hurt?" Scamp asked, with Danny seeing the point in his question and sighing.


Scamp and the others were seen at their place in Hollywood, with Scamp out on the balcony and looking over Hollywood with Angel walking out to join him in that. "Enjoying the view Scamp?"

Scamp looked and saw Angel looking at him with a smile, smiling back at her when he spoke. "It's not too bad. I can see why it's so crowded. Cars never know when to not get blocked off." Scamp pointed down to the road and laughed at the insane amount of traffic. "There's no way they're gonna get out of that one unless they have super powers."

Angel giggled a bit and found Scamp's words rather amusing. "No kidding." Angel thought for a moment and wondered what Scamp was talking about earlier. "About those relics you mentioned with Danny. What were you refering to?"

"Oh, that? Mole king told me about them." Scamp explained. "We'll ask him when we get there; he said he'd be happy to show us."

"Sounds good to me." Angel then looked over Hollywood with Scamp, finding the traffic just as funny as he did.


Scamp and the others arrived at Mole king's house with Scamp jumping out of the car window. "This should be something."

Collette exited the car and responded to Scamp's excitement. "You're not gonna find anything Scamp. These old legends never existed to begin with."

"Well Mole king wouldn't have told me when I called him back if they didn't." Scamp corrected, and then the others exited the car and walked up to the porch with Scamp. The Terrier then knocked on the door and Mole King answered. "Mole king; how's it hangin dude?"

Mole king fist bumped Scamp and spoke with energy. "Scamp, you have no idea. I've gotten so much cash and people just gave it to me for no reason. It's like it was one of those princess miracles or something?"

"How do you know about Disney if you just now went up into the real world?" Danny asked, with Mole king laughing.

"Please Danny. Just because I have now returend, doesn't mean I remember Disney." Mole king leaned over to Scamp and whispered. "Meet me in the basement for more information on these relics. I'll meet you down there." Scamp nodded and walked inside with Danny and Angel following him, with Tramp and Collette walking in.

Tramp looked around and found the place to be rather cozy. "Rich people have some nice standerds. I figrued everything would've been snobby cliched and gold coated."

"So annoying, right?" Mole king replied. "I don't feel I have to act rich to be rich. Anyway, (Looks at Collette) Collette, is it? I need you to design me the best dress you can make."

"I'll give it my all." Collette replied with a salute and then she ran off, looking back after a few seconds. "Where's your closet?"

"Second door to the right."

"Thanks." Collette ran off and headed into the closet, looking for stuff she could use. It amazed her at the variety she had, which was something that she approved of. "This is gonna be so fabulous!"

"Help yourself to anything in the fridge." Mole king said as he turned to Tramp. "I told Scamp I'd help him find some lost relics I found out about here." Tramp nodded and walked off with Mole king walking in his own direction. 'He's pretty nice for a dad that used to be cool.'


Scamp, Danny, and Angel were seen waiting in the basement with Mole king coming down and sitting across from them on a table, opening a drawer as he did. "Glad to see three were able to find your way around. I prefer letting people explore for themselves rather than having to be told about it." Mole king pulled a book out of the drawer he opened up and set it on the table. "Now then; let's get to the reason you Scamp, decided to come. Don't know about you two, but it doesn't matter right now. So which relic did you want to hear about first? If at all."

"You mentioned one that had the government involved in it." Scamp implied, seeming to be taking an interest in what he mentioned. "Seemed like a cliche government is evil story, but it sounded interesting to find out more stuff about. I wonder what they'd hide from us that's so interesting aside from everything."

"Probably their names." Mole king joked, and then he turned to the relic. "Now this isn't exactly a relic, but it IS something this Buster guy you told me about used to get all of the crazies into your town and all around. Some kind of serum that they didn't want revealed to the world. Some say that they gave it to Buster for no good reason; some even say that they knew what he wanted with it."

Angel took his own kind of intrigue to this and put her paws on the table. "So you have some kind of building here that relates to that? Where is it?"

"It's said to be in the middle of town." Mole king answered. "You should be able to find it, even though this place is huge. But just in case, take (Pulls out a map) this."

Scamp took the map and put it away, fist bumping Mole king again. "Thanks for the help dude. We'll make sure to find that serum." Mole king nodded and Scamp ran off, with Danny and Angel following him, despite Danny hesitating a bit at first.


Scamp, Danny, and Angel were seen walking through Hollywood while trying to find the government building it held. The premise itself interested Scamp, as he'd never thought of the government as one able to help him. It did intrigue him though, which is why he was headed there. "Remember guys. If anyone we don't know asks what we're up to, we don't tell them anything about what we're really doing."

"You got it Scamp." Danny assured his best friend. "No reason to tell them anyway. I mean, what right do THEY have to know?"

"Exactly." Angel thought about what the government was doing with the serum Buster apparently used. "Do you guys really think Buster got a hold of that serum? And if he did then how much of it has he used?

"Probably a lot at this point." Scamp spotted the building and got confidence. "And luckily for us, we won't have to wait much longer." Scamp ran off with Danny and Angel following him, with Scamp thinking about their chances. 'We'd better hope the past battles we had will pay off. Otherwise we're in deep trouble.' Scamp smirked. 'As if we'd be in that scenario though. We've got this in the bag.'

Danny leaned over to Angel and whispered a question he had. "How long do you think it'll be before his ego gets to him?"

"I'd say about an hour or two." Angel whispered back. "Maybe faster, but he'll likely act like an idiot at first." Danny snickered at Angel's words; both of them knew Scamp all too well to deny the facts.


Scamp and the others arrived at the location of the building and stopped running, keeping it casual for the more aware side of Hollywood. When walking by, Angel got a glimpse at a poster that showed what looked like a soda. It seemed to give her a bad feeling, but she didn't exactly have time to worry about it, as she had a mission to do with Scamp and Danny; so she ran up to them and caught up with them. "Saw something that caught my eye. So how do we get in? The secutity's most likely top of the line inside. Not outside though; they were too dumb to get outside guards."

Scamp chuckled before he pulled out what looked like a grappling hook, which intrigued Angel quite a bit. "I'll use this to get up there and then I'll throw down this rope I have to pull you guys up. Make sure not to fall, or to fart when someone's under you. (Angel giggles a bit) You two up for it." Danny and Angel nodded and then the trio headed over to the building. When Scamp aimed his grappling hook, he looked to the others. "Let's hope there's a window here."

Scamp grappled himself up to the roof and it seemed as if he'd gotten there safe and sound. When he took a peek through the roof window, he saw a couple guards. The coast was clear though, so he walked over to the edge and threw the rope down to Danny and Angel; thank god it was so long. Danny grabbed onto the rope and started climbing up, with Angel climbing below him. Danny seemed worried about what would happen, having only broken into a base once, and it didn't exactly go well. Without the intention of doing so, he cracked a three second onion pizza fart, hitting Angel with a green cloud (blllllaaaaarrrrrp).

Angel coughed upon the impact of the fart with Danny blushing and continuing to climb. When the two reached the top, Angel punched Danny playfully and with a smile. "Nice." Danny sighed of relief that Angel didn't get mad, with the three of them continuing onward.


Slash and Crush were shown in their office waiting for something exciting to happen. Slash especially, as he was much more thrilled with the paths of action. It seemed as if nothing was going to happen, for it had been hours and almost nothing had come for them. They still had Sarah to look after, but she was more of a one time task rather than an actual mission. It brought him boredom, so he asked Crush what he thought of their scenario. "Hey Crush. You want something to happen, right?" Crush nodded his head yes, throwing a pencil at the wall and hitting the dartboard perfectly.

Sarah entered the room and walked up to Slash with a video of something that has been recorded somewhere. "I have this video in the Hollywood government building that I think you might wanna see." Slash seemed interested in this information, allowing Sarah to sit down next to him. "I didn't watch the video yet. I thought you guys would wanna check it out as a first glance."

"And you'd be right. (Signals Crush) Come on over here Crush." Crush slid over to Slash and Sarah with Slash starting up the video. The video showed two guards talking about what seemed to be serious, with Scamp punching the window. This surprised Slash, not knowing whether or not Scamp was brave, or stupid. Scamp did manage to take out one of the guards with a back kick though, with Angel knocking one out with a headbutt. The skill seemed to impress Slash and Crush, despite Slash's questioning. "Why would Scamp break into a military base?"

"Beats me. He has some major guts though." Sarah replied with a liking for Scamp's courage. She did however find Angel to look rather familiar; almost as if they were related somehow. She thought about it to herself when heading off with Slash and Crush 'I'm starting to have second thoughts towards denying that question earlier. Who knows what could happen to my sister now?"


Collette was seen designing the dress for Mole king while trying to choose the proper structure. The structure was one of the most important parts of the dress, as it showed how light, and how rough it could be at the same time. It helped to bring out the character that was hidden in someone once before, guiding them through a troubled time that they would need assistance to break out of. When she finally decided on one, she grabbed a ruler and put it up to the dress; it gave her hope that she'd just found the right one. "Three feet wide. That seems about right."

"Yeah, that seems appropriate." Mole king replied, having been watching Collette the entire time. "So do tell me Collette. How long have you had the love for fashion designing for?"

"A pretty long time actually; at least for me." Collette answered. "I know we age in human years in this universe, but I actually had this passion for three years now." Collette sighed, wishing that her family saw her passion the same way she did. "I just wish my sisters and brother didn't think I was a spoiled brat."

"Now why would they think that?" Mole king asked with concern.

"Probably because of how demanding I can get." Collette replied. "It's not my fault though; I've always had this need and I don't know what to do with it. And I'm too scared to talk to mom or dad about it, so I have pretty much no options." Mole king felt a bit concerned for Collette, not wanting her relationship with her siblings to become strained.


Scamp, Danny, and Angel were seen sneaking around when Scamp peeked into a room, spotting what looked like a computer showing a soda on the screen. It seemed to confuse Scamp, who didn't know what soda had to do with anything. 'What the heck is soda being used for a govornment project for? Did they spike it?"

A male Husky walked up to his chair and looked at the computer, loving what he was seeing. When he pulled up what looked like a kill count, Scamp became shocked when it showed that twenty five hunrdred people have already died. This worried Danny, who questioned what was going on. "What is it Scamp?"

"It looks like a kill count for something." Scamp explained as quietly as he could. "I think something's in that soda on the computer there." The trip then heard a helicotper outside with Scamp snapping a picture and running for a window, with the others following him. Scamp jumped out the window and grabbed onto the helicopter, with Danny and Angel joining in. Scamp was relieved to see Slash lending him his paw, which he accepted and they all climbed up. The three flew off with Scamp looking at his photo.


Scamp and the others were seen in the helicopter with Slash getting a look at Scamp's photo of the kill count. The photo seemed to interest Slash, who thankfully had a bit of knowledge on it. "So they finally went for the soda plan."

"Soda plan?" Scamp grabbed himself a d.r pepper from the fridge and wondered what the scheme was all about. "What's that? Do they pee in sodas or something?"

"I wish that was it." Slash implied, feeling that this was much worse. "No, they're trying to make their own made soda, vrixia, and spike it so they can end everyone." Sarah grabbed herself a can and opened it up, with Scamp wondering what it was about. "We don't know for sure which ones are spiked and which aren't, but they can kill anyone." Sarah saw that as a risk and spat the soda out onto the floor, making Scamp snicker and getting a chuckle from Slash. "Don't worry Sarah. I checked our blood earlier; it won't affect us or Scamp."

Sarah wiped her forehead and threw the soda can into the trash can, with Scamp questioning what the soda was about. "Hold up. Depending on our blood, that's how the soda will kill us?"

"That's right." Slash pulled up a chart that showed those who could be killed by vrixia. "I checked and you're along with me, Crush, Sarah, Angel and a couple others we don't know in the ones that can't be killed. It's a rarity, but a gem."

Scamp saw this as an opportunity to bust some crooks, knowing what he had to do. "So say I wanted to bust the Hollywood military for this. How do you think they'd react?"


Slash was seen on Mole king's computer with Scamp turning to Mole king. "Thanks for letting us research that Vrixia thing dude."

"Anything for you Scamp." Mole king replied, still wondering how Vrixia could get as popular as it did so fast. "Still; I'm questioning to how it was able to get as popular as it did with this little effort. One hundred beings in Hollywood have already died from it."

"Then how is it still making money?" Mole king shrugged and Scamp walked up to the computer, getting a look at how Vrixia still makes money. When he saw the reason why, he seemed baffled to what it was. "That's it? The company size?" Scamp sighed and walked over to a window, pointing to the outside. "So people and canines from all around the world are dying from this poison drink and we can't do anything about it."

"That's the long and short of it, yes." Slash saw the money that the company was making and got a bad feeling from it. "At this rate the entire population could end up becoming extinct."

Danny was seen looking up something on his phone and what he found appeared to be helpful. "Maybe we can get something from here." Danny showed Slash what looked like a church that had a glowing yellow dot on it. "The can's are yellow, and I can see a hint of purple when I zoom in. (Slash zooms in) I think it's part of the source."

Slash nodded in understanding, finding the idea itself rather interesting. "Making a drink popular after spiking it. Intriguing."

"Yeah. Usually it's spike the most popular drink that's currently out." Angel chuckled a bit. "If it was at rate though then we wouldn't have cola. And believe me; everyone needs cola."

"Tell me about it." Sarah lied down with Angel sitting next to her. "Sure is a cruel world. It'd be even worse if we didn't have soda." Sarah took a sip out of her soda and looked at Angel.

"No kidding." Angel saw something familiar in Sarah, asking her a question to see if it was true. "By the way, why do you look so familiar?"

Sarah flinched and drank her soda again, not wanting to put Angel in harms way. "No special reason." Sarah sipped her soda again, giving Angel suspicion on what she said.


Scamp was seen walking down the road with Danny, Angel, and Sarah as the four headed for the Sarah was walking ahead however, she ended up unintentionally getting in a business worker's way; the worker seemed to be a jerk, as he pushed Sarah ahead roughly as he walked onward. When Scamp saw that the worker was drinking Vrixia, he saw an opportunity to stick up for Sarah and smacked the soda out of the worker's hand as he spoke, not shouting, but speaking with a slightly louder tone. "It'll kill ya!"

The worker rolled his eyes at Scamp's childness as Angel pulled him in with caution. "Don't draw attention. If anyone finds out what we're doing here we're dead."

"Pssh. I wasn't gonna let him get off with that." Sarah smiled at Scamp's loyalty towards his friends. "Besides. It technically would kill him; we have the research to prove it."

Scamp and the others arrived at the church building and wondered what it was all about, with Scamp walking ahead and a spike popping up. He was barely able to move his paw in time, but it did surprise him. Sarah walked ahead and scanned the place, seeming to be checking for traps. "They're onto us. This place is wired with invisible traps. The specific locations I can't say for sure, but there's a lot of them up front. We'll have to be fast if we wanna get to the building."

Scamp smirked and ran forward, surprising Sarah as the Terrier jumped through an invisible flaming hoop. He then rolled under some invisible spikes and dodging an invisible spear that came for him. When he got to the steps, he backflipped up to the top and dodged all of the spikes, clicking his tounge and pointing to Angel, who blushed softly with a smile. Sarah seemed impressed by Scamp's skills and Danny seemed worried by what was to come. Danny dashed up to Scamp with amazement at his skills. "How did you dodge all of that? No one could see them."

"I just did what my instincts told me." Scamp explained as he then headed into the building, with Danny thinking about what he said. When Angel and Sarah came in, Scamp looked back at Danny with a smile. "Cmon dude. As boring as it is you can't skip church." Danny chuckled a bit and ran up ahead to catch up with the others.


Scamp and the others continued onward as Scamp then got a headache, which he tried to shake off. When Danny saw this, he became worried and spoke up. "You doin okay Scamp?"

"Yeah, I'm good." Scamp replied. "Just got this head pain for no reason. Should brush off soon enough." Scamp then saw some sort of demon in front of him all of a sudden, confusing him. "Anyone else see that demon?"

"Can't say I did." Angel replied.

"Nope." Danny stated.

"Not a sight." Sarah added.

Scamp rubbed his head and wondered what was going on, hoping that nothing could happen. Despite him usually being laid back, he wondered if the spiked soda thing not affecting him was true or not. It gave him a dose of anxiety, not wanting to be a victim of it. Just then, the ground started shaking with everyone being worried by what was to come. When Scamp kept on halucinating though, he ended up fading away with glows, worrying everyone else as Angel grabbed Scamp. "Scamp; what's going on?"

"If I knew then I'd say." Scamp started fearing what was going on with Angel pulling out a device that Scamp took an interest in. "What's that?"


Some sort of demon world was shown with Scamp suddenly appearing in it, confusing the young Terrier as he looked around. Some sort of demon world was shown with Scamp suddenly appearing in it, confusing the young Terrier as he looked around. "Where am I? Who took me here?" scamp continued to look around in confusion, looking for a way out. 'This looks like a demon world. Heh. Nice; got that Devil May Cry vibe to it.' Scamp saw a cliff lying over him and smirked, jumping over it and continuing onward. "Seems like a good enough place to explore for a bit. Maybe I can even find a shortcut to the Vrixia source in the church."

"Scamp!" Scamp looked behind himself and saw Angel walking up to him. "Scamp; please tell me you have protection." Scamp pulled out a handgun, much to Angel's relief. "Good. Use that when you can. But be careful. Some demons in Chino are bullet proof."

Scamp seemed conflicted by that until he saw a demon in front of him, nodding to Angel and running off. When he jumped over the demon, he grabbed it's head and aimed the gun at the back of it's head. "Don't, move." The demon started sweating as Scamp got serious. "Put your hands up." The demon put it's hands up and Scamp shot it in the back of it's head. He then put his gun over his shoulder and smirked. "I prefer seeing my enemies lose."

Scamp ran off and tried to find a way out of this place, which was apparently called Chino according to Angel. When he saw some sort of giant demon, it came to him that it'd be hard to handle. But he didn't exactly care, as he was more than capable of holding his all. With all the events he's had and the acrobatic and fighting classes he's taken, he was plenty prepared.

The demon was seen eating some sort of flesh as Scamp's voice was then heard by it. "Hey sunburn!" The demon looked at Scamp, who was seen aiming his gun at him. "Let's dance." The demon scoffed and charged at Scamp, who fired a bullet, which the demon managed to dodge. The demon then aimed a swift uppercut at Scamp, who backflipped away from it and grabbed onto the demon's hand. Gaining the upper hand, he then back kicked the demon in the face and jumped over him. When Scamp aimed his gun at the demon again, the demon swatted at the gun, making Scamp back up.

Scamp wiped his lip and made sure that the demon was in the right place, backing up as the demon walked up to him. "Now I know what you're thinking. Should I kill him. And the answer may surprise you."

"It's no. Isn't it." The demon responded, surprising Scamp.

Scamp chuckled at the demon's sudden speaking ability, speaking up himself. "Bravo citizen; (Starts clapping) you managed to say your first words. (Stops clapping) I'm Scamp, and your name is (Bluntly) tell me how to get the heck out of here." The demon charged at Scamp, who slid under him and continued his swift wit. "Easy there dude. I didn't choose your name; your mom did." The demon became confused as to what Scamp was saying, with Scamp then walking up to him. "We can make this so much less cringy if you tell me how to get out of here. That'll make everything much less confusing, and much more rewarding."

The demon gave Scamp a blunt look and raised his claw up, diving it down at him as he cartwheeled out of the way. When he skidded a bit, he made sure to walk to where more ground was. "Okay, I see you're not ready for the talk. We'll wait until you hit puberty." The demon charged at Scamp at high speeds, with Scamp shooting him right in the heard. When Scamp stood atop the demon and stepped on his chest, he had the gun aimed right at his face as he smirked with his own little qoute. "Bedtime." Scamp shot the demon in the head and made the screen go straight to black, ending the episode off.


An instrumental version of the main theme played during the credits.

Scamp appeared on the screen at the end of the credits, giving a peace sign to the viewers.

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