Tithe Deceiving
"Ha'rar is surprisingly cold." The many Landstriders and carriage cross the iced lake, the cold air creeping in now, blowing hot air into your shivering cold hands, trying to warm them up "I love snow, but this is rather not what I expected.."
"Your cloths will not do you any good in this weather." Scroll-Keeper chimes, the two slipping on coats of furs their size on, only for Collector to chime in as well "Is it your first time traveling to Ha'rar?"
A nod of affirmation was sent to the two.
The Landstriders run to their own delight throughout the cold environment, thriving like no other, as your slowly peeking out to the city of whom must be Ha'rar. The long journey here was worth it to see such white wonders. Of snow, ice, and Geilfling folk. Such a great thrilling experience. Almost made you want to kick your feet in joy.
The problem of this issue is that the carriage had no seat belts. So, right as your admiring the small cabins and homes, the whole carriage comes to a skidding hault. The force itself made both Skeksis's hold on to their seats, barely moving, as your smaller self didn't have time to. Accidentally flying foward by the unexpected force right to the side seat of Scroll-Keeper. Cushions saving you from less painful experience till the sudden turn. That alone did not go well for it made the small child in disguise fly out the carriage by mere accident.
Everyone near the incident gasped in shock and horror as some person, luckily not being discovered by false identity, tumble out of the carriage from whom the Lords of Thra reside in.
Colliding back first onto the cold, icy block trail. The vail covered your face as the hood did well covering your ears. Groaning in pain as those on stand by see your alive. Moving a tad but clear your not in good condition.
"Who is that?"
"By Thra!Are they okay!?"
For a moment, sitting up for a mere second, lay back down after. Waiting for the lower back pain to dull before getting up fully.
And yes, your nose was bleeding. Tasting iron dripping down your lips..
"Why have we stopped? What is the meaning of..." Scroll-Keeper looks down, about to see where you flew off to, just to notice the Gielfing below "....oh.."
A lady Gelfling fell into the road. That was why the carriage stopped..
"Watch yourself Geilfling. Little things have a habit of being stepped on by....big things.."
She stood up, like nothing happened, just to face the Skeksis. She didn't plan this. All she wanted was to get a close look. Not this.
"My lord, no need to trouble yourself. I will see the girl safely home." Captain Ordon knew who this was, so he offered the ride back, not that far from here.
Sitting up, wincing at the pain, barely noticed the shadow of a person behind you. Next thing you know, big hands swooped under your arms to help you up. Once on your feet, dusted off from dirt and snow, look to the person who came to help.
It was a Vapran Geilfling; Princess Brea.
"Are you alright?"
"I'm....okay for now." Standing up was an issue, that is not good..
She nods "Come on then!" as she helpd you towards the nosy crowd, all chit chatting and gossiping tons.
"Such chivalry!"
"The Lord saved her!"
"It's princess Brea."
"The little one, Brea!"
"Yes!Our princess Brea!"
She set you near the stone entrance up, resting from the unexpected events, as now both Skeksis's knew who she was now due to all the loud gossiping from the town folk.
"A princess?"
"Yes, my lord. I am Brea, youngest daughter of the All-Maudra." She was guilty for intrupting this time taking journey, more for the injured citizen behind her.
"You are a princess. Your mother has been of great service to us. You must allow us to escort you to the citadel. It would be our pleasure."
Scroll-Keeper was being nice here. She looked at her hand with uncertainty. She couldn't take it.
"Uh...Thank you my lord but the--"
"Uh-uh! I insist. Come! Come."
She couldn't be disrespectful. But she was also sorry for the citizen sitting on the stone boulder step. She took her hand only to hope in your seat. Finding it was warm way before she ever got there.
Captain Ordon, about to retreat to his Landstrider, only was called out by one of the Skeksis. It was the Collector.
"Captian Ordon! Aide our servant!"
He blinks, never onced noticed another tagged along on this journey, only to remember the person that was helped up from the road by Princess Brea.
The one person he didn't count.
Barely noticed them till now.
"Are you alright small podling?"
He thought you were a podling, how funny "I'm rather bent out of shape. Do you have a tissue on you Captain?"
He in fact did. Offering it to you as your tearing a good chunk to stuff in your nose. He watched as your white tissue was drenched in a smudge of blood. Eyes widen at the blood.
"I'm not a small podling either, I'm just a small sized Geilfling." You stood up on wobbly feet, supriseing the captain before needing his assistance up the to the carriage, all town people gossip and spread rumors.
"Huh? Who is that?"
"Blood!They are injured!"
"The Lords called her servant!"
"Such a mystery.."
"Oh!How lucky those two are!!"
"Thank you, captian.." Your seat was taken, which your okay with, only to show gratefulness to him before he left.
Princess Brea scoots over, patting for you to sit near her. At the end of the day, your a servant to them. So this will do. Sitting there by a princess and two Skeksis's.
"Look, SkekLach. We have a princess in our carriage."
Collector hacks. Her issues acting up as we speak.
"Oh... I'm not much as a princess, my lord."
"Not much like my sisters." She spoke lowly of herself, just to speak highly of her sisters "Tavra's a great warrior, and Seladon is the eldest. So she'll be All-Maudra one day--!"
"Blah!Blah!Proceed!" A switch your not a fan of was turn on by Collector, electric shocks to the poor tired animals below, only for us all to move once again.
Your nose bleeds through the tissue. Not comfortable with it stuff up your nose. Only to remain silent as the three interact. More eager to the passing towns, houses, and views of Ha'rar.
"What's that on your cheek?"
A smudge of it, still seen, was there "Ink my lord! I keep a journal where I record all that I learn."
That was music to her ears, gasping in shock and awe "So you can read? Oh! How wonderful! Oh did you hear that SkekLack? She can read! And write!"
"I too am a connoisseur of the written word. I am the Scroll-Keeper."
This time Brea gasped, so taken back and shocked "I've read all about you! You're in charge of the Great Library at the Castel of the Crystal!"
"Hm...I see you've done your research." She was impressed.
"Is it a big libary?"
"Simple childling! It us endless. I have tomes that go back a thousand trine." She could rant about it for as long as she like, books was her obsession, full of knowledge.
"Hm...Could I visit your library?"
That alone made Collector snap at her, turning to face her "No! That knowledge is forbidden."
Collector points at her face "Do you see this face?"
"Once, this was a beautiful face."
"But, then came..." a thick string of snot drips out of Collectors nose, Princess Brea backs up as it fell beside her, bumping into you by accident, as she said more "...Knowledge.."
"Oh, hush! Suck rubbish. You were never beautiful."
"I remember."
"Never." Scroll-Keeper chuckles deeply as so dose Collector.
The two laugh as Princess Brea scoots more to your side of the seat. Trying not to get snot on her dress. She almost mistaken you for a podling but remember how tall you were by the moment you stood. A geilfling like her.
"What is your name?" She asked, knowing them but not you.
"(Y/N). I'm my Lords servant from their castel, it's a pleasure to meet you so soon Princess Brea."
She blinks, taken back by your not so pained voice, eyes widen a tad "You...you sound like a child."
A nod was her answer. Only for the carriage to slow down to a steady stop. They arrived. Both Skeksis's hop out, princess Brea, before yourself who was assisted down by Captain Ordon. He remained near in case you may fall over. He wasn't the only one waiting for that to happen either for Collector kept an eye on your smaller form.
Soon, all enter the palace. There sat the All-Maudra and two princess; sisters of Brea.
And, at the mere end, the importance of this even still convence.
"Who is next to give?"
A citizen set a batch of robes on the throne floor near All-Maudra's feet. She smiled upon it. A purposefully gift.
"Your tithe is well received."
"Thank you, All-Maudra. And thanks be to the Lords of the Crystal." He thanks, happy with his gift choice.
An endless line of Gelfling held many gifts to give. The captain was the first to give. A hand made basket with baked goods. Your not quite sure how he got that here with no damage or lost. His two guards also given items up. Another set of robes and some neat looking tea kettles. The three stood aside of where your sitting. Your not near the Skeksis's nor the royals.
Because of Princess Brea fall back in town, the Skeksis put in good words to make her less of a troublesome Gielfing to their blood line. And in return, Princess Brea mentioned to her mother and siblings about your importance here. So, though you weren't expecting it, was set to the side lines under supervision of Captain Ordon.
They each appreciated the sweet cakes you were sharing, made for you, along with tea with lemon and honey too.
That was when the farm and his wife comes up, with bowl of their harvest, to gift it. The All-Maudra was displeased with the mere harvest itself. Not enough. It needs more value. More purpose.
"Your tithe is wanting."
The crowds gasped, murmured as well as whispering away, the farmer husband bows "Yes, Your Grace. We beg the Lords forgiveness. Our land has suffered a strange blight. Nothing grows."
This moment your tea cup was set aside, waiting for the time to intervine, the Scroll-Keeper noticed something on the farmer's wife. Pleased by it.
"Hmm lovely.."
"What is, my lord?"
"That lace..." She noticed the necklace, eyeing it with Collector now in tow "....around your neck."
Her hand was set on it, memories flowing into her heart and soul, smiling down at her joyous times "My lord is too kind. It was my mother's. Her final wisdom has been dream-etched into the stone."
That made it so valuable to them. She shouldn't have said that at all..
"Now this...this would make an honorable tithe!"
The mumbling went quiet and loud a few times. The wife and husband gasped upon the words of their Lords. That was something she can not give. Not that. It was all she wish to remain with her. A gift from her own mother.
All-Maudra looks to her daughters, all pity and sympathy for this incident, as Brea tried to save it from happening.
She tried.
"There's plenty of food in our stores! We could pay the tithe!"
"His tithe is his to pay." Seladon snaps, the two sisters shocked at her words.
"But...farmer's tithe crops."
"He has no crops."
"Please, anything but the pendant. P-Perhaps next harvest--"
Both gasped, not liking where this was going, so unhappy with the farmer's pleading.
"Why? Why do Gelfling hurt us so? Skeksis give so much and ask so, so little! It breaks our hearts.." Scroll-Keeper pretend to be upset, Collector weeps and sobs in the background, as she turns away with showing her emotions like Collector "Sad!So sad!"
Immediately after all those in line began to shame him and his wife. Blaming them for the hurt of their Lords who asked so little and do so much for them. Their farm land was not producing, that is not their fault to pay.
"The Lords are benevolent!Kind! They never take that which is not given."
The people bashed them. No remorse or pity. They gave what they had but were not able to keep what was memorable to his wife. He had no choice to take it away, to gift it away.
"I'm sorry.."
The kiss was not enough to patch her open weeping heart. A single sad tear falling down her cheek. She had no power, no way to save her necklace. Nothing..
"This is wrong!"
"This is the law--."
"If they can not tithe their crops, may I tithe for them instead, my Lords?"
All eyes, mostly the farmer couple, turned to the mysterious being unknown to anyone of them. The ones who knew were the flabbergasted guards, wide eyed Captian Ordon, three stunned princess, a poker face All-Maudra, and the two Skeksis who were baffled by your request.
"N-No. It's okay, this is nothing.."
"Are your memories nothing miss?"
"Your memories. The good and the bad. Are they not valuable to you?"
Her husband held his wife necklace, watching his wife nods your way. Everyone watching as your before the All-Maudra and Skeksis's.
"Then it is important. May I tithe for them?"
The Skeksis's thought about it. Deep and hard. All-Maudra nods for approval on her part. The important ones were made by the Skeksis's here. To allow or not allow it..
"What....do you have in mind?"
In your hand was an item your surprised tagged along with you. It was a toy that they never seen before. This was a toy where you look into the tube and witness different shapes and colors no matter where you look. This may be enough to intrigue the Skeksis's.
And it did.
The color of the paper caught their interest.
"Hm? What is that?"
"A harmless item that allows you to see colors, different shapes, and many more." It was small, may break over time, but is good enough to work "So, may I tithe this for them?"
Collector hacks into her tissue as Scroll-Keeper nods. The approval was enough needed to help keep the necklace and give the toy as the farmer couples tithe.
"Your tithe is well received."
The moment your about to turn around, head back to your seat, the wife of the farmer embrace you with racking sobs. So happy and relieved what was her is not given away. She cried till her own husband help pry her away. Both were grateful.
"Thank you."
"Your welcome. I hope your farm gets well again." Your seat was not as warm but enough to watch the couple leave hand in hand, happy to whom it could have been.
Captain Ordon stood near you, paying little attention to his Lords awestruck at the toy.
"That was dangerous."
You smile, enjoying a slice of honey cake "It was. But, I rather keep a memory than loose it forever."
He stood straight back up, many people coming in with gifts, the day long and boring, never onced ending so soon as you pleased it to do.
Those on the royal bloodline however were amazed at your kind heart. Standing up for whom you don't know and to your own Lords with tithe trade. That is not seen much yet each took it in a different meaningful way.
They will surely remember your deed, for as long a they each live.
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