17. Closer walk with Thee
Chapter Seventeen
Closer walk with Thee
"Are you sure this will work?" Shay asked as she followed Stiles down the hallway. Apparently, the fire alarm was pulled causing all the students to evacuate. They were on the search for Lydia since Stiles has all these ideas about how to find Deaton. Those "ideas" included a Ouija board for some reason.
Stiles continued to walk down the hallway, surprised that Shay had talked to him since what happened at the clinic. She had stayed silent the entire car ride and this was the first she directly spoke to him, "We can try."
The two stopped for a moment, glancing around to see a certain strawberry blonde wondering around, "Where the hell is she?" Stiles groaned.
"Try coach's office next to the boy's locker-room." Shay blurted out.
Stiles looked at her, confused, 'Why would she be in there?"
"It's where she goes to when she has a make-out session with Aiden." Shay answered.
He still looked at her, confused at the fact that she knew that Aiden and Lydia made-out in there. Shay shrugged, "I'm observant."
Now, Shay was taking the led. The two walked into the locker room to see Coach's office back door open. Her eyes widened once she saw Cora with a tight grip on Lydia's wrist.
"Let go." Lydia nervously demanded but Cora wouldn't budge. Once again, Lydia tried reeling her arm back, "I said-"
"Let go." Shay demanded, a new authoritative tone in her voice causing Cora to finally let go of Lydia's arm, "She said let go."
The two girls looked back at her, expressionless while Stiles was peering down, surprised at the forceful nature of her voice. A small smirk found it's way onto Shay's lips, her liking these feeling of being a badass. Standing up to a werewolf, a Hale, was like a boost in her self-confidence.
~ ~ ~
"An Ouija board?" Lydia questioned skeptically as Stiles pulled out the board from the large, rectangle box. Shay and Lydia sat side-by-side with Cora next to Shay and Lydia next to Stiles. All four were in an empty classroom, ready to test Lydia and Shay's abilities in order to find out where Deaton is.
"Also called a spirit board, and it's worth a shot." Stiles nodded.
Shay rested her chin on the palm of her hand, "Shot in the dark." She grumbled.
"Could you just try it, please, okay? Let's not forget who this is for... Scott's boss, the guy who has saved our collective asses on more than one occasion." Stiles replied, ignoring their skeptically and annoyed attitudes. Shay could easily see the stress and irritation that was filling Stiles but somehow, he was able to keep it all under control. Talk about amazing self control.
Cora spoke up, "Okay, so do we all do this?"
Shay nodded, "Yep and I swear to God if this ends up like Poltergeist, Stiles I will beat you."
Ignoring Shay's small threat, all four teenagers placed two fingers on the arrow piece that was centered on the board. A small breath of relief left Shay's lips as she realized no evil ghosts were coming to haunt her.
"Where's Dr. Deaton?" Stiles asked. No moving or shaking or any type of motion occurred by Cora and Stiles peered over to the two teenagers girls who sat in front of the board, irritation and annoyance plastered on their faces.
"Aren't you gonna answer it?"
"Oh, I don't know the answer. I thought we were asking some sort of spirit." Lydia questioned, confused on what the point of doing this was.
Shay retracted her fingers, "Stiles, isn't the nickname 'spirit board' suppose to indicate that when using the board, a spirit is suppose to answer, not someone living?"
Everyone retracted their hands as Stiles put away the board back into the box, annoyed about Shay being a complete smart ass. Stiles then pulled out a bunch of keys hanging on a metal ring, "Okay, these are Deaton's keys for the clinic. Close you're eyes, and I'm gonna put 'em in your hand, and then we're just gonna try and see if you can feel out for his location. It's called psychometry."
"We're not psychics." Shay snapped.
Stiles looked at her, his eyes wide, "You're two are something! Okay? Just, Lydia, Shay put out your hands, and..."
Shay rolled her eyes before lifting out her hand along with Lydia's. The two girls grasped the keys in both hands. Lydia closed her eyes and made a "ump" sound.
"What, what is it?" Stiles questioned.
"It's cold."
Stiles looked at her, his eye starting to twitch, "Lydia, concentrate, please? Trying to save lives here, for the love of God."
The strawberry blonde sighed before tightening her grip of the pair of keys while Shay did the same. The two girls sat silently, both eyes closed. Curiously, Stiles and Cora watched as Lydia's face started to twist in emotion.
"What is it? What do you see?" Stiles softly asked.
The two girls opened their eyes, hopeless, "Nothing."
Stiles huffed in annoyance and Shay glared at him, "Stiles, we have no idea what the hell we are suppose to do. So sorry if things aren't going according to plan."
Instead of calming down, Shay's outburst seem to intensify Stiles's anger, "After everything that Lydia told me about you last night, I thought that maybe this could work."
"Well it's not!" Shay exasperated, her voice rising.
"So what exactly can you do?" Stiles asked, his anger and annoyance growing.
"I don't know!" Shay yelled but the board that Stiles had placed behind him on a desk chair was whipped across the room and split into two. The four teenagers stared at the broken board, their eyes wide with shock.
"Okay." Shay slowly said, processing the fact that her anger caused her telekinesis to create an uproar, "That was definitely me."
Stiles's lingering gaze that was focused on the board vanished, putting his wired attention to the Lydia and Shay. He held up a pencil.
"Automatic writing." Lydia echoed, looking at the pencil. Stiles gave one nod of his head, confidence and determination all raveled together.
Lydia resisted the urge to roll her eyes and say something snarky, grabbing the pencil and began drawing on the piece of paper from her notebook. The three teenagers looked at the paper, confused at the drawing.
"Lydia, what the heck are you drawing?" Shay questioned.
"A tree." She answered simply.
Stiles was just about ready to explode and go completely off of the deep end, "A tr- Lydia, you're supposed to be writing words, like in sentences, something like a location, something that would tell us where he is."
"Well, maybe you should've said that." Lydia defended as Shay pinched the bridge of her nose, counting to five to calm herself down.
"Isn't she supposed to be some kind of genius?" Cora rudly questioned.
"Genius? Yes. Psychic, no. Honestly, I don't know why you're even bothering with me and Shay anyway. I mean, especially since it's obvious you should be talking to Danny." Lydia explained as she continued drawing her tree. The mention of Danny caught Stiles's attention immediately.
"Wait what? Why Danny?" Stiles asked, confused.
"Because," A loud voice boomed by the door. All heads turned to Scott who clenched his shoulder which has specks of blood on it, "Last night, he was a target. But it wasn't a sacrifice."
Shay let out an exhausted breath, running a hand through blonde hair, "Jesus Christ."
~ ~ ~
"One of the stupidest ideas ever." Shay hissed as Stiles's tight on her wrist tightened, dragging her towards Danny's hospital room. Stiles, using a lot of begging, pleading, and the usage of puppy dogs eyes, convinced Shay to help him break into Danny's hospital room. The biggest worry that Shay had was that Jenna, who worked here as a nurse, would catch them.
"Shhhhhh, trust me, I've had stupider." Stiles sarcastically replied. Slowly, Stiles twisted the knob to the room and walked in with Shay following. Closing the door behind her, Shay cautiously glanced over at Danny's sleeping body. From what Shay could guess, he was on a lot of drugs. Perfect, high and a sleep.
Stiles quietly walked over to the unconscious Danny, "Danny, Danny you awake?" He patted his cheek a few times, whispering softly. Then, he softly tapped him with his backhand causing Danny to take a loud intake of breath and moved around slightly.
"Hurry up!" She whispered harshly.
The two teenagers noticed Danny's black bag sitting on the floor. The two crepted down onto the hospital floor. Shay waited impatiently as Stiles started to go trough his stuff.
"What are you doing?" Shay heard a drowsy voice mumble.
Quickly, Shay's head popped up like a groundhog, "Me, I'm not doing anything, Danny. This is just a dream that you're having."
Stiles's head whipped up, rapidly shaking his head trying to tell her to shut the hell up.
"Why are you going through my stuff?" He asked, slurring on his words.
Stiles spoke up this time, hesitantly, "Right, but only in the dream, remember? Dream. Dreaming."
Stiles continued looking through his bag but Danny kept questioning, "Why would I dream about you going through my stuff?"
"I don't know that, Danny, okay? It's your dream. Take responsibility for it. Shut up and go back to sleep." Stiles muttered, sinking back down to the floor. Stiles then pulled out a small stack of paper being held by a paper clip.
"Danny boy, you might've actually found something here." Stiles softly stated.
Shay peered over Stiles's shoulder, her finger gently gazing over the printed words "Telluric Currents."
"Alrights lets grab it and go." Shay rushed, standing up, "Last thing I want is formy aunt Jenna to bust us."
Her best friend nodded, the two walking out of the room and down the hospital hallway, heading towards the exist. As the two walked outside and towards the parking lot, Shay's phone began to ring.
She answered, "What's up?"
"Deaton has to be in one of the six locations Allison's dad maped out." Scott said over the phone before sighing, "I don't know how we can get to all of them fast enough."
"Well, we might not have to. Danny was doing a project on something for Mr. Harris's physics class, and I think it actually means something." Shay explained.
"What project?" Scott questioned, confused.
"Something on telluric currents."Shay answered, glancing at the papers held in Stiles's hand.
"Did you say currents?"
~ ~ ~
"Okay, so, what does this kid's homework have to do with finding Deaton?" Cora asked as Scott and Stiles started to spread out all of the papers on the metal table in Deaton's clinic. Cora, Scott, and Lydia joined the two others in Deaton's animal clinic, all trying to figure out what the currents had to do with the six places.
"Because its not just homework." Stiles started to explain, "It's a project on geomagnetic fields. They flow through the earth. They can even be affected by lunar phases, all right? Now, look at this. This is a note from Harris on Danny's proposal."
Shay started to read out load, "I strongly advise you to choose another subject. "The ideas here, while innovative and thoughtful, border on pseudo-science. Not suitable for class."
"Harris wasn't just a sacrifice. He knew something."
"Now, check this out. Allison's dad wasn't the only one with a map, all right? Danny had one too. Danny marked all the telluric currents, okay? Now, the weird thing about beacon hills is that it actually is a beacon. You wouldn't believe how much energy flowing through the earth is around this town." Stiles stated, unwrapping the map and placing on the table.
Scott placed medium sized blue pieces of the map that he printed off of Mr. Argent's map and sat them on the table, "Look, they match. All right, there's three places, right? Where they're kidnapped, and then the place where their body was found."
"Look, that's right on the telluric current." Shay pointed out, glancing at her two best friends.
"So, maybe where he was sacrificed is somewhere in between."
"Let me see that." Stiles asked, grabbing the pen from Scott's hand, "You said there's six more bodies to be found. Deaton's one of them. Got to be somewhere in between, right?"
"Stop." Shay softly said, placing a hand on top of Stiles's. He looked back at her, wide eyes, but she continued none the less. Shay guided Stiles's hand that held the pen to one of the places that said "Beacon Hills National Bank.
"He's in the vault. He's in the same vault." Cora remarked, looking at Scott.
Everyone started to pack up there things but Shay stopped once she noticed the worried look on Cora's face once she looked at her phone, "Guys, hold on."
Scott turned back to her, "Shay, we don't have time."
Cora looked up at everyone, fear filling her eyes as she spoke, "It's Boyd. The plan didn't work. They cut the power."
"It's just like he said." Scott whispered before looking back at the three others, "Go. I can save Deaton myself."
"What?Scott, what about us?"
"Cora can't get there fast enough without you. Go. We can save both of them." Scott quickly said before bolting off.
"All right, lets go." Stiles stated, grabbing Shay's hand before the four of them walked out.
"Which one?" Shay asked as she stood in front of the rows of switches with an off red light on top.
Cora briefly glanced at all of them, "Turn them all on."
The three others started to turn on every switch, making all the red lights turn on and shine brightly. Shay took out her phone and began texting Isaac.
We turned them on
A sick and uneasy feeling crept into her as her breathing became off. Her hope was that everyone upstairs was okay, "Let's go." Cora yelled as she started to run up stairs. Lydia, Stiles, and Shay followed quickly behind. When they got to the entrance of Derek's loft, Shay saw Ms.Blake and Isaac slouched on the ground by the door.
The floor to the loft was filled with at least an inch of water. Derek sat on his knees in the middle of the room, his hands violently shaking. Next to him was a lifeless body, blood oozing out of his stomach. Cora ran towards the body and after a second, began sobbing into his chest.
Stiles and Shay ran towards the two werewolves and once Shay got close enough, she saw the lifeless body and recognized it as Boyd. A harsh breath left her lips and tears streamed down her face, endlessly. Derek stared at the body and at his crying sister, sorrow and guilt mixing into his tearful eyes.
Stiles was behind Derek, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. Shay sat next to Cora, on her knees, and wrapped an arm around the crying werewolf. Soon, Cora latched herself onto Shay and became sobbing into her shoulders.
Nothing will ever be the same after this night.
so sad to see Boyd go :(
Emotional episode and an emotional chapter. I seriously was about to stab myself while writing this. So frustrating. Next chapter is, as you know, the one where Peter talks about Paige and Derek. So the next chapter won't really incorporate anything from the episode..
~ ~ ~ Monrox (Katie)
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