𝘐 𝘥𝘰
a/n: long ass chapter, lots of POV's (i'm handing them out like oprah), pictures and memes
i may or may not have cried over these two before i even started writing this out.
enjoy and thank you all for the insane support these past 9 months. this story wouldn't be possible without all of your votes and comments, so thank you ❤️
(the arkham arc is coming next along with key moments of S4 and the DCAMU)
enjoy what's probably the most chaotic and emotional wedding ever
~Maeve's POV~
"Only you would be patrolling at three in the morning the day of your wedding instead of sleeping."
"How do you-"
"Dickbird found me a few days ago and told me. I wanted to come check on you so I've been hiding in Blüdhaven for a week." Jason shrugged, removing his helmet and sat next to me on the edge of a building. "Cold feet?"
"Nope. Just thinking."
"Coming from you, that's terrifying."
"Shut up." I laughed and punched his shoulder. "I wish you could be there, y'know? It's not gonna be the same without you."
"Dick and I came up with a plan for that, don't worry." He assured and pulled out a tablet. "Last night, we hacked the cameras in the Manor so I can watch the ceremony at least."
"It's still not the same, but I'll take it."
"Okay, how's this? Right after the ceremony, I come as the Arkham Knight and terrorize everyone, kidnap you and then you can be reunited with Boy Wonder on wherever you're having the honeymoon."
"In a room full of superheroes? You're crazy, my little bird!" I laughed and he smiled. "Thanks, Jay... it actually does make me feel better that you're at least there from a distance."
"And miss my mom marry the love of her life? I'd rather die again!"
"Don't joke about that, Todd."
"If anyone deserves to have the wedding of their dreams, it's you and Dick, Maeve. You've both been through hell and deserve at least one day of peace."
"I almost lost him a month ago." I mumbled, removing my mask and wiped my eyes. "I think last time I was that scared of losing someone was in Arkham before that bomb went off... I hate feeling so helpless while the people I love slip away."
"But we came back." Jason said and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "We almost lost you at times as well and you always came back."
"I'm too stubborn to die. I've got shit to do and people to care for."
"And so do we. You think I didn't want to kill myself after the Lazarus mania passed? But I didn't... I didn't do it because I knew you were alive and needed me. That's one of the reasons I became the Knight. I needed a way to come back home to you."
"Maybe soon we'll have you back permanently?" I asked and he sighed, kissing my forehead.
"Soon... after I deal with Bruce."
"And when will that be?"
"I plan on terrorizing him for a bit. Drive him to the verge of insanity and then reveal myself... I could use some help with that." He smirked and I rolled my eyes. "I'm the middle child now, it's my job to be a nightmare."
"Can't help you out, but I'll keep tabs on the situation and steer you in the right direction."
"This is why you're the best mom in the world, M."
"I love you, Jaybird... and I miss you."
"I love you more, Mom. And I'll be home soon."
"Swear on my second life."
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"Seems like just yesterday all of us were placing bets on when the two of you would get together... and now it's wedding day."
"Okay, you're not feeling the mode. What's going on?" Barbara asked, setting down the hairbrush. "Is it Jay?"
"For once, it's not." I shrugged. "We talked this morning and he eased my mind a bit."
"Then what?"
"I thought you'd be happier. Hell, I thought you'd be bouncing off walls." Artemis frowned as Zatanna sat next to me and held my hand. "I know it's not cold feet, so what's up?"
"I've been thinking about this past decade and everything we've all been through and I don't know... it feels right to do it now, but-"
"You feel guilty." M'gann said and I nodded. "Maeve, it's okay to want a happy life despite everything. And given everything that's happened to you, you deserve it more than anyone."
"But why do I feel guilty about this? My relationship with Bruce still isn't the best, and let's not even talk about me and Harley. Wall's dead and Jay's God knows where by now. It's not right!"
"The situation's less than ideal, but we're still here. Kaldur, Will and Connor are here... Tim and Steph are here." Zatanna assured and wiped my stray tears. "I know you miss them, especially Wally, but you can't limit yourself because of this."
"He was supposed to be Dick's best man... they talked about it since I can remember." I choked out and Artemis forced me to stand up.
"We know you miss him. I miss him as well. But I like to think he's still here, just not in the way we'd like." She smiled sadly and hugged me tight. "But I know that man is looking down at us and smiling because his two best friends finally stopped being stupid and fell in love... today's not a day to mourn the dead, monkey. It's a day to celebrate the love you and Dick have for each other. You've both suffered enough and you both deserve this, maybe even more than any of us."
"No more sad tears, M. You've cried enough of those already to last you a lifetime." Zatanna said and I nodded. "You're getting married today."
"I'm getting married today." I giggled and they all smiled. "I'm getting married today!"
"There she is!" Artemis cheered and hugged me again. "Now, let's make you more beautiful than you already are so Dick cries... and if he doesn't, Will's prepared for that."
"I'm scared to ask."
"He's been preparing for it since before the Team was formed. Said something about some vendetta from when you two were twelve."
"The concussion was his own fault! He tripped down those stairs."
"He keeps saying that Dick pushed him." She shrugged and I bit back a smile. "It wasn't Dick, was it?"
"It was me. In my defense, being the only girl in the group was driving me mad as a hatter."
"I knew it."
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~Dick's POV~
"Best man, I need you to check up on the blushing bride for a sec."
"Turning into Bridezilla?" Will chuckled.
"No, she just wants to talk to you for a second before Zee helps her get dressed." Artemis rolled her eyes and walked inside. "Need some help, Boy Wonder?"
"Please? Mae always does my ties and neither of these buffoons know how to do it." I grumbled and Connor flipped me off. "How's Mae?"
"The truth or the lie?"
"That bad?"
"She's nervous... and she misses Wally."
"We all do." Kaldur admitted, tugging at his collar and Artemis reached out to fix it. "I believe everything would have gone much easier if he was here."
"He'd probably be eating while Alfred yells at him again." I chuckled and looked down at my feet. "But you're right. That man really was the glue holding us together."
"We can't depend on a dead man to keep us together." Connor said and we all raised an eyebrow. "Not a day goes by where I don't miss him, but I don't think he was the thing keeping us together... I think each of us had our parts to play."
"For once, you're saying something smart." Will called out, walking inside followed by Selina, Ivy and Harley. "She's okay, just a bit nervous. I talked her down and now she's eating a sandwich before she gets dressed. Her mood swings give me whiplash."
"We just got here and wanted to see you before we saw Maeve." Selina smiled and hugged me. "God, I can't believe the day is finally here! Seems like just yesterday you two were sneaking glances at each other and being completely oblivious."
"Little Boy Wonder all grown up and marrying my little girl. I never thought I'd see the day." Harley wiped a tear.
"I think they should talk alone for a moment." Ivy said, escorting everyone out of the room before a single rose was placed on my tuxedo and small vines covered my tie. "For good luck, Boy Wonder. Welcome to the family."
"I gotta ask, Dick... After everything you've seen. After knowing everything about her past... all the Joker Venom, the withdrawals, the surgeries, the murders, everything... you still choose to marry her. Why's that?"
"Because she's more than that."
"Amuse me."
"She's a gentle soul behind that tough exterior, Harley. Her ability to always put other people's needs above her own was the main reason I fell in love with her."
"But that's not the true reason, was it?"
"No... we were thirteen and it was a quiet night in the city so Bruce sent us to patrol the other side of town. It was days after the Cave was attacked. Despite her telling me about Joker's circus, she just looked so carefree flying around Gotham without a care in the world." I smiled at the memory and Harley smiled as well. "It's her way of not letting her past terrorize her that'll never cease to amaze me."
"You're a good egg, Dick. I always knew that about you."
"Can I ask a favor of you?"
"I don't want to walk down the aisle alone... and Mae's past is just as important to me as it is to her now. I would be honored if you'd be willing to walk me down the aisle." I begged and blinked back my tears. "I always wanted it to be my mom, but she died when I was eight... But if the mother of the person I love most does it instead, it would be the greatest gift one could give me."
"Of course I would, sweetheart!" Harley exclaimed and hugged me tight. "The honor would be all mine, Grayson. Thank you for thinking of me... and for taking care of my baby. You saved her life."
"And she saved mine."
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~Maeve's POV~
"Oh Maeve, you look so beautiful!"
"A literal princess!"
"Quick, get the guys here. They need to see her!" Artemis ordered and Zatanna rushed out the room, almost tripping on her dress. "Monkey, you look like a dream."
"Auntie Monkey looks pretty." Lian smiled.
"You look pretty as well, my little munchkin. You're gonna steal the show as flower girl." I pinched her cheeks just as the door opened.
"Oh, if Dick doesn't cry, I'm hurting him." Will laughed, gently grabbing my hand and spun me around. "You look beautiful, Maeve."
"Aunt Ivy and Zee did my hair." I smiled and walked up to Connor and Kaldur. "Never thought we'd see the day, huh?"
"Nope." Connor said and they both hugged me. "You look beautiful, M."
"Agreed. Dick is a lucky man." Kaldur nodded and kissed my cheek. "It seems it was just yesterday we were all meeting for the first time, and now it is your wedding day."
"We've all come a long way, Kaldur."
"I have an antsy Flying Grayson being calmed down by Alfred and Selina downstairs in the foyer, Bruce is on his way up and the guests are here being entertained by Steph, Bart, Cass, Cassie, Perdita and Gar which slightly worries me more than it should! Let's get this show on the road, people!" Tim yelled and froze once he saw me. "Mom, you look amazing!"
"I'm never hiring you to be a wedding planner ever again, Drake!" Artemis called out.
"I'm the best option!"
"You were the only option. I didn't do it because I'm already a bridesmaid and that was stressful enough." Barbara said, setting Lian on her lap. "Let's move before Dick has an aneurysm."
"We'll be downstairs and I'll try to calm down your mom. She's been crying since Dick told her you two were getting married." Ivy assured and hugged me tight. "I'm so happy for you, my little flower. You did good."
"Thanks, aunt Ivy." I smiled and Zatanna muttered a spell to put on my veil.
"Can't be a bride without the veil." She smirked, grabbing my bouquet and I laughed. "We'll see you in a few, Mrs. Grayson."
"Bye." I waved just as Bruce walked inside. "Hey, Dad."
"I never thought this day would come."
"So I keep hearing."
"You ready?" Bruce asked, lightly adjusting my veil and I nodded shakily. "You look beautiful, Mae."
"Is it normal to be a little nervous?"
"I'd worry if you weren't." He chuckled and was taken aback when I pulled him into a hug. "Everything's gonna be okay. Tim, Zatanna and Artemis took care of everything. We just have to restrain Dick from running to the altar when it's his turn to go down."
"But why am I nervous? I just Dick!"
"Because you're getting ready to spend the rest of your life with the person you love... I wish I could say the same."
"If you put your mission on hold for five minutes, maybe you could one day." I hummed and patted his back. "A simple conversation can go a long way."
"Maybe someday, sweetheart."
"Please let it be soon."
"I'll try."
"You better."
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~Harley's POV~
"Are you ready, Master Dick?"
"He's been ready since he was thirteen. The reason he's not running for the altar is because we're blocking the door!" Will yelled.
"Uncle Dick!" Lian ran up and Dick swiftly picked her up before kissing her cheek. "Auntie Monkey looks pretty."
"Your auntie Monkey always looks pretty, Lian." He smiled.
"No... she look like a princess! Pretty princess!"
"Oh, but so do you, my little munchkin. Prettiest princess I've ever seen."
"He'd make a good dad, don't you think?" Ivy asked, waving her hand and a flower crown appeared on Lian's head. "You ready to be a grandma eventually?"
"I prayed every waking moment that my baby got the life she was meant to live... looks like there really is a God up there." I softly said, watching as Dick spun Lian around. "That boy's a good egg."
"Oh, you have no idea." Selina laughed. "I've watched them grow up and the way they love each other is something that I've never seen or witnessed before. And the way he takes care of her? It makes you believe soulmates exist."
"Alright people, let's move! Everyone in positions and cue the music!" Tim yelled, grabbing Selina and Ivy and dragging them outside. "Showtime, everyone!"
"Is he always like this?" I asked, linking arms with Dick.
"I wish I could say no... but he's worse. This is the most tame he's been and it's because Alfred has him on a leash and Zatanna casted a spell that made him sleep eight hours."
"He makes me stressed out. I still don't know how you and Mae deal with him." Will grumbled.
"Grab a crowbar and threaten to send him to an eternal sleep and you'll be good." Dick chuckled and the doors opened. "Here we go..."
"Chin up, Boy Wonder. It's the first day of the rest of your life." I smiled and we started walking. "Thank you for giving me a chance, Dick. It means a lot to me."
"Thanks for trusting me with your little girl." He whispered once we reached the end and I let him go.
The first row were covered in pictures of Dick's parents and old members of the Team who passed so the guests were forced to sit behind the pictures.
"You'll be great." I mouthed to Dick once the rest started walking and Lian started tossing the flowers around.
"You okay, Harls?" Ivy asked as her and Selina held my hands.
"My little girl's getting married." I choked out and turned just as Maeve started walking down with Bruce.
"Oh, she looks so beautiful!" Selina cooed and pointed at Dick. "He's crying!"
Zatanna gave Ivy a nod and muttered a spell. Ivy waved her hand and the flowers in Maeve's veil came to life and were passed to each picture on the first row, especially Wally's and Jason's.
"Nice touch." I whispered.
"Mae asked us to."
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness this man and this woman come together in matrimony." Alfred begun as everyone took their seats. "Before we start, if anyone is opposed, speak now or forever hold your peace."
Just as he said that, Tim stood up with Maeve's crowbar and one of her guns while Steph, Gar and Bart glared making everyone fall silent.
"Wise choice... let's begin."
。゚•┈୨🃏୧┈• 。゚
~Dick's POV~
"Guys be discreet, but look to the roof of the Manor. We have a small surprise for you both. You have no idea how much we had to hide him from everyone, especially from Clark. The amount of concealment charms he has in him is slightly concerning."
Maeve raised an eyebrow and we both glanced at the roof to see Jason sitting on the ledge without his helmet and smiling down at us.
"Thank you for having me, ladies and gentlemen." Jason bowed and I smiled. "I've got the best seat in the house."
"Thanks for coming, Jaybird." I laughed and he saluted.
"Always a pleasure, Dickbird. Now hurry up and marry my mom before I have to go back to the hole I crawled out of. I've been summoned."
"I believe the couples have written their own vows." Alfred said, snapping our attention back. "Master Dick, would you like to go first?"
"There's tissues under the seats just in case, by the way." Zatanna called out to everyone and they laughed. "Okay, now you can go."
"There are no words, and no proper emotions for what I feel today, the idea that you are to be my wife is making me whelmed, I am truly the luckiest man alive.... I always knew I was destined for a life bigger than the circus. I just never expected for it to start the moment I held you for the first time in that warehouse all those years ago. You always said we were destined to always meet in the middle of a tragedy... but I'd suffer whatever tragedy we're meant to live a thousand times over if it meant we'd get to the point we are now. I may have saved your life, but Ace... you saved mine."
Everyone gasped and I turned to see Harley full on crying on Ivy's shoulder while Selina held Bruce's arm in a death grip and urged me to continue.
"For years you tried running from your past in fear of what everyone would think, what I would think. But the moment you embraced it, the moment you stopped running... it was the moment I fell in love with you. I fell in love with your past way before we there was even a future. And now that there's one... I'm so glad you're in it. I long to live together and love together and rejoice in the small things, eating pancakes on a lazy Saturday, a kiss on the cheek before a mission, taking care of each other after a rough night, each one is an expression of my love for you, my light in my darkest hour. You are the best parts of me... I can't promise you a perfect life, but I vow to stand by you through all the chaos we're sure to endure in the future... I vow to be your support when you falter and to lean on you in times of trouble. I give you everything I have and everything I am, Maeve Elizabeth Wayne." I finished and reached out to wipe her tears before slipping the band on her finger.
"Damn you, Grayson." Artemis grumbled and wiped her tears.
"Got a grown ass man with a gun crying in a rooftop!" Jason exclaimed and Maeve smiled.
"Miss Maeve, whenever you're ready." Alfred said, blinking back his tears.
"It's now clear to me that everything in my life has lead me to you and this moment. The thought of building our forever together has me no short of feeling traught and whelmed... I always knew something was missing from my life when I was growing up. Little did I know that a certain boy wonder in red and yellow spandex would come into my life in the middle of what I thought was going to be the end of my life. Dick, you not only saved my life, but you saved my soul as well. It was an inexplicable force that brought us together... through all the surgeries, the sleepless nights, the living nightmares I went through, you were there with the same kindness you showed me that night in the warehouse. And when I lost myself at Arkham..." She trailed off and closed her eyes, taking deep breaths.
"Take your time, it's okay." Artemis whispered and I raised an eyebrow in worry.
"When I lost myself, you held my hand and braved the storm with me until I found the light. Dick, you not only taught me to embrace my past and all my flaws and scars, you taught me to love them... You love me no matter how many times I might have lost my way and I fall in love all over again each time you're there when I'm lost. I look forward to falling in love with you over and over each day... You're the best parts of me just like I am the best parts of you. The perfect team... I vow that, no matter how bad things get, and that's about the only thing I can promise with certainty, I will stand by you and bear the storm until light shines again. I give you my hand, my heart and everything that I am and will ever be, Richard John Grayson." She finished and placed the band on my finger before wiping my tears.
"Richard Grayson, do you take Maeve to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" Alfred asked with a smile.
"I do." I replied almost immediately.
"And do you, Maeve Wayne, take Richard to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"
"I do." She smiled.
"Hurry up already! We're all waiting!" Stephanie yelled and we all turned to see the teenagers on the edge of their seats and holding hands.
"Then by the power vested in me by the state of New Jersey, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may finally kiss the bride."
"About damn time." I mumbled and pulled Maeve into a kiss, dipping her in the process.
"Looks like you're stuck with me for the rest of your life, Grayson." Maeve grinned and kissed me again.
"Wouldn't have it any other way, Grayson."
"Congratulations, you two. It's about damn time." Jason laughed and stood up, putting on his helmet and bowed. "I shall now crawl back to the hole I was summoned to. Until we meet again... and thanks for finding me, Zatanna and M'gann."
"You're welcome, Jay." Zatanna nodded.
"And to think this chaos is gonna be the rest of our lives." I laughed and Maeve's smile widened. "Still want to hang up the suit and get a white picket fence?"
"White fences are overrated. Chaos runs in my veins and I wouldn't have it any other way."
"Neither would I."
。゚•┈୨🃏୧┈• 。゚
~Maeve's POV~
"Did you like your surprise, M?"
"I almost cried before we even got to the vows!" I smiled and hugged M'gann tight. "Thank you, M'gann. And you too, Zee."
"Connor was the one that found him. Dick and him have been scouring the slumps." M'gann shrugged.
"I ripped a page from your book and threatened him until he agreed. Surprisingly, he didn't need much convincing." He said and kissed my cheek. "But you two owe me for making me cry! I wasn't ready to cry!"
"Neither of us were." Kaldur added with a huge smile.
"In my defense, Artemis helped me write my vows."
"And I helped Dick." Zatanna called out and pointed at him who was dancing with Lian. "Y'know... Lian's starting school soon and won't have time to hang out with her aunt and uncles."
"Y'know what? Why don't we find you a boyfriend so you take one for the team? How's that sound?" I offered.
"Oh, come on! You're married now!"
"Doesn't mean I have to get pregnant right away!"
"That's what the honeymoon is for, Maeve! Just give us a niece or nephew, for the love of God!"
"I don't know who wants that baby more, us or Zatanna?" Dick laughed, passing me Lian who was starting to fall asleep.
"Hey, I don't want to get pregnant by any means! I just want a niece or nephew." She defended. "I was meant to be everyone's favorite magical auntie Zee!"
"You have two nieces and a nephew!"
"I want another one, Richard!"
"She's probably gonna fight Dick over who gets to be in the delivery room at this point." Barbara whispered and I nodded. "My bet's on Zatanna."
"No baby talk on my wedding day, for the love of God! We can talk about this in two weeks." I sighed and Zatanna rolled her eyes.
"You better come back pregnant from that honeymoon." She grumbled and Artemis and M'gann nodded.
"Not you two as well!"
"All of us, actually." Barbara grinned.
"Is it a girl thing or something?" Dick asked and Will shook his head. "Dude!"
"Lian needs a little sister and my ex-wife sure as hell won't give me another one." He shrugged and took Lian from me.
"Can I at least get off the Joker Venom first? The treatment's actually working!" I begged and they all sighed dramatically. "Okay, I can't deal with any of you like this. Get the baby fever out of your systems before we return from Greece."
"Hey, you wanna go home now?" Dick whispered, steering me away.
"Aren't the bride and groom supposed to be here to the end?"
"I think they're all waiting for us to leave. Bart's about to fall asleep on Cissie."
"Good point... I'll grab the leftover cake and meet me in the car in five minutes. I can't stand another dance, my feet hurt."
"I told you to take off your heels."
"They make me look good. Beauty is pain, babe."
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"There was no way Ivy gave you an aphrodisiac pollen, Dick!"
"She did! After our first dance, she gave me a bag of what I thought was crack!" Dick exclaimed and I laughed. "Harley was there and she was so confused as to why Ivy gave me a baggie."
This is the perfect way to end our night.
At the diner we used to go to as kids, eating ice cream and leftover cake.
"Was that happening while I was dancing with Tim? Or was it when Zatanna and I were dragging Bart away from the cake?"
"It happened while you were dancing with Kaldur and Wyynde."
"No wonder we heard a scream! I just thought that Mom was talking with Clark and Diana." I realized and we both laughed. "Y'know, we should've skipped the party as a whole and came here instead. I'm loving this way more than running around the ballroom all night."
"Hey, if it were up to me, we should've skipped everything after the ceremony, picked up a pizza and Zeta'd home." He shrugged. "The guys are asking for a timetable."
"Oh my God! Not this again! We got married not even five hours ago!"
"Mae, Zatanna and Artemis cornered me right when I was about to leave. And Diana asked me when I was starting the car."
"Wish I could say I was better. Tim and Steph practically got on their knees and begged." I sighed, rubbing my temples. "I get tested and have dialysis in a month. We'll shelf the topic and come back to it after that."
"Try telling that to Zatanna and Artemis. They're praying something happens on our honeymoon." Dick smirked and reached out to hold my hand. "Though, I wouldn't be opposed if something did happen in Greece."
"Y'know what? If it happens, it happens. Most things that happen in our lives aren't planned anyways." I sighed in defeat and he grinned. "When have we ever actually planned something that went right?"
"You do have a point."
"I always do."
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