a/n: low key hate making this disclaimer, but after the shit show that was Gotham War and how he treated the Batkids, especially Jason, I feel like I have to.
again, not depicting Bruce as a bad father. this is from the POV of a literal teenager who's traumatized and doesn't fully understand fatherly love.
raising teenagers is hard, but raising one who doesn't know how to handle emotions, is the walking definition of "traumatized", has severe daddy issues, and has problems recognizing authority is even harder.
Maeve and Bruce love each other to death, but they both have a hard time expressing it. Especially when they act exactly the same, no matter how much Maeve hates to admit it.
She's Bruce's daughter just as much as he's Maeve's father.
"Shift all your weight on your arms for stability, Jason... there you go!"
"Little bird's learning fast." Zatanna smirked, leaning on the doorway of the training room and I nodded. "Does Bruce-"
"Nope, and he's not gonna find out until I want him too. He may be a master detective, but I'm the Joker's daughter and I have more tricks than he'll ever know." I said, holding Jason's legs. "Okay, try walking."
"Why is this necessary?" He grumbled.
"You need agility and to be able to depend on your entire body, not just your arms. Acrobatics helps train your body to know when to shift its weight."
"You don't have magic powers like the rest of us, Jason. You need to train your body to take a hit and to brush it off." Zatanna added. "Same with learning to think on your feet. Don't go into the field with a solid plan, because those always change."
"How do I-" Jason started but was interrupted by Zatanna, swinging her leg and knocked him over, but I tightened my grip on his legs to keep him upright. "What the hell!?"
"You would've broken your neck if Maeve hadn't held your legs. Next time, jump just before I swing and you'll land on your feet. When I'm down, kick me in the back and you'll send me to the ground."
"Care to tell me why you're dangling Jason by his ankles?" Dick mused, walking inside with Wally and Kaldur.
"Bonding time." Jason and I answered in unison.
"By handing upside down?"
"Right... anyways, we think we found the source of the note."
"After weeks!? You people are too slow." I teased, helping Jason to his feet. "Take a break and I'll show you how to use a grappling hook when I get back."
"What am I supposed to do?" He asked and we all glanced at each other.
"You also need to learn how to be a detective... come with us." Dick waved him over and he smiled jumping onto my back. "Preferably without breaking my girlfriend in the process."
"Let the kid be. He's having fun." I chuckled, running out of the training room only to see Roy and Hal standing there. "Oh, I'm not gonna like this, aren't I?"
"Batman's radio silent." Hal started.
"Figured as much since he hasn't come home for dinner in three days... don't worry about it. He has a tracker in his suit and I've pinpointed his location last night and sent it to the man of steel because I have school and cheer practice tomorrow... he should be home and alive in a few. Next issue."
"Who's the kid?"
"His new ward. Still in the process of paperwork." I waved it off. "Did you find out who-"
"It's not Joker, that's for sure." Roy butted and I nodded.
"Figured as much since it's not his pattern. Joker may be a sociopath, but he always sticks to a pattern and he rarely leaves Gotham."
"It's Dollmaker." Jason called out and Hal scoffed.
"Listen, kid. We've been-"
"No, no. Let him speak unless you want me to fill your house with yellow tulips and yellow rubber ducks." I glared and turned to Jason. "Tell why you think it's Dollmaker, Jason."
"The ducks' faces are sewn together and the text looks like something a child would write with fingerpaint... do you people know anyone else who takes joy in sewing people together while acting like a child?"
"Mae, we're keeping him." Wally called out and I smiled.
"Good work, little bird. Dick and I will take care of it. Tell Alfred we're gonna be a little late to dinner."
"What? No! Let me come with! I'm ready!" Jason pleaded and we all yelled protests. "I figured it out!"
"And I'm proud of you for that, little bird. But you're far from ready for the field. Soon, but not now." I said, grabbing my mask from my back pocket and turned to the Team. "One of you take him for hand to hand combat and then take him straight home... no detours, Jason. I mean it."
"But I-"
"You're not getting hurt on our watch, Jace. Maeve and I work in sync and we'll take care of it. There'll come a day when you'll join us, but when you're ready. Not when you can't land a punch to knock someone over." Dick assured, tossing me the belt as we both headed for the Zeta. "Stay put, Jason. We mean it."
"Stay put." We said in unison and he backed down.
"We'll be home in a few hours. Tell Alfred to leave our dinners in the fridge and we'll heat it up!" I called out and he nodded sadly. "Hey, if you're ready, you'll join us in the next one."
"If you're ready, little bird."
。゚•┈୨🃏୧┈• 。゚
"Baa, baa, black sheep, have you any wool?"
"Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full." I heard Dollmaker sing and I smirked, gently dropping down the vent right behind him. "One for the master, one for the dame-"
"One for the little boy who lives down the lane." I finished and he turned. "Missed me?"
"My little Ace!" He exclaimed, joisting me up. Looking up, I saw Dick raise two Batarangs but stayed still. "My perfect project! What have they done to you?"
"Try to erase what you and Joker did to me." I spat, nodding at Dick and he threw the Batarangs, cracking his mask while I jumped away.
"Is there anyone who hasn't carved your face like a butcher?" Dick asked, and I shrugged.
"Harley, uncle Riddler, Cat, Ivy, and I think that's it."
"Put a pin in it and we'll come back to it later over dinner."
"You asking me out on a date, Robin?" I smirked, not tearing my gaze from Dollmaker when he grabbed a scalpel and needle and thread.
"Thought this counted as one?"
"How quick we can send this psycho back to Arkham."
"I say twenty."
"I say ten." I said just as some cages opened, revealing children with blades instead of hands. "Maybe twenty-five..."
"Protect me children! As I protected you!" Dollmaker ordered and they charged at us.
"Hold your breath!" Dick called out, throwing a bomb full of sleeping gas as we both climbed onto the vent again. "Call GCPD and the Team!"
"They'll alert the Bat and-" I was interrupted by the ceiling crashing down and I groaned. "Never mind... he's here."
Dick and I climbed out the warehouse to see Clark flying above us, pinching the bridge of his nose while crashes were heard inside.
"He took off to Crime Alley. I suggest you follow." He said and pointed at the warehouse. "He's not happy with either of you, but I'll try to calm him down."
"Tell him to get off my back and let me handle this!" I spat before running after Dollmaker and started singing. "Up and down the City road!"
"In and out the Eagle, that's the way the money goes..." Dick followed as we both swung to a fire escape just above him.
"Pop goes the weasel!" We both finished and dropped down, kicking Dollmaker across the face, making him stumble and fall into a dumpster.
"What the hell is it with him and nursery rhymes lately?"
"It's a whole thing, honestly. Him and Hatter are messed up in the head." I waved it off, closing the dumpster and grabbed an abandoned chain to lock it. "I've learned not to question it."
"You two, home... Now." Bruce called out and we tensed.
"Let me explain, Dad. We can come to an agreement if you-"
"Now." He repeated, pointing to the Batmobile. Clark landed behind him and gave us a sympathetic look. I lowered my head with a small nod and jumped down from the dumpster.
"Yes, sir."
。゚•┈୨🃏୧┈• 。゚
"Not only did you two didn't inform me, you purposely started to train Jason without my permission and-"
"Dick, get Jason inside." I interrupted.
"No." Bruce said and I scoffed.
"He's not involved, therefore he's going inside." I said, pushing Jason to the elevator. "Go eat, take a shower, and go to bed. Don't come back to the Cave tonight, okay?"
"Is everything-"
"Everything's gonna be fine, just go." I assured and sent him upstairs before turning my attention back to Bruce. "And I'm training him because he needs to learn to defend himself, not to become one of us."
"That's not your decision to make."
"And neither is yours, Dad."
"How did you find out about Dollmaker? It wasn't on any record." Dick pointed out and I widened my eyes, storming up to Bruce and forcefully removed his cowl.
"You've been spying on us again!?" I screamed, pushing him back. "You still don't trust me? It's been five years, Bruce! I'm not gonna go cuckoo and kill someone!"
"This isn't about trust, Maeve. It's about you acting like-"
"Like him? Is that what you were gonna say?"
"Like a child." He corrected.
"Maybe it's because I was one! Maybe it's because I don't fall in line and have problems with authority, because the only authority I have in my life either tried to kill me or trained me like a soldier before he realized I was a traumatized child! And maybe it's because I never was a kid! I was a weapon, Bruce!" I exclaimed, throwing my bat right past his head but he didn't even flinch. "Say something, dammit!"
"You're done." He said and I froze. "If you are gonna act like a child and keep secrets, then I'm gonna treat you like one."
"Says the one who keeps secrets from absolutely everyone!" I spat back and Dick flinched. "You can't take this from me because it's not yours to take, Bruce! You didn't make me, I did."
"You keep acting like this and someone's gonna get seriously hurt."
"Acting like you? Why take me in? Dick just said to take me to a hospital, not to adopt me and make me your daughter!"
"I thought I could fix you. I guess-"
"Fix me!? I'm not one your toys, Bruce! There's no fixing me!" I cried out, tearing off my mask and threw it on the table Dick was sitting in complete silence. "There's nothing the Batman or Bruce Wayne could do to fix me!"
"You're beyond saving." Bruce sighed and I widened my eyes. "You're still the same ten year old girl who almost got everyone killed by acting careless."
"So why take me in then? Why not toss me out on the streets and let Gotham deal with me?"
"Maeve..." Dick whispered, but I ignored him.
"Maybe I should've." Bruce shrugged and I tensed, taking a step back and shook my head in disbelief.
"Maybe you should've." I repeated, turning to the elevator.
"Maeve, wait!" Dick called out, but I threw a Batarang at his cape, pinning him to the table. "Bruce, that was uncalled for! Mae... he didn't mean it!"
"Then why did he say it?"
。゚•┈୨🃏୧┈• 。゚
"What are you still doing up, little bird?" I sniffled, wiping my tears and turned to him with a smile. "You should be sleeping."
"I... I heard Alfred and Dick scream at Bruce from downstairs. Wanted to make sure you're okay." Jason whispered shyly and I chuckled, patting the spot next to me on the bed. "Did you get in trouble because of me? Because, we can stop-"
"Not because of you, my little bird. Bruce and I just had a disagreement over something. It usually takes a few days to calm down and things to return to normal." I said, assuring both of us while holding him close. "I'm not going on patrol tomorrow. You wanna do something together?"
"Can we go to the arcade that just opened?"
"How about the arcade and a movie? That sounds good?"
"Mhm... and pizza?" He offered and I nodded, gently stroking his hair.
"Whatever you want, Jason."
"Without me? I'm a bit whelmed." Dick smirked, leaning against the doorframe and I smiled slightly. "He's on cooldown, spending the rest of the night in the Batcave. Alfred sure gave him something to think about."
"Was a frying pan involved?" I mused and Jason chuckled.
"No... but there was a knife on the table and then it disappeared."
"No weapons on the table." Alfred simply said, walking inside and handed me a glass of water. "I do apologize for not coming sooner, Miss Maeve. Though, I see Master Jason has it all handled."
"Thanks for having my back, Alfred." I smiled and he nodded with a small smile, gesturing for Jason to stand up.
"I do believe it's past your bedtime, Master Todd."
"But she-"
"I'm okay now, Jason. Thank you." I smiled, ruffling his hair. "Now, go to bed before Alfred drags you out by the ankles."
"And it's literal. He did it to me once." Dick said and Jason widened his eyes, rushing out my bedroom. "Thanks for backing me up, Alfred."
"Master Bruce might have an odd way to show it, but he truly does care for you both."
"We know." We replied and Alfred sighed, leaving the door slightly ajar and left us alone. "Oh, come on!"
"No closed doors." Was all he said before walking away.
"One to ten?" Dick asked, climbing on the bed and pulled me towards him.
"Six." I answered, tracing patterns on the palm of his hand. "I'll get over it."
"You sure? Because that was pretty overwhelming, funny girl."
"I'm sure, bird boy. Though, I can't promise I won't do this again."
"Wouldn't be you if you randomly decided to follow orders." He laughed, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. "Wanna sneak out to the Cave? I can call everyone and-"
"Just wanna stay here tonight, if that's okay. They don't need to know everything that goes on here." I sighed, laying my head on his shoulder. "You can stay too if you want."
"I'm not going anywhere, Maeve. Not unless you want me to."
"I just want to sleep, honestly."
"Want me to leave you be?"
"I'd actually prefer it if you stayed." I admitted and felt him nod before scooting us down further so we were laying down. "Thanks for having my back, Dick."
"We're a duo, Mae. I've got your back and you've got mine, not only in the field." He assured and I nodded, noticing Bruce peeking over the door, but chose to say nothing. "He didn't mean it. Bruce was just angry because we didn't tell him about the note and that we're training Jason."
"But it's not fair that he keeps secrets from us and then gets pissed when we do the same." I pointed out, not tearing my gaze from Bruce. "Besides, he once said that trust is a two way street. How can we trust him if he doesn't trust us?"
"Adults are weird like that... hopefully, we never turn out like that."
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