Twelve Gala Part Two Disaster (Heavy on The Dis)

Bruce carried Dick out of the limo with Wally right next to him; Bruce opened the door to the ballroom to see the room packed with a bunch of 'snobby rich people' as Wally would call them. "Bruce, when we get in, can I take him somewhere that isn't crowded?" Wally asked seeing Dick shaking and crying in Bruce's arms. "Wally" Dick cried making grabby hands at Wally. Wally grabbed Dick from Bruce's arms and they walked in. Bruce set himself on a mission and that mission was to find Danielle, while Wally took Dick to the back of the ballroom, where the food was at.

"Are you hungry, Dickie?" Wally asked and Dick nodded. Wally set Dick down on his feet and holding Dick's hand as they walked over the food. "What do you want to eat?" Wally asked picking up a plate for Dick. Wally knew that Dick would only use sign languages, good thing Barry and him learned after they first met Dick. "Salad no tomatoes with Italian dressing" Dick signed and quickly grabbed Wally's hand. Wally put the salad on Dick's plate and led Dick to Bruce, which was not a smart since he was on the dance floor. "Bruce? Where are we sitting?" Wally asked walking up with a very scared Dick. "The table in front of the stairs." Bruce answered, "Have you seen Danielle or Lee at all?" Dick and Wally shook their heads and headed to the table.

On the other side of the ballroom, Danielle was with Hailey trying to find Bruce but was being cornered by a few men. "Never seen you before, but you're cute." One of the men said walking closer to Danielle. For Hailey, being cornered by men was a new experience. "Where is daddy?" Hailey asked looking up at Danielle with tears in her eyes. "I'm right here, baby girl." another man said grabbing her arms causing her to scream. "Leave her alone!" Danielle demanded and pulled Hailey away from the man. "BRUCE! BRUCE WHERE ARE YOU!?!" Danielle hugged Hailey, who was had tears streaming down her face.

A few minutes later, Bruce runs over to Danielle and Hailey pulling them into a hug. "What happened?" He asked in a panic. "These men cornered us, while we were trying to find you," Danielle pointed at the men. "Lee asked 'where is daddy?' and he said 'I'm right here, baby girl'," She pointed at the man. "While grabbing her arms and she screamed," Danielle explained hugging Hailey, who had cried herself to sleep, tightly. Bruce looked over at the men with a glare. "HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY DAUGHTER!" Bruce yelled in their faces. "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE HITTING ON-" Bruce was cut off by a scream that he knew all too well. "Shit, that's Dick!" Bruce let go and ran towards the scream with Danielle, who was carrying Hailey, right behind him.

Wally was feeding Dick his salad a woman with long black hair, dark green eyes, and a bunch of makeup walked over to them. "I have never seen either of you, who are you?" the woman, Liley asked sweetly. "I'm Wally and this is Dick" Wally replied giving Dick another bite of his salad. "Are you brothers?" Wally smiled, he never thought of being Dick's brother. "Yes, we are" Dick looked over at Wally and smiled. "Wally's my big brother!" Dick signed happily, while Liley looked at Dick with disgust. "Can he talk?" She asked Dick shook his head. "He can talk, but doesn't like too," Wally explained giving Dick another bite of his salad. Seeing Wally feeding Dick, made a switch flip in her mind. "Can he feed himself, he's not a baby!" She snapped at Wally.

Dick shrunk in his chair when she snapped at Wally. "I'm scared, Wally!" Dick signed with shaky hands. "I know, come here," Wally said opening his arms and Dick crawled onto his lap. "Actually, he can't!" Wally snapped at her. She leaned down and reached for Dick. "Ma'am, you don't want to touch him when he's scared." Wally tried to warn her, but of course, she did not listen. She grabbed Dick and pulled him off of Wally. Dick screamed with tears rolling down his face and struggled in her hold.

Bruce arrived at the table, within two minutes, to see Dick struggling in Liley's arms. "Why are you touching my son?" Bruce asked calmly, while on the inside he was completely pissed that his kids were having hands on them by strangers. "Mr. Wayne, I was... uh... I was..." She stuttered putting Dick down. Dick ran straight to Bruce, who pick him up. "Wallace, what happened?" Bruce asked rubbing circles on Dick's back. "Well, Dick and I were sitting here, I was feeding Dick and she walked over to us asking who we were," Wally explained what had happened. After a few minutes of Wally explaining what happened, Bruce looked pissed. "Wally, Danielle we're leaving, you guys can stay at the Manor," Bruce said walking away with a sound asleep Dick in his arms.

They walked to the limo, where Alfred was waiting. "The gala did not go very well, did it?" Alfred said noticing the tear streaks on Dick's and Hailey's faces. "Take us back to the Manor, please, Alfred," Bruce said and Alfred nodded. Bruce, Danielle, and Wally climbed into the back; Bruce had a sleeping Dick on his lap with Dick's head on his left shoulder, and Wally leaning on his left arm, while Danielle had a sleeping Hailey on her lap with Hailey's head on her left shoulder. Alfred started the hour drive to the Wayne Manor.

"Bruce, can I stay in Dickie's room?" Wally mumbled falling asleep. Bruce smiled down at Wally, who's eyes were drooping closed. "Yes, as long as you don't mind being woken up in the middle of night," Bruce said and Wally tiredly nodded with a tired smile. About half-way back to the Manor, all the kids were sound asleep.

Word count - 1000
Ten days
Comment if Danielle and Bruce
Should get together

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