Three Meeting Batman

   Batman looked over at Dick confused, "Can you hear me?" Batman asked climbing completely through the window and walking over to the bed. Dick tried to scurry away from Batman, only to stumble off the bed with a thud. Batman rushed over to him but stopped when he saw that Dick was pressed against the wall in a ball and shaking with his hands out in front of him. "Who are you!" Dick signed frantically. "I am Batman." At that Dick seemed to relax a little bit. "How did you find me?" He signed starting to shake, a little more, again. "I heard a scream this way" He stated, slowly walking closer to Dick. Dick hung his head and let tears fall down his face, He knew what was going to happen to him now that someone had heard him scream. 

   Batman walked in front of Dick and crouched down putting his hand on Dick's shoulders, causing him jump and flinch away from him. "It's okay, I won't hurt you." Batman told Dick and pointed the muzzle "Can I take that off for you?" Dick hesitated but nodded and Batman took the muzzle off. "Thank you, Batman" Dick signed looking at Batman who nodded. "If you come with me, I can help you," Batman said standing up and looking down at Dick, who just sat there waiting for something. "I know someone who will be willing to take you in." Dick looked up at Batman and signed "Will you come and check on me every night?" Batman was taken back by the statement but nodded. Dick reached up to Batman and made grabby hands. He bends down picking Dick up and walked over to the window grappling to the nearest building.

   Once the wire pulled them off the ground, Dick's grip on Batman tightened as they flew through the air. After a few minutes of gliding through the air, Dick started to violently shake in Batman's arms. "I never did catch your name, " Batman said trying to detract Dick, but it didn't work. Eventually, they landed and Batman set Dick down, who instantly sat down in front of him. "What you are doing on the ground?" Batman asked confused but realized that Dick was waiting to be given an order. "You don't have to sit on the ground," Batman told Dick, picking him up so he was standing. "What is your name?" He asked again with his hands on the boy's shoulders. "Richard Grayson, but I prefer Dick" He signed and Batman quickly pick him up causing him to let out a small scream. "Pune-ma jos!" (Put me down) Dick yelled beating on Batman's back, who continued to walk towards the bat-mobile.

   When Batman made it to the Batmobile, he gently sat a sleeping Dick in the passenger seat and buckled his seat belt. He closed the door walking to the driver side and drove towards the bat cave, while he called Alfred. "Hello sir," Alfred answered popping up on the screen. "I need you to prepare a room, we are going to have a guest." Batman briefly explained and ended the call.  Not long after Batman ended the call, he and Dick arrived at the cave. "DADDY!" A little girl yells running over and hugging Batman. "Hey, baby girl." He hugged her back and kissed the top of her head. He let go, pulling off his cowl becoming Bruce Wayne, walking to the other side of the bat mobile. The little girl followed her dad to see a little boy sleeping the seat. "Ah, sir the room is ready for our guest," Alfred said coming out of nowhere "Miss Hailey, aren't you suppose to be in bed?" Hailey looked up at Alfred and frowned "But I wanted to see Daddy." She said sadly and looked at the ground. Alfred walked over and picked her up "Let's get you to bed Miss Hailey." He walked up the stairs to the manor and straight to Hailey's room to put her in bed. "Good night Miss," Alfred said after setting her down and tucking her in. "Night Alfie!" She said snuggling into her blanket and closed her eyes.

   Bruce walked over to the changing rooms and changed into a gray t-shirt and black shorts. He walked back out, heading towards the bat mobile and picked Dick up. Bruce carried Dick up into the manor and to the spare room that was prepared for him. He set Dick down on the bed and he instantly woke up. Dick looked up at Bruce with fear in his eyes and tried to back away from him, but bumped into the headboard. "Hey it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you," Bruce told him softly. "Where is Batman?" Dick signed, frantically looking around. "He had to go back on patrol." Bruce explained, "I'm Bruce." Dick looked at up Bruce and signed "Why am I here?" Bruce sat down on the bed. "Because Batman told me about you and what happened and I want to take you in," Bruce said patting Dick's knee and Dick nodded. "Can you speak English?" Dick shook his head. "Would you like me to teach you?" Dick, once again, shook his head. "Okay. Well, it's late, you should go to sleep." Bruce suggested, Dick quickly nodded and laid down, closing his eyes. "Good night," Bruce said and kissed Dick's forehead. Bruce stood up and walked out of the room, heading to Hailey's room. He walked over to her bed and kissed her forehead as well. "Good night, Lace." He whispered and walked to his room, going to sleep. 

   It was around 3:30 a.m. when Hailey woke up and walked father's room when she noticed that the room straight across from her room was being occupied. She walked over the door, opening it to see a boy with black hair laying in the bed; being her curious self, she went to find out who the boy was. she walked over and tapped his shoulder causing him jump trying to crawl away, only to fall off the bed with a thump. "Who're you?" she asked with her hands on her hips. Dick at with wide and fearful eyes and screamed.

   Bruce woke up with a jolt when he heard someone scream, he quickly stood up and ran down the hall to that Hailey's door was closed, but Dick's was wide open. Bruce ran in to see Hailey standing in front a very frightened Dick, who had tears rolling his cheeks. "Hailey, what are you doing?!" Bruce ran over to the two picking Dick up and rubbed his back while say soothing words into his ear. "Who is he?" Hailey said glaring at Dick, which was only making him cry even more. "Lee, go back to bed." Bruce told her as continued to rub circles and pat on Dick's back. Hailey stomped her foot and walked out of the room. "Dick, would you like to sleep in my bed for the night?" Bruce asked as Dick slowly nodded

Word count - 1160
Wow 2 updates in 1 day
I'm happy that I actually
achieved that and they have
over 1,000 words in them

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