Sixteen Adopted

Bruce decided to adopt Dick, he did not want someone to be able to just take Dick away. Bruce knew Dick would want Bruce to adopt him.

Bruce woke up the next morning to Hailey pushing Dick away from Bruce's room. "Hailey, be nice to Dick!" Bruce yelled from his bed. "Dick, I need to talk to you about something really important." Bruce sat up rubbing his eyes. Dick walked into Bruce's room and climbed onto the bed. "Yes, Tata?" Dick said playing his hands. "Would you like it if I adopted you?" Bruce asked and Dick nodded smiling wildly. "Yes!" Dick yelled jumping up and backflipping on the bed.

Dick landed on his butt and crawled onto Bruce's lap. "Thanks, Tata!" Dick mumbled into Bruce's chest. "You're welcome, Dick," Bruce said rubbing Dick's back. "Why dopt him, daddy?" asked Hailey climbing onto the bed and pouting. "Because I do not want Dick to be easily taken from us," Bruce explained patting her head. Hailey stood up on the bed and walked over to Bruce and Dick. "He my daddy!" She yelled pushing Dick away from Bruce.

Dick looked up at Hailey with tears welling up in his big blue eyes. "That wasn't nice, Hailey!" Dick told her with his arms crossed. "Hailey, you don't do that." Bruce scolded holding Hailey's shoulders. "He a cwy baby!" Hailey yelled pointing at Dick noticing a few tears rolling down his face. Dick took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. "Tata?" His voice cracked a little. "Hailey, go and help Alfred," Bruce told Hailey, who hit Dick on the head and left.

Dick looked at Bruce with tears slowly making their way down his face. "Why is Lee so mean to me?" Dick cried bring his knees up to his chest. "She's just jealous that she has to share my attention," Bruce explained pulling Dick onto his lap. "Now, how about we go to CPS to get paperwork for your adoption." Dick nodded with a big smile.

After breakfast, Bruce and Dick went upstairs to change to head to the CPS building. Dick was wearing a black shiny suit with a white dress shirt and a red tie while Bruce was wearing a shiny black suit with a white dress shirt and black tie. Bruce walked down the stairs with Dick in his arms with his head resting on Bruce's shoulder and a big smile. "I'm going to be FAMILY!" yelled Dick tightly hugging Bruce. Bruce let out a small chuckle, "Yes, you are," He smiled at Dick.

Once Bruce reached the bottom of the stairs he set Dick down and lead him to the garage. "Can we take the Bugatti?" Dick asked excitedly. "Sure, Dickie," Bruce smiled as Dick jumped up and down excitedly. "YAY!" Dick screamed as he raced over to Bugatti. Bruce slowly followed behind with small smile.

When Bruce reached the Bugatti, he spotted Dick jumping up and down by Bugatti with a wide smile. "Come on! Come on!" Dick urged. "I'm coming, I'm coming," Bruce laughed at Dick's excitement. Bruce opened the door for Dick to climb in and buckled him in. Bruce closed Dick's door and heads to the driver seat. Bruce started the car and started the thirty-minute drive towards Child Protective Services. Not long into the drive, Dick fell asleep in his car seat. Bruce smiled when he saw Dick passed out in the back seat.

Bruce was about two blocks away when Dick started to move in his seat and mumble things like "You promised" or "Don't let him take me" in Romanian. Bruce quickly pulled over to a parking lot of a Target to check on Dick. As soon as Bruce closed his door, Dick woke up and began to get out of his seat. Once Bruce opened the door, Dick started to panic.

Bruce reached to unbuckle Dick, but Dick started to hit and kick. "Nu mă face să merg cu el!" (Don't make me go with him!) Dick yelled pushing Bruce arms away. "Dick, I need you to calm down," Bruce gently told Dick, who was now having a panic attack. "Breath, Dick, I need you to Breathe for me!" Bruce frantically explained to Dick, who shook his head with tears slowly falling. "Am avut încredere în tine! Mi-ai spus că nu voi fi niciodată adus înapoi la el!" (I trusted you! You told me that I would never be brought back to him!) Dick screamed looking at Bruce with hurt in his eyes.

To say Bruce was shocked that statement, that would an understatement. "I'm wasn't giving you back to Zucco, I would never do that," Bruce told him gently. Dick looked down at his feet. "Imi pare rau " (I'm sorry), Dick sniffled playing the hem of his suit. "Do you want to head back or keep going?" Bruce asked wiping Dick's tears away. "Keep going," Dick signed and Bruce nodded. "Alright, let's going," Bruce said shutting the door and going the driver's seat. Bruce continued on his way to Child Protective Services. Dick stared out the window with a few tears falling.

A few minutes later, Bruce pulled into the parking lot of the Child Protective Services building. Once Bruce parked the Bugatti, he got out and let Dick out as well. Dick unbuckled himself and looked at Bruce making grabby hands at him. Bruce just sighed and picked up the ebony boy. Bruce carried Dick up to the building and walked inside to the front desk. Once They entered, Dick quickly hid his head in Bruce's shoulder as he rubbed Dick's back.

The worker at the front desk looked up with the sweetest smile. "Mr. Wayne! How can I help you, today?" She questioned standing up. "I would love to adopt Richard, here," Bruce explained padding Dick on the back. The woman leaned forward a little and examed Dick. "Hand him over, so I can check for any concerns," She reached for Dick, who tried to hide from her. Bruce stepped back from her. "He doesn't like to be touched or around strangers," Bruce explained as Dick started quietly mumble things in Romanian.

The woman nodded as Bruce turned Dick around so she could see Dick. "Dickie, this is-" Bruce started. "Hello Richard, I am Annabelle," The worker, Annabelle, finished for Bruce. Dick gave a small wave as Bruce set him down on the floor. "Hello" Dick signed to Annabelle. Dick looked up at Bruce with pleading eyes. "I'm ready to go home!" Dick signed to Bruce, who chuckled a little. "Not yet, Dick, we still have to sign the papers," Bruce explained messing up Dick's hair.

A few minutes later, Annabelle led Bruce and Dick to a room to sign a few papers to adopt Dick. "I just need you to sign here," Annabelle pointed to a signature line, Bruce signed and everything was final. Bruce had officially adopted Dick as his son. Dick was so excited that he started to bounce up and down on Bruce's lap while signing so fast Bruce couldn't even understand what he was signing.

Word count - 1186
Yay! Bruce has officially adopted
Dick as his son!
Special thanks to annabug823
for helping me out with writing
This chapter!

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