Nineteen Birthday Part One

After saying they're goodbyes, the four left to head back to Gotham, so Bruce could start planning for a special day, next week.

It's been a week since Bruce had Roy babysit Dick and Hailey. Bruce has been working really hard on the party. Bruce had the party, circus themed. Bruce had contacted Jack Haly, the ringleader of Haly's international traveling circus, to come to the party, on his way back from Starling City. Haly agreed to come and offered to perform at the party. Bruce accepted the offer but explained that it was not necessary.

Bruce was at the ballroom, he always rented out for his parties, setting up all the decorations for Dick's party. Bruce had invited Barry, Wally, Oliver, Roy, and Jake to celebrate Dick's ninth birthday.

Meanwhile, Dick was at the Manor with Wally playing outside. Wally playfully chased after Dick as he did cartwheels and flips to avoid being tagged by Wally. "Can't catch me, Wally!" Dick laughs as Wally smiles. "Oh really?" Wally teases using his speed to tag Dick. Hailey appeared right front of Dick, causing both of them to fall. "Ooow!" Whined Hailey sitting up and pushing Dick to the ground. Hailey just stood up dusting her lavender knee-length dress and walking over the small pond, while Dick just stays in the grass. "Hails, that wasn't nice," Wally told her helping Dick up.

"Young Masters and Miss Hailey, it's time to go!" Alfred called from the back of the Manor. Wally puts Dick on his back and runs over to Alfred, while Hailey slowly walks over. The three - Dick is on Wally's back - walk over to the limo, Alfred opens the door as they climb in. Alfred closed the door walking over to driver side and driving to the ballroom.

The drive to the ballroom was about twenty-five to thirty minutes, Dick and Wally had fallen asleep snuggled up against each other. Alfred parked the limo in front of the ballroom doors and let Hailey out to wake up the sleeping boys; Alfred lightly shook Dick, who woke up with a start, waking Wally up with the sudden movement. "Young Masters, we are here," Alfred explained and Wally nodded. The three exited the limo and walked into the ballroom door to see a group of people, Dick hid behind Wally as they walked down the hall to the ballroom staircase.

The ballroom was covered in circus decorations, had a DJ stand, a few circus games, presents, and a circus themed cake. In the center of the ballroom was cleared for performers to perform their acts

Once Dick saw Haly and the others from the circus, he smiled and tugged on Wally's sleeve. Wally looked down at the ebony standing slightly next to him and smiled too. "Wanna go see them?" Wally questioned knowing what Dick was looking at, receiving a nodded from said boy. Wally laughed a little and lead Dick over to the circus members. When the duo reached the bottom of the stairs, Dick started have second thoughts and tried to head back to the safety of the top of the stairs. Wally didn't notice - or ignored Dick's uneasiness - continued his way to Haly.

Once Wally was within arms reach of Haly, Wally lightly tapped his shoulder to get his attention. Haly turned around to see Wally and Dick, almost completely hidden behind Wally. "Um... Hello Mr. Haly, um my brother wanted to um say hi," Wally explained stepping aside to reveal Dick. "R-Richard?" Haly asked looking at the ebony, who slowly nods trying to hide behind Wally. Haly smiles at Dick and steps forward to hug him. "Da," (yes) Dick whipsers softly, Haly hugs Dick tightly. "Mi-ai pierdut atât de mult, Dickie,"(I missed you so much, Dickie) Haly whipsered into Dick's ear, Dick hugs Haly back.

"Where is Aunt Katie and Uncle Keith?" Dick signed into Haly's back. "Dad! Have you seen Dick at all?" Asked a young woman with slightly tan skin, light brown hair that went her shoulders, and brown eyes with glasses rushing over. Dick sqeaked burying his face into Haly's chest. "Yeah, he's right here, Katie," Haly replied letting go of the ebony boy. Katie walks closer to Dick and pulls him into a tight embrace. "Oh, how Keith and I missed you!" She told Dick with tears in her eyes. Katie let Dick go as he rushed back to Wally's side.

"WHERE'S GYPSY!" Hailey screamed from side the ballroom. "I think Hails is looking for me," Signed Dick moving closer to Wally. "How 'bout we go find Roy?" Wally suggested grabbing Dick's hand, who nodded. Wally looked around for Roy, who was hanging around one of the circus games. "Found him- oh! Mr. Haly, do you know when you'll start the show?" Wally asked helping Dick onto his back. "In about thirty minutes, young man," Haly answered looking at his watch, Wally nodded. "Thanks, Mr. Haly and I'm Wally," Wally thanked Haly, shaking Haly's hand. Wally waved and walked over to Roy with Dick on his back.

Hailey was looking for Dick to tell him that today was "all about her" even if wasn't even her birthday. "Excuse me have seen Gypsy?" Hailey asked a male circus performer, who had fair skin, black hair, and blue-gray eyes. "Who are you calling Gypsy?" Asked the man glaring at Hailey. "I hope you know that glare of yours isn't going to scare me," She told him, "And I was looking for the boy my daddy took in," The man looked at her, "who's you're dad?" He questioned crossing his arms. "Bruce Wayne, I'm his daughter," Hailey glared at him, "And you are?" She crossed her arms. "I am Keith Kogan," Keith replied, "I think I saw him talking with my dad."

Wally, Roy, and Dick were talking -Dick was sighing to them- when the DJ started to play Despacito by Daddy Yankee, Luis fonsi ft Justin Bieber (I know this isn't the best song but I love this song), Wally stopped mid-sentence and smiled brightly at Dick. "Do you wanna dance with me, Dickie?" Wally asks holding out his hand to Dick, who took his hand, and lead Dick to the dance floor. Roy watched them dance from his spot, with a smile on his face. Wally would spin Dick around or guide his hips left to right ever time Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito was sang. "They would make a cute couple when they're older," Jake said standing next to Roy, who jumped a little, agreeing.

After the song ended, Dick spotted Jake walking over them. Dick smiled at Jake and hugged him once Jake was close enough to him. "Jakey!" Dick signed bouncing a little. "Hey buddy, how's your party?" Jake asked rubbing Dick's hair. "Good! I got to see Haly and Aunt Katie!" Dick signed in reply with a bright smile. "That's awesome! Who's your little friend?" Jake asks noticing Wally. "Hi I'm Wally," Wally answered holding his hand out for Jake, who took it. "I'm Jake, it's nice to meet you," Jake introduced himself.

Bruce walked up to the DJ stand to make an announcement about was going to happen next. "Hello everyone! Thank you all for coming to Dick's birthday! I also would like to thank Haly's international traveling circus for taking time out of his tour to be here for Dick! He seems very to see all of you! So, on that note, I would like to present Haly's international traveling circus performers!" Bruce announced with Danielle standing next to him. Everyone gathered around the center ring for the circus acts, Wally sat in front row with Dick snuggled against his side and his head resting on Wally's shoulder, Roy was on the left of Wally and Jake on the right of Dick.

(I couldn't find any other circus videos that had full acts)

Once all the acts were done, it was time for cake and ice cream. The cake was a circus tent with a trapeze set on top and nine candles around the side. Everyone sang Happy birthday in English while Haly, Katie, and Keith sang in Romanian. Dick happily blew out his candles - wishing that Wally is always by his side.

Alfred started to cut the cake, when Dick screamed in fear. Everyone looked over at Dick to see him being held hair by...

Word count - 1420
This is the longest chapter I've ever wrote!
Comment if you saw my reference I told
You guys about! Part two will be up soon!
Special thanks to 😇 annabug823 😇 for
Helping me with my ideas for this and
Next chapter!
Also, sorry for not updating for awhile!

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