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THE FIRST THING that caught Cassandra's attention as soon as she stepped inside the kitchen was the loud foreign music playing and a strong smell of vinegar. A salty and sour aromatic sensation of garlic, peppercorn and bay leaf swirled in the air and the woman wondered who was cooking so early in the morning. Getting into the bustling space, her nostrils were further invaded by the wonderful aroma of meat intermingled with the divine perfume of sweet and exotic spices she smelt earlier. Plates and bowls with ingredients of various kinds were lined up to form a colourful collage along the long tiled counter of the kitchen in preparation of whatever was the event for today.

Cocking an eyebrow, Cassandra figured out that the foreign pop song blasting in the speakers was Filipino and just as she was about to further walk into the kitchen, she saw Alona and Bruce nodding along to the beat of the song. Somehow, she felt like she was intruding and stepped back, hiding behind a wall that was near the kitchen's entrance.

"Akin ka na lang! Akin ka na lang!" suddenly sang Alona when the song seemed to have reached its chorus, swaying her hips as she added another ingredient into the pot. "Iingatan ko ang puso mo!"

Cassandra heard Bruce chuckle and that made her slightly crane her neck to eavesdrop on the two. Her radar was on high alert and she didn't know why, but she was feeling something was brewing with these two. She had seen a sparkle in Bruce's eyes whenever she brought up Alona. Actually, she never had a one-on-one chat with the sea kingdom queen, they were all related to work. Are they a thing? The towering green brute just fondly watched her while chopping up the bell pepper. "What does that mean?"

"Oh, well, in English, it literally means, be mine instead, be mine instead. I'll be careful with your heart."

"Wow, the lyrics are nice. The song's even catchy and cute. It has this Beatles-esque vibe."

"Cute? Like me?" teased Alona, drawing near to her companion, fluttering her eyelashes. Bruce only glanced at her with a playful smile dancing on his lips. His eyes swept up from her feet to her eyes and Cassandra swore his gaze lingered on her face too long. There was a certain gleam in his eye that she recognized when both of their eyes met.

The connection between Bruce and Alona was different. There was a spark.

And Cassandra knew that because Stephen used to look at her that way.

Stephen often looked at her like she hung the moon and the stars in the sky. Like she was his sunrise and sunset, the awe-inspiring kaleidoscope of colors that soothed the soul. Whenever he would stare at her during their practice session, he made her feel she was a masterpiece painted by Picasso that came to life right in front of his eyes.

She then heard Alona laugh. It was loud and unfeminine, unfettered. Her whole body was so consumed by it that her face was now glowing crimson, her shoulders were trembling, and her eyes were small slits. Bruce, beside her, looked very delighted that it was all because of something that he said.

"Of course, you're cute, Lons." He shrugged, returning to his work. "You're my best friend."

Cassandra gaped, like she heard the most atrocious thing in her life. Bullshit! I smell bullshit, Bruce.

The woman was about to lean further to get a better view of the two when she accidentally tripped and stumbled forward, revealing herself to Alona and Bruce. In order to save herself from the embarrassment, she instantly yawned and scratched her head, pretending she just woke up and was quite oblivious of her surroundings.

"Oh, hey, guys! Good morning!" she greeted, waving her hand. The two of them only beamed, acknowledging her, but it was obvious that Bruce was a tad bit startled by her sudden presence. I better get a fucking Oscar award for this. "Are you guys cooking breakfast or are we having a celebration?" She proceeded to march towards the refrigerator, pulling out a jar full of cold water and a glass. "I didn't know you two were assigned to do kitchen duty."

"Yep! I am cooking adobo and caldereta! Two of my favorite Filipino dishes!"

"Wow, sounds delicious! But, like, isn't this kind of heavy for breakfast?"

"Oh, no, Adobo is quite common for us to have for breakfast. This beef Caldereta will be lunch though. I have to boil the meat until it is fork tender so," she shrugged. "No worries! I will be there for the meeting today."

"I will be helping her too." added Bruce, beaming as he pushed his glasses back.

"Right-o! Well, then, let me leave you two... best friends to work." chirped Cassandra, giving them a small smirk since she knew something was brewing between them and she hoped they would gather the courage to be together and be happy.

The day progressed on and the sorceress now found herself assisting in the side room of the laboratory, together with Nebula. Now, she may not be the brightest when it comes to science, but she was a fast learner. She swiftly caught onto what her friend, Bruce, was telling to adjust in Scott's red and white advanced tech suits. The suits which Stark designed to be housed inside the Time-Space GPS and materialize around the wearer's outfit via nanotechnology, with its user being able to manifest the helmet through mental commands.

"A time travel suit?" Rhodey made himself known to them. "Not bad."

Cassandra feeling a bit tired utilized her magic in making the tools Bruce handed her to fix the necessary adjustments in Scott's helmet. They all floated around, mentally controlled by her. She only gracefully swiped her hands from left to right, observing the whole procedure. It was then that Scott complained about how Bruce was handling the glass tube containing some red dust that Cassandra recalled was the Pym Particles. The subatomic particles that will decrease their size so they can enter the Quantum Dimension. "Hey, hey, hey! Easy, easy!"

"I'm being very careful!"

"No, you're being..." Scott noted, pausing. "very Hulky!"

"I'm being careful." argued Bruce who now took a step back.

Scott swallowed and that was when Cassandra knew he was anxious, basing from how he behaved at the moment. "These are Pym Particles, alright? And ever since Hank Pym got snapped out of existence, this is it." He emphasized to make them realize that this was their last chance, their last shot. "This is what we have. We're not making any more."

Rhodey sighed, "Scott, calm down."

"Sorry. We've got enough for one round trip each. That's it. No do-overs. Plus three test runs." He lectured, then accidentally pressed a button in his suit, and shrunk. He grew back to his normal size not long after he shrieked. He winced, but then acted as if nothing went wrong. "Two test runs."

"All right." Scott apprehensively babbled. "I'm not ready for this."

Cassandra scratched her head, "I think we'll need another lab rat."

"I'm game." proclaimed a man sporting a mohawk, standing by the entrance way. "I'll do it. I'll be your lab rat."

This time, Vesper presented herself to them, resting her elbow on the newcomer's shoulder. "I'm down as well to being a lab rat." she volunteered, glancing at her companion. "Send me to my planet father. Nebula knows the coordinates."

"Planet father?"

"Yes, Clinton. My father was a whole ass planet." The blonde half-Celestial then grumbled, "Dude, I already told you this earlier. My planet dad made himself human and - "

"First of all, don't call me Clinton. Second, how old are you again?"

"Seventy-four, if I include the years I have been put to sleep by my shit of a father."


"I know. I'm fucking amazing."

In the span of only a few minutes, Cassandra, and Nebula, fitted Clint and Vesper into the advanced tech suits and were continuing with the assist as Bruce elaborated more about their test run. "Alright, so, Clint, Vesper, now you're gonna feel a little discombobulated from the chronoshift. Don't worry about it."

They nodded. Actually, Cassandra wanted to be the one standing on the platform and be sent back in time, but then she concluded that it was better that Vesper was doing it.

"Wai-wait a second," Rhodes spoke up suddenly as if he had arrived at a shocking discovery. "let me ask you something. If we can do this, you know, go back in time, why don't we just find baby Thanos, you know, and..." he paused, making a hand gesture that suggested they strangle the infant Thanos with a rope.

Bruce retracted, disgusted and horrified at the idea. Even Cassandra was. She hated Thanos, but she will draw a line in killing him when he was still a baby. "First of all, that's horrible..."

"Rhodes, dear gods, you did not just suggest we garrott a baby!"

Rhodes reasoned out to Cassandra, matter-of-factly, "It's Thanos, Cass."

"Yes, it's Thanos, but - "

"Look, time doesn't work that way." Bruce countered. "Changing the past doesn't change the future."

"Look, we go back, we get the stones before Thanos gets them..." agreed Scott. "Thanos doesn't have the stones. Problem solved."

Clint and Vesper simultaneously declared, "Bingo."

"That's not how it works."

"Well, that's what I heard."

"What? By who? Who told you that?"

Rhodes enumerated, listing off all the movies that had time travel and alternate timelines as its theme and concept. "Star Trek, Terminator, TimeCop, Time After Time - "

"Quantum Leap - "

Cassandra furrowed her eyebrows at Scott's suggestion, knowing well that the plot of Quantum Leap wasn't about time travel. "Wait, what - "

"A Wrinkle in Time, Somewhere in Time - "

"Hot Tub Time Machine - "

"Hot Tub Time Machine. Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure..."

Cassandra, being a movie and tv series enthusiast, recited, "The Butterfly Effect and Donnie Darko."

Rhodes pointed his finger to her. "Bingo! Good one. Basically, any movie that deals with time travel."

Scott added one more movie that caused Cassandra to blink twice. "Die Hard? No, it's not one..."

"This is known."

Bruce's visage contorted into that of puzzlement. "I don't know why everyone believes that, but that isn't true." He then expounded. "Think about it: If you travel to the past, that past becomes your future. And your former present becomes the past. Which can't now be changed by your new future..."

"Exactly." Nebula concurred, finalizing the last adjustments in Vesper's suit.

"So..." Scott swallowed. "Back To The Future's a bunch of bullshit?"

That's when they hear someone behind them release a sigh. Spinning around her heel, Cassandra caught an impatient looking Paul with his fiancรฉe, Natasha. He was holding her hand when he decided to talk. Actually, she had just heard of their engagement a few days ago as they wanted to keep everything under wraps. Paul proposed to her just after their cottage home in France finished its construction and he had bought a large piece of land there to be their vineyard. Both of them planned to retire from the superhero life, get married, open up a winery business and adopt two children right after they all successfully bring everyone back. Cassandra, of course, was approached by the lovely couple and asked to be their wedding planner to which she happily obliged. She almost had no idea that they were dating since they really kept things private and it was only after they announced that Paul began to publicly shower his fiancรฉe with love and care.

Natasha and Paul couldn't be more perfect for each other.

"Look, it sounds a little murky, but that's because it is." he cockily explained as if the whole matter was so easy to comprehend. "If you want to go back in time and kill baby Thanos, nothing will stop you, but that won't change anything because our reality has already happened."

Unclasping from Natasha's grasp, he took a step forward, crossing his arms. "We have already lived through Thanos' snap. There is no Butterfly Effect. Instead, the whole act of that Thanos-murder will just create a whole new timeline that branches off from ours. Got that, ladies?"

"So, changing one tiny aspect of our past will not alter our present and future in unpredictable ways?" Vesper questioned, tilting her head.

"Exactamente, mi amiga." smirked Paul, complete with a Spanish accent. Exactly, my friend. "Now that's all settled, let's go. We've got no time to waste." He clapped his hands in the air twice, walking away. "Vรกmonos!" Let's go!

Paul left everyone stunned and standing in their places, even Cassandra herself that she shook her head and ushered Clint and Vesper to follow behind her art curator friend. As they sauntered over to the platform and the control panel, she heard Scott whisper to Natasha, "Is your fiancรฉ always that intimidating?"

"At most times, yes."

The sorceress supreme wrung her hands together as she observed the test run. They had to make sure everything works. Although F.R.I.D.A.Y, Stark's AI, had already confirmed that it would be successful, of course, they had to see if they could bring an object from the past to the present. Turning to Clint, Bruce proclaimed, "Alright, Clint, Vesper, you guys good? Cassandra, you got your timer ready?"

She hummed.

"We're going in three... two... one!"

Just then, a helmet similar to Ant-Man's, but white and more visible face popped on Clint and Vesper's head, and he shrunk to the size that was necessary to enter the quantum realm's opening. Ten seconds had passed since then and Cassandra signalled to Bruce that it was time to bring them back. Slamming his hand on one of the buttons, the two rematerialized on the glass platform, breathing heavily and sitting on the platform, and back to their normal size. Natasha and Paul rushed over to the two to calm them down and bring them back from their daze.

"Hey, hey. Look at me. You okay?" Natasha patted her friend's back, anxious about his well-being.

Clint groaned, while holding up the baseball glove and tossing it to Stark. "Yeah, it worked. It worked. It worked for you too, kid?"

Vesper swallowed, grunting. "I'm... not a kid and fuck yeah, it worked. Brought a live rat from my shitty dad's planet." She grinned, lifting the squeaking animal in the air to let them see. It looked spooked and perhaps, traumatized from all the shrinking and being brought somewhere known since it was furiously trembling.

"You did not just bring home a fucking live space rat." Rhodes exasperated.

"Oh, yes, I did, dad. Yes, I did."

Cassandra brushed her hair back, throwing her fist up in the air. It worked. They can bring everyone who died back. In just two days, she would be able to hold Stephen and the twins again. She couldn't believe it.

I'm getting you all back home... even if I have to stare death right in the face.

AN HOUR LATER, Steve called them all in the huddle room to further discuss the mission. With a couple hologram displays showcasing each of the six Infinity Stones, Cassandra and the rest of the team sat around a table while Tony, Steve and Bruce paced at their front, clearly leading the planning of the mission.

"Okay, so the "how" works." Steve acknowledged, pausing in his tracks to observe the stones displayed in the holographic screens. "Now we gotta figure out the when and the where. Almost all of us have had an encounter with at least one of the six Infinity Stones."

"Well, I'd substitute the word encounter for damn well near being killed by one of the six Infinity Stones." sardonically retorted by Tony.

"I haven't." Scott chimed in. "I don't even know what the hell you're all talking about."

"Well, I almost died to protect one of those stones." Cassandra shrugged.

"Same here. Alona as well." Paul raised his hands. The brunette glanced at him, recalling his narration of the battle in Wakanda. Both he and Alona gave their all to prevent Thanos from reaching the Mind Stone embedded in Vision's forehead. They almost got killed by the Mad Titan, but evaded his attack although this put them off the fight.

"Regardless, we only have enough Pym Particles for one round trip each, and these stones have and these stones have been in a lot of different places throughout history." Bruce pointed out.

"Our history. So, not a lot of convenient spots to just drop in."

"Which means we have to pick our targets."

"Correct." Tony concurred with Clint's statement.

Stvee turned to face Thor. "Let's start with the Aether. Thor, what do you know?"

Cassandra inclined her head to see Thor, who looked significantly different from before. No longer did he possess his godly muscles and aura. He was a broken shell of the man he once was. He had incredibly gained weight and was heavily reliant on alcohol. The brunette fidgeted her thumbs, remembering her miserable state years back. Nodding, she decided that she would reach out to him and help him recover as their mission progresses. Thor resumed to sit on the chair with his sunglasses on, making it impossible to tell whether he was awake or asleep.

"Is he asleep?"

"No, I'm pretty sure he's dead."

Cassandra sighed.

As soon as they gently woke Thor up, he listened to what Tony instructed him to do and proceeded to inform them of what he knew about the Aether or the Reality Stone. "Where to start? Um, the Aether, first, is not a stone, someone called it a stone before. It's more of a-an angry sludge thing, so, someones gonna need to amend that." He narrated, yawning a little and stumbling from his place. "Here's an interesting story though, many years ago, my grandfather had to hide the stones from the Dark Elves. Wooooh, scary beings." He wiggled his fingers to imitate a spooky ghost.

Then, a woman with brown eyes and hair popped up on the screen with the name Jane Foster displayed as well. "Oh, there she is. That's Jane. She's... an old flame of mine. She - she stuck her hand inside a rock this one time, and then the Aether stuck itself inside her. And, she became very, very sick. So I had to take her to Asgard, which is where I'm from. And we had to try and fix her. We were dating at the time, you see." Cassandra's lips then shaped into an 'o' and she scratched her head, glancing at Tony to give a grimace.

"I got to introduce her to my Mother, who's dead," The Norse god of thunder began to look devastated, and on the verge of tears. Cassandra signalled to Steve and Bruce to cut him off as she didn't want him to relive those painful memories. Thor had lost a lot in his lifetime. His mother, father, then his brother. His home, Asgard, and many of his people. She then concluded that it didn't matter whether you were a god or the most powerful mythical being in the universe. In the end, you will still meet death.

"And oh, you know, Jane and I aren't even dating anymore, these things happen though you know, nothing lasts forever," By then, Tony strolled over to push him back to his chair. "I'm not done yet, the only thing permanent in life is impermanence."

"Awesome." Tony clapped his hands, patting his back as well. "Eggs? Breakfast?"

"I'd like a Bloody Mary, thank you." requested Thor, his eyes then moving up to the doorway and widening when he glimpsed at someone arriving. "Alona!" He rushed to her, embracing her in his arms and twirling her. "My favorite water queen! Whoosh! Whoosh!" He gestured by thrusting his arms forward twice as soon as he got her down. "How are you?" gleefully greeted the god as if they knew each other for a long time.

Alona smiled. "I'm fine, Thor, and wow, you've... well, gained some weight."

"Yeah, yeah, this is my baby right here," he slapped his hand to his beer belly. "So, how are you and Dr. Banner over there? You two are married now or..."

Alona blinked, swallowing, "Uh, T-Thor? We're friends - "

"Oh, it all starts there." dismissed Thor, shrugging. "Strangers, friends, then you guys realize you love each other and kiss - "

The Queen of Neptune fished out a couple of candies from her pockets, offering them to Thor. "A candy, Thor? I have candies from the Philippines. I have Flat Tops, Pastillas, Yema, even Chocnut, your favorite! What would you like to have?"

"Oh, I would like to have that Chocnut!"

Thor plucked one of the candies from Alona's palm and walked away, plopping down to his chair to eat it. Cassandra observed as everyone trained their eyes on Alona and Bruce. Though no words were exchanged, the question was there, lingering in the air. "Lunch is ready!" The royalty blurted out to break the silence. "Let's eat so we can think and function more properly!"

IT TOOK ONLY a couple of minutes for them all to settle around the dining table, feasting on the various Filipino dishes that Alona prepared for them all. Munching on her rich stew that featured a thick savory peanut sauce and beef tripe, she listened to Rocket lecture them about the Power Stone. "I never thought I would eat a stew that had peanut butter as one of its main ingredients! This is so good! What is this called?"


Rocket paced on the table in front of everyone, explaining, "Quill said he stole the Power Stone from Morag."

"Is that a person?"

Rocket focused his gaze on Scott, exasperated. "Morag's a planet. Quill was a person. He's Vesper's younger brother."

"Morag's a planet? Like in outer space? Also, hang on, you have a younger brother, blondie?"

Rocket rolled his eyes. "Oh, look. It's like a little puppy, all happy and everything." He then imitated talking to a puppy and snapped his fingers to Scott. "Do you wanna go to space? You wanna go to space, puppy? I'll get you to space." Rocket brushed his hair back and Scott swatted his hand away.

To Cassandra's right, Natasha and Paul exchanged words to one another, the latter holding a phone close to her ear. "Shit, I forgot."

"What is it, Paul? Is that Magnus?"

"Yeah, he called to say that tomorrow is Dionne's birthday, darling." Paul tsked, huffing and massaging his forehead. Nodding, the former Russian spy took his phone and said, "Yeah, you got everything ready? Oh, I see. Sure, we will try to - "

"Can you all come to the orphanage tomorrow with us?" interjected Paul, capturing everyone's attention. "There's this kid who admires heroes so much and she... she lost all her family members in the Snap." He adjusted in his seat.

"It will also make all of the children's day there brighter if you guys show up with us." Natasha's lips curled upwards.

Bruce glanced at everyone, crossing his arms. "I don't see why we shouldn't. It would only be for a few hours."

"I agree. If it makes the kids' day, then, why not? One more big sha-bang before we go steal those stones and mess with time. Captain?" Tony chewed his beef stripe.

"It's fine with me."


"Yeah, of course. Tell me what else is needed for the party. I'll provide it, Paul."

"Thanks, Cass."

Hours after lunch, everyone listened to Nebula in the huddle room while Natasha and Cassandra jotted down notes for the plan. Tapping her pen against the vermillion of her lips, she lifted her eyes up to her friend. "Thanos found the Soul Stone on Vormir." She deadpanned.

"What is Vormir?"

"A dominion of death, at the very center of Celestial existence."

Cassandra furrowed her eyebrows, calling to mind the time she heard about Vormir. She blinked, once, twice, then several times when she realized that she perceived it back then in Titan.

"It's where... Thanos murdered my sister."

The sorceress' heart cracked after hearing that. She remembered Nebula telling her about his sister, Gamora, while they were stuck in outer space. She was always being compared to her sister and in their father's eyes, nothing compares to Gamora. Whenever the two of them would square off, either on missions or in an arena against each other, Gamora won and Nebula lost. When Nebula lost, Thanos would replace the part of her that failed. He would do it again and again, replacing her limb by limb, organ by organ until she was more machine than person. Each part of her body she lost, stoked her rage ever higher and thus, she sought out to kill her sister. But truthfully, Nebula loved her sister.

Everyone looked up as an awkward silence enveloped the room. Natasha and Cassandra wrote what Nebula had just said when Scott broke the awkward moment with a, "Not it."

"OKAY, PLANNER, IT'S your time to shine. Tell us about the Time Stone."

Displayed now on the holographic screen was the infinity stone that was contained by the Eye of Agamotto, the Time Stone. Tony had just invited her to lie down on the table with him and Nat to relay all the knowledge she knew about the stone. Various papers were scattered around as they attempted to figure out how to connect all their trips in just one mission. Bruce laid down on the floor, his hands behind his back as Cassandra rolled her eyes at Tony's remark.

"That Time Stone guy..."

"Doctor Strange."

"My event planner's ex-boyfriend - "

Natasha questioned Cassandra, "Yeah, what kind of doctor was he, Cass?"

Tony claimed, "Ear-nose-throat meets rabbit from a hat."

"His name," Cassandra hissed, emphasizing her words. "Was Doctor Stephen Strange. A former highly-acclaimed neurosurgeon who became the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth seven years ago. He was my boyfriend at that time, yes. But, here's the thing," she coughed. "It wasn't until 2016 that he arrived in Kamar-Taj. Prior to his ascension to the position, the Time Stone was in the possession of the Ancient One who resides in Kamar-Taj, along with us, the Masters of the Mystic Arts."

"Kamar-Taj? What is that? Is that a place?" Natasha noted.

"Yes, it's our home and training grounds."

"Where is that?"

"Kathmandu, Nepal. But, you could enter one of the Sanctums to get there. We have three in all. One in Hong Kong, London, and New York."

"Oh, so the one I crash landed on was the New York Sanctum?" It was Bruce's turn to ask.


"Nice place in the village."

"Yeah. Sullivan Street."

Bruce hummed, then corrected, "Bleecker."

The Sorceress Supreme felt the redhead shift her head towards her. "Wait, so you guys are also in New York?"

"No, they are in Toronto." countered the genius billionaire. "Were you even paying attention? They have a Sanc - whatever they call that building, in Hong Kong, London, and New York."

"Yeah, you could get to Kamar-Taj by entering one of the Sanctums." Bruce added, shrugging. "Right, Cass?"

"Yep. Actually - " She paused, coming to a realization. Diving for the notes that she tossed to the floor earlier, Cassandra exchanged a wide-eyed glance with the former spy and assassin. "Holy shit."

"Guys," Natasha breathed out, who looked like she wasn't believing in their luck. "if you pick the right year, there are three stones in New York."

Bruce shot up from his position in astonishment. "Shut the front door."

Cassandra searched for the places and the years the stones were in again before slamming her fist on the table. "I got it! She exclaimed happily, sprinting up to the front. "F.R.I.D.A.Y! Bring up a holographic board for me to write on!"

"Holographic board." repeated the A.I., just as Cassandra grabbed her pen from across the table.

"Listen," she raised her hand then wrote on the board the words, Chitauri 2012. "The alien invasion in 2012. The Mind stone was in Loki's scepter, right? And taken by those HYDRA agents? And then Tesseract was confiscated by Alexander Pierce? Correct?"


"What if..." she swallowed, writing once again a couple of words on the hologram. "What if we intercept them before they take those stones to wherever the hell they planned to hide it?" She rambled, her words flowing out of her lips as fast as she thought about it. "You, Tony. Together with Scott and Steve, you guys will go retrieve the Space and Mind Stone. I will come up with a more detailed plan for you three later.

Now, at the same time, you can send me and Bruce here to talk to the Ancient One. My..." she paused. "father and I were out battling the aliens in the streets, protecting the Sanctum and saving those who were near our building. So we grab that opportunity to confront the Ancient One. Then, we send Rocket, Vesper, and Thor to Asgard 2013 to siphon the Aether out of Jane Foster's body. Then, finally, Natasha, you, Paul, Clint Nebula, and Rhodey will be sent to 2014 to get the Soul and Power Stone." Cassandra scribbled their names on the board. "Paul, Clint and Nebula will use the Benatar to recover the Soul Stone - "

"Why don't I go with the two of them instead?" volunteered Natasha, folding her arms. "I think those idiots will need me there. Nebula knows who Peter Quill is and I don't. I think it's better that she stays with Rhodey."

Cassandra nodded, erasing Nebula's name from the retrieval of the Soul Stone. "Okay, so Paul, Clint, and Natasha will use the Benatar to recover the Soul Stone in Vormir, and Nebula and Rhodey will ambush Peter and knock him out before he steals the Power Stone in Morag." She finished, catching her breath as she did so. Presented on the board was a clear plan of how they will collect all the infinity stones throughout their own history. All the years and the places connected which meant it would make it easier to retrieve. She swiftly spun around her heel to confront her companions. "So, what do you think?"

Tony's lips were slightly hung open, probably flabbergasted from the elaborate scheme. "What do I think? I knew I made the right decision to hire you as our wedding planner that day, Morgana."

Natasha smiled. "We now have a plan."

Bruce then called everyone to the living room, showing the proposed game plan to everyone. They all nodded in agreement and no one found any fault or anomaly in it, praising Cassandra for her quick construction of a scheme.

"All right, we have a plan." Steve stood up from the sofa after listening intently, looking back at the presented stones on the holographic screens. "Six Stones, three teams. One shot."

Scott nodded, confident. "Let's do this."

The captain, the perceived leader of their team, stared at the Sorceress Supreme, with a genuine gleam in his ocean blue eyes. "Lead us all, Cassandra."

hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

here's a meme y'all!

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