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CASSANDRA RAPIDLY TAPPED her foot against the wooden floor, her forefinger tracing the words written on the page of her journal. With the phone pinned between her shoulder and her ear, she answered the question of the other person she was currently conversing with.

"Yes, Kathy, I need you to deliver those things to Stark Industries for their charity night this Saturday." she instructed, twirling her pen around between her fingers. "Yes, just leave them at the reception area, they'll know what to do. Yes, thank you so much. I'm really sorry for this trouble, Kathy. Yes, take care."

The sorceress ended the call, putting her smartphone down on her table as she checked another box of her to-do list. Actually, Cassandra had just finished talking to Virginia Potts just earlier. The Stark Industries' CEO personally requested her to plan another event of theirs. They were one of her favorite regular clients and it was always a pleasure for her to prepare their social events.

Cassandra remembered the day she first received a call from Virginia Potts, asking her to be the event coordinator of their product launch event. She screamed in her office in excitement and immediately met with the leader of the multinational industrialย company that day. She had no idea how Virginia heard about her small event planning agency, but she wasn't complaining -- nor will she ever for it brought her more recognition and opportunities.

Her ears soon picked up the sound of footsteps and she raised her eyes to see Karl enter the common room, his visage resolute. "We have to convince the Ancient One to accept Strange." he went directly to his point, crossing his arms.

Cassandra sighed.

"You know he's got potential. We shouldn't waste that."

The young woman leant back on her chair. Truth be told, she was a bit hesitant to convince the Ancient One to let the former neurosurgeon in because she had to keep her dignity intact. Accepting Stephen Strange meant she'll see him around Kamar-Taj and so of course, she will always be reminded of her embarrassing moment. Cassandra groaned, slamming her head twice on the table for her stupidity.

"Cass? Are you okay?"

I really shouldn't have drank that evening! What was I thinking? She internally screamed to herself before raising a thumbs-up to inform her friend that she was fine even though she really wasn't. Sniffing, she pursed her lips and acted as if nothing had happened. "Yeah, I'm just a bit tired. I agree with you." She nodded. "I'll back you up if you're going to talk to the Ancient One about bringing him in."

"Thank you." sighed Mordo in relief. "Come on, she's in the Narthex."

Cassandra shut her journal, silently praying she was doing the right thing. Carrying it with her, she followed Mordo to the Sanctum Narthex where a huge globe floated above a pedestal in the center of the room. The young woman watched as the Ancient One twisted the dials to slowly turn the globe. A soft, golden glow emitted from the sphere showing if there were any mystical threats they should be aware about. Cassandra remembered how the globe warned them of the alien invasion in 2012.

"You think Iโ€™m wrong to cast him out?" The Ancient One acknowledged their presence while her gaze was still fixed on the orb. Stephen's pleads rang through the air again, interrupting them for a moment

"Five hours later, heโ€™s still on your doorstep. Thereโ€™s a strength to him." Mordo noted, smirking.

"Stubbornness, arrogance, ambitionโ€ฆ" enumerated the Ancient One. "Iโ€™ve seen it all before. I'm certain Cassandra has too."

The brunette quietly stood beside the door of the London Sanctum, letting out a small breath. She tucked her journal under her arm and clasped her hands together. "I'm not going to lie. He reminds me of Kaecilius. That was exactly how he acted when he first arrived in here."

"Yes." The Sorcerer Supreme sighed. "I can not lead another gifted student to power, only to lose him to the darkness."

"You didnโ€™t lose me." remarked Mordo, stopping to stand beside Cassandra. "I wanted the power to defeat my enemies. You gave me the power to defeat my demons and to live within the natural law."

Cassandra shook her head. "We never lose our demons, Mordo. We only learn to live above them."

It was true. Cassandra believed that all of them can and will grow into kinder, more selfless, and more honorable people, but they will never lose the potential for errorโ€ฆ for selfishness, bitterness, and deceitfulness to creep back in. They must choose each day,ย each moment, whether they will give in to their "demons" or rise above them.

"Kaecilius still has the stolen pages." argued Mordo, resolute. "If he deciphers them, he could bring ruin upon us all. There may be dark days ahead. Perhaps, Kamar-Taj could use a man like Strange."

Cassandra noticed that her friend was really determined to persuade the Ancient One into giving Strange a second chance that she wondered if it was because he saw his past self in him.

"What do you think, Cassandra?"

The young woman's focus shifted to the Sorcerer Supreme and she swallowed the lump in her throat before finally giving her thoughts about the matter. Although, she was scared and embarrassed to see Stephen again, she couldn't let her feelings deny him of the help he needed.

"Well, I think we should accept him here in Kamar-Taj. We are not known to reject people who are in dire need of help. Yes, I do see him as a stubborn man and his arrogance comes off in waves, but that could become his strength." She stepped forward, bowing her head down a little to avoid being questioned as to how she knew that he wasn't. "Aside from Mordo's reasons, I strongly believe that Stephen Strange has the potential to become a master of the Mystic Arts."

The Ancient One directed her gaze on her. Cassandra could see the hesitance in her eyes like she was heavily contemplating on what to do. She reached out to touch her arm, nodding. "You have never turned your back away on someone who needs your help, Ancient One, so why start now?"

Cassandra watched as the other female shut her eyes for a moment before turning the dials of the globe one more time. She averted her gaze to Mordo. "Kindly show Strange to his room, please Master Mordo. Cassandra, walk with me."

And with that, the Ancient One turned away with a swish of her white robes. Cassandra hastily followed, keeping up with her steps. Her companion pulled out a small pack of biscuit and offered it to her. The young woman gently accepted the food though she furrowed her eyebrows since she had a feeling that some news will be delivered.

Tearing the plastic open, Cassandra sat down on the armchair when they reached the common room and started to nibble on her biscuit. She started to reminisce the times the Ancient One led her to this room and teach her the laws of nature. Her teacher stood by the entrance, eyes focused on the floor.

"My successor has finally arrived."

The brunette slowly nodded though dread and apprehension filled her veins. The end of her teacher's life was near, lurking just around the corner. She knew a Sorcerer Supreme cannot and will not retire. Early on, she learned that they will either meet an ignominious end, or be forced to cross a line that makes them unworthy, with the Eye of Agamotto moving on.


"Stephen Strange."

Cassandra choked on her biscuit.

"You know what that means."

"W-what? H-him?" the woman coughed, going around to pour herself a glass of water. The news shook her to her core for it meant that she would be stuck at his side for the rest of her days. How would she be able to act around him without remembering their brief time together? She tugged her leather jacket closer, hiding the university shirt she snatched from Stephen.

Why of all the people in the world did the next in line for the title of Sorcerer Supreme have to be you, Stephen motherhecking Strange? She internally screamed.

Her teacher raised her head. "He's the next Sorcerer Supreme of Earth and is meant to be the best among us all."

Cassandra gulped and finished the biscuit she was eating. "I-I, uh, I think I'm not ready for this, Ancient One." She stammered. "Is-is there still time fo-for me to reconsider the duty given to me? Because I-I think I need more time to think about this. Is it possible that someone else can do it instead of me?"

"You have trained for this your whole life," observed the Ancient One, the corners of her lips quirking upwards. "and upon knowing that it is him who's next in line, you suddenly changed your mind."

"It's complicated, Ancient One." Cassandra grimaced, wanting nothing more to let the ground below her swallow her whole. She then tucked an unruly lock of hair behind her ear. How could she tell the Ancient One that her successor was a man she screwed years ago?

Cass, be professional. She calmed herself. You have prepared yourself for the arrival of the next Sorcerer Supreme. You endured training, survived college, fought against a powerful witch. This is nothing to you. Treat him like he's one of your clients, like one of your events. You got this, girl.

"There is absolutely nothing you should be scared of, little one. Trust my words." spoke her teacher, pulling her away from her thoughts. "Tomorrow, we will teach Strange his first lesson about the mystic arts and I want you to show him around tomorrow. Acquaint him with everything."

She soon departed after this words, leaving Cassandra to ponder about everything her teacher uttered. She shut her eyes and grabbed her journal, leaning on it for support. She was normally prepared for everything. Being an event manager or coordinator taught her to always be ready for everything, but this... this time, she was caught unprepared.

Raising her eyes to the ceiling, she complained: Universe, do you enjoy torturing me?

THE NARROW HALLWAY was dimly lit.

Sighing, Cassandra switched on one of the lights to see her path and continued to walk, gliding her hand across the wooden walls. It was already evening and she was certain everyone was either asleep or studying in the library.

She hummed softly to herself. She still had lots of time to prepare herself to seeing Stephen tomorrow. This time, I will be ready. No fear, no shame, just professional. She assured, confidently.

The second door near her bedroom suddenly opened, shedding light to the dim hallway. She raised her eyebrow at this, knowing that room was empty unless...

Fate, you've got to be kidding me.

Cassandra felt exposed, with no room to duck into, no stairs to take. Her eyes widened and she scrambled to find a place to hide in but alas, she was too slow to move and his eyes already caught sight of her as Stephen exited his room.

"Hey, it's... you." he greeted, his eyes droopy and tired. The light of the hallway emphasized his unruly hair and tangled beard. He really needed a long bath and a shave in Cassandra's opinion. He looked very different from the night she first met him. The Stephen she conversed with was confident, charismatic, and put together. This one in front of her looked broken, lost, defeated like he had lost hope in everything and this event was his last chance.

Cassandra then released a breath and slowly padded her way towards him. "Hey," she smiled although she felt it came out as a grimace.

"We meet again, Miss... Cassandra Mason."

She nodded and tried to divert her gaze to her bedroom door since her heart was pounding against her ribs as if it was trying to fulfill a thousand beats. There was something in the way her name came out of his lips... like he had etched it in his memory, making sure he never forgot it and had been always thinking of her.

Cassandra then glanced down at the floor. She was now aching to escape and hide until the next day. "Yeah, it's been years. I think a lot has... changed." She gestured to his slightly disheveled appearance. "You still look very handsome though." The young woman cringed when she realized her sudden admission.

Was it possible to just melt into a puddle right now?

Stephen chuckled. "Well, you haven't aged a day. You're just as beautiful as the night I met you." His sea green eyes darted downward. "And you're wearing my shirt."

Cassandra's eyes widened in shock and she instinctively tugged her jacket to cover her -- his shirt. Fidgeting, her gaze swept to his wrist and found her watch wrapped his wrist.

"And you're wearing my watch." she retorted, narrowing her eyes when she recalled its shattered state. "Thankfully, it's still functional."

The former neurosurgeon winced, his right hand moving over to touch her vintage watch. "I'm very sorry about your watch. It was, uh, shattered in the car accident, but I'll have it repaired soon. I promise."

The sorceress sighed, feeling saddened about what happened to him. She noticed the slight tremor in his hands and loosened her grip on her jacket. "I'm so sorry about what happened." She genuinely said. "But, it's okay. I can have it repaired myself -- "

"No, please, let me. Your watch was all I had when I... lost everything."

"Oh, alright." Cassandra breathed. "Then, I'll give you back your shirt too once I have it dry cleaned -- "

"No, keep it. I prefer that you keep it. It's been with you for years..." He then paused, his piercing blues studying her. "and it looks great on you."

The sorceress fought the heat rising to her cheeks and instead looked down. How was it possible that he was still able to evoke certain feelings from her even after years had passed between them? A soft smile formed on her lips as her fingers tugged at the sleeves of her now shirt. Cassandra tilted her head to the side slightly, studying him more closely.

"So, uh, why did come you here in Kamar-Taj?"

"Stephen," the young woman smirked. "I didn't come here. I was born and raised here."

Stephen knit his eyebrows in confusion, his lips forming into an 'o'. He was the definition of a confused otter at that moment and she thought he was cute. She almost laughed when she came to the realization that he really looked like an adorable otter. "I see. Well, that's relieving then. At least, I already know someone in this place."

"Yeah, about that..." Cassandra bit her bottom lip.ย "No one can know that we already know each other, okay?"

The newcomer tilted his head, the corner of his lip quirking upwards. Ah, there's the Stephen I met. "Oh, so you don't want them to know that we -- "

"Shh! Shh! Shut up!" Cassandra put her hand over his mouth upon hearing heavy footsteps from the other end of the corridor. Alert and alarmed, she removed her hand and placed her finger on her lips, silencing him.

"Is everything alright there, Cass?"

Pressure built inside her chest and releasing a nervous chuckle, she spun around to meet her longtime friend, Mordo who looked baffled and concerned at the same time.

"Uh, yeah! Yeah! Everything's fine! Yeah! Just orienting the new student about the rules and regulations! Right, Strange?" She lightly pinched his arm to play along.


Mordo arched an eyebrow, suspicious, but didn't say anything. "Alright," he nodded, walking away. "Get some rest, Strange. Your lessons will start tomorrow."

Cassandra exhaled, releasing some of the tension that had built up in her shoulders. "That was so close." murmured she. "Okay, so I'll see you tomorrow morning, Stephen. Don't be late. We don't like tardiness." She stepped away from him, moving forwards to her bedroom. She now noticed how close their rooms were and frowned. It was almost not a coincidence.

"Are you also a student here?"

Hearing his question, she smirked once again, tilting her head to face him. "Sweetheart, I'll be one of your teachers."

And with that, she entered her room, gently closing the door. It was then that she finally lost her composure. She had been admiring him ever since she saw him earlier.

Goodness, look at that cheekbones! I could cut myself slapping that face. She thought, her head spinning when she remembered the locking gazes earlier. His eyes deeply resembled the ocean, dangerous yet deep and inviting.ย Just look at those piercing blues, and his lips... oh, that perfectly shaped lips, just -- stop it! What are you doing?

The man really had some effect on her and she didn't know if it was because he was her first and well, kind of last because she had never been with anyone else after him. She flopped down onto the bed. Getting into a relationship had never been a priority of hers and in her opinion, it shouldn't be. She sighed. Alright, she tried dating twice, but then she lost time because of her job and because she always remembered Stephen. She found it funny whenever it happened since they only met for a few hours, but the impression he left on her was so great that she couldn't forget him.

And now, she wouldn't be able to really forget him because he's the next Sorcerer Supreme. He's the person she has to protect with all her life, the person she'll remain beside with until she dies. Realizing she'll be spending hours with him the next day, Cassandra looked up and called to the gods for strength.

"Mighty Agamotto, please save my soul."

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