
Ben pov
             What the... "(Y/n), what did you do." She just looked at me with those eyes, "What am I Ben." I looked at Toby unconscious on the floor, what did she do and what's with her eyes. I ran over to Toby and tried shaking him awake while (y/n) just stood there frozen in fear "Come on Toby wake up, (y/n) get me a cup of water please!"
She just looked at me and ran to her bathroom, I heard her scream so I think she saw her eyes. She came back in with black tears and a glass of water, she handed it to me and I dumped it on Toby's head. He woke up and started coughing when the water went in his nose, "Ben I thought I told you not to pour water on my head when I sleep!"
           Toby's pov
"Ben I thought I told you not to pour water on my head when I sleep!" Then I just looked at her and all of my memories flooded back, her eyes, her powers, and me getting my head slammed into her wall. "I'm s-sorry (y/n) I do c-care about you-" She just hugged me and cried "No Toby I'm sorry I was mad about school, I know what you do and I should have just let it go I'm sorry."
I grabbed her cheeks and lifted her face up to me
"I l-love you."
      And I kissed her, she kissed back. It was sweet and her tears just seemed to disappear, she pulled back and was a blushing mess. Her eyes were back to normal again and I swear I heard a camera click.
She just stood there silent with real tears.
It was somewhat perfect until I saw the drowned elf waving his hand at us, "Sorry to ruin the moment, but what happened." I looked at Ben and (y/n), "O-Ok this is g-going to be a l-long story so s-stick with me." (Y/n) looked at me with those (e/c) eyes, I could tell she was full of questions. "S-so I was sent on a m-mission to watch (y-y/n) from slenderman, he told me what was going o-on with (y/n). There w-was something d-different about y-you (y/n) he just didn't know what y-yet, so w-we waited until your powers s-showed until w-we told you."
"Ok so why isn't she with slender right now?" Ben asked looking very confused, honestly I was too, I had no idea what she was capable of but I had a taste. "Her w-wounds from J-Jeff caused her t-to have crutches so I-I couldn't t-take her, I think you m-might have seen t-them." "Oh right." Speaking of it just reminded me of the fact that I'll have to take (y/n) to meet The Slenderman.
~magical time skip~
Your pov
You're meeting him, Slenderman. The thing you thought was fake, you are going to meet. It was the next day and Ben was taking you to the slender mansion through your tv, "(Y/n) don't be nervous he's not that bad." Ben said trying to stop you from being nervous, "Plus your shaking and it looks weird." You look at your legs and see them shaking. "Ben j-just leave her alone a-about it she's meeting Slender f-for zalgo's sake."
You didn't say anything, you were scared but you were going to have some answers. "Ok (y/n) so you might feel a little nauseous, so if you need to puke don't do it on me." And in a split second you jumped into a tv, you closed your eyes to scared to look. And as soon as you were in you were out, and outside the Slender mansion.
"Woah" was all you could say, you were speechless. It was huge and amazing, "O-ok (y/n) I'll be right b-by your side the w-whole time." Toby said, it gave you some reassurance hearing it from Toby. "Alright." You say, you walk up the steps and open the door to see a living room.
Then all of a sudden Slenderman is right in front of you, in the flesh.
"Welcome child, it is nice to finally meet you."
You hear in your head, it felt so weird hearing someone talk to you inside your head. "I think you may know me as Slenderman, but please call me Slender." You look at him in awe, he was so much taller than you imagined. You gripped Toby's arm out of excitement and fear, it was just so unreal.
"The other pastas should be down in a minute but please make yourself comfortable, Toby could you stay with her please." Toby nodded as slender left to go who knows where, he sat down on the couch with you and you both started talking. "You aren't t-talking much a-are you." "I'm sorry I'm just nervous." "Don't w-worry I'll be w-with you the w-whole time."
And with that you heard doors opening upstairs and looked to see a group of people coming down. Slender pops out of nowhere and introduces them.
A little girl steps up first, she has a pink dress, brown hair, and blood on her head.
"(Y/n) this is sally." "Hi it's nice to meet you, I thought maybe you could play with me later." You smile and reply with "ok".
Next a boy with a blue mask with a black substance coming out of his eyes and with him an animal of some sort. "This is Eyeless Jack and Seedeater." "Hi, be careful I like kidneys." And he just walks upstairs with his "pet".
Then two men come up, one has a white mask with feminine features on it. The other person has a mask with a frown stitched on it and a hoodie. "This is Masky and Hoodie both of them my proxies, like Toby." "So this is who Toby was watching." "Hope s-she likes c-cheesecake." You smile at them and they both go to the kitchen and get cheesecake.
Next a woman with a white mask and black hair comes up, "Meet Jane, (y/n)." "Hi I'm Jane, I'm letting you know to stay away from Jeff." And before you could ask who Jeff is she waves at you and walks away.
A girl comes up and looks at you with one eye with a clock "This is clockwork." She doesn't say anything and walks away.
"Finally this is Jeff." You look at him and your heart drops, it's the man who attacked you. "Toby..." Jeff looked at you and at slender, "What is she doing here." He said looking a bit frustrated. "She is h-here because she i-is part of u-us."
You look worried and Slender starts to pick up on it, "Toby would you please take (y/n) up to her room, I need to have a word with Jeff." Then toby takes you upstairs and you reach a (f/c) door, when you walk inside you see a light (f/c) desk with white walls and black stripes. The comforter it (f/c) with a night stand beside it.
You sit down on the bed and cover your face in your knees, you felt tears come out. "I'm sorry (y-y/n), this didn't t-turn out as p-planned." He said, you hug him and cry softly into him. "It's been so scary with meeting everybody and see him put the cherry on top." You said while burying your face into his chest.
Soon you start to feel sleepy and fall asleep.
In a killers arms...

Yay finally I got to this, and guys I'm going to a summer camp next week so I won't be updating because camp. I like my phone and I don't want it taken away so ok. I hope you liked this chapter with Slender! Bye

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