Your pov
The solar eclipse ended and your halo started fading, Judge angel had a halo and some golden translucent wings, she found out she could keep the halo but not the wings so she flew while she could. And you, well, the best thing happened to you, you have a boyfriend, one that can take care of you. Of course you still remembered what happened with Darius, you even had panic attacks still but they were in private and Toby doesn't know about it.
"(Y/n) how come you've never told me how fun this was." Angels sang as she flew happily across the sky, you were surprised that she could fly better than you considering she never has had wings before.
"That w-was amazing." Toby says, he smiles at you with a little twitch.
"Yeah the solar eclipse is beautiful."
"You k-know what e-else is b-beautiful."
"Y-you- wait w-what."
You giggle a little bit, you love how adorable he was and his little twitches they were the cutest part. You look up in the sky and see judge Angels flying, then her wings disappear mid flight. She's screaming on the way down and you're flying up to get her, you catch her and put her down to the ground.
"I knew you would do that." She comments as you set her on the ground not so gently, considering she fell on her butt.
"And you need to think before you do something stupid, I think you knew your wings could disappear any second."
She shrugs and starts going back to the clearing, you both are in the forest since she was flying over it. You aren't too mean and don't leave her there and fly off, so you walk with her through the forest and look at bugs. You both have the maturity of a two year old so why not.
"Hey w-what are y-you doing." You turn to the voice and see Toby with Sally, "Hi (y/n) are you looking at bugs, can I look too?" You smile and nod, while Judge Angels and Sally look at bugs you get up and follow Toby back to the clearing.
"So um are we you know..." You ask not really knowing what to say. He chuckles a little and looks at you, "Yes of c-course if y-you want t-too be, I'll be y-your amazing b-boyfriend." You smile and jump too him, since he wasn't expecting it you crash down on top of him. He laughs along with you while you're on top of him.
Everyone left the clearing after a couple of hours ago and you, Toby, Ben, and Jeff were sitting on the couch. You get comfy and laid your head on Toby's lap and your feet on Jeff's lap, you didn't distract Jeff from the video game he was playing with Ben while Toby messed with your hair.
"IMMM BOOORED!!!!" You scream, Ben jumps and drops his controller, this gave Jeff enough time to win and Toby didn't seem to care and kept messing with your hair. "BOOM Jeff for the win!" He screams. "What no fair if (y/n) didn't scream I would have won."
You shrug not really caring, "Ok w-what d-do you w-wanna do." You think for a second before your halo shines over your (h/c) hair, "I know what to do, we should prank people."
Ben's disappointment goes away instantly, he gives a mischievous smirk and stares right into your (e/c) eyes. "I know what we can do." You, Toby, and Jeff look at him in confusion, "Are you gonna tell us or..." "Here's the plan, first Eyeless Jack, he's loves his kidneys so let's feed them to seedeater."
"I'll take that job." Ben says, he looks extremely prepared already having the kidneys. "Ew."
"So we can also prank Sally she absolutely loves her bear so I say lock it in a closet where she can't reach it."
"Man you sound like a mean big brother." Jeff says. "But I'll do it."
"And (y/n) you can dye clockworks hair, she loves it so let dye it her least favorite color, pink."
You know who she is but you've never talked to her so you didn't know how'd she react but you just nod your head. He give Toby a job but you didn't really mind it, you were figuring out a way to get in to her room undetected and fill her bottle with pink hair dye instead of shampoo.
Jeff nudges you and speaks, "She's on a mission right now you can just walk in there and put the dye in her shampoo."
"Ok good I just need some pink dyYYYEEE-" Ben throws a bottle of hot pink dye at you but you stop it mid flight, thanks to your powers. You stopped it inches from your face and the boys look at you in awe, "Y-you never told me you c-could do t-that!" Toby exclaims.
"Neither did I!" You say enthusiastically you've finally learned to how to use your powers without Slender around. You grab the bottle and hold the small smooth container in your palm. Ben gives the signal to go, you run up the stairs and search the doors, you find a room with a clock on it and push the door open. You see a bathroom in the room and go to pour the hot pink substance into her shampoo. You succeed at your task and quietly walk down the stairs, not making a sound, you notice that there is a little bit of dye on your hands.
"Uhhggg that's gonna take forever to get off." You look at the bottle and it says 'comes off in two to three weeks.' So at least it won't stay in clockworks hair forever, you reach the living room and see been with blood on his tunic and talking about how Ej can eat this without destroying his room.
Jeff looks like he was almost killed, he has three parallel scratch marks all over his face. His arms are bleeding profusely not showing of stopping any time soon and Toby is trying to bandage them.
"I'm honestly not surprised to see you all with blood on your hands."
"Hey you try holding almost thirty kidneys at the same time!"
"Or holding that monster called a teddy bear!"
"I'm n-not surprised to s-see a girl with h-hot pink all over h-her hands."
You smirk and chuck the bottle at him harder than a normal human should, of course he doesn't feel it but there is a light pink in his hair now.
You smile in victory as the main door opens revealing Clockwork and Slender, Clockwork looks at you all and give a small wave. She walks into her room and you hear the shower turn on, Slender walks into his room and you and Toby go into a fit of laughter.
You hear a scream a couple of rooms down from the one you stay in some times. "BEN YOU LITTLE COCKY BRAT!" You hear her run down the stairs and Ben laughing, then he screams. You jump a little bit, and hear footsteps to your room, you get up and run out of your room. You fall down the stairs and into the living room, you see Clockwork stomping down the stairs, with a worried Toby behind her.
"SHOW ME YOUR HANDS!" She grabs them and sees the little bit of hot pink that's matching her hair.
"You..." She grabs your hair and lifts you up against the wall, you try to get out of her grip but it's no use she's stronger than you. Toby keeps trying to get her to let you go but she holds a knife to your throat, and then it happens
You panic.
You scream and she drops you to the floor, you scream with tears in your eyes trying to scramble away from her, you keep saying 'I'm sorry' over and over. You can faintly see Toby trying to calm you down but it's useless, you see Slender walk up to you and it all goes black.
Hey guys sorry this took so long, I'm just really lazy and was to busy reading instead of working so yeah. I hope you like this also the oc thing is still going on so submit on this book or my page at Ur_Jealous. I love you all and stay jelly
Peace ✌🏼
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