9. Brother and Relationship

"When you see the good in someone, you don't give up on them. Especially if they don't see it themselves. And if you're ever lucky enough to find true love. You fight for it everyday"


Maddie and Freddy was walking down the one of the hallways of the hotel "Thanks again" Freddy said "Hey, that's what best friends are for, right" Maddie said and Freddy smiled "I'm really sorry for what I did" he said "You don't have to apologize. Just don't tell Five, you know how he will react if he finds out" Maddie said "Yeah, he can lose his temper sometimes, so we better not tell him" Freddy said as the two turned around a corner.

"Don't tell me what" a voice said, making the two stop before they saw Five standing in front of them with his hands in his pockets.

"Oh, hey honey" Maddie said "I have being looking for you. Where have you being?" Five asked "Oh, I need some fresh air, so I went for a walk" Maddie said "And I went with her, just in case" Freddy said "You should have told me, I was worried, beside I would have went with you" Five said "It's okay, it was just a little walk" Maddie said and Five narrowed his eyes at them, and as he did that he felt jealous running through his body again, "Just a little walk. Did anything happen?" he asked "Nope nothing happen" Maddie said and Freddy shook his head "Nope nothing" he said.

Then Five spotted the cut on Maddie's check "What happen?" he asked as he pointed at her cut "Oh, must have cut myself when we were at The Commission" she said "No, you didn't have it when we came back" Five said "Then I must have cut myself on something else" Maddie said and Five glanced between her and Freddy, he knew something was wrong "Did you do it?" he asked.

"It's not what you think" Freddy said but then Five blinked over to him before he grabbed him by the collar and pushed him against the wall "FIVE" Maddie shouted "You hurt her" Five said "It was an accident" Freddy said "Yeah, it was" Maddie said but Five just press him more against the wall "I should have know. I should have just listen to that little part of me saying that I shouldn't leave you alone with her, not after finding out who you really are" Five said angry as he grits his teeth "What?" Freddy said before he pushed him away "Did you know this entire time who I was, where I was from?" he asked and Five nodded "I found out at the farm. Once an assassin, always an assassin" he said "You are an assassin too" Freddy said "Yeah, but I would never hurt someone I love" Five said before he clenched his fist "Like you" he said and threw a punch at Freddy, hitting him in face causing him to let out a grunt "NO" Maddie shouted.

Five then attacked Freddy again, while Maddie was shouting at them telling them to stop.

"STOP, RIGHT NOW!" Maddie cried out as Five blink behind Freddy before he wrapped his arm around Freddy's throat "I trusted you, and that's how you thanks me" Five said as he started choking him.

But then Freddy leaned forwards making Five land on the floor but he then made a sweeping kick towards Freddy making him fell to the floor.

Five then sat on top of him before he started punching him again and again "FIVE STOP" Maddie shouted but he didn't listen, it was like jealous have taking over him.

Freddy didn't try to defence himself, because he didn't want to hurt Five, because he knew that jealous have taking over Five. So he just let Five punch him, it was like he wanted to feel pain 'cause he think that he deserve it.

Then Maddie grabbed Five's arm before she push him away from Freddy "I SAID STOP" she said and Five was about to walk closer but then Maddie got in front of them with her back to Freddy "Don't" she said and Five looked down to see that a red energy ball had appeared on her left palm.

"Are you really going to do it?" Five asked her "Only if you make me do it" she said before she took a deep breath "What did you do that for?" she asked "He hurt you" he said "Yeah. But it was accident. He lost control. But I took care of it. Beside he was sad and need a shoulder to cry on" Maddie said and jealous ran through his body again.

"You need to stop focus on Freddy and focus on more important thing, like the Kugelblitz" Five said and Maddie looked at him "Freddy is important" she said "Not more important than saving the world" he said "He is to me and so are you" Maddie said before she took a step towards him "Family is the most important thing to me and Freddy is part of that family. He is my best friend" she said "I thought I was your best friend" Five said "You are, and your also my boyfriend" Maddie said "Right now, it don't feel like it" Five said "What are you talking about?" she asked "You have feelings for him, right?" Five asked "What. Listen, you are not thinking straight. You are letting the jealous take over" she asked "Do you?" Five asked again "You are being ridiculous right now" she said "You have to choose. Me or him" Five said "Woah, you know what. That is not fair. After everything we have being through, that is what you think" Maddie said and Five raised a brow.

She then lifted her hand before she slapped him across the face so hard that he fell to the floor "You are a Jerk" she said and he looked up at her "I really thought we could make this work, but I was wrong" she said before she began walking away "Idiot" she said as she walk away angry.

"I will leave you two alone, and I will not bother you again" Five said and Freddy let out a chuckled "You really are an idiot" he said and Five looked at him "You can't see how much she love you" Freddy said "She loves you too" Five said "Not the way you think" Freddy said before he got up.

"You have everything you want. A real family, a place you belong in. You know who you are, I only know a little. But the other thing you have, is someone who would do anything for you and who you would do anything for. You have Maddie" he said before he sighed "She doesn't even love me the way she love you and I accepted that a long time ago" Freddy said and Five looked at him "Beside I don't love her like that anymore, now I only see her as my best friend" Freddy said.

Freddy was right, but Five choose to listen to the dark side of him, he let the jealous take over him which made him hurt the woman he love and his best friend.

Five then looked down before he let out a sob "I don't deserve this" he said before he moved over to leaned against the wall. "I'm a monster and a killer, I don't deserve to live, I don't deserve Maddie, I don't deserve anything" he said with tears in his eyes as he looked down on the floor.

When we were young we were the ones
The kings and queens oh yeah, we ruled the world
We smoked cigarettes man no regrets
Wish I could relive every single word

Freddy then walked to Five before he sat down next to him "I know what that's like. I also did terrible things in my past, like killing people" he said causing Five to look at him

We've taken different paths
And travelled different roads
I know we'll always end up on the same one when we're old
And when you're in the trenches
And you're under fire I will cover you

"I remember some part of my childhood at The Commission. When I was four my dad trained me to be a hitman, an assassin, an spy, an agent, a fighter, a killer. And already at the age of seven I was a natural talent and I was the best assassin, but I didn't had a choice, and neither did my dad, he trained me to survive. So I guess we are both killers" Freddy said before he took a deep breath "My reason to be a killer was to survive and your reason to be a killer was to get back to your family" he said and looked at Five "We all have a part of our past that we are not proud of" Freddy said.

If I was dying on my knees
You would be the one to rescue me
And if you were drowned at sea
I'd give you my lungs so you could breathe

"You may be an asshole most of the time, and the others agree" Freddy said causing them both to chuckled "But you are not a bad guy or a monster. I need you, we all need you, but the one that needs you the most, is Maddie" he said and Five looked at him.

I've got you brother-er-er-er
I've got you brother-er-er-er
I've got you brother-er-er-er
I've got you brother-er-er-er

"She don't need me. I am broken--" "So is she" Freddy said, cutting Five off "We are all broken in some way. But maybe two broken people can make each other whole again" he said before he looked up at the ceiling.

Oh brother, we'll go deeper than the ink
Beneath the skin of our tattoos
Though we don't share the same blood
You're my brother and I love you that's the truth

"You see, people like us needs someone who know about our past and know how broken and messy we can be, but still choose us, someone who see the light in our darkness, someone who love every parts of us, even those parts we still struggle to love ourself" he said before he looked back at Five.

We're living different lives
Heaven only knows
If we'll make it back With all our fingers and our toes
5 years, 20 years, come back
It will always be the same

"We have both killed people for a good reason, and we have both worked as assassins, but the differens is that we didn't have a choice, we had a good reason to do what we did and we didn't enjoy it and that's what makes us humans not monsters or killers, but humans" Freddy said "I'm sorry about before, I don't know what went over me. I think I let the jealous take over me" Five said "It's okay" he said.

If I was dying on my knees
You would be the one to rescue me
And if you were drowned at sea
I'd give you my lungs so you could breathe

"I'm also sorry I didn't told that I knew who you were. I think I was just afraid to lose the best brother and friend I have ever had" he said "It's okay. Just don't keep something like that for me again" Freddy said "I wouldn't, I promise" Five said "Good, because your trust is one of the things I need the most" Freddy said.

I've got you brother-er-er-er
I've got you brother-er-er-er

"I'm sorry for everything you have being through. I would never have survived what you had survived" Freddy said and Five looked at him "You would, you are one of the strongest people I know" he said and Freddy let out a smile.

I've got you brother-er-er-er
I've got you brother-er-er-er

"Maybe the two of us are not so different after all" Five said "No, we actually have a lot in common then we thought" Freddy said and they both looked at each other before they both let out a laugh.

And if we hit on troubled water
I'll be the one to keep you warm and safe
And we'll be carrying each other
Until we say goodbye on our dying day

Freddy and Five actually had a lot more in common than they thought. They have both somehow and at some point in their lives been trained to be a killer, they would do anything for their family, they are both not proud about being a killer in their past, they have The Killer instinct in them, they both love Maddie very much and would die protecting her, they have both experienced losing the person they love the most and watch that person die in front of them.

Because I've got you brother-er-er-er
I've got you brother-er-er-er
I've got you brother-er-er-er
I've got you brother-er-er-er

"You know what? When we were kids and when I couldn't sleep, I would go to her room and just watch her sleep, it helped me relaxed. Sometimes me and her would sleep in the same room if one of us couldn't sleep or had a nightmare. She would always sleep on the bed while I took the floor" Five said before he let out a small laugh "There was a time where I crawled up in her bed because I wanted to sleep next to her and she push me off" he said and Freddy chuckled "No way" he said and Five nodded before he started telling the story.

Flashback starts...

A 11 year old Maddie was laying in bed as she began to wake up "Morning" a voice said and she opened her eyes to see Five laying next to her on the bed "How'd you sleep last night?" he asked "What the hell?" she said before she push Five making him fell off the bed before landing on the floor.

"What where you doing in my bed? You were supposed to sleep on the air mattress on the floor" she said "I had a nightmare" he said "You had a nightmare? What are you five years old?" she asked "Listen I needed to feel comfortable, and I was getting this perverse power dynamic vibe from me sleeping on the floor, and you sleeping up there" he said "Ahh yes, how high and might I'm up on my Twin XL" she said sarcastic "That is not what I mean..." he said but she cut him off "Silence in the presence of your queen who sleeps a lofty twelve and half inches" she said "Listen, I'm not ashamed. I slept comfortably when I got up into your bed, and I'm sure you did too" he said "Yeah ok" she said "You know what, I wanna know. How'd you sleep last night?" he asked and she threw a pillow at his face.

Flashback ends...

"Oh, God" Freddy said as they both let out a laugh "Yep" Five said.

If I was dying on my knees
You would be the one to rescue me
And if you were drowned at sea
I'd give you my lungs so you could breathe

"I think you should talk to Maddie" Freddy said "Why? She hates me" Five said "She don't hate you. She know that there is just no point in hating someone you love. Like really love. If she love you which I know she does, she will give you another chance" Freddy said and Five looked at him "You once told me what you felt for her, that it was the most powerful thing you ever felt in your life. Has that changed?" Freddy asked "No" Five said as he shook his head "But what if it gets complicated?" he asked "Love is complicated. But it's great, and you know what else is great?" Freddy asked "What?" Five asked "Knowing that everything won't always be perfect. It's a process building a relationship with each other. You learn to accept that the other person can feel and think differently. And despite those difference you must never give up. Love is something that you have to build every single day. You look at that person's eyes and realize that you are ready to do anything for that person. To respect them, protect them, help them fulfil all of their dreams. Even those that seem impossible. And to be sure that they would be willing to do the exact same thing for you" he said before he looked up "Listen. I used to have someone like Maddie, and now you can't let someone like that go" he said and Five nodded.

"Maddie love you and you love her. You two love each with all your heart and soul. The way you two look at each other. You two looks at each other like you're the only star in the sky at night. Like you are each other's world, you are each other's happiness, future, and you two are the last hope each other have. A love like that is rare and you shall never waste something like that. You shall enjoy it, as long as you can for as much as you can" Freddy said before he looked at Five "Maddie needs you" Freddy said "What about you?" Five asked "Nobody needs me" Freddy answered before he looked down "I do" Five said and Freddy looked at him "I mean...We need you" he said before the two looked at each other and smiled.

I've got you brother-er-er-er
I've got you brother-er-er-er

"Go, don't waste your time here. Make things right between Maddie and you. You don't have much time, if the whole universe is ending in a few days" Freddy said "I don't if I----" "Drop that" Freddy cut him off "You can either listen to that bad side of you. Or follow your heart and get everything you have wanted since you were eight years old" Five looked at Freddy

"But how am I going to make it up again?" he asked "You are a smart guy, you will figure it out and also your heart will guide you" Freddy said and Five nodded before getting up.

Then he stretched his arm towards Freddy "Let me help you up, bro" Five said and Freddy smiled before he grabbed his hand and Five helped him up.

Because I've got you brother-er-er-er
I've got you brother-er-er-er
I've got you brother-er-er-er
I've got you brother-er-er-er

The two smiled as did their secret and special handshakes, before Five turned around "Hey" Freddy said and Five stopped before he turned around to look at Freddy "Let me give you an advice, enjoy the happy moments while you can, cause you never know what will happen after" he said and Five nodded.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
I've got you brother-er-er-er
I've got you brother-er-er-er

"You know what, you were actually the one that made me realized that I was in love with Maddie. I know that deep in my body and heart, I knew that I was in love with Maddie, but it was not until the talk I had with you when we were kids that I knew what I felt for her was real" he said before he looked at him "So thank you. It if hasn't being for you. I don't think I would ever know that it was love that I felt for Maddie" he said "Your welcome" Freddy said.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
I've got you brother-er-er-er
I've got you brother-er-er-er


Maddie entered her room before closing the door behind her and she looked around to see Five standing in the middle of the room.

"I'm still angry at you" she said "I know" Five said "But I understand why you got mad, but you didn't have to hurt Freddy" she said "I know" he said before he took a deep breath.

"I want to know something. You love him?" he asked and she looked at him before she looked down, he was right, she did love Freddy more than she knew. Freddy had being by her side and there for her more than Five had, he has being there for her through thick and thin, so he was not wrong.

She took a deep breath "I do" she said and when she said that, a big part of Five's heart broke, the only one that really saw the good in him, the only one that still saw the light in him, the only one that kept him going, his only hope for a happy and beautiful future, the only person he have love his whole life, has admit that she love someone else. Did she even love him as he thought she did, was him and Maddie really not meant to be together, was it all in his head. Maybe he was just meant to be alone forever. Five wanted to cry but he didn't, because he wanted to stay strong.

"Freddy has being there for me all the way, through tick and thin, he has being by my side no matter what" she said before she took a deep breath while Five looked down in sadness

"Freddy is my best friend. I love him, but only as a friend" she said and with that Five looked at her, noticing that she was also looking at him.

Maddie walked closer to him "Yes I love Freddy, but only as a friend" she said before she stepped closer to him.

Lying in my bed, I hear the clock tick and think of you

"Freddy is my best friend. But you are the one that I want to spend the rest of my life with. You are the one that I want to have a future with. You are the one I want to live with. You are the one that I want to woke up next to every morning. You are the one that I want to kiss. You are my only one and you always will be, because is you that I choose and I will always choose you, no matter what, because I love you, I love you more than anything and I will never stop loving you" she said.

Caught up in circles
Confusion is nothing new

With those words it was like Five's heart healed, he could see in Maddie's eyes that she meant every word. There was really nothing going on between her and Freddy.

Flashback, warm nights
Almost left behind
Suitcase of memories
Time after

"I love you too, so much and I feel the same way about you. And I'm sorry for doubting you. Freddy is your best friend and the one that was there for you when I wasn't" Five said "I love you and I always will" Maddie said.

Sometimes you picture me
I'm walking too far ahead

"I'm sorry. I don't what went on with me. I think I let the jealous take over, because that now when we're finally together I was afraid that someone would take you away from me" he said "Nothing and I mean NOTHING, is going to take me away from you, nothing in the whole world, you are stuck with me, I'm yours forever" she said.

You're calling to me, I can't hear
What you've said

"I'm yours forever too and you are also stuck with me now" he said and the two smiled to each other before they both rested their forehead against each other while they both closed their eyes.

Then you say, "go slow"

"There is something about you, something that no one have, something that can't be replace" she said and he smiled before they pulled each other into a hug. "I'm so in love with you, I can hardly stand. Just touching you like this made my heart flutter and I couldn't stop it" he said and hugged her tighter "My feeling for you was so strong I could hardly stand it. Just being close to you and touching you like this made my heart melt" she said.

And I fall behind

After a minute they pulled away to look at each other "I don't like fighting" she said "Me either. But I'll fight for you and I will never stop fighting for you" he said "I'll fight for you too" she said before they both leaned closer and brought their lips together.

The second hand unwinds

As they were kissing, it started to became less slow and gentle and they both grabbed each other's shirt before they pulled away.

After my picture fades and darkness has
Turned to gray

Five breathed out "Are you sure?" he asked and she nodded "We never know what tomorrow will bring. Beside I'm ready" she said before she pressed her lips against his.


Watching through windows
You're wondering if I'm okay

They pulled away before they looked at each other and smiled.

Secrets stolen from deep inside (deep inside)
And the drum beats out of time

He lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waistline before he blink over to a wall making Maddie's back leaned against it as they kept making out.

If you're lost you can look and you will find me
Time after time

While they were making out, he pulled off her shirt, throwing it to the side, before he blinked and they appeared over by another wall, before Five pulled off her small T-shirt and threw it to the side.

If you fall I will catch you, I'll be waiting
Time after time

Five blinked again before they appeared over by another wall and Maddie pulled off his suit before she throw it to the side.

If you're lost, you can look and you will find me
Time after time

He blinked again and they appeared by the door still making out. Maddie brought her hands to his tie and she started to untying it quickly. He grabbed it from her and tossed it to the side before he smashed his lips against hers.

If you fall, I will catch you, I will be waiting
Time after time
Time after time

Five blinked again and they appeared by the bed and while their lips were still connected, he lowered her to the bed, so her back was press against the bed while he was on top of her.

I've got a suitcase of memories that I almost left behind

As they continued making out, Five went to her belt and started to undo her pants. She slid them down and kicked them off.

If you're lost you can look and you will find me
Time after time

Maddie then went for his belt, she undone his pants and Five took them off.

But suddenly Five pulled away when he spotted a small scar by her waist. "What happen?" he asked as he slid his finger down the scar "Did anyone hurt you?" he asked "No" she said as she shook her head "Why do you have a scar?" he asked "It's from when I had surgery" she said "Surgery?" he asked a little worried "Yeah, I had appendicitis three years ago" she replied and his eyes widened "It's okay. It's a long time ago. It doesn't hurt anymore. So it's okay, we can continue" she said "Are you sure?" he asked and she nodded "Okay, but if it hurt, you say the word and I will stop" he said and she nodded.

He then leaned closed before pressing his lips against hers.

He shook his head with a groan before tossing his shirt off and moving forwards, softly kissing her while his hand moved up to her thigh.

If you fall I will catch you, I'll be waiting
Time after time

She let out a gasp as his lips touch her neck "Sorry" he said as he quickly pulled away, thinking that he hurt her.

"I'm so sorry. It's just...I've..." he said as he looked at her "Did I hurt you. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to....I..." but she cut him off as she pressed her lips against his before she pulled away.

"You didn't hurt me. Please continue" she said whispered as she stroke her hand down his cheek.

He let out a smile before he brought his lips to hers, pushing her down on the bed again.

Her hands moved to his underwear as his hands did the same before taking them off.

They pulled away to look at each other, their eyes scanned over each other's naked bodies.

They were both about to lose their virginity to one another.

Both their heart racing so hard against their chest that they could barely breathe.

No one has ever see Five this way, so vulnerable before, he wasn't able to trust anyone with this, except Maddie, cause with her it always remained easy. The trust, the love, the vulnerability and feelings were so natural with her.

"Are you sure you want this?" he asked, his hair hung messily in front of his eyes.

She let out a small smile while she nodded "It's just I don't want to rush into anything" he said "I have never being more sure about anything else" she said "If you want me to stop, you say it and I will stop" he said and she nodded "Don't stop" she said and he smiled before he put his hand on her cheek "I love you" he said "I love you, too" she said and he smiled again as one hand was on the bed next to her hand and the other on her left cheek.

Maddie smiled as they leaned their forehead against each other.

Her head was resting on the pillow as she grabbed the sheet before wrapping it around the two of them.

They both wanted to engrain this memory into their life forever.

If you're lost you can look and you will find me
Time after time

They then smashed their lips together again and Five pressed his whole body more against her.

Even so none of them had tried this before and they didn't knew what they were doing. They still kept going, and it was like as they continued, it was like their mind and body figure it out.

If you fall, I will catch you, I will be waiting
Time after time
Time after time

He looked at her and she grabbed a hold of his shoulder, nodding at him, allowing him to continue, saying that she was ready.

He nodded back "Remember, just say the word and I will stop" he whispered and she nodded.

He then leaned down, pressing his body more against hers.

He then leaned down and the silence between the two of them spoke volume as he place the head of his penis in her hole, pushing himself in her, he did it gently and slowly, afraid that he might hurt her.

Five did it gently and slowly, afraid that he might hurt her.

She let out a gasp "Sorry" he mumbled between the kisses.

"Don't be. I think is part of it" she whispered and he looked at her, watching the pain in her eyes slowly disappear.

"You sure you want this?" he asked "For the third time. Yes" she said with a small nod "I want you Five" she said "I want you too" he said before he pressed his body more against her again.

She breath out shakily, her breath mixing with his as he bent over her, readjusting for a moment before using his hips to pull out of her and push back in.

Hearing her moan made him shiver as he continued, her lips softly meshing with his as he continued, the feeling of pleasure overtaking him as he kept going, his hand bracing the sheet covers as he tried to hold on, taking slowly breaths and trying to just focus on her, not just the feeling she was giving him.

She knew that the feeling was fleeting for her so he tried a different method while kissing her random places on her neck and collarbone as she put her left hand behind his head, tugging his hair as she closed her eyes, while leaning her head more against the pillow

She started moving with him rather than him moving alone, her breath was uneven and her breasts rubbed against his chest as he continued his movement.

She kissed his ear as she clamped around him while continuing its movements before he readjust to move quicker.

Then it hit a place particularly deep inside of her, making a moan and a gasp exit her mouth.

"Sorry" he whispered "It's okay" she whispered back before she kissed his neck.

He felt his orgasm nearing as he continued to move faster, her hands in his hair and running down his back, driving him closer before a particular moan drove him over the edge. He came with a loud groan, rutting his hips against her as she clamped around him harder, her back arching as she came along with him, both of her hips driving slowly against each other to ride out her highs.

She then wrapped her legs around his waistline while she leaned her head more against the pillow, her fingers grabbing his hair more as Five was kissing her neck.

She lowered her fingers and their fingers got locked together as their bodies was as pressed against each other as they could be.

And that moment Maddie and Five lost their virginity to that person they will be always and forever in love with and will be with always and forever.

But you say to go slow but I fall behind
Time after time after time (after time, oh)


Five slowly pulled out of her, falling over on the bed as they both tried to catch their breath, the feeling welling up inside of them of complete contentment. It had been everything that they thought it would be.

"You are one fire" Maddie said with a smile "First time and horny" they chuckled.      

"Woah. I didn't expect my first time to be that good" Maddie said as they were both laying in the bed with the sheets covering their naked bodies.

Maddie's legs were tangled with Five's, their arms were draped over each other's and she had her head on his chest.

Both of them were sweating and panting while breathing heavily, trying to catch their breath.

"Was that your first time?" Five asked "That sound like you are surprise" she said "I am. I thought you have had some one night stands" he said "No, I haven't. Not once" she said before she looked at him "What about you?" she asked "If you count doing it with a mannequin" he said and she chuckled "No, not a real person" she said before she laughed "How can you even do it with a mannequin?" she asked while laughing "Hey, don't judge me, I was all alone in the world" he said and she stopped laughing "You're right, sorry" she said with a smile.

"I was never in love with Delores, I was in love with the idea because she was the only thing that seemed real to me in the time. And also, I didn't do it with Delores, I was practiced in doing it" he said "That's weird" she said "Yeah, I was lonely but it was either that or go insane" he said as he was looking up at the ceiling.

"Everytime I talked to Delores, was touching her, hugging her or kissing her. I was actually imagining that it was you cause otherwise I would never have done it" he said "Pervert" she with a smile "Yeah, I was really losing my sanity" he said with a small smile.

"I only had Delores with me cause I need someone to talk to and to practiced on for when I returned to you" he said "Practiced in what?" she asked "Like what to say to you, admit my feelings to you, how to act when I was around you, asking you out on a date, what to do on a date. How to dance with you. How to hold you in my arms. Just all the important things" he said and she smiled "That is weird" she said "I had to talk to someone. Sometimes the picture and the watch wasn't enough to keep my hopes up and stop me from just giving up and going insane. So I have to use Delores cause she helped me keep my sanity" he said and she let out a small chuckled "Don't laugh" he said "Sorry" she said with a smile.

"But I get it, you were talking to a mannequin in the apocalypse to try and not feel so lonely or go crazy. Most people would find it weird but you were all alone in a broken world, you do what you have to. I would have done the same, if I were in your shoes" she said and he smiled before they both look up at the ceiling.

"You know when we were kids, I kept imagined us being together and live a life with one another" he said "Well, it seems to come true" she said and he smiled.

"Let's talk about something else. Like...the future" she said, breaking the silence and he looked at her "If we are going to have a future together, we better talk about it" she said "You know that the world is ending in a few days right?" he asked "I know. But if it wasn't" he said "Alright, if it wasn't, what do you want to do in the future?" he asked "Well, first, I want to travel around the world and then I want to live in that house I talked about when we were kids, you remember it right?" she asked "Of course" he said "I just want to live a wonderful, peaceful and long life with you" she said "I like that plan" he said and they gave each other a kiss before he pulled away and looked up at the ceiling.

You leapt from crumbling bridges
Watching cityscapes turn to dust

"What about kids?" he asked "I don't want kids" she said and he looked at her "What. Every women I know, want to have kids at some point" he said "Well, I'm not every woman" she said before she lifted her right hand and a small red energy ball appeared on her finger.

Filming helicopters crashing
In the ocean from way above

"I was born with these powers" she said and she moved her fingers while the ball was moving from finger to finger "And I'm scared that if I have kids, they will inherit them and I don't want a kid to live that life I'm living, always scared to get too afraid or angry. Have to control your emotions all the time. A walking time bomb. I don't want that for a kid" she said and the red energy ball moved down to her palm before she closed her hand making the ball disappear.

Got the music in you, baby
Tell me why
Got the music in you, baby
Tell me why

"I don't want kids either" he said before he took a deep breath "The reason is well first because of our powers would be pass on to our kid. But also because my past as a killer. I'm afraid that the kid would have more of my darkness in it than the light. And they will become evil and used their powers to evil" he said "I don't think they would" she said and he looked at her "I think they would be perfect, I don't think that they would be evil, because you are not evil or a killer. Because people like that wasn't born they were made and you were made like that, and that's not your fault" she said "I believe that you would be a good mother, I on the other hand would be a shitty dad" he said "No, I don't think so. You would be a wonderful dad" she said "I don't know, maybe, maybe not" he said and they both let out a sigh.

"But maybe it will be wonderful to have kids of our own to take care of. Give them a life better than ours. I think that it could changed us both for the better" she said "Yeah, maybe you are right. That would be good" he said "Can you imagine having little tiny mix of us, running around?" she asked "I actually dreamt about one time" he said and she looked at him "You did?" she asked and he nodded "Yeah, and they were little terrorists, always getting themself into trouble" he said.

You've been locked in here forever
And you just can't say goodbye

"Well, we would both be shitty parents, since we have no practise at all and have no idea how to be good parents, cause of the way we were raised" she said "Yeah" he said and they both let out a laugh.

Kisses on the foreheads of the lovers
Wrapped in your arms

He then turned to lay on his right side to look at her "Hey" he said and she lay on her left side to look at him.

You've been hiding them in hollowed out pianos
Left in the dark

"About what Lila said about my heart only pumping if there is apocalypse problems. I hope you know that's not truth" Five said "I know" she said "You are the only one that gets my heart pumping" Five said and she smiled "You are the only one that get my heart beating" she said.

Got the music in you, baby
Tell me why
Got the music in you, baby
Tell me why

"How can I not love you. Your hair" he said and stroked a piece of her hair away from her forehead and she smiled "Your smile" he said before he looked at her eyes "Your eyes. Everything about you is perfect. How did I get so lucky" he said and she let out a chuckled "Well, I love how stupidly smart you are and the way you always give yourself something to do. The way you'll do anything for your family, even if that means going back into the apocalypse. I love your smile and laugh, your eyes, your heat and soul, your passion for things and your selflessness" she said and he smiled.

You've been locked in here forever
And you just can't say goodbye

"These feelings, when did you know?" she asked "Promised me you won't laugh" he said "I promise" she said and he took a deep breath.

Your lips, my lips

"Do you remember the time when we were eight and we were in the backyard chasing fireflies and you had like 20 in your jar and I had one with a broken bulb. But then you fell and just as I help you up, Klaus and Ben came outside and started teasing us..." he said and she nodded "Yeah, they said 'Five loves Maddie' and you said 'Gah! No I don't" she said "That's when I knew" he said with a small smile "Is funny, I actually fell for you before I even realized I did. I was in love with you before I even knew what love was" he said and they looked at each other.

Your lips, my lips

"But it was actually Freddy who help me realize that what I felt for you was love. That I was in love with you. He was actually the one that gave me the courage to ask you out on a date" he said "Tell me" she said and he took a deep breath before he started to tell her the story.

Flashback start...

A 13 year old Five and a 10 year old Freddy were sitting in the kitchen hanging out while talking.

Five was sitting by the table, drinking a cup of coffee while Freddy was sitting on the table with his legs crossed.

"My friendship with her is very different. She is my center point. It's like she makes me happy. I see her and then I smile even if I have had a bad day. As soon as I see her, all my pain and problems just go away. When I'm with her, I enjoy it. She belongs to the kind of bright people" Five said, lifting his arms up before lowering them again "Have you ever known the kind of people who radiate colors but they don't even realize it themselves?" he asked Freddy "Other than our siblings here. Then no, maybe I have before I came here, but I can't remember it of course" Freddy answered.

"I think the world shines because of Maddie. My world definitely shines and has colors because of her" Five said "What you say is very beautiful" Freddy said "Or very stupid" Five said "No, no. Not stupid at all. It's very romantic. I think it's something you'd say if you were very much in love" Freddy said "In love?" Five asked and Freddy nodded "You are wrong" Five said "I know I have only been here for a little bit over a year, but in that year I have known all of you. I can see it. You are in love with her" Freddy said "You think I'm in love with her?" Five asked and Freddy nodded "Yes, you don't realize it. You are in love with her" he said and Five chuckled a bit "No, we are not like that" he said "Then what are you then?" Freddy asked "Uh...Uh...More like siblings" Five answered and Freddy let out a chuckled "Ah Five. Diego and Klaus are siblings, Ben and I are siblings and none of us looked at each other with sparkles in our eyes, except Allison and Luther of course. And you look at Maddie with sparkles in your eyes. You are in love with her" he said.

"What do you mean, no, no. 'In love' is a big word. No, no she is just a friend, no more" he said "Being friends doesn't mean that you can't fall in love with them" Freddy said "No, no. Besides, it's very risky. Imagine if I lost our friendship. No, no because friendship is the most important thing to me, you know what I mean" Five said "But the most important thing is to follow your heart and listen to your feelings" Freddy said.

"But if I lose her forever" Five said "No, you don't lose her. If a friendship is strong, then is not like a hit that goes out of style and stops being played. What you have with her is very strong and unique. And even if the years goes by, it will keep playing and it lasts forever. No matter how much time passes, it's strong" Freddy said and Five looked down "But what if I can't tell her what I feel?" he asked "Ask her out on a date and slowly start your way there" Freddy said "But what if she don't feel that same?" Five asked as he looked back down at his fingers "I doubt that" Freddy said and Five looked at him "I have seen the way she looks at you. She has feelings for you. More detail, she is in love with you" Freddy said "But why haven't she said anything?" Five asked "Maybe she is afraid that you don't feel the same way. And also sometimes, us guys have to take the first step" Freddy said.

Before Five could say anything they could hear the Academy's alarm that started ringing which meant that it was time for another mission.

Five jumped out of the chair "Come let's go" he said and Freddy jumped down from the table.

The two ran out of the kitchen and was headed to their rooms to get their masks. "CUSTOS" Reginald shouted and the two stopped to see Reginald standing up by the railing, looking down at them "Where are you going?" he asked "The alarm is ringing meaning we have another mission, so I'm going to get my mask" Freddy answered "You are not going on this mission" Reginald said "Why not?" Freddy asked "Because I say so" Reginald said before he looked at Five "Number Five, hurry up and get your mask" he said "Yes Dad" Five said before Reginald walked away.

Five looked at Freddy who was looking down, he could see that he looked a little bit disappointed and sad over that he couldn't come with them.

"You okay?" Five asked, he knew that Freddy enjoyed being on missions with the others, just as much as he enjoyed training and hanging out with them. When he did that, he felt like he was part of the family.

Freddy lifted his head "Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I will hang out here" he said "You sure. You could shapeshift and watch us when we are fighting bad guys, like you do sometimes when you are not allow on the mission" Five said and Freddy shook his head a little bit "I think I better stay home. Beside Vanya, Pogo and Grace is here, so I wouldn't be alone. I will hang out with Vanya" Freddy said before he looked at him "I will be fine. Just go" he said "Okay. But just please don't tell anyone what we have talked about in the kitchen" Five said "No. Don't worry" Freddy said "Especially not to Maddie" Five said "Trust me. I'm like a safety deposit box with double padlocks and plenty of security" Freddy said "Wow" Five said "Yeah, it's a lot. I'm very good at keeping secrets. I won't say anything. But may I give you a piece of advice?" Freddy asked and Five nodded "Tell her your feelings. Don't hold them in for too long. If you do, it will be too late and you will regret it for the rest of your life. And this comes from someone who keeps it all to himself" Freddy said "Okay. Thanks" Five said "Of course. Now go, before Reginald gets angry. You know that I always take the blame or cover for you when you guys do something you are not supposed to do. But I can't take the blame and cover for you all the time. So go now" Freddy said "Thanks brother" Five said with a smile "Any time, brother" Freddy said and the two smiled to each other while they did their secret and special handshakes. Sending each other a nod before Five ran upstairs to his room.

Flashback ends...

"Woah, I didn't knew that" she said "Of course not. Freddy did promise to not say anything" he said "I'm glad that you guys have being working it out. I couldn't handle my best friend and boyfriend wouldn't be able to stand each other. So I'm glad you guys are good friends" she said "It's thanks to you" he said and she smiled.

Go and sneak us through the rivers
Flood is rising up on your knees
Oh, please

"When did you knew?" he asked "Do you remember, at the beginning of our childhood, I was always the quite and shy one in the group. I was afraid to use my powers" she said "Yeah I remember. You changed so much, that I can't even believe that you used to be that girl" he said "Well, is because of you, that I'm the one I am today" she said "How so?" he asked "Well, dad punished me for being that kind of kid. From the age of eight to ten he put me in a small room. The same room, Vanya was in, but another kind of it. He told me that he wouldn't let me out until I used my powers to break down the door. I couldn't do it at all in the beginning. I just sat down, hugging my knees while crying. But you were there. You always hide out of sight and everytime dad left, leaving me alone. You would show up, blink into the room and you would always stay with me, keeping me company, hiding from Dad because you didn't want to get caught. We used to talk about things and you would even talk when I couldn't, you didn't stop talking because you were trying to take my mind of the situation I was in. You told me how you always believe in me, how you knew how strong I was. You did that everytime I was put in that room, for two years" she said "Yeah, even so if I had chores myself, I either did them quickly or not at all" he said "Why did you do it? Came to me?" she asked "Because you are my best friend, I wanted to be with you and also I couldn't handle the thought of you in that room, alone and scared. I couldn't handle the thought of you being sad, scared and in pain" he said.

Come out and haunt me
I know you want me
Come out and haunt me

"That was the first time my feelings for you started, because I saw you from another point of view, I saw the real you. I was slowly getting feelings for you, from the first day you came" she said "Yeah, I remember. But one day when we were ten, Dad unfortunately spotted me in that room with you and he punished me. And the next time I didn't come back because Dad was keeping an eye on me. And he told me that if I ever go down to you again. He would punished you for it" he said.

Sharing all your secrets with each other
Since you were kids

"Then that day where you didn't come, I sat for hours on the floor over in a corner in that room, hugging my knees while crying. Dad let me out for the night, so I could get some sleep. But I didn't sleep at all, I was sitting on my bed crying because dad had called me weak, useless, a failure because I couldn't do as he ask. He told me how one day I will cost one of my siblings' death because I didn't want to use my powers. That I would let everyone down because I will give up easily. Then I heard a knock on the door and I thought that it was our siblings telling me to shut up so they could sleep. But then the door opened and I heard a voice asking me if I was okay and I look up to see you standing in the doorway" she said before she looked up at ceiling.

Sleeping soundly with the locket that she gave you
Clutched in your fist

"You were in your pyjamas and your face look tired. I thought that you were going to ask me to be quite. But you closed the door, walked over to sit next to me, put an arm around my shoulder and you asked me what was wrong. And I started talking. You just sat there listening to me about how I felt, for hours. You were tired but you didn't mention it, you told me that I shouldn't listen to dad and that I was cool, strong, smart, beautiful, funny, a badass and sweet. You told me that I shall not let my powers control me, but instead I shall control them. You told me that when using my powers, I should think about what I'm fighting for. I shall think about the people I care about. Fight for them" she said before she took a deep breath "And I told you that I was too afraid to use my powers and then you told me that I shouldn't let my fear overcome me, but let me overcome my fear. You told me that I was the bravest girl you know and that I can overcome everything and I could even make my fear afraid of me" she said.

Got the music in you, baby
Tell me why
Got the music in you, baby
Tell me why

"You made me feel safe, and you gave me a feeling of peace in my body. Then after we have talk for sometime I asked if you would mind sleeping in here and you told me no. So we lay down on the bed and look into each other's eyes for what seems like an hour. After that we cuddle and you started humming until I felt asleep. And from that moment on, I knew that I had feelings for you. And then the next day, Dad took me to that room again, but this time, I didn't sat down and cried, I remember all those words you said to me. I think about the people I cared about and what I was fighting for and because of that, I control my powers and broke down the door. Dad said that I did good and I should take the rest of the day off" she said.

You've been locked in here forever
And you just can't say goodbye

"I remember how your face light up when you came to my room that day" Five said "Yeah and I remember your face, how you smiled when I told you about it. And you said that you always believe that I could do it and that you were proud of me. After that we hugged for what seems like hours and from that moment on I knew that I loved you and also from that moment and all those moments we talked in that room. I changed completely. You became the reason that I was able to break down the door using my powers. You became my motivated to be brave, smart and strong and not to lose control" she said and looked at him.

You've been locked in here forever
And you just can't say goodbye

"You're tough but sensitive. You're brave but fragile. And you've got some beautiful eyes" she said as she stared into his eyes "I love the way you love me, you make me feel like I'm enough just as I am. You make me laugh when I'm feeling down. You have a way of turning my whole mood around. I will choose you even when you make me mad. My love for you won't fade simply because we are angry. I know we fight, we will be frustrated. Still, I will go to battle for you. Still, I will choose you. I will choose you, and keep choosing you every single day" he said and she smiled.

"Will you promise me, that no matter mow many times we fight, we're never going to stop loving or giving up on each other. And that we will never let each other go, no matter where life take us. No matter what happens, we'll always be together, always find a way to locate each other, always stand by each other's side. No matter which guise our soul decides to wear, we'll always return to each other. We'll always care about each other, we will always look for a way to make it work, no matter how hard it is and no matter how much we fight" she said and she nodded "I promise, no matter what, we never let each other go, we will always stand by each other's side, we will always find our way back to each other and we will always care for each other and always look for a way to make ir work, no matter how hard it is. No matter how many times we fight, I promise that I will never leave you or stop loving you. I promise that no matter who enters your life, I'll love you more than any of them. I promise to love you for every moment of Always and Forever. I will keep my promise, and never give up on us. You are my home and my happy place, and no matter where we are in this world, it all will be fine as long as we are together" he said and they smiled to each other.

Ooh, oh
When you're all alone
I'll reach for you
When you're feelin' low
I'll be there too

"Well, we better get dress and get up before we go down to the lobby to see if Viktor have Harlan" Five said "Yeah, we better" Maddie said before they both got up and got dress.

"Someone who really loves you, see what a mess you can be, how moody you can get, how hard you are to handle, but still wants you"

A/N: I want you guys to know that I don't see Five as a child, in all my Five fic, I picture him as an adult. And I'm NOT sexually attracted to either Five or Aidan Gallagher. There is a long list why I like them but one of the big reasons it's because of their personality. Beside this is a fanfic guys. So don't think all of my smuts in my stories so seriously. It's just a fanfic

Hope you like this chapter. Vote or comment if you did.

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