Chapter 13

Hi!! I know I said I'd upload on Wednesday, but I forgot I had to go to a show I'm doing called Musical memories early, so I literally got home, ate dinner, got changed and left. So I didn't have time.

BUT! I'm uploading now!! :D SO! ON WITH THE CHAPTERRR!!! :D

Chapter 13

Darren's POV

I rolled around the floor groaning, I never knew she could throw a punch like that! I'll get her back for it though... I felt my self being pulled up off the ground. I could hear laughter, and I knew that this news would be all round the school by lunchtime. How... Humiliating... I guess I deserved it though, but how was I supposed to know that Selena was a virgin? Well, until I fucked her anyway.

"Man, your ass just got whipped!" I heard Sean's voice penetrate my thoughts, his voice shaking with withheld laughter.

I threw him a glare that would freeze fire and walked off, the pain subsiding, dragging Jayden withme. Another thought hit me... When did those two become such good friends anyway? 

I don't know... Girls. They seem to know everything about everyone, especially girls like Tina.

"And why are you grinning like an idiot?" Another voice, this time Jayden's, penetrated my thoughts.

Was I? I shook my head and re-arranged my face into a blank look and ignored his comment. I needed to think about what I would do for revenge against her humiliating me, I know I love her and everything, but there is only so much she could do without me getting angry, and this wasn't one of those things. If she were any other girl she would have been embarrassed and humiliated to such a high degree that she would have to leave the country and change her name, and even then she wouldn't have lived it down.

Suddenly, a plan popped into my head. A simple - yet perfect - plan. An evil smirk slipped onto my face. It was just finding the right time to do it, and I knew exactly when...

.     .     .

Lunchtime. The cafeteria was calling me as I prepared myself for my brilliant plan.

"Are you sure you wanna do this? I mean, what if it back fires and she just - I don't know - slaps you, or something worse. Most likely worse." Jayden's worried voice came from my left.

"She won't. She won't be able to resist the temptation."

"Okay... If you're sure..."

The evil smirk I had been wearing every time I thought about the plan slipped back onto my face. This plan would do two things:

1. Humiliate her infront of the whole school.

2. Show the feelings that I know she feels about me. 

That's right. I was going to kiss Tina. In the middle of the cafeteria, in front of the whole school.

Tina's POV

My stomach let out a loud grumble that was, thankfully, hidden by the school bell finally ringing. Signaling the beginning of lunch. I waited for Kaycee by the classroom door, as she needed to talk about getting an extension on her homework. Which she was already behind on... It was only the third day. Various people gave me high fives on my way out, having heard what I'd done to Darren. I got a few glares from some the the girls, but a lot of the guys were calling me a 'genius' while struggling not to laugh. 

A smug smile planted on my face, Kaycee and I left for the cafeteria. 

Walking through the huge double doors, my eyes scanned the crowd for him. He wasn't here. I mentally cheered as Kaycee and I lined up to get our food. We sat down at an empty table just as the doors opened and everyone went silent. They stayed silent however, and did not laugh, so I turned to see who had caused this reaction. Selena stood at the entrance to the cafeteria, looking very small and lost. I hurried up to her and pulled her over to our table.

"Hey." She said quietly.

"Hi." I smiled, sitting down.

Kaycee, however was just giving her the evils, thankfully Selena was looking down at that point and didn't see her. I kicked Kaycee under the table, she immediately turned her gaze to me, her mouth open, as if about to start telling me off for kicking at her. When, suddenly, her eyes grew wide. I, however, just rolled my eyes. 

"Go away, Darren." I remark, exasperatedly.

"And why would I do that?" He retorted.

Selena had continued on as if he wasn't there, I had to admire her for that. Especially as she was able to ignore him and I wasn't.

"Did your mind have a warp? What did I say earlier? Oh, yeah! It was something like, 'If you evercome near me again, I will personally chop off your balls and make you eat them!'. Now, which part of that did you not understand?" I bristle.

"Why don't you stand up and say it?" He declares. My eyes narrow.

"No thanks, I've already spent too much of my valuable time speaking to you anyway." I sass, still trying to stay calm.

"Chicken." He mumbles.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I heard quite right there. What did you just say?" I demand, slowly reaching boiling point.

"I said you were too chicken to come up here and say that to my face. Go on! Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't ever want to hear from me again."

I smirk and stand up, step out from the lunch table and stand directly in front of him. By this point, the whole cafeteria was watching.

"I, Tina Bolaine, will sincerely chop off your balls and-"

I was cut off by his lips crashing onto mine. At first I was too shocked to move. When I finally regained composure I shoved him away from me and punched him around the face.

"Don't you ever do that again, do you hear me? What? Did you think you were gonna waltz in here and 'sweep me off my feet', after this morning. You must be having a laugh. What planet are you on? If you ever, talk to me, talk about me, think about me, or even look at me ever again... I promise, I will kick you so hard in the balls, your great grandkid's, grandkids will feel it. Understand?"

I picked up my bag and tray dumped my food, suddenly not hungry anymore, and flounced out of the cafeteria, all the people's - bar Darren's - eyes following me, including the dinner ladies behind the counter.

Jayden's POV (Weren't expecting that were ya? lool! xD)

I knew it wouldn't work.

I told him it wouldn't work.

And now he's on the floor where Tina left him after (As predicted.) punching around the face and shouting at him, before flouncing out of the cafeteria, her friend Kaycee hurrying after her, with -to my surprise- Selena not far behind that.

I just rolled my eyes and pulled Darren up from the ground, yanking him out of his dream-like state.

He slowly walked out of the room, me trailing behind him. I abruptly realized just how alike the four of us were. Tina and Darren both had short tempers, while Kaycee and I just follow them around calming them down.

That's kind of funny, in a slightly cynical, sarcastic way. Now, where'd he go this time?

Tina's POV

I stopped by my locker, only just managing to calm myself down enough not to rip the thing off its hinges. I gab my stuff from my locker and head to music, my next lesson, and get there early. So I decided to play one of the guitars there a little bit. Playing and singing something slow, calms me down, a lot. I pick up one of the guitars and start playing something mindlessly, my hands moving automatically moving. I recognised the song as Turning Tables, by Adele. It was funny how most of the lyrics reflected the situation I was in at the moment. It was also funny how I had automatically started playing that, and what I usually play, Hurt, by Christina Aguilera. It reminds me of my brother, and how much I missed him, and all the good times we used to have.

By the end of the song I was feeling relatively calmer. I picked up my phone, to see I had a text from Kaycee asking where I was. I ignored it, I needed to calm down a bit more before talking to people again. I sauntered over to the piano on the other side of the room.

I was happy to find I didn't even need to force myself to remember it. My fingers just flowed over the keys of their own accord, without me even having to think. I started to sing and lost myself in the song, in the memories that flooded back to me, in the happiness and sadness the song brought me in the lyrics and the sensitivity. I felt the tears start to roll down my cheek on the last few notes, as the memory of the day he had gone missing flooded back to me.

I slammed the piano cover shut and let the tears fall freely, the sobs racking through my body. I folded my arms on the piano and let my head fall into them. It was worse now, I was thinking about all that had happened to me, most of it my fault, losing my friends, my brother and the people I thought were my parents for almost 17 years. Moving to somewhere completely new with my real parents was the only upside in it all really, I got to start all over again, a clean slate. My brother was kind of an up, if I think about the good times, and not when he went missing.

"Oh, God..."

I jumped, swinging around to the voice, Darren stood there with regret written all over his face.

"Of c-course it w-would b-be you." I manage to convey through my sobs.

"This isn't because of what I did, is it?" He asked, his face looking pained.

"Oh, get over yourself, Darren, of course it's not what you did. Everything's just caught up with me that's all..." I burst once my crying had subsided a little, the tears still fell though.

"What caught up with you?" he asked, coming over and putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"It doen't matter, you'd probably laugh anyway. Cause you don't care about anyone else. Just Darren and what Darren wants. You demonstrated that earlier."

"Hey, hey, hey! I do care, I'm not a complete monster."

I snorted at this, "Oh, really? I find that hard to believe."

"Come on. Tell me? Please?" he begged.

I rolled my eyes, "Fine, if you'll shut up, and you can't tell anyone else about it, okay?"

"Okay." He confirmed.

"It's difficult, I don't really know where to begin... I guess I should start by telling you I have a twin brother..."

"Well, where is he?"

"I don't know... He went m-missing, when we were b-both twelve... We haven't seen him since..."

At this point I started crying even more, so he drew me into a hug, for once, though, I didn't pull away and just let myself relax in his arms for a while, until the tears subsided. It was weird... For the first time in nearly five years I felt... Safe...

I told him the rest of my story, how I blocked everyone out and haven't had any true friends after that day. Until Kaycee. And now Selena. And the rest, finding out about my parents not really being, well, my parents... And so on.

Afterwards, he didn't say anything, just stood up and pulled me into another bear hug and held me until the bell went.

I sprang out of his arms at that point and ran to the girls' toilets washing my face and trying to make it look as if I was fine, and hadn't just been crying a whole river...

.     .     .

I got home and went straight up to my room and got out a pair of tracksuit bottoms and a plain, light-blue singlet top and went to the en suite bathroom that connected to my room. I liked this room, it was coloured with nice, soft pinks and pale golds, with the odd tinge of baby blue. With a baby blue toilet, a huge bath that was probably big enough to fit five people in it in such a light shade of pink, it was almost white, and a pale, gold sink, so big, you could probably bathe a very large baby in it.

I ran some hot water into the bath to fill it up, put some rasberry bath creme into the water, and got in, slowly sinking into the water, head lastand stayed there for a few seconds, before coming up for air.

Once I'd finished in the bath I got into my 'pyjamas' and into bed, choosing to get an early night, as I wasn't feeling too great.

.     .     .

Flashes of light are all I see. Then Phoenix looms up in front of me, I realise it's only the two of us left, Darren and Jayden and Phoenix's minions have knocked each other out. I look around the room for something, anything that could distract him while I regain my energy. Healing Darren andJayden really took it out of me.


I look back at Phoenix just as he lifts his hands to strike, I take one last look at Jayden, laying there, so peacefully... Then suddenly I see myself behind Phoenix. How is this happening? How am I in two places at once?

"RUN!" The other me screams.

But I can't, I'm frozen, she throws herself on top of Phoenix and screams,

"Stephen! Sean! Whoever you are! Whatever your name is! Please! I know you can hear me! You can fight against Phoenix, good always reigns over evil! Please! Just try, for me, for your sister!"

I finally unfreeze and start to run, she was still fighting Phoenix, who was laughing at her attempts,

"He'll never win! He is me! And I am him! Except, am more powerful! I have taken him over, he'll never come back!"

"He can, and he will! Come on, Sean, please!" A look of realisation dawns on the other me's face as she says this. "RECTUMFYER TRESNYTHIASS!"

"Please, Tina, help me, he's trying to take me over, he's winning, I can't hold him back much longer!" Phoenix suddenly transforms into a teenage boy just before he says this.

"Yes you can, Stephen! You can and you will! I'm not leaving you here!"

"Please! Just go, leave me, I need to save you, Tina. You need to live! I shouldn't have wandered off from Karen and Elijah all those years ago, and I'm sorry. It's not your fault, and I'd forgive you even if it was! So  please! Just go!"

"NO! I'm not leaving you, Stephen, I'm not gonna lose  you again."

I'm almost across the huge hall when I trip and slam to the floor. I look back, and Phoenix has taken Sean or Stephen over, and is now working on keeping him back and trying t get Tina off of his back. 


I wake up drenched in a cold sweat and shaking. I couldn't understand all of the dream, but understood a few things here and there, firstly that my brother is alive. Second, my brother forgives me. And last...

My brother is Phoenix.


>:D lol!!! What's gonna happen...? Well, I should really know... It's my story after all... lol!! Technically speaking, it's tomorrow/today, meaning Saturday. BUT! I was writing this today/yesterday, meaning Friday (The 9th of September) lool!! Hope you enjoyed, and - if you did - pleeeeeaaassseee click the vote button? It's such a small thing to do! But it would make me so happy :D! :)))))))) loool!!

And wish me luck! Cos' I'm doing an Amy Winehouse tribute at the Bull Theatre tonight/tomorrow night, whichever you think Saturday night is! lool!! (It's not just me doing the tribute obviously xD) I'm singing 'Son of a Preacher Man' by Dusty Springfield! :) We had to sing songs that she either did, or songs from the era she sung songs from xD anyway! love you all!! And I shall now say goodnight! :D

External link is the other song in the chapter!!! :)

.x.Sophie.x. / SanziaSalvatore

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