Results for Action/Adventure/Sci-Fi

All the raw scores and comments are in this chapter for the following genre. Another chapter will be posted dedicated to all winners and details of how to claim the prizes so stay tuned! If there are calculation mistakes you can PM or comment.

Rank: 1st
King Eden by RowanCarver
Judged By: devianmisfit

Cover - 9.5/10
The font is clear and striking. The art is a little crude but great. Placements of the author's name and title are fantastic.

Title & Blurb - 9/10
An interesting title. Blurb is on the lengthy side however, it only reveals the important parts.

Plot - 30/30
Vivid, raw and hypnotizing. But also brutal.

Flow - 9/10
It's gripping and heart-racing. Very fast-paced.

Character Development - 15/15
King is a very brutal but strong character that I have goosebumps reading about her. Eli is sweet and takes on his mother, but so heart-rendering as well.

Anticipation - 10/10

Enjoyment - 10/10
I wanted to judge this ever more critically because you have 30K reads, because I wanted less recognized authors to stand a chance. But I can't lie and say I didn't enjoy this 100%. Never knew I enjoyed it so much that I lose track of time completely.

Language - 5/5
TOTAL - 98.5/100


Rank: 2nd
The Ark by wildler
Judged By: devianmisfit

Cover - 7.5/10
I like the sci-fi vibes and it's really colorful. But I recommend making your title and subtitle be opaque so that it will stand out.

Title & Blurb - 8.5/10
The title is short and sweet, and it fits the genre. But I can't see the link to the story. Would recommend adding it into your blurb. The blurb is fantastic. All the important details are inside, it hooks me and makes me want to read on.

Plot - 30/30
I love the settings and the conversations in your book. The emotions and subtle tension flowing and ebbing. You've captured it really well. The more I read, the more the plot thickens which is really intriguing. I love how you put cliffhangers in all your chapters. The twists in the plot were so unexpected and made me lose my breath as well.

Flow - 10/10
Pace is generally a slow-burn, but picks up when there is action.

Character Development - 15/15
Astrid is a highly relatable character being a daughter of a high-key figure, and with myself being a city girl, I could relate to her a lot. Otherwise, the subtleties, awkwardness and complicated unspoken tension between your characters were captured, which made them all the more realistic.

Anticipation - 10/10
The cliffhangers really got me there!

Enjoyment - 10/10
Language - 5/5
TOTAL - 96/100


Rank: 3rd (tie)
Atlanta: Rise is Rebellion by Yanzieyy
Judged By: Fathii7
Cover - 9/10
Title & Blurb - 9/10
Plot - 28/30
Flow - 10/10
Character Development - 13/15
Anticipation - 10/10
Enjoyment - 9/10
Language - 4/5
TOTAL: 92/100

I love the cover. The blurb is informative and the title suits the story. I loved the cliffhangers in each chapter. It makes us read more and more to find out what is next. The plot is interesting. The book has potential to reach great heights. The flow is good. Overall, I enjoyed this book.

Rank: 3rd (tie)
Komoreby by SuVida777
Judged By: Fathii7
Cover - 9/10
Title & Blurb - 10/10
Plot - 29/30
Flow - 10/10
Character Development - 14/15
Anticipation - 8/10
Enjoyment - 8/10
Language - 4/5
TOTAL: 92/100
The title is unique. The descriptions of each scene are written beautifully. The first paragraph was interesting. Also the chapter names are cool. The flow is good. The plot is intriguing. Congrats on being featured in Wattpad xD


Dangerous Chase by @rxserain
Judged By: devianmisfit

Cover - 7/10
The stock used in your cover isn't the most unique, but it fits the title. I recommend using only one type of font and decreasing the glow effect to a smaller radius. Usually the author's name is placed at the bottom and not the top!

Title & Blurb - 6/10
The title tells me that your book has Romance (not a bad thing but it may not fit the genre). On the other hand, the blurb is a little confusing with two different parts - one a very brief outline of your characters' encounter in third-person, two a short scene in your story. I would honestly say the second part hooks me rather than the first.

Plot - 15/30
Your plot is very simple but quite interesting. However, the way you wrote it was in a rather haphazard manner (e.g. there are no descriptions of your setting, no clear indication who was speaking). I suggest adding in actions during conversations, who spoke what and lastly, some background of your characters.

Flow - 3/10
Pacing is a little too fast because of the short chapters. You tell instead of show. I don't mean offense but one of your descriptions: "Bullets everywhere. Blood spilling all over the ground. People falling to the ground. People screaming in pain. People dead." You lack too many details for a proper pacing.

Character Development - 8/15
Your characters are very messy and unclear as well. They seem to make decisions based on a whim/their emotional states.

Anticipation - 4.5/10

Enjoyment - 4/10
F-bombs are great but you have a tad too many. If you vary your curse words it would be great. Recommend you to try showing rather than telling. E.g. Not to skip chapters, offer time skips only when necessary and use it scarcely.

Language - 3/5
Many grammar errors and spelling too. E.g. "Don't go fucking out!" It should be "Don't go out!" or "Don't you fucking go out!"

TOTAL - 51.5/100


Triple Identity: Identity Unknown //Editing by f_jonas_writer
Judged By: devianmisfit

Cover - 5/10
The cover works more like a detective genre, and both titles are different. I recommend either sticking with only caps or sentence-case. There is no need for the white border and your username when you already have your pen name at the bottom.

Title & Blurb - 4/10
Your title is confusing. Either stick with one, not both. "Triple Identity" is a better choice because the second does not hint much about your story at all. Your blurb doesn't exactly hook me in, and your paragraph spacing can be improved! "What comes first? Family or Duty?" was good. However, "But, what if it was the same person?" gave too much away!

Plot - 15/30
Your plot has a few holes here and there, which I believe can be fixed if you iron out the minute details. For example, as the CIA, all sources and information are definitely screened; come from trusted sources. It couldn't just be anonymous. The same goes for a lot of things in your book that are glossed over instead of explained. The conversations in your story are great, but there's room for more showing than telling. I really believe more planning and plot structuring can be done because it's fairly simple for a CIA and BOSCO book!

Flow - 6/10
Pacing is a little fast, there is a lack of descriptions of the settings, which are very important for your book.

Character Development - 9/15

The main character in your book is young, with a tragic background and maturity. However, it makes it rather easy to predict the outcome and what sort of character they are. This applies to the other characters in your book too.

Anticipation - 4.5/10
You employed cliffhangers at the end of your chapters, which is a great attempt. However, your action scenes do not pack enough and your scenes where the headquarter was breached could be toned up! I would suggest you read similar genres of story plots, and learn from other authors :)

Enjoyment - 5.5/10
Even though your plot is not the best, I enjoyed the tender nature of your characters and your optimistic view of the world.

Language - 4/5
Some grammar errors. Spacing, capitalisation and punctuation as well.

TOTAL - 53/100


GEMICIDE: Amid the Blues of BcHaven by LPKnits
Judged By: devianmisfit

Cover - 8.5/10
I love the color scheme. I really think you can do without the border. Your title can be placed in the middle of your book to really utilise the space.

Title & Blurb - 4.5/10
You have a one-of-a-kind title, however it's too lengthy. I recommend cutting it shorter to make it catchy. Your blurb doesn't seem like there's a well-put together one, it seems to consist of snippets of your stories instead. Maybe try summarising the main general points in your blurb (:

Plot - 10/30
As much as always emphasised, your story needs to show more rather than tell! I believe the conversations could be made more interesting, and the school arc could be worked on as there was not much happening. You started introducing many names and it has a very cliche theme of popular spoiled girls picking on the main protagonist. If you can work on making the arc more interesting and the flow of the events to be smoother, it will be great.

Flow - 3/10
The pace is too slow and a little too abrupt. On scenes that should be touched and go, it is instead lengthened. The change from the previous to the next has no indication and happens 3-4 times in one chapter.

Character Development - 9/15
The development of your characters requires some work! I can't grasp all of your characters' feelings and thoughts, it makes it hard for me to connect as a reader. I suggest adding your character's thinking process or maybe how they feel (:

Anticipation - 3/10
I believe your early chapters can be made more interesting despite a normal setting.

Enjoyment - 3/10
I like the idea of cities chosen to be hidden but I can't quite understand the need to be hidden. Your story needs to be fleshed out because many details are missing.

Language - 3/5
Many tense and grammar mistakes.

TOTAL - 44/100


Finding Ximena by xRei-nax
Judged By: Fathii7
Cover - 7/10
Title & Blurb - 7/10
Plot - 18/30
Flow - 5/10
Character Development - 10/15
Anticipation - 5/10
Enjoyment - 5/10
Language - 2/5
TOTAL: 59/100

The cover seems to be relevant to the plot. I like the orphanage's name. The opening line was good. The first chapter could be broken down into two chapters because there is a lot of information dump. The past regarding Esme and Gilberto could have been portrayed in a better manner. It seems too rushed. There is a Mafia theme so action was expected. Overall, it is a nice book but could have been better with grammar and plot.

Under her spell @EngimaticJesse
Judged By: Fathii7
Cover - 6/10
Title & Blurb - 8/10
Plot - 20/30
Flow - 8/10
Character Development - 10/15
Anticipation - 6/10
Enjoyment - 6/10
Language - 3/5
TOTAL: 67/100

The concept is interesting. Having your thoughts out is crazy. Not one would be pleased to have it. It feels like you were experimenting with the fonts in the first chapter. Reign's lines would look much better than normal font rather than italics. The title is okay and fits with the story. The cover isn't eye-catching. The flow was at a normal place. Overall, I liked the book.

The Legend of Zelda: Dark Tombs by Alchemy_Savatar
Judged By: Fathii7
Cover - 6/10
Title and Blurb - 5/10
Plot - 16/30
Flow - 7/10
Character Development - 7/15
Anticipation - 6/10
Enjoyment - 6/10
Language - 2/5
TOTAL: 55/100

I'm not familiar with the fandom. The blurb could be actually structured well. The cover needed to be worked on too. Link never answered Zelda's question in the first paragraph. There are plot loopholes that need to be fixed. It isn't necessary to put in brackets such as (Zelda speaking). The action scenes are good. Overall, the book needs editing and work on in certain areas.


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