Chapter 36: You tacky bitch

Allie's P.O.V

People are fickle things, I mused as I watched Kaylee slap a boy and stomp away.

The poor b y looked stunned and hurt.

I was assuming that Kaylee had just broken up with him. He wasn't even bad looking. HE didn't look mean, just a little confused and upset.

Last week I had seen Kaylee with a different boy.

I wondered how someone could do that ; date someone for a week then just leave them. What was the point? You didn't fall in love that fast. If you want sex, have a one-night stand, no strings attached. But dating someone for a week then leaving-what could they have possibly done> I  think Kaylee had actually taught me something- don't date unless you see it going somewhere.

"Hey, what's up bitch?" Kaylee asked sarcastically, walking past me. "Oh wait, I don't care."

I rolled my eyes. "Waste your  breath more, maybe you'll die."

She scoffed. "Whatever."

I turned and saw the guy looking longingly at Kaylee.

Kaylee noticed where my gaze had travelled and smirked. "Enjoy the show?" she tossed her hair back.

I shrugged. "Depends. Did he break up with you, or no?"

"I broke up with him," she smiled proudly. "I never get broken up with," she boasted.

"I feel bad for the guy that finally does," I muttered.

"Anyways, he was boring," she tossed her hair over her shoulder again. "So I broke up with him."

"By "boring" do you mean his dick wasn't long enough?" I asked.

Kaylee smirked. "Well, for me, it wasn't. But for you, maybe.:

I laughed. "Well, thanks, but no thanks. I got a pretty dick with my boyfriend."

Kaylee frowned. "You have a boyfriend?"

"Talking about me," Luke asked, throwing an arm around my shoulders, finally making an appearance.

Kaylee spluttered in shock. "You're dating Luke?!" she shrieked.

I swear her voice  broke something in my eardrums. "Yes," I replied. "Yes I am."

"B-But why?" she looked to Luke now. "She's so obnoxious!"

Luke shrugged. "Well, I did put up with you, so maybe I just like obnoxious girls."

I chose to ignore the insult.

Kaylee's mouth fell open. I half-hoped she had lipstick on her teeth, but who was I kidding? That bitch always had perfect makeup. It was the only thing I'll be jealous of.

I tugged on Luke's hand. "C'mon, let's go," I muttered, starting to walk in the opposite direction. "I'm tired."

Luke followed me complacently. "Was she bothering you?" he asked, tangling his fingers with mine."

"Bothering, yes. Effectively hurting my feelings, no," I said. "She's always like that."

Luke shuddered. "And to think I almost fucked her."

"Ew!" I said, looking up at him with mock-horror. "What stopped you, the looming sense of an STD?"

Luke laughed, his brown eyes lighting up before he looked down at me fondly. "No, I met you."

I had to admit, I was rendered slightly speechless. "Well, glad to know I saved you from herpes."

Luke threw his head back and laughed and for a second the sunlight illuminated him and I felt a warm glow for making him laugh.

"Thanks, Allie, I owe you one," he said then he picked me up and swooped me around like I weighed nothing. 

He set me down and I was a little breathless, from laughing, from being in the air, and from him.

"I owe you more than one," he murmured, leaning his head against mine.

I smiled up at him. "Probably," I said, then slapped him on the ass and ran away.

Luke jerked in surprise then followed me. He was so much taller than even with my head start he caught me easily.

"You cheeky little shit," he said, his arms wrapped around my middle.

"I prefer the term asshole Allie," I replied.

Luke raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?" with that, he started tickling me.

I laughed so hard I cried and I'm sure wiggling around like a dying fish wasn't that attractive either. "I'm gonna pee!" I gasped, but Luke still didn't stop.

I struggled to get away and managed to pin down one of his hands, but he still kept tickling me.

"Say Luke is the sexiest and I'll stop," he sang.

"What, are we in 7th grade?" I gasped.

People were starting to look at us. We were a pretty strange sight so I don't blame them, but still, hadn't they ever seen anyone get tickled on a college campus before?

Probably not. We were adults.

But then again, adults had a loose definition.

"Say it" Luke said."

"Never!" I cried weakly.

Luke, sensing that my resolve was crumbling resumed his attack with vigor.

I caved. "Luke is the sexiest!" I shouted, causing a few more heads to turn in our direction.

Luke stopped tickling my and took my outstretched hand and helped me up.

"Now," I said with as much dignity as I could muster. "I really have to pee."

Luke started laughing. "All right, let's take you home."


Once we were at my apartment, I relieved myself. When I emerged from the bathroom feeling relieved, Luke called, "Do you want to go to a party tonight?"

"Who's party?" I asked, now in the kitchen getting a slush-pop.

There was a pause, then- "Some frat's I dunno."

"Sure," I said.

Luke appeared in the kitchen doorway. "It's in about two hours."

I glanced at the clock. "Okay," I took a bite of my popsicle.

"Can I help you get ready?" Luke asked.

I raised my eyebrows. "What, are you a beauty guru now?"

Luke immediately struck a pose. "Bitch I am a model," he said, making his voice higher.

I rolled my eyes and walked past him. "Let's see what we got."

Luke followed me into my room and threw himself on my bed. "Do you have any dresses?" he asked.

"Yeah," I answered, digging through my closet.

I pulled out a simple red dress and Luke immediately shook his head. "Nope, no way," he said firmly.

"Why not?" I asked, looking down at it. "It's cute."

"Red draws too much attention," he said. "I don't want guys fawning all over you."

I raised my eyebrows. "You know I can handle myself, right?"

Luke nodded. "Trust me, I know. But still, I don't trust a bunch of drunk frat guys around you."

"Fine," I sighed and put the dress back.

Luke got up and joined me at my closet, thumbing through my clothes. "You have a very aesthetic closet," he noted.

I snorted. "Thanks."

I literally had a bunch of sweaters and cloth shirts mixed in with the occasional t-shirt. It really wasn't much to look at.

"What about this?" Luke pulled out a black dress.

"I haven't seen that since high school," I said, amused. "I used to wear it to parties all the time."

"Can you try it on?" he asked, holding it out to me.

I took it and turned to head into the bathroom, but Luke stopped me. "Hey, I've literally seen all of you before, try it on."

I rolled my eyes but took off my sweater and jeans and pulled the dress over my head. It fell down to mid-thigh and flared out at my waist, coming up to a sweetheart neckline.

I adjusted my boobs and raised my eyebrows at Luke. "Well?" I asked. "Does it pass your inspection?"

Luke, who's eyes were somewhere around my waist when I finished my sentence, snapped back up to mine. "Yup," he said, smiling coyly at me.

"You don't think it's too tight?" I teased, tugging at the side. "Too revealing?"

Luke shook his head. "No you look amazing."

I stretched, then started searching my closet for shoes. "High heels, or no?" I asked.

Luke scrutinized my collection. "You don't have any really high heels," he said, disappointed.
"You tacky bitch," he joked.

I laughed. "Well, excuse me, I can't walk in them to save my life."

"Well, you're going to tonight, here," Luke tossed me one of the only heels I owned; a black pair.

I put them on and Luke came over to look at my face. I looked up at him and he had to lean back a little to see me. "Have you ever straightened your hair?" he asked.

I nodded. "Yeah. I mean, it takes forever, but, I have."

"I like you with curly hair though," Luke pouted. "Your hair is so cool, like, it has these little curls all over and the little wisps in the front are even curly."

I laughed. "Thanks, but you don't understand the struggle."

Luke shrugged. "You look cute even with messy hair."

"Are you saying I have messy hair?" I gasped, putting a hand over my chest.

Luke shook his head. "All I'm saying is-" he began before I pushed him down on the bed.

"Not another word," I commanded.

Luke winked at me. "Yes ma'am," he said seductively.

I rolled my eyes and turned to leave.  "Just stay there, and try not to destroy everything. I'm going to go put on my makeup."

"Remember to look fab!" Luke called after me.

I flipped him off as I was leaving, and Luke chuckled behind me.


I couldn't help but smile fondly as I flicked the bathroom light on. I reached for my eyeliner and unscrewed the lid. I leaned in close to the mirror and tried very hard not to smudge my eyeliner like I always did.

"That looks like a weapon of destruction," Luke commented from behind me. 

I jumped and ended up putting a streak of black going up onto my eyelid. "Luke!" I chided, going to get a makeup wipe.

"Sorry," he said, coming over to lean on the sink next to me. "But it does."

"Whatever," I mumbled, scrubbing at my eye.

"Can you go hurry up? I want to get to the party," Luke whined.

I turned to him and raised an eyebrow. "Don't rush me."

"M'not, I just want to party with you," Luke said, trying to distract me by smiling.

"Mhm," I said, turning back to the mirror and reapply my eyeliner.

And I swear, if Luke made me mess up again, I would test his theory that eyeliner is a weapon of destruction.


hey guys! So, it's been almost three months, and I don't really have an excuse. Luckily, school is over but unfortunately I've been scheduled to work a lot. I hope you guys like this chapter, and don't yell at me too much. If you do, I deserve it!

Love ya!


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