Chapter 30: "Happy Now?"

The eightieth time I saw him, it was almost as if he couldn't hear the words I was saying.

Allie's P.O.V

I stretched and yawned then shook my head, trying to wake up. My professor was droning on and on and I couldn't take it anymore. He was talking utter nonsense and I couldn't make sense of it. It was all medical terms about the brain and I didn't know half of them.

Therefore, my brain decided to cope with it by falling asleep. I needed to stay awake though; this clearly was an important lesson and midterms were coming up in January and it was November. I needed to remember this.

My professor suddenly paused mid-lecture. "Am I boring you, Mr. Saltzmann?" he asked, looking down his nose at a boy who was falling asleep just like I was.

Michael, that was his first name, sat up and shook his head. "No, sir."

"Then why were you falling asleep, if I may ask?"

"Late night," Michael said.

My professor's eyes narrowed. "Partying before class? Unwise, Mr. Saltzmann," he turned to walk back up to the front when Michael said,

"No, sir. I was studying."

My professor, Professor Deurnsenburg, turned around sharply. He wasn't used to students challenging him, as he was pretty scary. He was German, a scientist at that, and he still had a faint accent. He was kind of like the evil scientist you seen in movies. I don't know why he was a teacher; he hated kids and always talked down to us like we were dumb children. 

"What did you say?" he asked dangerously, his w sounding like a v. 

Michael stood his ground. "I said I was studying, sir. I wasn't partying."

Professor Deurnsenburg strode back up the aisle to Michael's seat and paused. "I wasn't asking you for a discussion, Mr. Saltzmann," he hissed.

"Well, I wasn't asking to be accused of partying when I was studying for your class, if I may add," Michael said firmly. "That was unfair and untrue."

Professor Deurnsenburg leaned forward and placed his hands on Michael's desk. "If I were you, Mr. Saltzmann," he said lowly. "I would let me get on with my lecture."

When Michael opened his mouth, I raised my eyebrows. Michael had some balls to stand up for himself to Professor Deurnsenburg. I know a couple of times I had to keep my mouth shut when he was ripping into me about one of my essays. Knowing me, that just showed how intimidating he was.

"If I were you, Professor," Michael said. "I would stop accusing students of things they didn't do if you want to keep up that perfect pass rate."

"Oh shit," I muttered under my breath, impressed.

It was true, Professor Deurnsenburg had a perfect pass rate, but only because students who didn't get perfect grades in high school couldn't take his class. He only accepted the best of the best and even then, it was still hard to get into his class.

Professor Deurnsenburg straightened up and stared at me. "Is there something you would like to say, Ms. Reed?" he said angrily. 

I shook my head, amused. "No, I think Michael's doing a fine job by himself."

Behind Professor Deurnsenburg, Michael shot me a grin. "Ms. Reed, if you have a problem with the way I run my class, speak to the dean."

I shook my head. "Nah, I'm good."

Professor Deurnsenburg narrowed his eyes. He looked like he couldn't make up his mind about if I was giving him sass or not. 

Just then, the bell rang, signaling the end of class. I seized my backpack and was out the door before Deurnsenburg could say anything else. I waited outside the door, leaningvb against a column in the sun. Luke was coming to pick me up.

"Hey," someone said.

I turned to see Michael Saltzmann coming up to me.

I smiled at him. Michael was a bigger guy, built like a linebacker, which made sense, as he was one. He was also really smart and could often be seen playing his guitar in the courtyard. He was like the perfect American guy, blond-haired and blue-eyed. 

"Hi," I said. "What's up?"

"Oh you know, just escaping Deurnsenburg before he locks me in his lab aand experiments on me," he said.

I smiled. "Yeah, that was amazing, I've never seen anyone stand up to him like that before."

Michael shrugged. "I was sick of him always accussing me of stuff that I didn't do, because I'm a football player."

I nodded. It was true. Michael, despite being a football player, didn't party, didn't drink. In fact, I was more likely to go to a party than he was. He was a good guy. "Yeah, he's a bit of a dick."

Michael chuckled. "Yeah, he's hard to deal with. I just couldn't take it anymore."

I nodded and kind of shuffled awkwardly. I hadn't talked to Michael before and I wasn't friends with him.

"Well," he coughed. "Um, I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date, sometime," he said.

I smiled at him again, except now there was some pity laced into it. "I have a boyfriend," I told him. "So, I can't."

Luckily, Michael wasn't a dick about it and recovered quickly. "Right, of course you do," he said. "Pretty girl like you, it'd be crazy if you didn't have one."

I smiled a tight-lipped smile. "Yeah, um, he's supposed to be picking me up."

Michael nodded. " Right, well I'll leave you alone then, have a good day," he smiled at me and headed off, his backpack slung over his shoulder.

Luke pulled up just then, a scowl on his face. "Who was that?" he asked, glowering in Michael's direction.

"No one," I said sliding into the car. "A guy from my class."

"He looked like more than just no one," Luke said. "You two seemed pretty chummy."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine, if you want to be nosey and clingy and jealous, fine. His name is Michael Saltzmann, he's number forty-seven on the football team and plays linebacker, he's smart, plays guitar and just asked me out, happy now?"

Luke slammed on the breaks and turned to look at me. "He did what?"

I rubbed the back of my head, which had been hit on the back of the seat when he had hit the breaks. "Um, he asked me out?"

Luke's face looked so dark I'm surprised it wasn't midnight. "I'm going to go back there and kill him."

"Luke, no," I said, annoyed. "He was nice about it."

Luke raised his eyebrows. "Oh, he was nice about it? He was nice about you asking him out? Did you say yes? Because apparently he's so perfect, playing his guitar and playing some football?"

"Luke," I said, even more irritated now. "No. I said no. I told him I had a boyfriend and that he was coming to pick me up. He was nice about me rejecting him. He didn't do anything else. He wasn't a douchebag about it."

Luke started driving again. "I swear to God, football players have no respect for people with girlfriends. I should knock him on his ass. I can't believe I party with him."

"You don't party with him," I said shortly. "He doesn't go to parties."

"And you would know, wouldn't you?" Luke turned to yell at me. "Because you're such good friends with him, right?"

"Is that all you heard?" I was very annoyed now and ready to walk my ass home than deal with Luke and his jealous possessiveness. "God, Luke, I said no. I'm not going to go out with other guys while I'm dating you. I'm not like that."

Luke relaxed slightly. "Oh, well. Good."

I rolled my eyes. "God, Luke, you're so dumb sometimes. I swear."

Luke smiled sheepishly at me. "I'm sorry, but you're my girlfriend. You're mine. No one should be able to have you except for me."

I smiled at him. He was forgiven, even though I wasn't completely happy with him yet. "Well, I'm your Sassy Allie, now, aren't I?"

Luke grinned at me. "Yes. You're my sassy Allie."

"Besides," I continued. "You can't stop people from looking at me and liking what they see. It's inevitable, I mean, haven't you seen me?"

Luke laughed at me as I shook my head flirtatiously. "Well, they can like what they see, but they can't have any of it," he said.

"Luke, honestly, I'm not the kind of person that would cheat on you," I said. "That's just wrong."

There must have been something in my tone that made Luke glance over at me. "Have you been cheated on?" he asked, somehow making a blunt question gentle.

I bit my lip. "Yeah," I said, staring out the window. "I was."

Luke took my hand and intertwined our fingers. He didn't say anything, but he didn't have to. He had listened, and that was enough.


Hey guys! I'm sorry i haven't updated in a long time, but i got a job and i have been working pretty much nonstop in the days leading up to christmas, which i hope you had a lovely holidays. I'm looking forward to 2016, i hope it's better than 2015 lol

love ya!


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