Tina finds her way through the labryinth

Tina POV

I  found myself getting lost. The labyrinth kept changing and every time I thought I had the surest road that would lead to the castle I wound up in a dead end. I had thought she had done what was right and had the correct answer and yet every time it brought her further away from my goal. I began to realized that the labyrinth was designed to be a test that had no answers. No way to solve this riddle of how to reach the castle. I was beginning to realize that her faith in myself had been misplaced. I was arrogant and if I was going to get anywhere and have any hope of reaching the castle then she needed to admit the truth. I need help. Jareth made this world and he knew the best way to get through it. Perhaps it was time to ask him for the help he had so willingly offered earlier. The question was would he still be willing to assist me considering I had scorned his offers so many times before?

"You seem lost. Can I be of assistance child?" Came the sound of a beautiful voice behind her.

I turned to find a strange lady standing before her. "I have to find my way to the castle to rescue my baby brother but everything keeps changing. I don't know how I'll ever solve the labyrinth in time." I said tears starting to fall.

The Queen smiled "so, Jareth kidnapped your baby brother? Did he promise he's free him if you solved the labyrinth?"

"How did you know that?" I  asked puzzled.

"I have known Jareth for a long time and I know how his mind works. If you'd like I'd be more then happy to help you solve the labyrinth. He lied when he said he'd free your brother. Or you for that matter."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Never mind, it's not important. Just know that Jareth is a liar. He couldn't tell the truth even if his life depended on it. He will go back on his word wait and see."

"He gave his word. He promised. He wouldn't do that, he loves...." My voice trailed off she wasn't sure if she should finish her sentence or not. Something told her not to trust this strange woman.

The Queen cocked an eyebrow, "Did you just say Jareth loves?" She said with a slight laugh. "My dear sweet innocent child, Jareth isn't capable of love. If you thought for a moment that he loves you or your mother then your fooling yourself. He only granted your wish as a way to toucher your mother. He never loved you and he never will." Then remembering the prophecy the Queen suddenly became angry and growled. "If I thought for a moment that he loved you I'd..." Then seeing the look of terror on my face The Queen's demeanor changed back to being calm and sweet and replied. "Never mind sweet child. As I said, he's incapable of love."

"Who are you?" I said starting to back away from the strange woman.

"I'm a friend. If you want to solve the labyrinth when you come to a set of doors go through the blue door." The Queen said with a smile knowing that the blue door lead to sudden doom. Just before she disappeared into the distance she called back to me "remember what I said, Jareth is incapable of any feelings especially love. Don't let him fool you into thinking otherwise. You can call on me for assistance anytime you find yourself in trouble. Just call my name and I'll be here in a bat of an eye."

"What is your name?"

"You can call me the Goblin Queen." The strange lady replied.

I nodded and the strange lady disappeared. She found myself alone in the labyrinth once more. Something told her that the strange woman wasn't to be trusted. Yet I knew that I needed help, It was time to let go of my pride and admit to Jareth that I needed him. "Jareth? Jareth are you there? Can you hear me? I know I have no right to ask this but please give a sign that I'm on the right track. That I'm going in the right direction." I pleaded as tears started to fill my eyes. "I'm so afraid. Especially of this women who calls herself your Queen."

Jareth POV

L watched Tina intently through my crystal. She had to be kidding him, did she really expect him to help her solve his labyrinth ? That wasn't play by the rules she had to solve the labyrinth on her own. Yet she had pleaded for his help. Who was he to deny her request. So he decided to pay her a quick visit. "Hello Tina. How are you enjoying my labyrinth?"

"It's a lot harder then it looks. I hate to admit it but I'm completely lost."

Jareth smiled "and you want me to help you?"

"I know I can't ask that of you. I have to
solve the Labyrinth on my own. I have had someone offer to help me but I have a bad feeling about her.  One minute she was as sweet as can be and the next she was extremely angry and seemed like she wanted to hurt me."

"Are you referring to the one who calls herself my Queen? Tina nodded. "She would sooner throw you into her dungeon then help you. What did she want anyway?" Jareth asked curious to know the answer.

"She told me not to trust you. That you are a liar and a cheat and that you have no intention of keeping your word. That you don't care about anyone but yourself. That you are incapable of any type of feelings especially mercy or love. She said that should I find myself lost and running out of time all I have to do is call her name and she will ensure that you return us home." Tina replied.

"She is not your friend. She is pure evil, her only desire is to destroy any chance that I might have at happiness so that she can take over my kingdom."

"I don't understand what do you mean she wants to steal your only chance at happiness?"

I frowned "never mind that is none of your business." Upon seeing the hurt look on Tina's face Jareth sighed "I'm sorry I shouldn't have snapped at you. It's just that...." my voice trailed off.

"That what?" Tina asked placing her hand on my shoulder in an effort to comfort him.

"Never mind it doesn't matter. So, the Witch said I'm not merciful? That I have no heart? Humph., She doesn't know me as well as she thinks she does. Here's what I'm going to do, I'm going to help you in your quest to solve the labyrinth. Though I can't give you more time I can give you a clue. Follow your heart do what it tells you and it will lead you to your destination. I can tell you this, you are a lot closer to your goal then you realize."
With that I disappeared.

Tina POV

Jareth disappeared as quickly as he had appeared and I turned to find myself in front of two doors with two guards. Each guard had a upper body one upper body was right side up and and the other upper body that was upside down. One guard wore red the other one wore blue.

Wait, this was part of the story her mother had told her. One of the doors lead to the castle the other lead to sudden death. Which one was which? She couldn't remember. However, she did remember that one of the doors always lies and the other one always told the truth. She had an idea as to figure out which door was the right one. "Is it true that One of these doors leads to the labyrinth and the other leads to sudden death?" I asked the red door.

"Yes." The red door replied.

"Oh and one of you always tells the truth and the other one always lies? Is that correct?"

"How'd you know that?" the blue guard asked and I only smiled. Which door was it that the Queen had said to choose? Blue. She had told me to choose blue. Something tells me that Jareth and the queen are somewhat like these doors. One would lead me to sudden doom the other will help me reach my destination. Which one should I trust? Mom had always said that Jareth couldn't be trusted and yet, this Queen seemed untrustworthy as well. " I would like to go through the red door please."

"Aren't you going to ask us some questions?" The red door asked.

"No. I don't have time to waste on questions and trying to figure out who is telling the truth and who is lying. Besides I already know what you guys are going to tell me and therefore have made my choice. I'd like to go through the red door please."

"You can't do that it's agents the rules." The goblins replied.

"Rules? What rules? There are no rules in this game. Besides, even if there are I don't care. I already know which door to use so I don't need to ask you any questions. However, just to be on the safe side answer me this, the queen told me to choose the blue door because it would lead straight to the castle. Jareth told me not to trust the queen's advice because she means me harm. If I follow the queen's advice will it lead me into danger?" I asked the red door guard.

"Yes."'the red door guard replied.

"Ok now you. So assuming that the queen does in deed mean me harm and she told me to choose your door then if I choose the red door will  I fine myself closer to reaching my goal?"

"No." The blue door guard replied.

"So red guard told me that if i follow the queens advice I'd wind up in trouble. Blue guard said if I choose the red door it won't lead me closer to my goal am I correct?" I asked the red door.


"Blue guard same question."

"What was the question?"

"The Red guard told me if i follow the queens advice i'd wind up in trouble. You told me that if I chose the red door I won't be closer to my goal is that right?"

"I don't know, no? Oh I'm so confused." The blue guard replied.

"Thank you. I now know which door I must choose. I'll stick with my original choice I'd like to go to the red door please."

"Be my guest." The red guard replied with a wave of his hand the door opening behind him.
With that Tina walked through the red door. She was making good time and was on the right path. This made Queen frown she'd have to do something to stop her. Tina couldn't solve the labyrinth or Queen knew she was doomed.

Then it hit her. Tina was bound to be hungry at this point. She knew that after Jareth's warning Tina would never take anything from her. However, maybe just maybe she might take an peach from the tree if she was hungry enough. The peach would be laced with poison and Tina would blame Jareth. After all, he had tricked the other girl with a peach so why wouldn't he try the same thing with her right?

I was indeed getting hungry but I knew that I didn't have time to stop. Then I saw two different fruit on a tree nearby. A big bright beautiful red Apple and a peach. Grabbing the Apple off the tree she picked it and bit into it. "Immediately the world started spinning around her and she realized too late that the Apple have been a trap."curses!" The queen yelled as she watched Me bite into the apple. Yet perhaps all was not lost. Perhaps this would wind up ending up in her favor. The Queen thought as she watched me drift off into sleep.

I awoke to find myself trapped in what seemed to be a music box/ snow globe. As I explored my new surroundeding I soon found myself inside a room full of people in masquerade costumes dancing to beautiful music. I spotted this very handsome prince staring at her from inside the crowd. This somehow seemed familiar but I couldn't place it.

As I approached the strange prince he disappeared into the crowd. I found myself searching for him and eventually found myself dancing with him. As they danced he sang to me. He sang about how no one could blame her for walking away from her family. How life could be easy but it wasn't always swell. That down in the underground she's find someone who was true. That it was only forever and that it wasn't long at all underground. His song continued talking about falling in love and asking her to love him and how he'd turn the world upside down for her. He sang about How he believed in her and that he could live within her if I'd only let him.

Jareth POV

It was then that I realized that Tina had begun to realize who I was. She looked at me pleading with me to let her go and yet, it seemed as if she had a slight change of attitude. She seemed confused about her feeling concerning me. Could it be? Could She truly be falling in love with him? No. Jareth shook his head, no it couldn't be he had better just ignore those thoughts. She was in the labyrinth for one reason and one reason only, to save her brother. Yet I couldn't shake this feeling that something was different about her. True she wanted to rescue her brother but was there a slight chance that she could be the girl who could love him? No. That wasn't possible. No one could ever love a monster like me. I sighed there was only one way to determine which was true, I'd have to let her go. If I didn't she would definitely hate me. Sighing I waved my hand and the world around both Tina and I disappeared.

Tina POV

Suddenly I found myself on the outskirts of the goblin city. I was very confused why had Jareth just let her go? He could have kept me in that dream world until my time was up so why didn't he? Could it be? Could Jareth have fallen in love with her? I was determined to find out.

Sarah POV

Meanwhile, I was finding the labyrinth just as hard to solve as it had been the first time. I knew that my time was running out. I found myself near the bog of eternal stench. There dangling by a rope were my three friends. "Friend. Friend Sarah, help. Ludo. friend, help Ludo brother, help Ludo." Ludo said when he spotted Sarah. So this is what Jareth meant by her friends were in danger.

"Hold on guys I'm coming!" There was only one minor problem, How could she save them before they fell into the bog?

Well, make that two problems. How to save my friends without loosing too much time. Time was already running short. I only had an hour left in which to solve the labyrinth and reach the castle in order to save my children. I couldn't afford to spend time trying to solve the puzzle of how to save my friends. They'd understand right? Well, sir Diddimus would understand but Ludo and Hoggle probably wouldn't. Especially Hoggle, he'd take it personally and would most likely be offended if she didn't try and rescue them. After all, he had saved her life on numerous occasions on her first visit to the labyrinth. I never would have solved it the labyrinth the first time if it hadn't been for them. Especially Hoggle.

Hoggle upon hearing Ludo call for Sarah started muttering quietly. "Fine mess being your friend has gotten me into this time. Banished forever to the bog of eternal stench and now about to plummet head first into it. Thanks a lot Sarah." Unfortunately I heard exactly what he had said.

I shook my head and smiled same old Hoggle. I was glad to know that somethings didn't change. "Hoggle I'm sorry. I never wanted this to happen. I didn't think Jareth would be so cruel. Especially to my friends." I replied.

Spotting Sarah Sir Diddimus scolded Her. "My Lady, what are you doing here? You must do your duty! You must rescue your children. I'm sure we can get ourselves out if this somehow."

"I can't leave you guys here. There has got to be a way to save you." I replied.

"Oh fiddle sticks! You can't rescue us and save your children at the same time! You have to choose!" Hoggle replied somewhat angrily.

"That's not a fair choice. There has got to be a way to save you all!" I replied with a frown.

"Well There ain't! Now go! Get lost! We don't need you or want you here!" Hoggle said frustrated. "Go rescue your kids and forget about us!"

"Hoggle. I..."

"Just go!" Hoggle yelled. Grabbing a rock that was in the net with them and throwing it in my direction almost hitting her.

I looked at her friends sadly and then rushed down the path that lead to the goblin city. I was almost there which was good because as of that moment I only had a half an hour left to get to the castle.

Jareth POV

I smiled as I watched Sarah struggle to try and figure out a way to save her friends. I knew that she unless I assisted her there would be no way for her to complete her task and save her friends.

"Your Highness! Your highness! Your highness, the girl. The girl who called your name.
The girl who ate the apple." A goblin replied out of breath rushing towards me.

"What Of her.?" I demanded with an irritated sigh.

"She's... Well, She's.... The goblin stuttered.

"She's what?" I demanded frustratedly grabbing the goblin by the collar and lifting him up towards my face.

"She's.... The goblin's eyes looked towards the door.

"Spit it out!" I yelled at the poor goblin shaking him.

"She's solved the labyrinth. She's here inside the castle. And the girl the one who you gave the peach, the one who defeated you. She's reached the bog of eternal stench. Her friends the dog, the monster and the dwarf...." The goblin paused and I frowned.

"What of them?!" I demanded rubbing my fingers on his forehead in a circular motion as if to attempt to block a headache.

"They refused to allow the girl to rescue them. She's on her way to the goblin city as we speak."

At this I sat up in his chair in alarm. "What are you standing around here for? Quit  wasting my time and stop her!" I demanded angrily. I wasn't about to allow Sarah to win again. Yet I had an ace up my sleeve that was the payment Sarah's daughter owed for my not only granting her wish but allowing her a chance to
rescue her brother. I still had yet to decide how she would replay my generosity. "Ah, Tina Welcome to my castle." I stated dropping the goblin and walking up to her as she burst through the courtroom doors. "What can I do for you?" I asked with a smile already knowing the answer.

"You can free my mother's friends. It's not fair to put them in danger, I never wanted that. I only wanted to stall her so that she couldn't solve the labyrinth before I did."

"Then you should have been more specific when you said you wanted her friends out of the way. What's done is done, I can not undo it even if I wanted too. I've already exhausted what little energy I had in bringing you here. As for your brother, I thought you said you didn't care what happens to him."

"I realized that I do care about my brother & I don't want him to be turned into a goblin. If you are anything besides the selfish, cruel, heartless, dictator that my mother and the Queen described and I know that you are then prove it. Let my brother go. Or at least let me take his place."

I sighed, so Tina didn't care about him even after all he had done for her she still saw him as nothing but a monster. Well, if it was a monster she wanted it was a monster she'd get. I waved my hand and Tina's brother appeared in the middle of the room. "As promised, here is your baby brother. Oh before I forget, I supposed that I forget to mention that not only did you have to solve the labyrinth in order to rescue your brother, you also have to find your way back out of the labyrinth and to the hill from whence you started before the 13hrs are up?"

"That' wasn't our agreement! You can't do that it's not fair!" Tina protested and I smiled.

"Your right, I suppose it wouldn't be fair. Alright, I shall stick to our original agreement, however, we still have to discuss the subject of payment for granting your wishes."

"But I don't have anything to offer you..." Tina replies a look of confusion written across her face.

"I'm not asking much, just a token, mearly a trifle. What I want from you is your help defeating your mother."

"What do you mean my help defeating her?"

"She too has been challenged to solve the labyrinth and in doing so would rescue both your brother and yourself." If your mother solves the labyrinth then I and all my subjects shall fade into nothing more then a bad dream." I replied sadly.

"I don't want you to disappear. I.. I..."

I cocked an eyebrow "You what? Care about me? I find that highly unlikely. Even after everything I have done for you, you still view me the same way your mother did." I replied despite my efforts to hide my feelings Tina could tell that I was hurt by how she view me.

"I do care about you." Tina replied.

I shook my head and frowned, " Don't patronize me, you've made it clear how you see me. You care nothing for me, as far as your concerned I'm a heartless monster. So, leave, take your brother and go."

Tina shook her head. "I lied. You are beautiful and you do have a heart. You are capable of love, you just don't want to admit it. Otherwise you never would have let me free from the dreamworld. I will honor our deal. I will pay the price for my wish. I will stay here with you, Of my own free will if that is what you want. Tell me though I'm curious, why did you grant my wish? Was this all so you could get revenge on my mother for defeating you all those years ago?"

Before I could respond Sarah came crashing through the throne room doors.
"Jareth!" Came the angry voice of Sarah.

Tina turned to see her mother running up the hallway and entering the throne room. "Mom? How did you solve the labyrinth so fast?" Tina asked puzzled.

"Never mind! You are in a heap of trouble young lady. Just wait till we get home." Sarah replied with a frown.

"What precisely did she do that was so wrong?" I asked shielding Tina from Sarah's grasp.

Ignoring his question Sarah replied, "Give me back my son and daughter or so help me I'll tear this place apart!" Sarah replied the frustration showing in her voice.

"Your free to take your son and leave." I replied with a slight yawn as if board.

"I am not leaving without both of my children! I played by your rules. I solved the labyrinth in time and I demand that you release my son and my daughter! Now!" Sarah growled.

"Ah yes, you've beaten me before but as I said earlier that was a long time ago Sarah and now we are playing a different game with different rules. Tina must pay the price for her wish. Or rather her failure to solve my Labyrinth in time. Since you solved the Labyrinth one of your children can return to your world. The other however, shall remain here. The choice is yours who shall it be? Your baby boy or your beloved daughter? You had better make your choice fast Sarah. Time is running out."

"You have no power over her or over me. You will release my daughter at once! You have no right to force her to do anything."

"Unfortunately, Sarah, it so happens your daughter signed a contract and as I told her before she signed it, the contract with me is eternally binding. I have fulfilled my end of the deal and now your daughter must pay the piper. You have no power here Sarah. No power over your daughter and no power over me. Now leave this world and never return." I ordered.

"Tina come here," Sarah said extending her hand towards Tina. "Take my hand and let's go home."

Tina looked at her mother and then walked over to me and place her head on my chest. "I am home. If you want to save my brother you had better leave. If you stay here he will become a goblin and you will be trapped here. I have made my choice I have chosen to stay here with Jareth forever."

"Tina Marie Rosealynn Bendito get over here right this instant! Sarah demanded. "We are leaving, and when I say we I mean We."

"As Jareth said, you have no power here. You have no power over him and you have no power over me." Tina replied and I smiled.

"I think I do you see, Jareth will have no choice but to return us all home all I have to do is say the words that render him powerless." Sarah replied with a smile.

"Don't you dare! You have no right to interfere no right at all!" Tina growled.

Sarah paid no attention to Tina instead she turned as faced me. "Give me the childen. Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered I have fought my here to the castle beyond the goblin city to take back the children you have stolen. For my will is as powerful as yours and my kingdom is as great and you have no power over me or any members of my family."

"That was quite a nice speech but your not the one who summoned me. Nor were you the one to make a wish. So your little speech won't work this time." I replied with a smile.

Sarah looked at me in shock. "No." She whispered. Shaking her head her eyes staring to fill with tears. "No." She said again. "Jareth please, please don't do this. Take me instead but don't take my daughter. She's just a child she doesn't understand the consequences of this choice. Please, I'll do whatever you want but let my daughter go free." Sarah pleaded.

"What's done is done. I suggest you leave the clock is striking 13 and if your not home when it reaches its final strike you will be trapped here and your son will turn into a goblin before your eyes. Is that what you want?" I asked knowing the answer was no.

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