Dream x Killer (nsfw + angst)
Sin part begin at this >>-
Killer was sent in a spying mission. They know thanks to Blueberry when the star sanses meet and so Killer was listening and writing down what he hears.
When the meeting finished, the assassin has to wait for everybody to leave. When he's sure everybody leaved, he goes out of his hiding spot. Just to see Ink comes in the room.
They stared at each other deeply. Ink noticed the notebook in Killer's hand. His eyes came back to Killer's face. They both knew there will be a fight.
Ink pulled out his giant paint brush as Killer pulled out his knife. Oh the assassin knew he couldn't stand against Ink. But he had to or Nightmare will kill him. He had to flee.
Ink threw paint and Killer dodged. His red magic spread around him, but not only, Chara's determination was mixed with. Magic red knives flew in a circle scheme behind him, a red glow coming from his eye sockets.
Paint and knives flew through the room. Some explosions destroyed the room as they have to continue their fight outside. Killer was thrown into a tree. The assassin growls and let a pained moan out as he stand to avoid the paint. Killer stood and looked for his knife while the magic ones spin around him to defend him. Some flew toward Ink to wound him.
Killer began to internally panic when he saw Dream and some Sanses coming toward them. But when Killer tried to flee, Ink threw him into a tree. With his broken bones, he couldn't flee far.
The assassin tried to call Nightmare to help. Just to have him laughing and to say to manage himself. His boss abandoned him to death. Killer is surrounded by about twenty persons and his boss, the guy he loves, left him. Tears began to come up as he stood.
He dropped his knife that fall in the snow ... and Killer watched the Sanses running to him. He didn't move. He just closed his eyes waiting the first hit as his tears run on his face.
Only Dream saw and felt what Killer's feeling made.
Dream stopped running, so Blueblade did but all the rest jumped on Killer. A loud shriek of Pain is heard. Blueblade become very pale as Dream reacted and shout at Ink to stop. Ink stepped back to Dream with a confused face but Dream ran past him to shout the others to stop.
Dream had to use his magic to pull out those who are still on the assassin. Everybody looked at Dream, shocked. Dream death glared at them all with a dark face and no pupils.
"I can't let you kill him ?"
"oh ? And why ?"
"because Nightmare will never come. He's letting Killer being killed because he failed what he had to do here. Killer is no longer in his gang."
"how can you say that ?"
Dream took Killer bridal style and stood. Ink growled but Dream just took note about the fact Killer is really small, like smaller than himself.
"Dream don't you dare !"
"Oh believe it or not, I dare."
He then teleported to his house. Soon Ink appeared in front of him. Dream only had the time to lay Killer in his bathtub. Dream turned to face Ink.
"I can't let you kill someone that isn't our enemy anymore."
"once healed, he'll come back to Nightmare like a lost little puppy. We both know Killer's in love with him."
"yeah I know. But I give him the benefit of the doubt. You don't know what's he's feeling."
Dream's pupils became darker, a bronze color. Ink knew Dream's pissed now. The guardian was slowly walking to the God.
"Distress... Stress.." Dream said slowly.
The guardian pulled off his cloak that fall on the ground, still walking.
"then... disappointment... sadness... despair... abandonment..."
Dream stopped in front of Ink, like a few inches of him. His eyes in the Creator's.
"and to finish... accepting his fate and die..."
Dream stepped back, still looking at Ink.
"because he knew that nobody will come."
"but he were wrong. You came."
"I heard his pleads. You know it's my being to help people, even my enemies."
"he's in Nightmare's gang !"
"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE !" Dream shouted.
Ink stepped back. Never Dream shouted and less on him. Ink decide to go away but not without a last sentence.
"you'll regret helping him."
Once Ink gone, Dream sighed and fall on his knees. Being negative is dangerous for him but he were pissed against Ink and the others.
Killer moaned in pain and that caught Dream's attention. The guardian stood and look for his healing supplies before putting them on the floor. He went to Killer and stripped him off of his coat, t-shirt, shoes and socks. Then, he washed the blood to see where are the wounds. Once most of the blood away, he began to stitch the deeper wounds, and bandage all.
He used his magic to dry the wounded, then he put him in his bed. The guardian took a book and waited.
Killer began to wake up. He groaned in pain. Dream looked up and put his book away to approach Killer. He sat on the edge of the bed. He was about to see if he had fever but the assassin caught his wrist, and then open his eye sockets to see Dream.
"D-Dream ?!" he asked.
"hi Killer... here, swallow those painkillers before we talk."
He helped the wounded to sit a bit and then handed him the glass of water and the medicine. Once swallowed, Dream put the glass away. Killer stared at him with disbelief.
"why ?"
"I can't let people die. Even more if they accept to die."
"I don't need pity. Nightmare gave me enough."
"I don't give pity. I give help."
Killer opened his mouth in shock but couldn't say anything. And then something else came in his mind.
"He disapproved my decision of helping you. I pulled him out of my house."
"why ?"
"listen Killer. I know everything about you. Your feelings toward my brother, and the disillusion when he left you to die. Nightmare saw you as a toy as I see you as a being. Sure he helped you calming your Chara, to better control you after. Everybody see you as his lost puppy running after him."
"I'm just grateful to him because I didn't kill myself because of my Human ! Why nobody want to see that ?! Where were Ink when my timeline were in a never ending genocide ?! Where were he ?! Even for the others ! Because we are in creepy universes we don't have to be helped ?! Nightmare just took us because nobody cared about us..."
Killer's voice broke as tears fall on his cheeks.
"we just tried to survive our universes..."
Dream couldn't hold himself and took Killer into a hug.
"I know I'm only a pawn... I know he uses us... but at least, we exist for him."
Killer answered Dream's hug but putting his arms around his shoulders. He cried in Dream's shirt for long before falling asleep.
Dream laid him again in his bed and went to the kitchen to make dinner. He came up to wake Killer and made him eat. He had the same reaction as before.
"Dream ?"
"you're not dreaming, I'm helping you. Here, you have to eat."
Killer sat and Dream hand him a hot bouillon.
"it's a bit hot, so be careful."
Killer took the soup carefully.
"I'll try. To be honest, it's the first time since long somebody took care of me."
"oh ?"
"yeah. Dust took care of me before being in couple with yanderes. We were kinda close. He's the only one that noticed that the determination fragilized my body. I'm easily breakable. I'm good at killing... and the perfect toy for a sadist like Nightmare."
"ow... then, I'll be the one taking care of you."
"thanks Dream."
Dream saw the little tears in Killer's eye sockets. But those were Relief, well-being and calm. He drunk his soup a bit fast and once finished, laid again in the bed. Dream stood to go out but stopped at Killer's voice.
"could you sleep with me Dream ? Your bed is big enough."
Dream looked at Killer before nodded with a soft smile.
"I'll bring that at the kitchen and come back okay ?"
Killer nodded and Dream left. Five minutes after, Dream was back. He pulled off his boots and laid beside Killer. The assassin turned to Dream and putted his head against his shoulder. Dream smiled and putted his arms around Killer. And they both fall asleep.
Two weeks passed. Killer still had broken bones but it was okay with the crutches. But he never went out of the house. He knew Ink spied them. He knew the others will be on his back and kill him at the slightest wrong move. He sighed.
A pair of arms wrapped around his waist as Dream putted his head on Killer's shoulder.
"stop thinking about them."
"it's hard since they're spying us 24/7."
"do you want to piss Ink off ?"
"how can we do that ?"
"do you trust me ?"
One of Dream's hand quitted the waist to turn Killer in front of him and then kiss him on the teeth. Killer's soul dropped as his blush exploded. Dream's name screamed by a very pissed off Creator is heard but it didn't stop Dream to kissing Killer.
Killer dropped his crutches when Dream made him step back to the wall. Dream was licking Killer's teeth but he didn't know the fact that Killer was innocent of this side. It was his first kiss. As he reached the wall, Killer made a shocked sound and that's when Dream take the advantage to put his yellow tongue in Killer's mouth to play with the red one.
They stopped when Ink destroyed the door while screaming Dream's name. Then Dream had free Killer from the stolen kiss to look at Ink. Killer just wanted to disappear but stayed against Dream since his crutches are far from him and the fact that he couldn't feel his legs because of the kiss.
"oh, hi Ink." Said Dream with a little smile.
"what are you planning ?"
"it's really annoying to see and feel you around 24/7."
"so you kissed him to make us react?!"
"by listening at your voice, look like you're jealous."
Ink made a face that made Killer laugh. Dream followed Killer in his laugh. Ink was outraged. Dream hugged Killer against him more with a look of challenge in his eyes.
"Fine ! We're leaving !" shouted Ink.
He stomped out shouting at everyone to quit the universe. Dream came to his door, still the smaller in his arms.
"hey Ink ! You forgot something."
"and what ?!"
"you destroyed my door."
Ink sighed and took his paintbrush to make a new door. And then he left.
Dream and Killer sighed of happiness when they didn't feel anyone around. Dream took Killer bridal style to sit him on the sofa and went to take the crutches and hand them back. Dream sat beside Killer.
"how did you know Ink will be jealous ?"
"I'm literally the Positive feelings, I can feel all the feelings."
"isn't Ink soulless ?"
"yeah, but sometimes, that happened."
"wow... and everybody think you're innocent..."
"how can I be, if I'm in charge of Pleasure."
Killer thought a bit while staring at Dream but he got the point.
"okay, you're right."
"but you, you know but didn't practice. I noticed when I kissed you. First kiss ?"
Killer blushed red. He took a minute before shyly nod. Dream smiled and took him in his arms.
"I thought Nightmare used you but look like he didn't."
"he's married..."
"what ?!"
Dream stood while staring at Killer with shock. Nightmare and Wedding aren't words that got together. Killer snickered before added :
"yeah he's married. He married Error last year and don't quit his beloved waifu."
"Error ?!"
Dream's face darkened a bit. He felt Killer's hand on his shoulder.
"you love Error ?"
"Ink is too abusive. I know Error just try to balance Ink's creations by destroying some. I saw his memories... I saw all his life... and yeah, I ended loving him..."
"at least, Error has feelings. I love Nightmare but, he'll never love me. I know that even if I can't help. Nightmare will just end up killing me for my usefulness."
"you think you'll come back to him ?"
"I'll be here all the time you'll support me. If you have enough of me, I have to go somewhere else... even if it kills me. At least, Error can help me not being killed. He can persuade Nightmare easily."
Dream said nothing. He really disliked how Killer's thinking. Killer, like everyone and the others, had to be loved. And since both of their love are taken, he'll take care of him. Not leaving like he did for Nightmare...
"I'll never let you go back there..."
"Dream, If I have to... you'll can do nothing about it."
Dream took Killer's hand and intertwined their fingers.
"I can do something. Just let me help."
"you're already helping."
Killer leaned to Dream's waist as a little hug. Dream passed his other arm around Killer's shoulder.
Two other weeks passed... but things had become a bit.. awkward between them. Many cuddles, some stolen kiss out of the windows, -Ink ended to come back but alone to watch them-, some gentle touches at the neck, hips... mostly Dream doing that because Killer was still embarrassed to do it himself.
Twice their kiss led them half naked before Killer's embarrassment took over and they stopped. But this sexual tension is getting on Dream's nerves. But since he didn't want to traumatize the small one, he took on him. He knew Killer was a virgin and so he was afraid.
Once, Dream forgot about Ink and kissed Killer without being in the blind spots so Ink exploded again the front door.
Killer and Dream separated and Killer hided on the sofa. Dream made a face that showed he forgot about the stalker.
"my f*cking door !"
Ink hiccupped by listening Dream swear. He turned his head to Killer but then Dream came into his vision.
"Ink. I think you have to be used to the fact I can't be innocent. I'll be playing this role for so long and now I regret to played it."
"I can't."
"even if Killer goes, I'll never be this role again. I'm tired of playing."
Ink was about to take his paintbrush but Dream was faster and pointed an arrow on him.
"I shot you at any wrong move."
Ink sighed and pulled out a little paintbrush to redo the door. Then Ink putted his paintbrush away and stared at Dream.
"happy ?"
"thanks. You want something else ?"
"killing the murder behind you."
"Beside that. I can't let you have him."
"you can't have Error so you take the first bad guy coming ?"
"I-Ink ? Dream and I agreed on our weird relationship. It's no love, just sharing affection." Said shyly Killer as his head appeared a bit from the sofa.
"why ? you can't have your crush too ?"
"no, he's married with- oops."
"oh, you like them married ? You're lower than I expected."
Dream stepped between them. He death glared Ink.
"you should leave."
"I'll come back Dream."
Ink teleported but Dream didn't really care. No, he cared about Killer who is really down at this moment.
Dream sat beside Killer and pulled him into a hug. The assassin said nothing, his eyes into the nothing. He let Dream cuddle him.
"don't think about what he says."
"I don't want to ruin your friendships..."
"you're not ruining anything. It's my choice to help you they had to be used to."
Killer said nothing but tightened his grip onto the guardian's shirt. Dream smiled a bit but knew Ink will never let them be. His grip tightened around Killer as he passed one of his arms under his still injured legs.
Dream stood as he lifted up Killer with him. This caught Killer's attention as he was gripping harder on the clothes.
"Dream ?"
"I'll never let Ink approach you okay ?"
The smaller nodded before he kissed Dream. Dream was surprised at first because it's the first time Killer began a kiss. Then he kissed back.
And this time, they lose control.
>> -
Killer moved his arms to Dream's neck as the guardian still had the assassin in his arms bridal style. Dream took the control of the kiss when his tongue dominated Killer's.
Dream's grip on Killer waist tightened as his other arm dropped the legs. Killer then putted his legs around the guardian's waist. Dream released of the kiss to go to the neck under his nose, knowing exactly where's the sweet spot.
Killer moaned from the first licks. But Dream's bothered by the smaller' s turtle neck so he pinned Killer to the wall with his own body and lifted the shirt to put it out. The clothe fall on the floor and Dream's already on Killer's neck again.
Killer was moaning Dream's name nonstop, making this one wanting to take Killer more. Dream took back Killer's teeth to make out. They both began to rub against each other still against the wall.
Dream gripped Killer's tights and, still making out, lead to their shared room. Dream sat on the bed and released the kiss. When he saw that Killer is a bit tensed but didn't say anything more, he knew Killer's was okay to do it. But he had to be careful.
He slowly laid the smaller down, not forgetting about his wounded legs. He sat between the smaller' s legs and pulled them around his waist. He then began to gently kiss him everywhere to calm him and so he wouldn't panic.
The guardian's hands began to stroke Killer's red ecto-body who appeared when they were against the wall. His body is thin but looked healthy if we didn't count the wounds. At least, he ate well.
Killer was moaning more from all the touching. Oh he knew what will happened and he loved Dream enough to do it with him even if it isn't like he loved Nightmare. Dream was at the same feelings state. And in some way, none of them wanted to quit the other.
Dream continued to stroke the magic flesh but slowly drifted them to the short. His hands passed under the short to massage the red magic flesh under and slowly took down the short.
Killer tensed but Dream locked his eyes in his. He slowly took off the short and threw it on the ground. Before Killer say anything, Dream kissed him passionately. The smaller answered the kiss and even opened his mouth so Dream could have his tongue.
Dream released to kiss Killer's neck. then his ribs. All the ribs passed under his mouth. And then he arrived at the red glowing member which wanted attention.
Killer's head was completely red from embarrassment and he hide his face behind his hands. Dream softly chuckled. His index finger slowly caressed the length, making Killer moaned and more embarrassed.
A shouted moan came from Killer when Dream took his member in his mouth, slowly sucking it. Killer pulled out his hands to look at Dream. Just the view made him harder.
Another loud moan came when Dream began to deepthroat. Killer moaned the guardian's name non stop like before. The smaller knew by this feeling in his stomach that he's coming.
"Dream I'm cu-"
Dream continue a bit before feeling the smaller 's seed in his mouth. The guardian swallowed all before looking at the panting Killer. Good, he's enough in the clouds for the next.
"can you lick this for me Killy ?" he asked as he presented two fingers.
Killer didn't think more and he opened his mouth. Dream squinted his eyes as Killer slowly licked his fingers, turning him more. From Killer's view, a hot guy with a shadow on the face and his half lidded eyes where the gold is the only color that is seen.
Dream pulled out his fingers as he came back on his knees. He smiled and pushed one of his finger in his ass making Killer jolted of the sudden feeling.
With his free hand, Dream caught one of Killer and intertwined their fingers. The second finger came in and Killer let out a pained moan. Dream leaned to kiss him while he patiently stretched him to not be in great pain. They made out all the time Dream was fingering.
When he thought it was good, he pulled out his fingers and released the kiss. He sat again to pull off his black legging and let his yellow member out.
"you're okay Killy ?"
He nodded. Dream slowly slid in him and Killer let out pained moaned but some pleasure with. So he waited a bit but soon began to move as Killer asked. Pleading would be a better word.
Dream accelerated his pace while Killer was screaming his name. the guardians hands quitted what he were holding to hold onto the smaller 's hips and stead him. Dream let his moans out, mixing with Killer's. The smaller came again with a high pitched scream. His third climax came with Dream's.
Killer passed out as Dream pulled out of him. He took the small one in his arms and fall asleep.
Dream was in the Dream World. He worked on the dreams when he felt Nightmare behind him. He didn't return but asked.
"what do you want Brother ?"
"my henchman back."
"oh ? you speak about the one you refused to help and let him die in the middle of a twenty of pissed off Sanses ? Eh in your dreams."
"Oh don't give me the lecture, my gang already did. They're all kinda on strike. They'll don't work until Killer come back."
"like I said, no. did you even knew Killer has a fragile body because of Chara ?"
"I kinda watched you both. But I skipped the sin part."
"so ?"
"I know you love my husband. I know you're the only one protecting Killer since the others just want to kill him. Can we talk too about Ink's jealousy ?"
"where does that lead ?"
"Husband thing apart, Ink's planning with the others to attack you and kill Killer."
Dream became pale and suddenly disappeared. He woke up.
He rushed in all his house to teleport many things somewhere only he knew. When he came back to Killer, the small is crying, on his legs that were bleeding again, a knife against his throat, slowly cutting him. Dream growled.
"it's your last warning."
Ink teleported, leaving a cut on Killer's neck. Dream caught his friend (sex-friend ?). and then teleported away.
Three another weeks passed. Killer's cut was healed as well his legs. Killer was happy to not have his crutches anymore and so he could piggy back attack Dream. Or just jump on his for fun.
They also lost count of how many time they had sex together but they were good with this. They are now like a sort of couple and they're happy with that.
But this day, Killer was sick. He laid on their bed and Dream decided to go look for medicine. He teleported in a random AU and buy what he needed.
But unluckily, he turned to see Ink. Dream sighed loudly. Ink handed him Killer's coat. Dream looked at him with shock as he took it away.
"last warning from Nightmare. Next time, he'll say me where you both hide. And you'll can't protect him."
"why are you all doing this ?!"
"save his life and give him back to Nightmare, or keep him and I'll kill him."
Dream couldn't hold back and punched Ink in the face before teleporting away.
And then disappear from all sights.
Killer was throwing up all he had. His stomachache was unbearable. But when he touched it, he knew. Looking at his soul, a tiny one was in, developing. Killer cried, he didn't know if he had to be happy or not. He had to wait Dream's return.
But he'll never come back.
Two days passed, Dream hadn't came back. Killer didn't understand but still continue to wait...
A week passed and no sign of Dream. A snow storm was there. They weren't heaters so Killer were under covers. He were wearing the warmer clothes he found. His soul hurt and they were no more painkillers. He began to running out of food. They were no more electricity because of the storm.
Killer cried nonstop. Dream abandoned him. He didn't even knew where he was. He was alone again.
Two weeks later, he didn't have food anymore. The storm stopped the day before. They were so much snow like two meters. He couldn't even go out because of the snow. He putted his head in the cover to see his 2 months baby growing on his soul. Killer just couldn't stop crying. He wouldn't die.
Who will save him ? Nobody. Everybody wants him dead.
He's hurt because his soul is too fragile. He's so cold. He's hungry. All the drinks are iced. It's been 4 days he hadn't ate. He passed out.
Two days later, Killer woke up because of the sound of something big shattering. Looking at the window, he saw magic shattered glass falling. Killer couldn't move because of his state but he was so scared. He didn't know what happened.
A teleportation is heard in his room. Killer flinched, it's the only thing he could do. He thought Ink finally came to kill him but instead, he saw Nightmare in front of the bed, Error and Dust behind.
They all noticed something was off.
"Dust, verifies the house." Said Nightmare.
"Dream isn't there..." said Killer.
"and where is he ?"
"I don't know !" said Killer as he began to cry.
Dust arrived in the house and approached his friend.
"Killer ! How long are you here without Dream ?"
"I don't know... over a month I think..."
"how long the electricity is off ?"
"three weeks... they were a snow storm... since then I don't have drinks, electricity and they weren't heaters..."
"and for the food."
"didn't ate since last week..."
Killer leaned to Dust and he noticed. He noticed the pregnant condition, the high fever and hypothermia, his cold bones.
"Killer ! Since when are you pregnant ?!"
Nightmare and Error perked up at the question, didn't expected that.
"6 weeks."
Dust turned his head toward Nightmare with a feared face. Dream abandoned a pregnant person in the middle of nowhere. Nightmare nodded and made a portal. Dust took Killer in the cover and passed through. Nightmare was about to follow but Error tugged his jacket.
"love ?"
"! caƝ'† bɛl!ɛvɛ Drɛam abaƝdƝɛd h!m."
"but he did. And I think Ink did something. It wasn't Dream's magic around the house."
"!Ɲk †rappɛd K!llɛr hɛrɛ †Ø k!ll h!m."
"yeah, that's what I'm saying."
"maƝ... !Ɲk !s rɛally s!ck..."
"go. We have a sick pregnant boy experiencing his first pregnancy, hungry, thirty and cold."
"!'m fØllØw!ng yØu Ɲ!gh†y."
They passed the portal to heal Killer.
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