Experiment!Sans x Experiment!Reader: Glowing Part 2

(I think this is going to be shorter than Part 3, but whatevs...)

Dr. Gaster experimented on Papyrus today, and Sans was next. Sans felt scared, of what might happen to him, and his brother.

Just then, Dr. Gaster deactivated the lasers, and Papyrus came in with bandages all over his limbs, he had cracks on his skull, and he had a patch over his right eye. Sans stood up, and left the room, leaving you to heal Papyrus.

"C'mere Papyrus, I'm going to heal you again." You said, as Papyrus nodded. He sat down, his back facing you. Your hands started to glow. Your left hand glowed blue, while the right hand glowed orange.

You rested your hands on Papyrus' head, immediately starting the process of healing. "Hey Papyrus... Do you ever wonder how it feels to be free?" You ask, as Papyrus flinched a little. "I... WONDER THAT TOO ACTUALLY..." Papyrus answers, as he plays with the rubics cube.

After a few minutes of healing, Papyrus was finally fixed. "THANK YOU, (Y/N)! YOU'RE THE BEST!" Papyrus exclaims, as you smile. "It's no problem, Pap. I learned from yo-" before you could finish, Dr. Gaster opened the door, revealing Sans with a patch over his right eye, and bandages on his hands, and fingers.

"Subject 3. Heal Subject 1. I will be back for you, Subject 3, tomorrow. Be ready." Dr. Gaster says, as he activates the lasers, again. You approach Sans, and he starts to cry. You smile, and hug him. "It's alright, Sans... We're going to get out of this place soon... I promise..." You reassured, as Sans buried his head in your chest, and cried. You did the process of healing, in that position. Papyrus joined in the hug, crying as well.

"No need to cry, boys... We will make it out of here... That's a promise that I can make..." You whispered, as they both cried, and smiled at the same time.

Dr. Gaster saw this, and sighed. He walks away, with his hand on his head. "Ugh... If Subject 3, becomes attached to Subject 1 and 2, she might turn on me, and I will lose all my research. Need to think of something fast..." Dr. Gaster wonders into his thoughts, until he eventually reaches his lab, and calls it a night.

He closes all the lights, you've finally finished healing Sans. You wiped his remaining tears, along with Papyrus. You didn't realize it, but you were crying yourself. Sans and Papyrus, wipes your tears with their boney fingers.

The three of you smile, as you stand up, and look outside the door. "Okay... He must've gone home, by now... C'mon let's go to sleep..." You said, as Sans and Papyrus stood up, and looked at each other.

"Hey, (Y/N). Can we... Please do it...?" Sans asks, as you raise an eyebrow. "It's pretty late, Sans. We should get to sleep..." You said, as you yawned.

"AW... COME ON, IT WILL JUST TAKE A LITTLE WHILE! PRETTY PLEASE!" Papyrus pleads. You sigh, and sit on the bed. "Fine... But we need to make it quick..." You said, as Sans and Papyrus sat on the bed as well. The three of you, put your foreheads together, and closed your eyes.

The three of you glowed your eyes. "OKAY, JUST TELL EACH OTHER WHAT COLORS DO YOU SEE... I'LL START..." Papyrus says, as a moment of silence enters the room.

"What do you see, Pap?" You asked, alot curious. "I SEE... WHITE... BLUE... AND PINK... WHAT ABOUT YOU SANS...?" Papyrus asks, as Sans is silent for a little while. "I see... Gold... And red... What about you, (Y/N)...?" Sans asks, as you began to see colors. "White.... Black... And Red... Heart...?" You said in a questionable tone. The three of you opened your eyes. Papyrus had an exciting look on his face. "DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS GUYS?! WE'RE GOING TO GET OUT OF HERE!" Papyrus exclaims, as he hugs both of you. "I hope so..." Sans whispers as he hugs back. "Me too..." You whispered to them.

The three of you went to sleep, with the thought of someday leaving this horrible place.

~The Next Week~

"Dr. Gaster.... Is this going to hurt, again...?" You ask, as Dr. Gaster straps you unto the chair, preventing you from escaping. "It will if you move, Subject 3." Dr. Gaster says, as he straps the last of your restraints. You whimpered, since the restraints were a bit cold. You had skin, the three of them didn't. "Cold..." You whispered to yourself.

As Dr. Gaster goes to his station, a giant laser appeared in front of you, and it looked scary. "D-D-Dr. Gaster....?" You stare at the machine, with worried eyes. The machine charges, and you were probably crying. "Whatever you do. Do. Not. Blink." Dr. Gaster fires the machine, aiming at you.

"I'm sorry, Subject 3..."


You passed out again, and you didn't know where you are. You soon woke up, once you felt something touch you. "Don't touch me!" You yelled, opening your eyes, to see Sans trying to heal you. Papyrus, was sleeping, and boy, was he a heavy sleeper. "(Y-Y/N)...? Is everything alri-" before he could finish, you engulfed him into a hug.

He was shocked but soon hugged back. "Sans.... I was scared... I thought that... I was going to die..." You said, as you were on the verge of tears. Sans strokes your hair, "Everything is going to end soon, (Y/N)... I promise... Remember...?" Sans asks, as he pulls away from the hug, with a smile on his face.

"We will get out of here. I know it!" Sans smiles, as he wipes your tears away using his boney hand. You smile at him. "Thanks Sans... You're the best..." You said, as Sans kissed you on the forehead. "Now then, let's get some sleep. It's the middle of the night..." Sans says, as he lays down on his bed, while you lay down on yours. "Goodnight, (Y/N)..." Sans says, as he drifts off to sleep.

"Goodnight Sans..."

-Time Skip (The following week)-

Dr. Gaster decided to put you in another room, to avoid yourself from getting too attached to Sans and Papyrus. You were heartbroken. You could only see Sans and Papyrus, once they were willing to heal you.

Dr. Gaster was experimenting on the substances called the SEVEN SOULS. Right now, he was mixing ½ of Justice with Bravery. You were his lab assistant.

"Subject 3, pass me the vile labeled, Kindness." Dr. Gaster orders, as you nod, and get the vile. You hand it to him, and he pours it into another container.

"Dr. Gaster...? Can I ask you something...?" You requested, and he replies by raising his imaginative eyebrow. "Why me? Why aren't you letting me near Sans and Papyrus, anymore...? Is it because I'm more powerful than them?!" You shouted the last one. Dr. Gaster sighs, and puts down the vile.

He turns to face you, with his arms crossed. "I chose you, because you have my DNA, Subject 3. You are going to turn out like me someday, and I'm turning you into my successor. I have no use for Subject 1 and 2 now, I have finally found the one that will continue my works, and that is you. You must understand the responsibility, of being a royal scienti-"

"YOU'RE JUST GOING TO THROW THEM AWAY, JUST LIKE SOME GARBAGE?! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?! WHY WOULD I EVER WANT TO BE YOUR SUCCESSOR?! YOU PSYCHO!!!" You yelled, as Gaster used his magic to turn your soul to blue. He raises you up his level, and gives you a death glare.

"You are to never yell back at me, Subject 3. If you do, I'll erase Subject 1 and 2 from existence. Got that?" Dr. Gaster then, turns his hand into fist, making you screech in pain.

You felt like tearing your own skin again, but his magic is keeping you from moving. "I won't listen to you... Anymore... You monster..." You cursed, as Dr. Gaster gritted his teeth, and flung you out the room.

Your back hits the wall, as you scream in pain. "Say that again, Subject 3, and you'll never hear the end of it. Go to your cell." Dr. Gaster orders, as he follows you to your cell.
You see Sans, and Papyrus, as you pass by their cell. They look at you, with a worried look. You glance back at them, but you kept your look emotionless. Your cell, was just opposite from them. You sat down the bed, and healed yourself from the pain.

"Dr. Gaster! There's something wrong with the core!" One of Dr. Gaster's assistants, warned him. "Lead the way." Dr. Gaster then vanishes, along with his assistant.

"Are you okay, (Y/N)...?" Sans asked from the other cell. You didn't answer, making them even more worried. "(Y/N)...? ARE YOU ALRIGHT...?" Papyrus asks, as you turn away from them, and healed yourself. "Why are you ignoring us, (Y/N)...? Did we do something wrong...?" Sans asks, as you flinch.

You sigh, and turn around to face them. You looked at your hands, then to the lasers. "(Y/N)...? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Papyrus asks, as you closed your eyes, and let them glow.

Before you knew it, you were outside your cell, unharmed. You opened your eyes, to see Sans and Papyrus surprised. "H-How did you do that?" Sans asks, as you shake your head. "I'll tell you some other time. Right now, I'm getting us all out of here." You said, as you deactivated the lasers. You grabbed Sans and Papyrus, on their wrists, and run out.

"C'mon, we need to go, before Dr. Gaster knows we're gone..." You whispered, as the three of you ran from hallway to hallway, man was Dr. Gaster's lab huge.

After a few minutes of running, the three of you finally see an unfamiliar room. It had pure darkness under the bridge, and a weird machine in the far distance. "This must be the core..." You whispered, as you took a glance at the machine.

"Subjects 1, 2 and 3. What on earth are you three doing out of your cells?" Dr. Gaster asks, as you look up to see Dr. Gaster. Sans and Papyrus, took a step back, and you stood in front of them, protecting them.

"We're running away from you! You are a psycho! You plan on separating me from Sans and Papyrus, and now you're going to kill the only family I have left, once I become your successor?! You're insane!" You yelled, as Sans and Papyrus looked at you in fear.

"Family? Ha! You call them family? They're just experiments! You are different." Dr. Gaster says, as you growl at him. Sans and Papyrus were fuming in anger. You had summoned a gaster blaster, and aimed it at Dr. Gaster.

"What are you going to do with that? You know, I'm far more powerful, than all of you." Dr. Gaster's eyes started to glow. You gritted your teeth, and fired the Gaster Blaster beam. He was able to shield it, but when he did it, you teleported again, along with Sans and Papyrus.

"Go! I'll catch up!" You said, as the Gaster Blaster made a big hole on the door, making it easier for Sans and Papyrus to escape. Sans looks back to see you, Face to face with Dr. Gaster.

"Don't ever come back in our lives..." You yelled, as you used your special attack. You have summoned a huge Gaster Blaster, even bigger than the one that Dr. Gaster has, and it let out a beam, with the colors blue and orange.

It shot Dr. Gaster, and leaving him with 1 HP. He lets out one last grin, and mouths out something you couldn't understand. Then he falls into the inky black darkness.

You panted, as the Huge Gaster Blaster faded into nothingness. You fell to your knees, and you were ready to pass out. Sans then carries you bridal style, and leaves the lab along with Papyrus.

The three of you made it out. It was snowing. It was cold, but Sans and Papyrus couldn't feel it. You sneezed, and shivered in Sans's arms. "SANS... WE NEED TO FIND SHELTER... (Y/N) IS TIRED AND SHE'S FREEZING..." Papyrus says, as he and Sans keep walking. Sans nods, and continues walking.

After a few minutes of walking, the three of you lay on the snow, tired and scared. Sans opens his eyes, to see some light in the distance.

Then everything went black.

~Time skip~

Sans wakes up, in a warm bed. His bed was between your's and Papyrus.

Papyrus was awake, sitting on a chair, between you and Sans' bed. You were still sleeping. You had a warm towel over your head, and you were breathing heavily. "Pap...? What happened...?" Sans asks, as he tries to sit up.

"Oh good you're awake..." A male voice said, as Sans turns his head to the source. It was a flaming monster. "Do not fret, I am harmless. My name is Grillby. I found you three laying in the snow. It's good that you two don't have skin, but I don't know what to do about your female friend... She's freezing, ever since I saw the three of you... What happened to you three?" Grillby asks, as he offers Sans and Papyrus, a mug of hot cocoa.

Sans and Papyrus accept, but it ends up spilling out their shirts. Sans and Papyrus tell the whole story, about the three of you being in a lab, and experimented on.

"That sounds terrible.... You're welcome to stay here, until you find a new home..." Grillby offers, as Sans and Papyrus smiles. "THANK YOU, MR. GRILLBY!" Papyrus exclaims.

Just then, you woke up. You sat up, and placed your hand on your forehead rubbing you temples. "(Y/N)!" Papyrus and Sans exclaim, as they hugged you. "A-Are.... We... Free....?" You ask, hugging them back.

Sans and Papyrus nods, with tears in their eyes. "Thank God.... I'm so happy..." You sighed, as Sans and Papyrus pulled away from the hug, and introduced you to Grillby.

The three of you get to know Grillby, and he says, that there's just a house in Snowdin, that's fit for three.

The next day, Grillby shows you around Snowdin. A monster named, Monster kid, showed you three around Waterfall, eventually meeting Undyne, Napstablook, and an old turtle monster. The three of you wander around Hotland, and avoid going back into the core, you meet kind anime-addict named Alphys, and Mettaton, a robot that kills humans.

The New Life was only beginning...

~End of Part 2~


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