You still remember the first day you met Gaster!sans. He was about a foot or two taller than you and had the appearance of a Skeleton, though he wasn't as defined as one. In fact, he seemed thicker boned, with two cracks that run along the top and chin of his skull. He had holes in the centre palms of his hands and a smirk that spelt out trouble.
His leather jacket was of the darkest night, and his single mischievous yellow eye light could be confused for the sun on a hot summers day. You remember the first day you met him clearly; you were camping with some friends by the trash yard when you fell down a waterfall. When you awoke, you were halfway under in a pile of trash, he was standing a couple meters away from you with a confused smirk.
His bright eyes seemed to bore through your very being, causing you to freeze in sheer horror. No matter how close he got to you, your body refused to turn tail and run. You began to shiver when he knelt down to your level. His gaze showed confusion rather than hunger or malic. He spoke in a smooth, smokey, almost alluring voice. It nearly caused you to drop your guard.
"Hello, beautiful. The name is Gaster!sans, Gaster!sans the sexy. May I ask what your lovely little name might be?" you recollect him asking. You also recall your response; your body finally began to work. When it did you screamed at the top of your lungs, taking off in any direction away from him.
He was a monster. All your life you had been brought up to fear them. You were convinced that he was going to gobble you up and eat you whole. Even though he is a skeleton, so he probably wouldn't be physically capable of that.
After a week of being on the run, you found out that you fell down into the underground. The last human who fell down here mysteriously disappeared, along with the King and 6 other human souls. From then on, Queen Toriel took charge of the underground, declaring that every human who fell into the underground was to be treated fairly and not hunted for there souls.
A pair of skeletons, Papyrus and sans, took you into their home after you started looking for a place to stay. They are really nice and even turned their garage into a bathroom just for you to use. You share a room with sans, it might sound awkward but it's actually pretty decent. The only bad thing about it is the pranks; up until then you never knew a skeleton could have a tongue.
You don't know why, but you haven't been scared of any of the monsters you've met so far; except for Gaster!sans, and He still scares you. Something about him just screams 'I am going to eat you', and you don't like it. Every time you run into him, you can't help but scream and run away, in fear that he might, one day, swallow you whole.
One day, you decided to go out to the market to stock up on food for the Skelebro's, since they were running out and you were tired of eating Pap's spaghetti all the time. You marvelled in the children playing catch just outside the bakery, it kinda made you feel like Muffets was the place to go.
When you came close to the stall, you froze and yelped. There, standing just outside Muffets bakery, was Gaster!sans, looking scarier than ever.
You realized your mistake when Gaster!sans turned to you and started approaching. Like before, you froze with terror, unable to move. When he drew closer Monster kid just happened to miss their catch. A ball rolled into his path.
"Hey listen I'm not go-," was all He could say before the most terrifying moment of your life occurred. That's when he stepped upon that loose ball. It caused him to lose his balance, and he fell towards you.
You let out a high pitched shriek when he fell down on top of you. You scrambled from beneath him, trying to rid yourself of the weight now crushing you. His racing SOUL hum, his scent, his grunt and groaning as he picked himself up...
All of it frightened you to no end. It was as if a predator had finally managed to pin you to the ground. When he got to his hands and knees you tried to use the gap you had to escape but he positioned himself so he could keep you from moving.
You struggled to break free but his hold was too strong. You could hear him trying to get your attention, but you were too busy trying to escape. You scrambled around as hard as you could but his grip wouldn't let up.
When Gaster!sans shouted to get your attention you froze yet again. This time you looked into his eyes, big mistake. You remember gasping in terror and shaking like a leaf as he spoke.
"Will you stop squirming around and listen?!" you could only nod meekly. As he began to explain to you that your thoughts and fears were misplaced you couldn't help but focus on what you were looking at rather than what was being said.
His pearly white canines as they shone in the morning light. His strong bones as he flexed in order to keep his grip on you, his reprimanding glare that seemed to pierce your very soul. You really believed yourself to be his prey. You were too weak to move, leaving you completely at his mercy.
Your breathing began to quicken, and your pulse did in turn as various possibilities played in your mind. He could bite you, he could claw you, and he could turn you into his next meal...
He could even take advantage of you if he so wanted. You wouldn't be able to do anything about it. The more you thought about it the more your fear began to melt away into... into something else. You couldn't explain it, but soon whatever fear you felt began to disappear only to be replaced with curiosity.
Just what could a Skeleton do to a girl? Would he go for the neck or would he go for your exposed tummy? Would he trail his long, wet tongue along you for a taste or would he nibble? Does he play with his food before he eats it? Does that mean he'd tear into your flesh with his long, boney fingers before greedily chomping down on what lay within you?
"I'm sorry about what happened in the other time-"
Or would his hands, teeth, and tongue serve another purpose? You could feel your body heating up with the new thoughts now working their way through your mind. You began to notice a few other things as well... How his body warmed you, how his minty breath seemed to tickle your nose, and how his chest rose and fell with each breath he took. How did he even breathe? His voice finally broke the trance you'd gone into.
"So are you going to stop this or what?" he asked. You had totally blocked out everything he was saying so all you could do was nod and hope that was the answer he was looking for. He seemed to smile before getting off of you.
You scrambled to your feet, and then to your surprise, he began to help you collect the items that flew from your bags when he fell on top of you. When everything was collected and with an apology, he left you to go home. When he faded from sight the thought of him still lingered.
You've since started becoming friends and a bit more flirtatious with Gaster!sans. There were times you'd walk together through the waterfall at night to marvel at the scenes and sounds, others you would just chill out on the couch, playing games. That would follow an innocent act of you brushing your hand or ass against his crotch more times than you'd dare to count.
Sometimes you'd "drop" a few objects like your controller or a glass of some kind of drink, and you'd bend over to pick it up. You would "accidentally" present yourself to him while cleaning. You were sure your ass would be facing him as you cleaned the mess. Your excitement was palpable; while your head was turned away from him you'd smile excitedly.
You thought that maybe he'll lose himself to his primal needs. You would drool at the thought of him bending down and making you his property, or to be his meal. That excited you to a great degree; especially when the monster in question was not but a few feet away.
But it'd never come. You'd turn back to see him looking the other way, or clearing his throat nervously. You know he knew that you were revealing yourself to him, but the way he was raised stopped him from succumbing to his wants.
It angered you greatly, giving you the urge to shout, "Rut me! Make me a mess! Tear into me! Ruin me!" But you couldn't, you wouldn't. You would wait for him to come to you.
As of now, you sit next to him on the worn out green couch with a smile on your face. Sans was out until tomorrow on science work and Papyrus will be home later that night. You occasionally sip your hot chocolate while Gaster!sans enjoys the blueberry muffins you've prepared.
"These are delicious (y/n). How do you make these?" Gaster!sans asks in joy as he wipes away the crumbs with a napkin. I wish he was saying that about me.
He always loved the food you prepared. Sure you're not Toriel, but its special in its own way.
"Thank you, Gaster!Sans," you say in return as you watch him feast upon your meal. What you wouldn't give to be those muffins right about now, yeah you know that's not normal at all.
But there'd always be that want, the craving to be filled by him. Just how long could you keep this up? How long before you yourself become such a slave to your desires that you tell him everything in hopes of him reciprocating your feelings.
Just once you'd like him to bite you, to pin you. That feeling of helplessness from it, it'd be too much for your perverse mind. Your grin widens as you think about it in further detail. It isn't until you realize you've wasted too much time with idle thoughts do you remember that he is staring nervously at the ground, a yellow haze glowing his cheekbones, waiting for your answer.
The meal is finished in relative silence. Occasionally the two of you swap stories about your week and how things were faring between the two of you, sans, or papyrus. A repetitive pattern that you wish to break.
Your breathing was already starting to quicken at the thought of what you wanted. It was like every other week, and you intend to change that, someday. A single question tossed into the air would be all that would take to change his opinion of you forever...
But, before you can even think about it, he is out the door with a gentile, "goodbye, butterfly." Taking all the smooth, sexiness with him.
(Le-lemoney powers, ACTIVATE!)
Once you know he is out of earshot, you pace into your room and shut the door, stripping your clothes off in the process.
your body shook with anticipation as you leaned back on the bed, legs spread apart for easier access to your sex.
Just from being in his presence your lower lips would start to moisten with want, no with need of him. When your scent began to permeate you took your position, your thighs stretched open as your fingers began to work there magic.
It always started with soft, smooth, circular strokes along your narrow opening. A quiet gasp left your maw every time your finger just so happened to trail along your hardened pearl. An electric shock travelled your body with each little flick, causing you to shiver with want.
You could hear your aching need as it dripped onto the bed sheets. Your nether clenched at the thought of Gaster!sans catching you only fueled your yearning for him, not you would want him to. In turn, your fingers rub faster, and your quiet gasps rise in volume until they were moans of a girl in the depths of delight.
"G-Gasterrrrrrrrrrrr!SannnNS" you breathed out in bliss.
The heat within your body is excruciating at your point. There is no sound other than the beating of your heart as your finger vigorously rubbed faster and faster. Your inner walls clench one final time upon a member that wasn't there, and then your release erupted in a steady stream which coats the bed sheets.
You rode out wave upon wave of orgasm with a goofy grin, your tongue lolling out of your mouth. Panting like you've just run a marathon, exhaustion overtaking you. It caused your legs to shake uncontrollably and your muscles would spasm. The muscles in your face plastered in a near permanent state of bliss, and then you'd sigh in satisfaction.
Then you met eyes with an open door, and a shocked Gaster!sans.
You swear you can tell his eyes are boring into your womanhood. You turn to watch him; he makes no move to leave. That's a good sign, right? But the way he's watching, it's not of curiosity, nor is it one of excitement.
It takes a moment for your heart to stop pounding in your chest. He hasn't left and he isn't looking at you with disgust.
You freeze as you watch him walk over to you. Then he kneels down and places his cold hands on each thigh, spreading them further. Your eyes widen as he takes a long, deep whiff of your scent. He flashes you a smile, your eyes are focused upon his pointed canines. Then he laughs, when it dies down he speaks.
"You know, you only have to ask if you wanted this." Your eyes gaze upon the floor rather than him. That is until you feel something wet trail along your belly and up to your lips, leaving a glowing yellow trail behind. He digs his fingers into your thighs, and you let out a quiet gasp.
"And, judging by your little performance you just made for me, I know you want this." Your widened eyes look into his again. There it is, that spark in his yellow orb. That look that you've dreamed of for so long; it's maddening. You feel fear overcome you as his hot breath grasses your lips.
"But it'd be a lie if I said I didn't enjoy watching you."
you yelp as he pulls you over, just like that day in the marketplace he's looming over you. He has you pinned, and you've never felt such fear, such excitement. Your adrenaline is pumping through your veins and your eyes lower until they come across a bulge being held back by his pants.
He kisses you, wrapping his tongue around yours, the tongue itself tasting like candy. You moan into the kiss, letting him dominate you.
Your nervousness gives way to excitement. You can feel your grin widening as thoughts of what he is about to do invade your mind. You can feel your inner walls start to contract with want. Your aching is about to be taken care of, your itch is going to be scratched. He's going to be just as you imagined him! This feral beast is going to have you as his next meal, and you can't wait until he does.
You gasp as you break apart from him, "I was scared you were going to reject me." Your eyes go half-lidded as you raise your fingers to his bones.
As you carefully wrap your fingers around his ribs, his eyes grow wide with shock. Your heart beats like a snare in your chest. You can feel your cheeks become red with heat as you lay beneath him.
"I would have to be a fool to reject someone as amazing as you." He hums and nibbles your jawlines, slowly making his way down your neck. He doubles over them with his tongue, you gasp as he glides over a sensitive, almost ticklish, spot. He works hard on that spot, sucking in my most pleasurable way possible.
He travels your body with his lemon tongue and little nibbles, finding pleasure in claiming your body as his. He lowers his head further between your legs, hot breath grassing your folds.
A moan escapes your mouth as his tongue begins to trail along your slit. You gasp when it reaches the sweet spot you love to abuse. You find it hard to keep your voice down, especially since the one you'd be muffling it from is Gaster!sans...
Your entire being begins to shake as his tongue foregoes any sense of subtlety. Instead of the slow build up you were used to going through, he furiously rubs along your slit. When he finds your sweet spot, he attacks it as a predator would attack its prey: quick, furious, and without any mercy.
When a minute passes you allow the feelings of pleasure build up to the breaking point. Your body starts to shake violently; sweat starts to drip down your cheeks. Your eyes have become locked with his when he finds himself memorised in place, continuing to lap up your juices. Then with a loud cry of bliss, you release.
Your body spams with each wave that comes to you until finally you're spent. You collapse upon the bed in a love-soaked heap. You're panting heavily from the labour your body has just endured through; despite this, you sit up.
He wastes no time in unzipping and removing his jeans. His boxers come next. Your (e/c) pupils dilate as they gaze upon his erect member. You study it; the way it curves, the girth of it, the yellowness of it, and the eager way in which it twitches. You feel yourself being drawn to it.
Though it lacks the balls of humans, its appearance and thickness seem to befit you better than those of your own kind. It seems to fade away into the bone, floating as if it were attached. You watch it closely, with each little breath your cause it to twitch. You can feel your jaw growing slack as the physical need to taste him overtakes your consciousness.
You lean in to take it into your eagerly awaiting mouth, but before you can Gaster!sans tenderly grabs hold of your (h/c) hair, keeping you from your prize. He pulls your head back and flips you over so your body is spooning the top and side of the bed. His other hand scoops under your tummy, and then he raises your lower half while keeping your upper half pinned. You feel like a dog ready to be mounted.
"No, this is all about you, and making you feel good." You can feel his hot breath as he breathes into your ear. "But, I have to warn you (y/n). I can be a little rough." You don't know whether to feel scared for your life or excited beyond belief. Regardless, you grind your ass into him. You hold your breath in anticipation when a single, skeletal finger slides along your opening.
When it presses against your pearl it feels as if a bolt of lightning has shot up your spine and into your brain. Your body shivers under his touch, and when you feel the tip of his member run along your lips you clench your jaw and shut your eyes tight.
When the tip enters your walls encase it, almost hugging it as he slides into you inch, by agonizing inch. When he hits you let out a low, long groan of bliss. You've never felt so full before. A smile creeps upon your lips as He starts to thrust. The first few are soft, almost as if he's calculating just how deep he can go, but then his warning comes to light. You feel him pull out of you until a small portion of the tip remains in your entrance.
Suddenly he thrusts his hips forward and buries himself within you. Pain shoots through your hips and up your lower back. You yelp from the sensation. Gaster!sans repeats this pattern again, and again. Each jolt of discomfort causes your walls to wrap tighter around him. You can hear him growl as his thrusts begin to pick up speed and ferocity.
It doesn't take long for the pain to be blended into pleasure. This is what you crave, his growling only causes fear to creep throughout your very being; chilling you to the core. Yet, you can't get enough of this. You're addicted to this feeling, and your body has gone far too long without it.
As he thrusts, as he growls and bites your shoulder, a culmination of agony from the force he exerts, the anger at how long it's taken to get to this point, the fear of a predator taking advantage of you, and the sheer joy you feel each time he fills you. It's too much. You can't think. You can only ride it out as he makes you a slave to the pleasure he brings.
Your hips match his rhythm and this only makes him smash his hips into yours even harder. The wet slapping sounds from his soaked bones hitting your flesh echoes throughout the otherwise quiet apartment. You know you're coating the bed in your longing, and you know your bed is suffering through his labours.
But you don't care, nothing is going to interrupt this. It isn't long before Gaster!sans brings you to your peak. He's like a piston and your muscles are starting to go slack around him as the pressure begins to build.
A torrent is forcing its way through you, wracking your body to the core. And finally, when you feel his tip kiss your deepest parts you cry out in bliss and involuntarily tighten around him. Your body is trying to milk the seed that never comes... Your eyes widen in shock. H-how? He surely has to cum soon? You turn your tired head to see Gaster!sans smiling down upon you.
"Come on (y/n), I haven't even warmed up yet."
... Fuck yes!
His words are anything but a lie. He doesn't give your body an opportunity to rest as he continues to thrust into you, circling your clit with his finger. Like music he keeps a steady rhythm showing no signs of stopping or slowing. The pleasurable bliss your body is going through causes you to lose track of time.
He continues to thrust into you, the sensitivity yearning for you to whine and beg for the mercy you won't receive.
You find your release again and again as Gaster!sans pounds into you with an inhuman speed. The noise from your moans and his hip bones as they slap against yours are deafening. Your mind is filled with the delight He brings, and your body is just as full. Unfortunately, you can only handle so much. After God knows how long the pain starts to overcome the pleasure in a sickening coil.
"S-sen... Sensitive-ve..." you manage to slur out, drooling at the force your body is receiving. Gaster!sans grips on your hips tightens, drawing blood, shoving his member even deeper into you as he slams into you. You can hear his grunting getting louder so he must be getting close.
Suddenly he bites down on the back of your neck, hot metallic liquid seeping from the bite. You scream from the combination of him biting and pouring his seed deep within you. It almost feels as though his release is burning you...
You release for the last time that night, twitching from the overstimulation you received. The two of you stay locked in this position, your exhausted body consuming everything Gaster!sans pumps within, until finally, you can feel his fading member leave you.
With nothing holding you up now you collapse in a mess of fluids. You're desperately filling your lungs with air; your heart is pounding in your ears. You can't even hear him panting.
Slowly he gets to his feet. You make no move to escape as he wraps his boney arms around you to pick you up. He teleports you to the bathroom, humming an amused tune all the while. Your fade in and out of consciousness as Gaster!sans draws you a bath.
The heat from the steaming water causes you to moan with joy as he gently sets you into the water's depths. When he joins you, you snuggle into him as the water washes away the exercise the two of you have finished performing.
It's a comfortable silence with you snuggled into Gaster!sans chest, while he has his arms wrapped around you. Finally, he speaks, "So, did you enjoy yourself?" You nod weakly in response, you hear him chuckle softly before asking, "You only have to ask if you want another trip to the bone zone. I am always happy to oblige you, (y/n)."
"Yeeeeeesssss." you hiss. You smile when his hold on you becomes stronger, and for once you feel safe rather than threatened.
To think a creature such as Gaster!sans can make you so angry, so afraid, so happy, yet secure. You can't help but look forward to the next time this happens...
But something like this seems all too familiar, like déjà-vu...
//// Authors note ////
Yeah, this was the first time a wrote a lemon, so... It's probably complete crap...
Sorry, I'll try harder (dirty joke ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) next time! (If there a next time)
Depending on how this is received(another dirty joke ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ), I might make this a story, With more Le lemoney lemonadey lemonade lenny lemons...
I dono yet... Comment I guess?
OH YEAH! Inspiration xXpaytonXxPlaysGames ! Check out there stuffs!
Mix out~
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