Jock PJ x Reader

Kinda Requested by: ItsmehAmyyyy(wanted a nerd reader, do it later I promise)

(Your POV)

I was walking to the cafeteria when I saw a group of bullies picking on Fresh. I went to help him when I saw that the bullies food was unguarded I grabbed all of their rolls and anything that would make it home. It only took a second then I sprinted over to Fresh and took a blow to the head. I fell to the floor and my bag opened showing all the bread I had stolen.

They didn't know it was theirs but they saw it was a lot "you fat ass, eating all this food no wonder no one loves you." They walked away and I gathered all the bread and grabbed Fresh and ran. We stopped in the hall way, Fresh gave me an apple and I smiled and gave it back "I have enough food" you said patting your bag. Fresh frowned "but I know your not going to eat any of it" he sighed "look I know you baby brother is sick and you need to find food for him so he'll get better, but you need to eat too" he put the apple in my hand. "At lest eat this apple....please" Fresh was like my big brother, caring and always looking out for me I was grateful to have him.

(Time skip to next class)

My next class was one I hated, it was my favorite subject and the teacher was nice but it was who was in the class that made me hate it.

I walked in the class and said hi to Mr.Ink I took my seat in a corner were no one ever comes. I saw a bunch of girls surrounded by PJ I faked gagged and he looked over at me giving a 'I know you want me look', when his friend group saw me the walked over to me and they looked pissed. "Hey fat ass, we found out were you got your food from" one of them grabbed me from the collar of my shirt. "You shouldn't steal from people who could kill you" I spit in the guys eye and he dropped me "good thing I didn't then." The bell rang and everyone sat down as class started.

I was doing my work when I heard my name I listened into the conversation. I couldn't make out all of it, all I got was "I really like her." I didn't know who it was, but I want interested either, beside they weren't talking about me....right.

I turned in my work and Ink smiled at me "here (Y/N) I have something for you" he handed me a locket that said happy birthday. It was the same locket my mother and father had given to me before the died last year.

I hugged Mr.Ink and whispered 'thank you' Ink pulled out a pen. "So your done with you work, let me guess you want to go somewhere" I nodded and he signed a hall pass. I ran out the door of the class room and the back door of the school. There was a forest in the back of my school and my brother and I lived in a fort I had built so long ago.

I ran through the forest and came upon the fort, I opened the door softly and saw my 5 year old brother I lightly shook him to wake him up. He yawned cutely and I noticed his fever had gotten worse, his head was on fire. I gave him all the food I got and he ate it all, I smiled and felt his head once again.

I thought about all my options I had and looked at my clock 20 minutes until the bell rings. "Hey (B/N) I'm going to take you to Mr.Ink ok" I said and picked him up after he had eaten all his food, he kept splitting it in half and told me to eat some, but I told him I had already eaten.

I picked him up and started to head back to the school. He fell asleep in my arms, when I got to the school I noticed that some guys were out side, I avoided eye contact and walked inside. I ran inside and put (B/N) in a classroom no one was using right now.

I ran to Mr.Ink's room and asked him to come with me. I must have looked worried because he dropped everything and came with me. I took Mr.Ink to the room where (B/N) was, once Mr.Ink saw (B/N) he picked him up and looked at me.

"C-can you tell me what's wrong with him, he's been sick for awhile and I can't take him to a doctor." Ink felt his head and his eyes widened "we need to take him to urgent care, now." Ink took me to his car and called Coach Error and he drove, I sat in the back with (B/N) and wrapped him in a blanket. "I'm sorry (B/N), this is all my fault I should have found us somewhere with better structure, I should have gotten you better food" I cried "(Y/N) sweetie this isn't your fault" Mr. Ink said we pulled up to a child urgent care and I sat in the waiting room with (B/N) as Mr.Ink checked in.

When they called (B/N) I carried him to the nurse, her eye widened. The nurse takes (B/N) from me and runs to the back. Someone ran out and explained to me that my brother is in critical condition. I broke down and started to cry Ink hugged me and called Coach Error "Error bring PJ and come here NOW!" Error already knew where we were.

(Time Skip)

PJ and Error ran in and talked to Ink "w-W-wHaT H-h-HaPPeNeD" Error asked. "M-my brother" I said softly as more tears came I looked over at the door and saw a nurse run out, "is anyone here related to (B/N)" I walked up to the nurse.


(Y/N) walked up to the nurse she came back crying even more, I never liked it when she was sad, her beautiful (E/C) got all puffy. "What did the nurse say" I asked. "S-She said t-that they need to get him to a children's hospital, because they don't have what they need for him here.....they said that there's a chance he might not make it." I hugged her and let her cry on my shoulder, I felt bad for her, (B/N) is everything to her. "He will be ok" I said trying to make her feel better.

"(Y/N) were are you staying" I asked her hoping she would stay with us. "Were I always stay I guess" I looked at her sadly "stay with me....please." She nodded and I picked her up "P-PJ, you don't have to carry me" she said quietly and became flustered, 'damn she is so cute when she blushes.'

(Time skip)

When we came to the house (Y/N) was asleep, I didn't want to wake her up so I carried her inside. I laid her on my bed and went to go sleep on the couch but before I left I heard (Y/N) say something. "P-please...d-don't....l-leave me" I sat beside the bed and stroked her hair she seemed to calm down a little after that. I laid beside her and fell asleep peacefully

(Your POV)

I shot up terrified and looked around trying to calm myself down "just a dream, just a dream" I said to myself. I looked around and then remembered (B/N), I had to know if he was ok, I got up and ran out the door. I saw Mr.Ink on the phone with a sad expression on his face.

"M-Mr.Ink a-are you ok" I asked he looked up and sat me down on the couch "sweetie your brother is at the hospital, they ran some test on him and they think he might have a disease only found in monsters, because of that they don't know how to treat it......they don't know how long he has left." I took in all the information Ink was giving me, 'why him, he's only 5, he has a good life ahead of him.'

I cried when PJ walked into the room, he asked what happened and Ink told him everything. He hugged me "it's going to be ok" he said I pulled away "no it's not, everyone says that....the only family I have left is dying in a hospital bed and they can't do anything, you don't know how it feels have your parents and the rest of your family....but (B/N) is all I have left" I screamed at PJ I took a shaky breath. "I-I'm s-sorry PJ" I said he hugged me and I hugged back "you have nothing to be sorry for (Y/N) hurts, I know it does but things will get better."

"P-PJ can you take me to see (B/N)....please" he nodded and we walked out of the house.

When we got to the hospital we were taken to (B/N)'s room, when we got there (B/N) looked at me and held his hands out. I smiled sadly and hugged him "I missed you" I said he looked at me confused "but I just saw you 2 minutes ago." I shook my head "no, I haven't seen you since yesterday" (B/N) looked at PJ "who's that" he asked.

"That's PJ, his parents helped me get you here" he looked around "were are we" he asked "the hospital.....y-your sick and this place is going to try and help you."

Don't worry I'm going to make a part 2 just wanted to get this out

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