Fell x monster reader
Requested by Rain_Noir
You are a skeleton
I woke up and saw Sans, I smiled at the sleeping Skelly. I got up and changed into a (f/c) dress, I looked at my hands and tried to use magic to summon an attack. I don't have much magic, most of my magic is to keep me alive. I often have to cool down (when a skeleton or other monsters shrinks to conserve magical energy). That's how I got my nickname, Tiny, Tiny the skeleton. I hated the nickname...it just reminded me that I'm a failure. I started to tear up 'no, don't! You aren't a crybaby! Stop it' I quickly walked to the restroom.
I looked at myself in the mirror, no cracks...no scares. Most people would be happy that they don't have any marks like that, but down here that's a mark of toughness. I tried again to summon an attack 'come on, just a bone at lest' Sans has gaster blasters and cool magic and I have nothing. I eventually gave up and walked out of the restroom and down to the living room. "Good morning Y/n" Papyrus said to me, I continued to look down and respond with only a nod. "Still can't get your attacks huh" I looked up at him "what if I'm defective....most monsters can summon attacks when they're 8 and I can't even summon a freaking bone" Papyrus chuckled "you also can't curse."
It was true, I never liked cursing. I had no reason not to like it, just never did. Sans yawned and walked down the stairs "Sans you lazy ass get ready for work!" Papyrus yelled I laid my head on the table and let my mind wonder a little. "Hey Papyrus, I heard some monsters talking about a place called Waterfall...and I was wondering if I could go. I mean it doesn't seem to dangerous and I've never been anywhere besides Snowden...I haven't even been in Snowden forest....." I mumbled. Papyrus rolled his eyes "learn to summon an attack and you can go, until then you can't even leave the house without one of us. Got it" I sighed and nodded. Sans chuckled at me before going to get ready, 'Sans only has 1 hp but Pap doesn't keep him locked up, at lest I have 10 hp.'
Papyrus and Sans soon left the house leaving me alone. When they where out of sight I ran to my room, grabbed some money and a cloak and headed out the door. True I'm breaking Papyrus's rule but I want to go to the library at lest and get some books. I pulled my hood up and covered my face, rushing past monsters. I heard mumbling as I walked past but ignored it. I walked into the library and went to the book section that talked about the surface. I always dreamed of seeing the stars and the sun, but the biggest reason I want to go to the surface is because...well I could see flowers, and trees that aren't covered in snow. I could see so many different colors. I sighed at the thought "only in my dreams" I closed the book and put it back on the shelf. I put my hood back up and walked out the door.
I paused as I saw someone I've never seen before, they looked like the humans I've read about. They had a striped sweater on and some shorts. They looked cold, I then noticed that they where holding a yellow flower. I walked up to them with concern, it was only a child after all. "Excuse me, are you ok? You look cold" I said with worry on my face. The flower looked at me as if judging me to see if I was a threat. "Hey come with me, you must be hungry" I said with a smile on my face.
The child nodded and the flower growled "Frisk! What if they poison you or something" Frisk shook their head and followed me. "Now we'll have to hide you from Sans and Papy" I said opening the door "but they have work so they won't be home until later." I got them a blanket and some food, "here, it's not much and I'm sorry for that but it's enough to keep you alive." They smiled and started to eat the food I gave them. "So, are you a human...it's just I read a lot about the surface and you look like the ones from my book.." they nodded and I smiled.
"What's the surface like? Are the stars as pretty as the pictures? How about flowers, what do they smell like?" I asked exactly. Frisk shook their head and pointed to their mouth, I rubbed the back of my skull. "Oh...sorry, I guess I got excited. I'll let you eat and then I'll ask my questions." She giggled and smiled, I sat by her on the couch and waited for her to finish eating. When she was done she began to answer my questions. "I can't answer most of your questions sadly, but I can tell you one thing. The surface is beautiful, but it's not everything." I nodded to show I understood what she was saying. "I....just don't want to be down here.....you see I don't have magic, or well I do but not much. I just want to go to the surface so I won't have to worry or be afraid." Frisk nodded "s-sorry, I've had a lot on my mind...anyw-" the door flew open and I saw an angry Sans. "It's not enough for you to win over boss, but now you're in my home too!" He yelled at Frisk, I stood in front of them and looked at Sans confused. "Sans! They're only a kid, calm down" I said, Sans looked at me angrily and summoned a few bones and threw them at me. I held my hands up and tried to block it by summoning something. It didn't work, the bones hit me and my HP dropped.
Bones then went passed me and almost hit Frisk. Something about seeing someone in danger....I quickly closed my eyes and summoned something.
There was silence
When I opened my eyes I saw a Gaster Blaster in front of Frisk.
My eye was glowing (s/c).
It hurt...
It hurt so bad...
"Tiny?" I heard a voice, everything went black
"Tiny! Wake up!"
'who's there, where am I, who am I' I shot up and saw Sans. He was so much taller, I rubbed my skull. "What happened" Sans sighed "thank god, I thought your soul would shatter" he picked me up and hugged me. "Why am I so small....did I use to much magic?" He pulled away from my small form and laughed "did you use to much magic? You summoned a Gaster Blaster!" It came back to me I looked around frantically. "Where's Frisk, is she ok? You didn't hurt her did you" Sans sighed "she's fine, last time I saw her she was heading to Waterfall" I looked up at him. "Wait! How come she gets to go to Waterfall and I can't, I can summon an attack now." Sans shook his head "you and I both know that Pap would kill me if you got hurt, hell if he finds out what happened he'll have my skull." I crossed my arms and puffed out my cheeks.
"Come on! Please, I can take care of myself now" he smirked a little "yeah, because summoning an attack and passing out means you can take care of yourself. Not even mentioning that you went into a cool down" I turned away from him. "It's not my fault I can't summon an attack, you never taught me" I mumbled.
"You wanna say that to my face Tiny!" He said angrily, I turned around stood up. "Yeah! I do! You never taught me how to summon magic attacks, I've known you forever and never once have you offered to train or help me! Maybe if you had helped me when I was younger I could actually defend myself!" I yelled, I didn't notice that my eye was glowing and I'm still in cool down if I use to much magic when I cool down I could get hurt or even worse.
I didn't care really, I was mad. Sans was just as mad, his eye was glowing red. "So what, you blame me because you're weak! It's not my fault you have less magic then a baby bones!" I used my magic and summoned a Gaster Blaster "I'm not weak! I'm just as strong as you and Papy!" I shot it towards Sans, and then summoned another one. "I'm not weak!" I yelled those words over and over as I shot at him.
Tears ran down my cheek "I'm not weak....." I fell to my knees and cried. "I.....I-I'm not weak...."
"What the hell- Y/N!" Papyrus ran to me and hugged my tiny form. He looked around "what the hell happened" I opened my eyes and saw burn marks everywhere. 'D-did I do that...' I was sniffling, I hugged Papyrus tightly. "I-I'm not weak.....I-I'm n-not" I closed my eyes and rested my head. "I-I'm s-so tired..." I closed my eyes and fell asleep, but I heard words before completely being consumed in sleep.
"Don't fall asleep Y/N, stay with me!"
I woke up in my bed, I looked around. "Papyrus? Sans?" My voice was soft, I couldn't really move or speak. "Hey Tiny" I tried to sit up but couldn't. I didn't say anything, 'guess I am weak....' Sans walked over to me and held up some food, "want some soup? Chillby made it for you, said he hopes you get well." I didn't say anything "come on, open your mouth. You need to eat, you've been out for an entire day" I clenched my mouth close. "I..can...feed...myself" I said quietly, I meant for it to be louder but it didn't come out that way. "Ok, then take this from my hands and eat. Would be easier for me anyway." I tried to sit up and get the bowl from Sans but I couldn't move.
"What's wrong Tiny" he asked "thought you said you could feed yourself." I sighed and looked away from me, "that's what I thought, now open your mouth" I did as he said and he fed me like I was a baby's bones....I hated every second of it.
After the bowl was empty Sans sat on the side of my bed. "...you summoned a bunch of Gaster Blasters.....I counted 3 before I teleported away, but judging by the damage it was way more then 3." I avoided eye contact with him. "Listen, I'm sorry....I was mad, you aren't weak. Hell if you didn't know before you know now" he sighed and gave me a skelly kiss on my skull. "I'm sorry for what I said ok. I should have taught you when you where younger...forgive me Y/n" I thought for a minute but nodded. "I...forgive....you...." he smiled "love you Tiny."
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