Error x Neko child reader PT2
Two people requested for a second part so I'm doing 😊
(Errors POV)
It's been a few days since I took in (Y/N), she likes to paint with Ink when he comes over, right now she's painting with Ink.
(Y/N) POV)
I was painting with Mr.Ink, I was making something for da- I mean Mr.Error. "What are you painting (Y/N)" Mr.Ink asked me. 'Me and Mr.Error' I signed. Mr.Ink and da- I mean Mr.Error teach me some sign language so I could talk to them with out drawing. "Your a great artist" 'thank you' I signed, when I finished the picture I ran to Mr.Error and gave it to him "T-t-tHanK YoU" he said and smiled at me which made me smile.
(Time skip Errors POV)
(Y/N) fell asleep when Ink and I where playing with her. "If I didn't know you I would think you where her father" Ink said as I put (Y/N) in her bed. "WeLl I T-t-tHInk Of H-h-hEr A-a-aS mY daUghTEr" I said with out thinking "oh really" Ink said "d-d-dId I SaY ThAT OuT LoUd-d-d" I said with a tiny blush. Ink nodded as he chuckled, we sat there talking for a bit until Ink left. "ByE I-I-InK" I said as he left. After he left I opened a portal to underfell and found myself in the skelebros house. I walked to the kitchen and found a few chocolate bars "P-p-pERfIcT" I said to myself as I grabbed two of them "hey" I turned to see Fell Sans. I opened a portal and jumped through when Fell jumped into the anti void with me, "hey give me my stuff back" I looked at him with a threatening look, when I felt a tug on my jacket. I turned around to see (Y/N) with a few tears in her eyes 'where were you' she signed shaking a little. My mad look turned into a concerned one, I crouched down to her level "I JuSt WeNt T-t-tO GeT yOu T-t-tHiS" I told her giving her a chocolate bar 'I thought you left me' she signed crying "I W-w-WoULd NeVEr L-L-lEAvE Y-y-YoU" I told her as I hugged her. She clung to me like she would die if she let go, I picked her up and looked at Fell "S-s-sO FeLl YoU GoINg T-t-To lEAve Us AlOnE" I asked sounding threatening "Not until you give me my stuff" he said summing a gasterblaster. (Y/N) hid her head in my shoulder "f-f-FiNe As LoNg aS YoU D-d-DoN'T HUrT (Y/N)" I said as I hugged her I gave Fell one of the chocolate bars and he left. After he left I conferred (Y/N) and told her she could have the chocolate bar I gave her. 'Do you want some' she signed I shook my head "No" she broke her chocolate in half and gave me a pace. We ate are pieces of chocolate and played a few games like checkers and tick tack toe. "So w-w-wHaT Do YoU wAnT t-t-tO dO nOw" I asked (Y/N) 'can we watch a movie please' she signed "o-o-oF cOuRSE S-s-sWeEtHeARt" she smiled at me. We where watching (Y/N)'s favorite movie and eating popcorn. After the movie I saw that (Y/N) had fallen asleep so I put her in her bed "g-g-goodnight (Y/N)" I said as I kissed her head 'goodnight daddy' she signed with her eyes closed.
Hey guys sorry if this one wasn't as good as the other one but I ran out of ideas at the end so it kinda short sorry, anyway if you want I can make a part 3 or just rewrite this one, any way see ya later
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