"Trouble" (Part one)
Hiya guys guess who's meeting Sang properly for the first time!!
I hope you like it please comment vote etc!
Thank you so much for 1.4 K reads, it's kind of crazy!!
Gabriel's POV:
I can feel straw beneath me. I try and remember what f*****g happened. Uncle and Phil. Going out? A stunning blonde? With monkeys? It's like trying to remember a crazy dream. In fact, I'm not convinced that it wasn't a dream. In what world, but dream world, could there be a girl who looks like, that? Why would it be anything but a dream with Uncle and Phil having a daughter, together? Oh god, this has to have been a dream. Yet why am I now lying on straw? Could this be part of my dream too?
I can feel feeling coming back into my fingers and toes. I wriggle them trying to move more, it feels like I'm shaking off the effects of a drug. A drug, like a dart, that's how my f*****g dream finished. F**K was that not a dream?
When feeling comes back to my face and I can open my eyes again, I do, just a tiny crack, enough to see super bright lights, I snap them shut again, quickly. I'm expecting shouting of 'his awake' or something similar but what I hear is a bark from a dog. Great whoever kidnapped me brought dogs.
"You awake Gabe?" I very familiar voice asks, giving me the strength to sit up and look for my best friend that I haven't seen for over two weeks.
"Luke, your alive, you're really f*****g alive!" I yell at him; he winces at the volume. I take him in, slowly scanning, his face is pale, and his right arm is in a cast from shoulder to wrist. The blankets of the double bed his sitting in are pooled around his waist, showing a torso wrapped in a tonne of bandages, I'm no doctor but that looks like 'they' did serious damage. He has a fading bruise around one side of his face and neat stiches along the other side by his hair line. The dog that barked is sitting on the other side of the bed watching me with narrowed eyes. He, Luke not the dog, gives me a smile that turns to a grimace as his cheek moves. I wince sympathetically, my black eye, from the same time, is no way near as bad as that and it is still extremely painful, even two weeks later!
"Hey man." He mummers looking at me in a sideways glance. His good hand strokes the top of the dog's head. I take this to mean that the dog isn't going to hurt me, but it growls when I go to stand. Luke, the f****r doesn't say anything, still watching me super closely. I freeze.
"So, could you maybe stop the f*****g dog growling at me? And then we can get out of here and go home!" I whisper, impressed that Luke managed to tame the f*****g kidnappers dog.
"I am home!" he says looking straight at me, he eyes look lighter, eyes happier than even before that f******g mission, that I still have no idea what happened on, when we lost him. But there is an undercurrent of suspicion, directed at me. "I feel more at home, more comfortable here than I ever have, even when it was just us nine!" that hurts, deeply, "Plus cupcake's here and I have," he lets out a slight laugh, before adding air quotes round the word, "children!" he laughs more, a grin passing across his face.
"Wait a f*****g second, you mean the f*****g note was real, it was f*****g true, you were cheating on Kayli!" he rolls his eyes at me, scowling like his brother.
"I would never cheat on someone I was going out with, but one, I never even suggested that I was going out with her! And two, I they just sort of adopted me as their dad, I didn't really get a choice with the four of them!" he blanches after he says four, "on the first point, Mr. B and Kota just sort of decided and expected us to join in!" he scowls harder as I think on his words. It is kind of true that the whole Kayli situation wasn't really agreed in the way things normally are, we didn't even have a family meeting when we joined with the Toma's, not that it was an issue. I totally get what his saying though, he never said that he was going out with her or even suggested that he might want to. But there is one thing I want to know.
"Who Cupcake? I'm pretty certain Titch is Jess, but I would very much like to know who Cupcake is!" he gives me a considering look for a few moments before nodding slightly.
"Yes, Titch is Jess and I do believe you have already met," he chuckles a light-hearted sound that I am really not used to hearing, at least not recently, "Cupcake as I call her!"
"Yes, you have!" a quiet voice comes from outside the cage that I now realise that me and Luke are in. I glace at Luke, trying to ask him a plan to get out, but his eyes are on the blonde who sends him a soft smile. His whole face lights up and he relaxes. I turn to examine the girl who has so totally caught the attention of my best friend. She's almost the total opposite to the one we are supposed to be sharing, supposed to love. Light to Kayli's dark and the way she's looking at Luke, f**k she cares about him, I would even say I can see love shining in both their gaze's. Their eyes meet for a moment then 'She' turns to me, her eyes are as wary as Luke's, in total contrast to the love I saw shining a moment ago. The dog on the bed looks at her and wags it's tail. She sends it a smile as I observe the rest of her. The two monkeys evidently weren't a f*****g dream then as they are sitting on each shoulder. She has a sling slung round her, shoulder to hip, and her clothes should be a bloody fashion crime for her fan f*****g tastic figure. Her bright green eyes make me feel slightly weak at the knees when they focus on me fully, something Kayli's have never done. Yet she still kidnapped me, which is kind of a mark against her. Her and Luke look at each other again and a tiny blush of colour comes across both her and Luke's cheeks as they seem to have a conversation. Then her hands flash in a way that I recognise as sign, Luke nods and she signs again, now I wish I'd taken up the offer of learning with Luke when he bugged Kota when we were twelve. Luke glances at me and nods again.
"Stop f*****g talking about me!" I mutter half-heartedly, at my swear word the blonde flinches and Luke scowls at me. Her breathing speeds up until another, very familiar, dog pushes against her legs. She drops on hand down and runs Max's ears. WTF.
"WHAT THE F**K?" I yell, Luke flinches and the girl curls up on herself, Max crowds in the two monkeys twittering, the whatever is in the sling wriggles. The dog on the bed lets our several barks and starts snarling at me.
"Stay still and shut up!" Luke tells me his face still set in a scowl as he wraps his good arm around the dog next to him, stopping it jumping at me, "Jason, please don't!" he mutters, "Actually, guard!" he says to the dog and points at me. A second later the dogs on top of me growling. "Bars down!" Luke calls out, instantly the bars drop, and the bay lights dim to a more reasonable level, I watch as my severely injured best friend has to get out of his sick bed to go to the blonde, who's currently having a panic attack due to me.
His face is set in a pained grimace as he drops to the floor in front her. He doesn't hesitate to reach out with his left arm, the cast on the floor beside him, hard to lift up, he cups her cheek, a moment later he brushes his lips across hers. It seems to bring her out of whatever the f**k happened as she's instantly worried about Luke.
"Why are you out of bed? Well, I know why, but you shouldn't be it could set your recovery back..." he cuts her off by placing his fingers on her lips. For my position of being squashed by this dam dog I can see the way their eyes meet and the conversation they have, not that I understand it, at all. Then she stands and looks at me.
"Jason, off him please, just guard, I need him to help me get Ninja back to bed!" the dog backs off me so that I can stand, I do very slowly, Jason still watching closely. The blonde, who I still don't know the name of bends so that she's pressed gently into Luke's bad side. She then points to Luke's good arm. I look down the hall, briefly considering running before I see the pain deep in the one who's 'going to be trouble' 's eyes. She is like us, if not worse, the pain, I can understand why Luke is fascinated with her and what he was saying about us loving her, Kayli might have been hurt but she doesn't understand the depth of our pain. This girl could! Does, I realise as I meet her eyes.
There is something about her that makes you feel happier lighter, as proven by the light that's flickering in Luke's eyes. But while there is a strength in her eyes there's also a vulnerability that makes me want to wrap her in my arms and never let go. F**K I never felt like protecting Kayli, not like this, why did Luke have to be f*****g right! For f***s sake, s**t, s**t, S**T I just met her... I don't even know her f*****g name for f***s sake.
The trouble girl and Luke are both staring at me eye shadowed as they wait, it feels like a test, the chance to run, or to help. Not that I think I would get far, that dog is still watching me. Either way I think I would stay; I quickly crouch next to Luke's good arm he lifts it round my shoulders.
"Put your arm really carefully round his back, really carefully!" she gives me a hard stare and I move as slowly as possible to place my arm round him. Trouble does the same kind of thing on his other side accept she has to contend with the f*****g cast that my brothers put him in. No wonder she's still giving me a stink eye. She makes sure that her arm doesn't touch mine the whole time we lift him.
Together we manage to lift the extremely weak boy up and back into bed. The way that she smooths his hair down makes me want to be the one in that bed. He smiles slightly at her and nods she smiles again softer and kisses his head. Then an alarm sounds a screen lights up across from the bed. Bay 14.
"Is that?" Luke asks and Trouble nods, "Sang," it's like an answer to a question that I didn't even know I had, "you're going to need help, and I can't, Titch isn't going to get here in time, you have to trust him!" her hands flash at him signing at super speed, her hands a blur, he nods, and she nods back. Then the monkeys jump onto Luke's bed, Sang places the sling on the bed, it wriggles again, and two fluffy things come out, I stare in shock as they snuggle into his side.
"Come!" she says to me and runs, she lets out a whistle that has the dog 'Jason' following her and two others racing up behind me.
"Go on!" Luke gestures weakly after Sang, I give him an incredulous look, WHAT THE F**K IS GOING ON? "Now or they could die, she's going to need help, and you had better bring your very strong stomach!" with those words he points again, and the dogs nudge me down the hall.
They lead me down the corridor to Bay 14, the trouble girl is injecting a f*****g giant panda with something.
"That's a giant panda!" I say surprised, she nods and gestures for me to sit down on the other side of the animal. "Stroke her gently and just talk to her, and kept talking, also Luke said you have a bad stomach for blood so I would keep your eyes forward, and not turn round!" she still sounds nervous of me, but I love listening to the sound of her voice, it's beautiful and calming, unlike the one currently waiting at the house I live in.
I find it amazing when half an hour later Sang shows me a tiny baby panda, before she places it by the mother and shoos me out of the bay. She follows me and heads straight back to Luke's 'room'. His fast asleep and she goes straight to his side, checking him over. I don't ever remember the b***h being worried about any of us, yet Sang's been gone less than an hour in a place that seems perfectly safe and she's fussing over him like his been in a war zone for years. He gives her a sleepy smile, half waking up when she places a hand on his head and drops a kiss on it. He smiles again and his eyes shut. With his eyes still shut he mutters, that he'll phone at some point during the week.
The four young animals curl around him tighter.
"I'm going to drop you home now; will you drink this willingly or will I need to inject you again?" She asks, I barely manage to stop myself from asking her if I can stay. If I can stay and live here, with her, with Luke and these crazy animals. She holds out a vial and it feels like another test, but I don't know what the test is.
I take it slowly and look into her eyes as I raise it up to my mouth, I drink it down a I swear I see a flash of respect in her gaze.
The drink doesn't knock me out. Ten minutes later I'm still awake.
"You didn't knock me out?" I question. She shrugs.
"Nope, you were right, it was a test, but I'm still blind folding and giving you ear plugs on the way back!" she flashes me a half smile and hands them to me. Seeming a lot more comfortable with me now.
I hope you liked it
Did you remember where the panda came from? (i thought you might like to know what happened to her!)
See you soon ! :)
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