So, this is the final chapter. 😊

This will be a long one, prepare popcorn!

Hope you will like this! Also, thank-you for reading this crap so far. Anyways, contains:-

•A LOT of ObaMitsu!!!
•Mitsuri and Shinobu being:
✨ Iconic Besties✨

Please, enjoy!!!


Chirp! Chirp!

It was morning. The beautiful ray of sunshine flooded into Giyuu's room through his window.
He was sleeping peacefully, just like a child.

What he didn't know yet was that he was going to be surprised this night, the night he was waiting for.

But, what surprise?

Well, we could ask that to Sanemi.

Sanemi couldn't sleep all night. He did get some sleep for about two hours. But he still woke up early.

What would Giyuu's reaction be when I ask him that question...?
He thought.

He dug his face into the pillow and mumbled Giyuu's name.

"Giyuu, Giyuu, Giyuu! Just what... What would your answer be? Will he refuse? No! He won't, I'm just getting nervous..."
Sanemi mumbled.


At Mitsuri's Estate:-

Mitsuri's eyes fluttered open as the sunlight glowed on her face.

She stretched her arms and got up. 

"KYAAA!!! Today is the day, it's finally here!!!"
She squealed.

She washed her face and combed her hair, looking into her reflection.

"I look good today!"
She said cheerfully.

She ran to her window and looked outside.

The sun emerged from the clouds and golden sunlight shone on her face.
The big cherry blossom tree near her window was loaded with flowers.
A cool breeze blew, and the petals flew everywhere. They landed on her window frame.

"KYAAA so pretty!!!"
Mitsuri squealed.

"I seriously can't wait for today! It'll be so much fun!"
She said.

Mitsuri soon walked out of her Estate and went straight to the Serpent Hashira's Estate.

"I wonder what Iguro-San is doing right now..."
She spoke to herself.


At Iguro's Estate:-

Iguro was in his room, in front of a mirror. He was practicing how he would confess to Mitsuri.

His snake, Kaburamaru, wrapped around his neck had a pink blush around its face.
Iguro was all red too.

He took a deep breath in, and looked into the mirror.

"M-Mitsuri-San... I- I always wanted to tell you this... It's that I-"
Iguro was interrupted by a soft voice from behind.

"Tell what?"
Mitsuri asked as she tilted her head, completely clueless.

Iguro turned back.

"M-Mitsuri-San, When did you... come in?"
Asked Iguro.

"Just now!"
Mitsuri smiled happily.

Iguro felt relieved because Mitsuri didn't hear him say that.

"What were you saying?"
Mitsuri asked innocently.

"Nothing in particular... Did you leave something here?"
Asked Iguro.

"No, I just came to see you!"
Mitsuri smiled sweetly.

W-What...? Mitsuri-San came here just to see me? Oh my heart! It's beating fast...
Iguro thought.

"All of us will have so much fun tonight, I can't help but think about it!!!"
Mitsuri said.

Iguro smiled at her in a caring way.

"Mitsuri-San, just sit here. I have something for you..."
Iguro said as he walked out of the room.

"What, for me? KYAAA!"
Mitsuri sat down excitedly.

Iguro came back with a plate of Sakura Mochis in his hand.

"Wah!!! Thank you Iguro-San!!!" Mitsuri squealed.

Iguro smiled at Mitsuri. He looked out of the window.

The cherry blossoms look really pretty today, just like Mitsuri-San.
He thought.

"Done! Thank you for this, Iguro-San!"
Mitsuri said.

She finished it already? That was quick...
Iguro thought as he looked at Mitsuri with shock.

He looked outside the window once again and looked at the scenery.

He let out a deep breath.

"It's pretty, isn't it?"
Asked Mitsuri, who was looking outside the window too.

"... Yeah."
Replied Iguro.

Both walked over to the window and looked outside.

"I can't wait for tonight!!!"
Mitsuri squealed.

Iguro looked at her.

"Aren't you excited?"
Asked Mitsuri.

"Yeah.... I am."
Iguro said.

A strong wind blew, moving Mitsuri's hair. The petals flew everywhere and landed on the window frame.

"I love cherry blossoms! They are so cute, aren't they, Iguro-San?"
Mitsuri asked.

"Yeah they are..."
Iguro said.

A pink petal landed on Mitsuri's nose but she didn't notice.

"The weather is so nice today too!"
Mitsuri said.

Iguro chuckled silently and Mitsuri didn't understand why.

"Why are you laughing? Did I say something funny?"
Mitsuri asked, clueless.

"Mitsuri-San... You have a petal on your nose."
Iguro said as he caught it.

"Oh! I didn't notice!"
Mitsuri giggled at herself.

They stayed silent for a few minutes.

Mitsuri stole a glance at Iguro, who was feeling the cold wind touch his skin.


Iguro looked at her.

Mitsuri's big green eyes sparkled and her hair moved a bit due to the wind. The golden sunlight glowed on her face and she looked at him with a sweet smile.

"You're the best!"
She said as she smiled sweetly, a soft pink blush caressing her cheeks.

Iguro's face turned red and he looked away immediately.

"Th-Thank you..."
He said quietly.

Mitsuri held his hand tightly.

Iguro's heart started beating fast.

"What are you doing, Mitsuri-San?"
Asked Iguro.

"I'm glad to have you as my friend, you're the best partner to ever exist!"
She said.

"A best friend, partner, companion, you are everything!"
She added.

I am grateful to God for sending you in my life, Mitsuri-San!
Iguro thought.

Silence occupied the room.

Iguro closed his eyes eventually. Seeing him, Mitsuri closed her eyes too.

The two held each other's hands tighter and stayed like that for the time being.


Soon, the sun was down and it was evening.

Shinobu was at Mitsuri's Estate, getting ready for the night.

"Thank you for helping me get ready, Mitsuri-San!"
Shinobu said.

"No problem, that's what friends are for! I personally think that this purple kimono looks very pretty on you!"
Mitsuri said.

"Why, thank you!"
Shinobu replied.



"This is a butterfly clip, I bought it from a shop when I was on a mission. I think you would look outstanding if you wore it! Should I put in on for you?"
Mitsuri asked.

"Ara Ara~ It's so very pretty! Are you sure about lending me this?"
Asked Shinobu.

"Yes yes! I'm very sure, now wear it!!!"
Mitsuri told her.

Shinobu said.

"Your hair is very soft, Kocho-san!"
Mitsuri said.

"Thank you, Mitsuri-San!"

Mitsuri put it on for her.

"Now stand up, I want to see your whole look!!!"
Mitsuri said excitedly.

Shinobu stood up. Her purple hair was tied into a bun with a butterfly clip on the top.
The purple kimono matched her hair and her eyes. She looked like an actual butterfly with big, beautiful wings.

"KYAAA!!! So pretty, you look gorgeous!"
Mitsuri said.

"Ara Ara~ I look amazing only because you helped me get ready, Mitsuri-San! Thank you so much!"
Shinobu replied.

"No problem!"
Mitsuri said.

"Now it's your turn to get ready, Mitsuri-San! And don't worry, I'll help you with it!"
Shinobu said.

"Really? Aww! thank you so much, Kocho-san! You're so sweet!!!"
Mitsuri squealed happily.

Shinobu smiled at her.

"So, sit here."
Shinobu made her sit and then chose a kimono for her to wear.

"Which one would you like to wear, Mitsuri-San? The pink one, or the green one?"
Asked Shinobu.

"Kyaa! They're both so pretty!!! It's hard to decide..."
Mitsuri said.

Mitsuri paused for a bit.

"Wait... I'll choose the green one!"
She added.

"Why so? I think the pink one would look very cute on you!"
Shinobu said.

Mitsuri paused.

"Because Iguro-San gifted me green socks, and... I want to match them with this!"
Mitsuri said.

"Ara Ara~ that's cute!"
Shinobu said and helped Mitsuri wear it.

It took almost half an hour to get Mitsuri ready.

Shinobu helped Mitsuri with her long hair, tying it into a big bun.

Mitsuri stood up, her green socks and green kimono, it all matched with a big, green eyes.

"KYAA I look so pretty!!! Thank you, Kocho-san!"
Mitsuri squealed.

"Don't mention it!"
Replied Shinobu.


At the Butterfly Mansion:-

"Sigh! It's finally done, it seriously took me so long to wear it!"
Tanjiro said with a sigh of relief.

Zenitsu cried out as he leapt on top of Tanjiro.

"What do you want, Zenitsu?"
Asked Tanjiro.

"Inosuke snatched my Kimono away and is not returning it!"
Zenitsu cried.

"Sigh, fine but get off of me first!"
Tanjiro replied.

"Yeah, yeah fine..."
Zenitsu said.

"Inosuke, why did you snatch Zenitsu's kimono away? Give it back!"
Said Tanjiro.

Inosuke laughed.

"I said give it back, it's not nice Inosuke!!!"
Tanjiro replied.

"He called me a boarhead, I won't tolerate that!"
Inosuke said.

Tanjiro turned to Zenitsu with an angry look.

Zenitsu gulped.

"Zenitsu... Apologise to Inosuke, it's your fault at the first place."

"Tch... Fine!"
Zenitsu looked at Inosuke.


I regret saying that....
Zenitsu thought.

Inosuke replied.

"Inosuke, apologise to Zenitsu and return his Kimono! You're at fault too!"
Said Tanjiro.

"No, I won't-"
Inosuke was interrupted.

"Apologise to Zenitsu!!!"
Said Tanjiro.

"Ugh... Fine! Just this once..."
Inosuke faced Zenitsu.


"Now, return his Kimono."
Said Tanjiro.

Inosuke threw Zenitsu's kimono at his face.

"See, Tanjiro! I told you he's a demon!!!"
Zenitsu said.

"That was not nice, Inosuke!"
Tanjiro told Inosuke.

"As if I care!"
Inosuke replied.

Zenitsu walked away with his Kimono.

"Sigh... When will they get along? Or is this their friendship? I have no idea!"
Tanjiro said quietly.

Inosuke fell on the bed.

"When are we leaving, Montaro?"

"It's Tanjiro. Also, after Kocho-san comes back from Kanroji-San's  Estate, we'll be going!"

"When will she come!?"
Inosuke said.

"She will! Have patience."
Tanjiro replied.

"Also, are you not going to wear anything?"
Asked Tanjiro.

"Wear? Hah! I'm not wearing anything to that fair, I'm going there to eat anyways!"
Inosuke replied.

Tanjiro exclaimed.

"Oh, you are not going there like this!"
Aoi came in.

"Who are you to say that? Shut up!"
Inosuke replied.

"Inosuke that's rude!"
Tanjiro said.

"I don't care!"
Replied Inosuke.

"I don't care either! Kocho-san told me to give you this!"
Aoi gave Inosuke a Kimono.

"What? I'm not wearing this!!!"
Inosuke replied.

"Stop throwing tantrums and wear it!"
Aoi said, and left the room.

"Tch! What is it anyway?"
Inosuke asked.

"A kimono! And I'm pretty much aware that you don't have any idea how to wear it."
Tanjiro replied.

"What's going on? I heard shouting...?"
Zenitsu came in, all dressed.

"Ah, Zenitsu! Nothing happened. Inosuke just doesn't know how to wear a kimono, shall we help him?"
Tanjiro asked.

Replied Zenitsu and the two boys helped Inosuke with it.

"Tch! Don't move, Inosuke! Stay still!!!"
Zenitsu said.

"I'm trying!!!"
Inosuke said.

"Ah! All done!"
Tanjiro said.

"It's uncomfortable."
Said Inosuke.

"Well, we can't help it!"
Said Tanjiro.

"Now, what?"
Said Zenitsu.

"Now we wait for Kocho-san to come!"
Tanjiro said.

"Alright then."
Zenitsu said and the three boys sat on their respective beds.

Knock! knock!

"Who is it?"
Asked Tanjiro.

"It's me..."

Tanjiro opened the door, there stood Giyuu.

"Tomioka-San? Are you going there?"
Asked Tanjiro.

Giyuu nodded.

"Why are you not ready yet?"
Asked Tanjiro as Giyuu was in his uniform.

"Ready? Aren't I supposed to go like this?"
Giyuu asked innocently.

Tanjiro looked at Giyuu with disbelief.

Zenitsu facepalmed from behind.

"You can't go there in your uniform, Tomioka-San! We'll help you with it, just you wait."
Tanjiro said.

Tanjiro went to Aoi to ask for a kimono for Giyuu.

"This is all I have, I hope it's good enough."
Aoi said, handing Tanjiro a blue Kimono.

"It's... Beautiful! It would suit him so much! Thank you, Thank you!"
Tanjiro said.

"You don't have to mention it!"
Replied Aoi.

Tanjiro smiled and ran to the room.

"Tomioka-San, it's time to get you ready!"
Tanjiro said.

"I can get dressed by myself..."
Giyuu said.

"Please Tomioka-San, don't you worry, let us do the working."
Tanjiro said.

The three helped Giyuu with the kimono. Well, actually two because Inosuke didn't really help.

"It's done!"
Tanjiro said.

Giyuu stood up.

"Do I look good?"
He asked.

Tanjiro and Zenitsu blushed slightly.

"You look..."
Zenitsu said.

"... Beautiful!"
Tanjiro finished.

Giyuu looked at his reflection and then looked at the three.

"Thank you so much, but, I need to go... I'll meet you there!"
Giyuu said.

"Okay, see you! Tomioka-San!"
Tanjiro waved at him and Giyuu left.

Giyuu ran to the Wind Estate to call Sanemi.

Knock knock!

"Yeah yeah..."
Sanemi unlocked the door.

He wore a green Kimono, and he looked quite different than what he usually looks like.

Giyuu blushed softly.

"What is it- Giyuu!"
Sanemi's eyes widened.


"You look...."
Sanemi paused.

"Please don't make fun of me..."
Giyuu said.

"... amazing!"
Sanemi completed.

Giyuu blushed slightly.

"U-Umm... Thank you, you look amazing t-too!"
Giyuu said looking away.

"Is it so?"
Sanemi laughed.

Giyuu nodded as he blushed more.

"Is it time already?"
He asked.

"Yeah... We should get going."
Giyuu said.

"Fine, let's go."
Sanemi replied and the two left.


"We are all ready, shall we go get Tanjiro and the others?"
Asked Shinobu.

"Yes, but let's just get Iguro-San first, shall we?"
Mitsuri asked.

"Fine, let's get Iguro-San first."
Shinobu said and the two girls left.

They knocked on Iguro's door.

Iguro opened it. He wore a beautiful red Kimono with a complex leaf pattern.

"KYAA!!! Iguro-San, you look so cute!"
Mitsuri squealed.

Iguro was quiet because he was too surprised by Mitsuri's amazing looks.

"Let's get Tanjiro-San and the others!!!"
Mitsuri said.

Shinobu replied and they went to the Butterfly Mansion.

"They're here!"
Zenitsu said and the three ran outside.

"Are you ready?"
Asked Shinobu.

"Yes, but can you please wait for a minute?"
Asked Tanjiro.

Replied Shinobu.

Tanjiro ran in to see Nezuko sleeping peacefully with Kanao and Aoi sitting beside her.

He smiled softly looking at his sister.

"I'll be going now, Thank you so much for taking care of Nezuko for me!"
Tanjiro said.

"No problem!"
Replied Aoi. Kanao nodded as she patted Nezuko's head.

Nezuko smiled while blushing softly as she cuddled.

He smiled at them and left.

"Nezuko's sleeping peacefully!"
Tanjiro said in a relieved tone.

"I wish Nezuko-Chan would have been here... I wanted to watch the fireworks with her!"
Zenitsu wailed.

"Zenitsu, leave us alone! Otherwise, I will not hesitate to headbutt you!"
Tanjiro said.

Zenitsu replied and they were on their way.

On the way, they found Tengen and Kyojuro waiting for them.

Tengen shouted.

"We're sorry!!!"
Mitsuri replied.

"Anyways, let's not spend more time, let's go."
Shinobu said.

"Yes, yes!"
Mitsuri agreed.

As they walked they saw Sanemi and Giyuu.

"Hey guys, isn't that Tomioka and Shinazugawa?"
Tengen said.

"Oh... Yeah! Should we call them?"
Mitsuri asked excitedly.

Kyojuro said.


Giyuu and Sanemi were walking, holding hands.

That's when they hear Mitsuri's voice.


Giyuu looked at them.

"Over here!!! Come!"
Mitsuri swung her arms in order to get noticed by them.

Giyuu and Sanemi walked over to them.

"KYAAA!!! You two look so so so cute!!!"
Mitsuri squealed out of happiness, blushing bright red.

"You guys were going too?"
Asked Sanemi.

"Yeah, since we're all going to the same place, let's go together, right?"
Tengen said and they all walked together.

They reached soon enough.

There were colourful lights and lamps everywhere.

"Gah!!!! So pretty, look!!!"
Mitsuri said, pointing at the lights and the full moon.

"It does look pretty."
Shinobu said.

"Look at that!"
Inosuke ran.

"Wait for us, Inosuke!"
Tanjiro and Zenitsu ran after him.

"Please don't go too far, guys!"
Giyuu said.

"We won't!"
Tanjiro replied.

Mitsuri held Shinobu's hand and led her to tiny shops selling jewellery.

"So shiny, right?"
Mitsuri asked.

Shinobu agreed.

The two girls bought shiny pieces of jewellery for themselves.

Giyuu looked around him, everything looked so pretty. It felt like the tiny child inside of him was alive.
He held Sanemi's hand and ran, dragging him.

"Oi, oi Giyuu! Where are you going?"
Sanemi asked.

Tengen smirked and shouted.


Sanemi shouted at him.

The two ran far away from the other Hashiras.

"Just look, Sanemi! Everything is so pretty!"
Giyuu said.

"It is."
Sanemi said.

Giyuu looked at a shop selling beautiful objects.

"Do you... want something?"
Asked Sanemi.

"What! No, no."
Giyuu said.

"I could get it Giyuu!"
Sanemi insisted.

"I... do like that red bow, you see? But, I think it's too expensive though, it's just a waste of money. It's okay!"
Giyuu said, pointing to a red bow in the shop.

"Giyuu, why are you like this?"
Sanemi asked.

"You know what, I don't want it Sanemi."
Giyuu said and dragged Sanemi to a silent place with lamps everywhere.

It was all colourful lights and the full moon.

The two sat there.


Iguro looked at Mitsuri who was buying stuff with Shinobu.

This is the time!
He thought.

He walked over to her as he gained enough courage to do so.

His face turned red.

Iguro called her.

"Uhh yeah?"
Mitsuri turned around.

"Umm... I was wondering if you would... Like to watch the sky... With me?"
Iguro said.

"Oh! Really?"
Mitsuri turned bright red.

She turned to look at Shinobu.

"Sorry Kocho-san, I have to go-"
Mitsuri was interrupted.

"Go for it!"
Shinobu said with a slight smirk.

Mitsuri went with Iguro.

"Sigh... Love birds..."
Shinobu spoke to herself.

"I didn't know you had this side of yours, Kocho. I'm loving it!"
Tengen said.

"I'm glad!"
Shinobu replied.

Kyojuro asked.

Tengen replied and the three sat down to eat.

"Mm! It's very good!"
Shinobu said.

"I know!"
Tengen replied.

Kyojuro happened to say that after each bite.


Iguro sat silently with Mitsuri, both gazing at the sky.

Okay, Obanai. This is the time, this is the time you tell her! Just tell her what you practiced!
Iguro thought.

He was all red already.

Said Iguro.

Mitsuri turned to look at Iguro.

Iguro was bright red. Looking at him, Mitsuri blushed too.

"I've been waiting f-for this moment... Just to tell y-you this,"
Iguro said.

"T-Tell what?"
Mitsuri asked.

"You know, Mitsuri-San? I had never really fallen in love before. I didn't have any interest in women either. But, you were the only person that... I found beautiful."
Iguro paused, unable to believe what he was saying himself because it was totally different than what he had learnt in front of the mirror.

But, it was the truth.

"I.. I know that I may have been rude in the past. If I have, I apologise. Please forgive me for doing anything that hurt your feelings."

Mitsuri's eyes widened.

"Actually... I, I never really realised that I... I-I,"
Iguro paused abruptly.

"Had fallen in love with you..."
He finally managed to say that.

Mitsuri was shook.

Her face turned bright red and her eyes became watery.

"Iguro-San... I-I.."

Mitsuri burst into tears.

Mitsuri cried.

Iguro was shocked by what he just heard but for now, calming Mitsuri down was his first priority.

He hugged her to calm her down.

Eh? Iguro-San is hugging me? I am the one who always hugs him, but now, it's the other way around... It's feels so different but so nice!!!
Mitsuri thought.

Mitsuri kept crying uncontrollably.

But soon, Iguro managed to calm her down.

Inosuke was running, Tanjiro and Zenitsu followed him.

"Wait, Inosuke!!"
Tanjiro said.

"Wait for us!!"
Zenitsu said.

"Catch me if you can! HAHAHA!"
Inosuke was looking at them as he ran.

He suddenly tripped and fell with a thud.


Zenitsu and Tanjiro finally caught up with him.

"Inosuke! Are you okay?"
Tanjiro asked.

Zenitsu shushed him.

"What happened?"
Tanjiro whispered.

Zenitsu pointed towards Sanemi and Giyuu who were sitting together.

Zenitsu and Tanjiro hid behind a bush immediately.

Inosuke stood up, but Zenitsu pulled him back.

"Stay quiet!"
Zenitsu whispered.

Inosuke whispered back.

Zenitsu showed Inosuke how Sanemi and Giyuu sat together.

Inosuke said.

Both Tanjiro and Zenitsu shushed him.

The three decided to spy on Sanemi and Giyuu.

I'm feeling so nervous! Why? Just why?
Sanemi thought.

Giyuu slowly rested his head on Sanemi's shoulder.

"What!? Weren't they enemies?"
Zenitsu whispered.

"M-Maybe they're friends now!"
Tanjiro assured Zenitsu.

"I think they're going to fight now!"
Inosuke said.

Tanjiro looked at him.

"Giyuu, here."
Sanemi said as he handed something to Giyuu.

"What is it?"
Giyuu asked as he looked at it.

His eyes widened as it was the red bow.

"Why did you-"
Giyuu looked at Sanemi.

"You said you liked it..."
Sanemi looked at the sky.

"... So I bought it."
He said.

Giyuu looked at the red bow in his hand once again.

His eyes became watery as it reminded him of his sister.

Teardrops fell on the bow. Sanemi noticed them.

"Giyuu! What happened? You don't like it? It's my fault! I'm sorry!"
Sanemi panicked.

Giyuu said.

"It's not your fault, I'm happy!"
Giyuu added, looking at Sanemi with a smile.

"Are you sure?"
Sanemi asked.

Giyuu nodded.

"Oh god! And I thought that I made you cry. Don't you scare me like that, you idiot!"
Sanemi hugged him.

"Do you still think they're friends?"
Zenitsu asked.

Tanjiro replied.

"When will they fight?"
Inosuke asked.

Giyuu hugged Sanemi back.

"I'm sorry I scared you..."
He said.

Sanemi let go of Giyuu and kissed him. Giyuu blushed slightly.

Zenitsu fainted and fell on the ground.

"Zenitsu! Are you okay?"
Tanjiro asked.

"This doesn't look like a fight..."
Inosuke said.

Giyuu broke the kiss.

"You surely know how to make me blush..."
Said Giyuu.

"I'm glad to hear that..."
Sanemi replied.

As Zenitsu wasn't waking up, Tanjiro got worried and went to call Shinobu.


With Iguro and Mitsuri:-

Mitsuri had calmed down.

"Shall we go see where the others are now?"
Iguro said.

Mitsuri replied.

The two went to Tengen, Shinobu and Kyojuro.

"Hello, there you are. Mitsuri-San, your eyes look watery, did you just cry?"
Shinobu asked.

"That's none of your business."
Iguro replied.

"Oh it is, if you make her cry, I will not hesitate to poison you..."
Shinobu said as she smiled at Iguro.

"I'm okay!"
Mitsuri said with a smile.

Asked Kyojuro.

"KYAAAA yes yes!!!"
It was as if Mitsuri changed her emotions in seconds.

As they were eating, Tanjiro ran towards them.

He shouted.

"What happened?"
Shinobu asked.

"We need help, Zenitsu fainted!"
He said.

"What! How?"
Shinobu asked.

Unable to lie, Tanjiro had to tell them the truth.

"Umm... Shinazugawa-San and Tomioka-San kissed, therefore... Zenitsu fainted."

They all asked together.

"Umm... Yeah!"
Tanjiro said.

"Take us with you!!!"
Mitsuri squealed.

"Yes, take us!"
Tengen said.

"Oh god, not again..."
Iguro said quietly.

Kyojuro said.

They all followed Tanjiro.

They finally reached and Shinobu took care of Zenitsu.

Everyone quickly hid behind the bush so that Sanemi and Giyuu won't notice them.

"It will be the time of fireworks soon..."
Giyuu said.

"Oh yeah..."
Sanemi said.

Sanemi blushed suddenly.

This is the time Sanemi... This is the time you tell him. Please, just tell him.
Sanemi took a deep breath in.


Giyuu looked at Sanemi.

"You know, there's this thing I wanted to ask you for a long time now..."
Sanemi said.

Giyuu asked.

Sanemi's heart started beating fast.

All the others Hashiras were very silent, all wanting to know what Sanemi was about to ask.

"Y'know... I- I didn't really like you since the time we met. I know you didn't either."
Sanemi said.

"What are you getting a-at?"
Giyuu asked.

Does he mean to say that he wants to end this relationship? It can't be right? Does he hate me? But, I didn't do anything wrong, did I? What did I do? What if he really wants to end it all? No, I can't let that happen! It's wrong!!!
Giyuu thought.

"After we fell in love, I...  suddenly started to feel like I... wanted you, with me, all the time. I never wanted you to go away..."

Giyuu's eyes widened.

"What do you mean?"
Giyuu asked.

"Y'know Giyuu? You are the one I've been waiting for my whole life! And I... I want to be with you forever. I promise that I will keep you happy, forever.
I will do anything to make you happy. Just all I ask in return is that, we stay together, always..."
Sanemi looked at Giyuu with a kind smile and a soft red blush that spread on his face.

Giyuu turned red.

"All I wanted to ask you, is that...

Will you marry me?"
The words finally came out.

Giyuu's heart started beating fast, so fast that it hurt.
He clenched his heart and took deep breaths. His face was all heated up.
Blood dripped down his nose.

"I... I don't know what to say.."
Teardrops fell from his eyes and he hugged Sanemi tightly.

Sanemi could feel Giyuu's heart beat and was shocked.

"Is that a yes-"
Sanemi was interrupted by Giyuu.

"YES! Let's spend the rest of our lives together!"
Giyuu cried a little.

Blood dripped down Giyuu's nose which he wiped off.

The two hugged each other. And, the fireworks started. The sky was filled with colourful, shiny fireworks that looked like magic.

The two looked at the sky together and then, looked at each other with a smile.

Sanemi kissed Giyuu and Giyuu kissed him back.

"How flamboyant..."
Tengen said, his eyes wide open.

"Ara Ara~ indeed..."
Shinobu said.

Mitsuri was silent, she couldn't hold it for long. Her heart started beating fast and her face turned red.

She stood up, "KYAAAAAA!!!!!"
She shouted.

Giyuu and Sanemi turned back to find all of them staring at them. Even, Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke!

Sanemi shouted.

"Calm down, Sanemi..."
Giyuu said.

"Don't forget to call me at your wedding!"
Tengen said with a smirk.

"Shut the fuck up!"
Sanemi said.

"I'm so happy for you, Tomioka-San!"
Tanjiro said.

Giyuu blushed slightly.

Kyojuro said.

"Yes, Finally!"
Inosuke replied.

They all finally had dinner and it was soon time to leave.

"I'm very happy today! But, Shinazugawa-San, if you do anything to Tomioka-San that would hurt his feelings, I will not hesitate to do whatever needs to be done."
Tanjiro said in an eerie tone.

"Tanjiro, I know Shinazugawa-San would never do anything like that, he's very nice."
Giyuu said as he looked at Sanemi.

"And the best partner to ever exist!"
Giyuu said with a smile.

"Ugh... Can we stop these lovey dovey things?"
Inosuke asked.

Everybody laughed and soon, they all went back.


A few years passed.

The Hashiras continued their missions to defeat Muzan.

And, Sanemi and Giyuu did get married.

And that is how, it was proved that the Hashiras of Wind and Water do get along!

                            The end.


So this is the end!!! ✨✨✨

Thank you so much for reading my story, I'm so happy you made it till here!!! I love you.💗

Bad things always come to an end and so did my story!😂😂😂

I lost motivation a lot of times in the middle of the story but a few people's comments made me feel so much better.

I would like to thank these amazing people!

TraineeNovelist for reading this story since the start and being so supportive, I love you!💖

GayZelda for helping me and being an amazing friend, love you!💞

Tomioka_isemo for reading this story since the very start, ilysm!✨

GiyuuIsSoHotIstg Your comments made me feel so much better always, love you bestie!!!!💕

AveryRulezz A cool person, I love you!💖

astarrysoiree I'VE GOT NO WORDS, I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!!!❤️❤️

Jadethedaemos25 You're amazing!! Ilysm!










Because, I love you!!!

Word count:- 4824 words!

Let's end this long ass chapter with a legendary,


Let's meet again, but for now...

Byeeeeeee 👋😊

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