It was the next morning.
The weather was really pleasant, exactly like Sanemi's mood. He woke up early, taking a bath and having his breakfast.
As soon as Shinobu walked out of the room with the dishes, he sat on the bed, staring into blank space as he thought about Giyuu.
I can't wait to see Tomioka...
He smiled at his own thoughts.
"Just... Just what would his reaction be?"
His smile widened as he imagined Giyuu hugging him again.
Chuckling to himself a little, he finally stood up. His heart was racing when he even thought about confessing his feelings to Giyuu.
I-I'll be fine, really... Just calm down.
He would tell himself.
He looked around himself one last time to check if Shinobu's there. He didn't want her to catch him leaving.
He knew he had agreed on staying in the Mansion for the upcoming day as well.
He took a deep breath in.
"Guess it's time to go..."
He muttered softly, walking up to the front door.
Tomioka... Just- just how would you react? I just hope you don't tell me that you hate me...
Wait. What if he did say that!? No, no, I can't... I need to think positive. Calm down, Sanemi... I need to tell him how I really feel! I can't keep lying to him this way!
He shook his head, letting out a deep sigh as he looked at the door.
As soon as he opened it to walk out, Shinobu stopped him.
"Where are you going, Shinazugawa-San?"
She stared at him for a while before sighing softly.
"You want to go out again? I told you that you could go wherever you want tomorrow-"
"Don't worry about me, Kocho... I'm really fine."
He looked at her, his voice reassuring.
"...And thanks, for taking care of me all this while."
He smiled, his voice softer than before.
Shinobu stared into his eyes, concern etched over her features.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes I am."
He smiled at her once again.
Shinobu smiled back, stepping closer and taking in the sight of Sanemi walking, talking and working again.
"Take care of yourself now... Okay?"
Sanemi gave her a quick nod before he stepped out.
"I'll be off."
He didn't look back when he left, but his ears remained attuned to Shinobu's soft voice calling out to him.
"Take care, Shinazugawa-San!"
He looked at the sky, which was pretty clear. The weather was slowly getting a bit cooler too.
The weather is amazing today... Exactly like Tomioka...
A faint smile played on his lips as he walked to Giyuu's Estate.
Giyuu was in his bedroom, looking out of the window as he thought of Sanemi.
"Ne, Kanzaburou... Do you think he'll be here to take me? Or should I go see him?"
He asked.
"Just wait till he arrives, Giyuu... Don't be so impatient and restless."
Giyuu let out a low grunt as he stretched his arms.
"Just how do I make him remember the past!"
He sat on the bed, hugging his pillow as he thought about the ways he could do it. Unable to think of any, he burried his face in the pillow, grunting softly.
"What can I do?"
He asked, his voice muffled.
"Just give him some proof, Giyuu..."
Giyuu pulled his face away from the pillow looking at his crow.
"You could show him the note that he had given you, I don't understand why you haven't done that yet... He would definitely remember the past."
Giyuu's eyes widened.
"That's right... But where did I keep it?"
He searched all over the room, unable to find it.
Panicked, he looked around everywhere in the Mansion.
"I... I can't find it."
He muttered, sulking over the lost note.
Where did I keep it...?
He couldn't help but think about it again and again.
"Maybe you have kept it somewhere where you always keep your valuable things, like your charm."
Kanzaburou said.
Giyuu sighed softly.
"I don't keep my valuable things in a specific place, I always carry them around. They're always with me..."
He said, sitting on the bed.
"The charm too, it's in my pocket-"
Giyuu gasped softly, his eyes widening.
"Wait! The note... It's in my pocket too!"
His face lit up with joy.
"Thank you... Thank you, Kanzaburou!"
He smiled wide.
"Don't mention it..."
"Now I just need to show him this and make him remember!"
Giyuu sighed out softly, relieved at the thought of finally bringing his old Sanemi back.
After a short while, Sanemi arrived at Giyuu's place, his face set in a determined expression as he approached the front door.
He had been looking forward to this walk with Giyuu, and he didn't want his nerves to show. His extreme excitement and nervousness over confessing to Giyuu alone made his heart pound inside of his chest.
Finally, after a few deep breaths, he knocked on the door.
Is it him...?
Giyuu wondered as he eagerly ran to the door, opening it at once.
His eyes sparkled at the sight of him, his heart beating faster than ever. He blushed softly, smiling with excitement and enthusiasm as he pulled Sanemi into a tight embrace.
Sanemi's heart skipped a beat as Giyuu hugged him tightly and he couldn't help but stiffen in surprise before he slowly wrapped his arms around Giyuu as well.
He took a deep breath, inhaling the sweet scent of Giyuu's dark hair and savoring the warmth of his embrace.
"I was wondering when you'd arrive!"
Giyuu slowly pulled away from the hug, his eyes meeting Sanemi's.
Sanemi's voice cracked slightly as he replied,
"I-I got here as soon as I could, Tomioka. I'm sorry if I kept you waiting for too long."
Giyuu's eyes widened.
"N-No... it's not like that, I was just... really missing you."
He said, his cheeks flushing red.
Sanemi's eyes softened slightly at his words, and he reached a hand up to gently cup his cheek.
"I-I missed you too, Tomioka... it's just, Kocho stopped me on my way here. But anyways, l-let's go for a walk, shall we?"
Giyuu nodded, a small smile escaping his lips as he stepped closer.
Sanemi blushed, his hand reaching over to hold Giyuu's as he intertwined their fingers together.
"Let's go..."
Giyuu blushed more as he nodded.
Sanemi led him out of his Estate and towards the Bamboo forest, a gentle smile on his face. As they stepped out, he wrapped an arm around Giyuu's shoulders, pulling him closer.
Giyuu was caught off guard, but he leaned closer to him, exhaling softly.
Sanemi nuzzled his nose against the top of Giyuu's head, his breath rustling his hair.
"I'm glad we're doing this, Tomioka. Just the two of us."
His voice was low and soft, sending shivers down Giyuu's spine.
The heavy feeling in his heart that wanted to confess to Giyuu, grew more and more.
"I... I'm glad too, Shinazugawa-San..."
Giyuu's cheeks flushed a deep shade of red as his breath hitched in his throat.
Sanemi's heartbeat quickened as Giyuu spoke, the butterflies in his stomach growing more intense. He glanced down at him, a small smile on his face.
"Y-You can just call me Sanemi if you want... I don't mind."
Giyuu's eyes widened, he looked up at him, his blush deepening.
He swallowed hard, looking down at his own feet.
"U-Um... isn't it disrespectful...?"
Sanemi shook his head lightly.
"N-No, it's not... We're friends after all."
His voice was soft, and his hand on Giyuu's shoulder gently squeezed in reassurance. He wanted to tell him about his feelings.
Giyuu looked up at him again, his heart racing inside his chest.
"Th-Then you should call me Giyuu too!" He blushed softly, stuttering with each word.
"I-It's better than calling me Tomioka all the time..."
Sanemi laughed gently, the sound easy on Giyuu's ears. He tightened his hold on him, pulling him into his side as he nodded.
"Alright then, from now, I'll call you Giyuu. Does that sound good?"
He asked.
Giyuu nodded, his blush deepening even more now.
Sanemi couldn't get enough of seeing Giyuu blush. He smiled, his heart pounding in his chest.
He whispered the name, testing out the way it felt on his lips.
Giyuu smiled at him, his eyes sparkling at the sound of his name on Sanemi's lips.
"It sounds better when it's coming from you..."
Sanemi's heart skipped a beat at the comment, he leaned closer, a faint smile escaping his lips.
"Wh-Why don't you try calling me by my first name now?"
Giyuu's eyes widened, a small smile playing on his lips as his gaze shifted to his own feet.
Sanemi's eyes softened, and he gently lifted Giyuu's chin with his fingers, making him meet his gaze again.
"Say it again, Giyuu."
His voice was low and husky, his eyes burning with intensity.
Giyuu's blush deepened as he looked deep into his eyes.
Sanemi's face was inches closer to Giyuu's now, his breath whispering against his lips.
He whispered Giyuu's name back, his eyes never leaving his. His heart started beating fast, the need to confess his feelings towards Giyuu growing more and more.
Giyuu could feel the warmth of Sanemi's body radiating, his cheeks flushing bright red.
Sanemi's gaze intensified, his eyes roaming over Giyuu's face as if committing every detail to memory.
He leaned in closer, his lips almost touching his.
He whispered, the name a prayer, a confession, a plea.
A strong gush of wind blew, the sounds of bamboos hitting each other feeling almost... Musical.
Giyuu's pupils dilated, his heart beating extremely fast, faster than ever before. He stared deep into Sanemi's purple eyes with extreme warmth, longing and eagerness. The undying love he had for him, growing more and more in the moment.
"I love you..."
With a faint smile, Sanemi's face inched closer, his eyes fluttering shut as he finally pressed his lips against Giyuu's in a slow, soft and gentle kiss. His hands came up to wrap around his waist as his heart hammered inside his chest.
His heart, that felt like it was going to burst out of his chest, a surge of joy bubbling up inside him.
Giyuu closed his eyes shut, his arms wrapping around Sanemi's neck as he whimpered softly. His face was fuming red, his heart swelling up with extreme joy and love.
Feeling Giyuu's arms wrap around his neck, Sanemi's heart warmed up too, his own hands tightening their grip around Giyuu's waist.
He gradually deepened the kiss, pouring all his feelings into this moment, every unsaid words and emotions he felt for Giyuu.
As the overwhelming feelings, the unconditional love and the fuming desire for Sanemi grew more intense, Giyuu's arms fell back, his body surrendering to him as his lips parted slowly.
Sanemi's tongue sweeped into his mouth, exploring every inch and tasting the sweetness of his lips.
He groaned softly into the kiss, the sound muffled by Giyuu's mouth. His grip tightened around Giyuu, as if he never wanted him to leave.
After eventually pulling away from the kiss, the two looked at each other, panting heavily as they noticed a string of saliva connecting their tongues.
Giyuu swallowed hard, hugging him tightly.
Sanemi pressed a soft kiss on the top of his head, his smile widening at the thought of finally claiming Giyuu as his.
"I'm sorry I took too long to admit it..."
He paused abruptly, rubbing his hand gently against Giyuu's back.
"I love you, Giyuu... I didn't even realise, but as time slowly passed by, I felt more and more... attached to you..."
He smiled, his heart swelling up with love. He tightened his grip around Giyuu as he continued.
"Now... Now that I look back, I realise that I really was going crazy for you."
Giyuu's face fumed red as he pulled away from the hug, his eyes filled with tears. "Y-You... have no idea how much I wanted to hear that from you..."
Sanemi's eyes widened as he saw the tears rolling down Giyuu's cheeks, a pang of guilt hitting him. He quickly pulled him back into a tight hug.
"Giyuu, I'm so sorry for not saying it sooner... I was too stubborn, too scared to admit how I felt..."
Giyuu sighed out, smiling softly. "Shinazugawa-San... I... it's alright..."
He eventually pulled away, looking at Sanemi's worried face. He chuckled softly.
"Wh-What're you laughing for...?"
Sanemi asked, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
Giyuu smiled warmly as he cupped his cheek.
"I-It's just how... caring you are... Shinazu- I mean, Sanemi..."
He blushed softly before continuing.
"I just... wanted you to know..."
He leaned closer.
"...that you're loved by me too!"
He kissed Sanemi softly on the cheek.
Sanemi's heart skipped a beat as he felt his soft lips on his cheek. He couldn't help but blush, a warm feeling spreading in his chest. He smiled in relief as he took in Giyuu's words, the worry fading away.
He cupped Giyuu's face gently, wiping away the tears that had spilled onto his cheeks.
"If I could turn back time, I would definitely regret each day that I wasted being stubborn..."
Giyuu smiled at him warmly.
"Y-You don't have to... The fact that we have spent so much time together in the past, I think I would cherish every single moment."
Sanemi's eyes softened at the words, his hands caressing Giyuu's cheek gently.
"I'm grateful that we could spend all that time together too, Giyuu."
He took Giyuu's hands and squeezed them, his heart feeling full at the thought of being with him.
"Would you be by my side, always?"
Giyuu nodded, stepping closer.
He sighed out as he squeezed Sanemi's hand back too.
"All I would want to ask in return is that... You never leave me, ever."
Sanemi chuckled, leaning closer.
"I won't even talk about leaving!"
He looked into Giyuu's eyes, holding his hands tighter.
"Let's make a promise, to always be by each other's side."
Giyuu nodded in response, his grip on his hands tightening too.
"I promise."
The two wrapped their arms around each other into a warm embrace, closing their eyes as they relaxed...
Feeling each other's heartbeat.
I wish they're always together<3
My babies 💚💙
Alright, see you in the next chapter!
(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
Goodbye! 🍩💕
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