[6] - Analogical - Lazy Morning
Warnings: disgustingly soft, once again its just cuddles
Prompt 16: free (can be used several times, can reuse prompts already written)
Virgil was not a morning person, far from, but waking up in the late morning on the weekends (ten as earliest) was still Virgil's favorite times of the week. And if anyone was less of a morning person than Virgil it was his husband, who was the very reason why mornings didn't suck.
He was usually dead to the world until noon, if he had to get up before that he had to be revived with the promise of coffee. And he was definitely not easy to get out of bed, which didn't matter on the weekends.
Now, today, it was half past ten and the sun had been shining right into Virgil's eyes, which is what he would get if he forgot to pull the curtains over the window before bed.
He gave up on sleep, because he was far too lazy to get up and move the curtains, and as he had rolled over he had been faced with the wonderful sight of his husband, still fast asleep with the covers pulled up over his nose, barely showing more than his hair and his forehead.
It made Virgil smile and stick his hand out from the covers to reach up and run his fingers through his already messy hair, messing it up even more, before tugging slightly on his covers to actually get to see his pretty face.
"Morning, L." He said, well aware that Logan wouldn't hear him. He shuffled closer, kissing his forehead and then abandoning his own covers in favour of crawling in under Logan's.
"You know you're really adorable, right?" He mumbled, a statement that normally would have Logan huffing and trying to disagree. Logan might be asleep, but Virgil still counted it as a win.
He pressed another kiss to Logan's forehead, squeezing him tight in a lingering hug before reaching up and poking his cheek.
No reaction at all.
Virgil watched the red thread neatly tied around his ring finger, tangling it around his fingers and pulling a little at it.
Once the string had just been a constant reminder about his anxiety inducing future (because, well, of course everything unknown was anxiety inducing), but now it just showed that he really belonged together with the smartest, most wonderful and most stubborn man he had ever met.
He searched for Logan's hand, entwining their fingers and kissing his knuckles, then pressing his lips to the ring that was resting just above the red string of fate.
Virgil ran a finger along the sort-of-physical red string that connected them both. He could touch it, pull it, tie knots with it, pull on his soulmate's hand, whatever someone might want to do with a string.
Though it was only visible to him and his soulmate, no one else could touch it or see it and when the two of them were apart the string would cut through buildings and people and cars as if they, or the string, didn't exist at all, everything except the ground.
It would just be unfair if someone's thread cut through the planet, much more difficult to follow. Though, of course, it could still be really difficult finding soulmates.
Luckily for Virgil it had been fairly easy. They'd met pretty early, in college, first day of classes. He had walked into class a few minutes late and sat down on a chair in the back and then immediately almost fallen off it as he and the person sitting next to him had realized their threads connected.
It had been surprisingly easy for Virgil to fall for Logan. He would have never thought it the first time he met Logan, that they would fit so well together, that he would fall so hard for Logan in just a few weeks.
Virgil cuddled closer to Logan, thinking back to when they first got to know each other and how awkward and nervous they both were, and when he had realized he had feelings for Logan, and their first dates and first I love you's. He wondered what he would have thought if anyone would have told him back when he met Logan that he would be married to him only three years later.
He kissed the tip of Logan's nose, watching his nose scrunch slightly. A small sign of life. He kissed his cheek and his chin, placing kisses wherever it was possible for him to until Logan eyelids fluttered a little and he shifted, which Virgil knew meant Logan was somewhat conscious.
"Morning, sunshine." Virgil said with a grin as Logan frowned and buried his face in Virgil's t-shirt. Virgil wormed his hand in under Logan's sleep shirt, rubbing slow circles into his back and kissing his hair.
"Come on, wake up and give your soulmate attention." He coaxed, which made Logan mumble something that probably no one could have understood and throw an arm around Virgil's middle to cuddle closer.
"What was that?" He asked, to which Logan replied with equally incomprehensible mumbles. Virgil huffed, smiling to himself.
"You have to, probably, open your mouth if you're going to speak, L." He said, not thinking that Logan's efforts so far counted as attention.
"Love you." Logan mumbled and then shushed him, placing a fumbling hand on Virgil's face, only his thumb actually ending up over his mouth. Virgil did the only sane thing and left a little kiss on the pad of Logan's thumb before pushing his hand away.
"Love you too, now how about coffee and crofters and waking up properly?" Virgil negotiated, and Logan hummed a little, clearly not really listening, still not fully conscious. He rolled his eyes at Logan who was behaving as he always did, sleepy and grumpy.
Virgil pulled on the string, lifting Logan's hand a little, then lowering it down, then lifting it up, which he amused himself with for a minute while wondering why it was that the red string of fate stayed the same length sometimes and stretched out or shrunk other times. It seemed to always know what was needed.
Logan grabbed the string with his other hand, stopping Virgil from continuing. He opened his eyes slightly, squinting at Virgil but apparently not caring to reach for his glasses.
"We could stay in bed all day." Logan mumbled and took Virgil's hand, their red string barely being a string at all when they were holding hands with the hands the string was connected to, it just looked like someone had made an eight or two around their fingers with the red string.
"Yeah, but we shouldn't. We're meeting Pat and Ro for lunch, right?" Virgil reminded him as he was sure Logan didn't remember, his brain usually only working on about five percent this soon after waking up. Virgil rolled over onto his side, watching as Logan blinked in confusion before an expression of realization showed on his face.
"Ah. Right." He said, sounding a tad disappointed, although Virgil knew that they were both equally excited to finally see their friends. They hadn't seen them since they got married which, to be fair, was only a few weeks ago, but still.
Logan pulled Virgil closer, kissing him on the mouth, somewhat chaste but still so gentle. Virgil sighed, kissing him again and smiling against his husband's lips.
"Hm?" Logan wondered, one of his fingertips trailing along Virgil's bottom lip.
"I just like waking up with you." Virgil said, placing a hand on Logan's waist, giving him an affectionate squeeze. "Makes mornings pretty nice."
Logan blinked a little, processing his words before smiling for the first time that morning, which was always a precious sight.
"Oh. Well, I agree. You know, you're much more pleasant than my alarm." Logan said, tilting his head a little to let his lips brush Virgil's cheek.
"I'd hope so." Virgil rolled onto his back, Logan still clinging to him, now resting his head on Virgil's chest. He tangled his fingers in Logan's hair, gently brushing them through his mess of a bed head, and for a while neither of them said anything, just enjoying each others silent company.
Virgil watched Logan play a little with the string that went from the hand Virgil had in his hair and the hand Logan had just placed on Virgil's chest, rolling it between his fingers and smiling a little to himself.
Honestly, Virgil never got tired of seeing that the two of them were connected. Sometimes he wondered if they still would have found each other if they did not have the red string to guide them. Would he have taken one look at Logan and judged him to be a boring nerd that wouldn't want to talk to someone like Virgil? Or would they still have realized how well they fit together?
The thought of a life without Logan just made him feel bad, so he quickly disregarded that thought, instead focusing on the feeling of Logan's soft hair between his fingers and his weight on Virgil's chest, the slight movement with every breath. There were few better places to be.
"Maybe we can be just a little late for lunch?" Logan suggested, which was a very tempting proposal. Virgil definitely wouldn't mind cuddling for an hour and a half more, maybe put some show on their bedroom tv, have breakfast in bed.
"Maybe just a little. I can text Pat that we'll meet, like, thirty minutes later instead?" Virgil said, easily caving. People who saw him and Logan probably wouldn't think either of them were very cuddly but, damn it, he couldn't resist it.
"Perfect." Logan patted his hand a little on Virgil's chest, his eyes slipping shut. There was no doubt in Virgil's mind that Logan would be asleep again within five minutes unless he put on an episode of Doctor Who on the tv.
"Mhm." Virgil hummed in agreement, not wanting to move away from Logan to reach for the remote just yet.
This was definitely perfect.
Written: 5th, 6th September 2021
Published: 9th September 2021
Words: 1664
Extra info: patton and roman met when they were like 5, virgil met patton and then roman in like middle school, virgil and logan got married like right after graduating college because they were both like why not
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