Jolly Sailor Bold (LoganxPatton & RomanxVirgil)
I know, I know. I'm sorry! I watched Pirates of the a Caribbean! And I didn't intend for it to be soooo long!
Wanting : Death, slightly swearing!
Mermaid and Pirate AU!
Patton sat on top of sharp rocks his fin slightly in the water, looking amongst the crashing waves, humming a toon he had heard some men on a ship sing.
"Yo ho, yo ho, a pirates life for me. We pillage plunder, we rifle and loot. Drink up me hearties, yo ho. We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot. Drink up me hearties, yo ho!-"
"Patton, quit singing."
Patton turned and smiled upon seeing his friend, "hi Virge."
Virgil had a purple tail, with a large, magnificent fin that was a darker purple at the tips and nearly twice the size of the merman. The tips of his hair was purple as well as his eyes, however he had a naturally dark under eye.
Patton was more bright. He had a baby blue tail who's fin was half the size of Virgil's. He had dark blue dots going up his fin and the tips of his hair was also a light blue as well as his eyes, though he had glasses as well.
"You keep that up, you'll lure sailors into the rocks."
Patton sighed, he loved to sing, "how did you hear me? You was deep down below..."
"I can always hear you Pat, you have the nicest voice in the world."
"Quiet Virge." Smiled the older merman.
Virgil crossed his arms upon the rock and rested his head on his arms, "are you hungry?"
Patton glared, "I'm starving, but I'm not eating sailors."
"I meant fish... For you, and only you... cause I like sailors." Virgil laughed, diving under the water, followed by Patton.
Patton shoved him, "why do I put up with you?"
"I'm not sure." Laughed the darker one.
Meanwhile, on the sea sailed a large ship, with black sails and decaying wood.
"Roman? Why would you choose this job?" A man with glasses, a black polo shirt and dark blue tie asked.
A man was a red shirt, brown pants and black shoes sighed, "to make sure we were provided, Logan."
Logan and Roman has been pirates since they where fifteen, when their parents cut them off for wanting jobs that seemed like fantasies, which they now were. They had been friends since they met at the age of five and did everything together.
Logan hates this life, he hated when they caught prisoners and when Roman had to drink to blend in and he hated seeing death all around him. He was more of a book worm who knew everything.
Roman didn't like this life either. He at one point wanted to be a knight, a royal guard, protecting the king and prince and princess... But, that dream vanished once he was on the streets with Logan, he was more of a hero then a bad guy. He even helped some prisoners escape when he could.
"The king and his men, stole the queen from her bed, and bound her in her Bones. The seas be ours, and by the powers, where we will we'll roam."
Roman looked up from out of the deck and frowned, "who's singing?"
Most of the pirates looked up confused now, and the Captain, Captain Dee, was entranced by the singing, "I don't know lads... but I be thinking it be a-"
"Mermaid." Logan finished, noticing how all of the men where now entranced by the singing, himself was included as he walked up to the barrier.
Dee made a sudden turn to follow the voice.
"The bell has been raised, from it's watery grave, hear it's sepulchral tone. A call to all, pay head the squall, and turn your sail to home."
Patton was resting his head on a rock, frowning and singing.
Virgil had a small accident and he gave the merman credit. He was trying for Patton's sake but still, it upset him when Virgil ate a human.
Dee arrived, seemingly unnoticed by the merman, who was now frowning in sadness.
The Captain threw Roman a net that was connected to a pole that would the merman up. The young pirate caught it and frowned, looking down.
Taking a hesitant breath, he threw the net, successfully capturing the merman, who hissed in fear and thrashed as he was pulled up, when he got to the deck the Captain moved forward.
"He will cost us a fortune! Especially his tears!" He laughed, making the crew laugh with Roman and Logan laughing forcefully.
Dee threw a large damp cloth on Patton's tail and allowed for the crew to hoist the merman into the air.
Patton grabbed the ropes in fear, "let me go! Please!"
"Roman, Logan, keep an eye on him."
The crew stared at the merman before going back to their duties as the two friends walked to eye level of the merman, who was hoisted to the third level, in the air still.
Patton backed up best he could and his breathing sped up, "p-please don't kill me."
Roman frowned, "of course not! I'm Roman."
"I am Logan."
The merman stared with wide eyes like a deer caught in headlights, his innocent, shiny, baby blue eyes reflected his innocence.
"We won't hurt you." Logan said, feeling guilty towards the beautiful man.
'He really is gorgeous. I know that's probably just mermaid enchantment... but he is still amazing...' Logan couldn't help but find the merman extremely attractive and he found himself wanting to kiss him, as stupid and dumb as it sounds.
Roman leaned against the barrier and smirked, seeing the love struck face on his friend, "you ok, Lo?"
"Shut up..." Logan found himself blushing and looking down.
"W-Where am I?"
The two men looked up, seeing the merman's worried and confused face, looking at them.
"Tangled Seaweed. It's a pirate ship." Roman replied, making the merman freak out further.
But, Logan held up his arms to show he meant no harm, "you have a beautiful voice."
Patton blushed, "t-thank you... I wasn't intending to enchant anyone... I just sorta happened."
Logan refrained from correcting the term 'sorta' and instead, "in a way I'm glad it did- not that I mean- I mean! Well- I'm not happy you're stuck here! I'm happy I met you!- though I wish it was under differ- better circumstances!"
"Smooth." Roman said, his arms crossed and rolled his eyes.
Patton looked down, he wanted to get home, back to Virgil- "Virgil!" He shouted in realisation.
The merman has no idea where he was and he might have a panic attack and his anxiety will act up!
"Who?" Asked Logan, feeling an uncomfortable churning feeling in his stomach and his heart dropping and lump in his throat, his hands clenched.
Patton tugged at his hair, "m-my friend! H-he'll be freaking out!!!"
"There's more?" Asked Logan, in slight shock.
"No!" Shouted Patton in a panic, "no of course not!"
Logan looked to Roman, "I'll watch him."
Roman hesitated and sighed, "fine." He left.
"I won't hunt them, I assure you."
Patton however, did not believe him. Patton rubbed the damp cloth on his tail, no enjoying the fact he was trapped and couldn't swim.
"Would you like anything?" Logan asked, almost reluctantly considering most mermaids like to eat sailors.
Logan's head shot up, "y-you eat fish?"
"Yeah... I don't like humans for a meal... I'm what my friend classes as a 'vegan'... an inside joke..."
Logan rushed off and grabbed the biggest fish he could find and went back to Patton, "here."
He held up the fish as high as he could reach as the merman reached down and took it off the pirate.
He ate slowly as Logan watched on in fascination.
Logan blinked, "I'm sorry?"
"My name... it's Patton..."
Logan spent the night with Patton who began to ease up around the man, Logan asked questions about mermaid and mermen and who this Virgil was and how they lived.
"Logan! Get moving!" Shouted a rough voice.
"Yes sir." Logan rushed off in the early hours of the morning, letting the rough pirate, Terrence, take over.
"How was he?" Asked Roman, coming out from his chambers and stretching.
Logan smiled, "he's adorable."
Roman watched in confusion as Logan left into the chambers to sleep, he was not expecting his calm, collective and intelligent friend to fall in love so easily.
Roman again heard singing, coming from the merman. He rushed up the steps to the net and saw the Terrence asleep in a trance.
"Alright, what the hell?!"
Patton frowned, "I need to get out, I'm calling a friend!" He coughed, beginning to sing.
"My heart is pierced by Cupid, I disdain all glittering gold, there is nothing can console me, but my jolly sailor bold."
Patton stopped and Roman glared, "nice try, trying to entice m-"
"Come all you pretty fair maids, whoever you may be, who love a jolly sailor, that plows the raging sea."
That was a completely different voice, that came from the waters. Roman rushed over and saw a merman with purple hair and a purple tail.
Virgil was looking up in confusion but froze upon seeing the man in red.
Roman didn't budge or run like Virgil expected, "y-you're Virgil..."
"I am..."
Patton smiled, "Virgil!"
Virgil glared at Roman and was about to sing again, until a laugh was heard. To the left of Roman stood Captain Dee.
Virgil backed up and hissed warningly.
"Well done Roman!" The Captain smirked and patted the pirates back, who looked guilty more then usual, "get that one."
Virgil backed up slightly and glared, "I'll be back!" He swam off quickly and Roman, let him.
"Roman!" Shouted the Captain, gripping the boys collar roughly, "you let him get away!"
"I-I didn't mean to sir!" Roman gulped.
The Captain growled and punched Romans cheek, so hard the young pirate fell to the ground and whimpered slightly.
"I'm sure you didn't."
Patton frowned, "hey! Leave him alone, he said it was an accident!"
"Quiet you! Or else, I'll leave you out to dry up!" The Captain shouted, making the merman gulp, "get to work!"
The crew went in their own directions and began their duties as Roman watched over Patton, "so, that was Virgil?"
"Yes, why?"
Scratching his neck, Roman asked, "is he gay...?"
"Very... and single."
Roman blushed, he was crushing on a merman he just met. He hadn't even really talked to him, no wonder his parents joked he was a Disney Prince.
Patton looked down, "please let me out..."
Roman sighed, "trust me, I would if I could."
The ship pulled up to shore and everyone got down, Logan cut the merman loose and placed him in a large container, he filled it up with seawater.
It barely fit Patton in, he had to tuck his tail slightly and lay on his back. He pressed his hand to the glass, frowning and Logan placed his hand over his behind the glass, "I promise I'll find a way to free you..."
Dee shut the lid harshly and pulled Logan away, "Roman, Terrence! Carry him."
Roman frowned as he and the pirate picked up the container and began their journey.
"Where are we going?" Asked Roman, annoyed and angry, his cheek now red and sore from the punch.
Captain Dee looked at him, "we're finding treasure, it's said to be surrounded by mermaids and mermen. With this one in our grasp, he can warn us when one is near. We'll grab em and sell their tears and bodies!"
Patton glared, 'I won't... You'll never know, I'll make sure of it.' He thought, he knew if he heard any other merman or maid, he'd screech out, but he would refrain from doing so.
Dee was angry Patton hadn't cried yet, he needed it to get into the treasure.
They continued to walk when the stopped at a large bridge, looking down towards the heavy water currents.
Patton's eyes widened, his chest got tight and suddenly it was hard to breath, he tried to push open the lid, but couldn't. His first thought was, 'I'm going to die!'
Luckily, Logan turned around, "quickly you need to open the container!"
Terrance rolled his eyes, "fat chance."
Logan grabbed Romans sword and shoved it in between the lid on the body of the container and turn it so it was held open.
Patton gasped, taking in the air, Roman hadn't realised that he gave the container to someone named Tylan and had started to look over the edge of the cliff.
"You said you needed him alive." Logan said, cooly to the Captain who was glaring.
Dee took out the sword, which was replaced by one of Logan's books, making Patton frown in confusion, looking at the intelligent man.
Logan looked back, he knew he had to get Patton out.
Virgil had been following the ship and crew and poked his head out from the water, only to see the same pirate in red from the first time.
Roman saw Virgil and stared, gripped by his beauty, he lay on his stomach, happy the reach between them wasn't that large and happy that his crew was busy.
"I'm Roman..." The pirate didn't know why he said that, but he did.
Virgil's eyes widened, he wasn't expecting that, but something about this pirate, there's something sweet about him, "uhh, Virgil..."
Roman leaned in closer, forgetting the dangers of merman and mermaids, but mainly because he seemed to trust him, he didn't know why he did, he just had a gut feeling.
"Y-Yeah I know... Uh, that's a beautiful name." Romans' eyes widened and covered his mouth, "did I say that out loud?"
Virgil blushed and chuckled slightly, "you did..." Virgil had forgotten the main reason for being here, the only thing on his mind now was the pirate in front of him.
Patton looked up, he sensed the merman, more specifically, Virgil and Logan picked up on this.
So, Logan decided to help, "we should get moving."
Dee looked at Logan, "shut ya mouth! Lets go! Roman! Get away from the ledge!"
Roman looked away from the gorgeous man in front of him, "will I see you again?"
Virgil smiled, "tonight at midnight." Virgil went underwater as Roman stood up and walked to the Captain, picking up Patton's container.
They continued walking, with Logan staying close to Patton, who was looking up at Logan.
They eventually had to rest as night was closing in. Logan made a fire out of wood.
"What's that?"
Logan looked to Patton who was tilting his head curiously.
"It's fire..."
"What's it do?" He asked.
Logan chuckled, "it's used to warm people up and to light the area."
Patton smiled, "it's pretty."
"But dangerous, it can hurt you." Logan said, as Roman got up, "where are you going?"
"Doesn't matter." He replied, as he walked off towards a body of water.
Roman lay down and leaned over the side, "Virgil?"
Virgil rose his head out of the water, "hello Roman."
The pirate smiled, "how are you?"
"I'm nervous..." Virgil felt scared, "is Patton ok?"
Roman nodded, "he is."
"Can't you let him go?"
Sighed, Roman traced the water, "I would if I could, but if I do, Dee will kill Logan. That's why I don't do anything wrong, he's threatened to kill my brother and I won't let it... I'm sorry Virgil-"
"Don't be! If it was me I would do the same as you." Virgil said, gripping Romans hand.
Roman blushed, he wasn't expecting this, but dear god did he love it, "they're planning on selling Patton and his tears... after we find the treasure-"
"Please, don't let them." Virgil begged.
Roman caressed his cheek, "I shall try my best..."
"What treasure are you looking for?"
"The treasure Fortitudo." Roman replied, making Virgil's eyebrow raise.
"That what's Captain Remy's after too."
Roman scoffed, "of course he is, anything that Dee is after, Remy follows."
Virgil sighed, his arms resting on the rocks, his chin on his arms, "you're not like other humans. And I shouldn't even be talking to you, I'll be killed."
"So, that means Patton-"
"Patton's case is different, he was captured. He'll only be killed if he falls in love."
Roman thought, "I think Logan has fallen in love with him."
Sighing, Virgil looked down, "if Patton falls in love with Logan, get them to fall out of love."
"I shall do my best." Roman replied, "do you sing?"
"I do, why?"
"Sing something?"
Virgil's eyes shone with worry, his eyes now landing upon the reddened cheek, "what happened?" He reached up and caresses the sore cheek, his hand soaking wet.
Roman placed his hand over Virgil's, "don't worry, I'm fine now. The Captain got angry. Just... sing for me, Virgil."
Virgil hesitated, but nodded nonetheless, "upon one summer's morning, I carelessly did stray, down by the Wall of Wapping, where I met a sailor gay, conversing with a bouncing lad, who seem'd to be in pain, saying..." He paused, contemplating if he should change the words slightly, "saying, Roman, when you go, I fear you'll ne'er return again." Roman blushed at the change of lyrics.
"His hair it did in ringlets hang," Virgil's hand made its ways to Romans curled hair and twirled, "his eyes as brown as coins, may happiness attend him wherever he goes, from Tower Hill, down Blackwall, I will wander, weep, and moan, all for my jolly sailor bold, until he does return." Virgil took his hand away, but Roman grabbed it, holding it close.
"My father is a merchant—the truth I now will tell, and in great state Florida in opulence doth dwell. His fortune doth exceed 300,000 in gold." Virgil sang, "and he frowns upon his only son, cause he loves a sailor bold. A fig for his riches, and his merchandise, and gold!"
Virgil knew it was bad, he had known the pirate for a few hours and already he was in love, singing about a love he could never have, "true love is grafted in my heart; give me my sailor bold; should he return in poverty, from o'er the ocean far, onto my tender bosom, I'll fondly press my jolly tar."
Roman was enticed, willingly. How was he crushing on a guy he met less the a few hours ago? Well, not a shock really, it was Virgil after all.
"My sailor is a smiling as the pleasant Month of May," Virgil caressed Romans cheek gently, "and oft we have wandered through Ratcliffe Highway. Where many a pretty blooming man we happy did behold, reclining on the bosom of his jolly sailor bold. Come all you pretty fair men, whoever you may be, who love a jolly sailor bold that ploughs the raging sea."
Virgil leaned up slightly, "while up aloft in storm and gale, from me his absence mourn, and firmly pray, arrive the day, he home will safe return."
Roman leaned down slightly as Virgil continued to sing, "my name it is Virgil, a merchant's one sons fair, and I have left my parents and three thousand dollars a year. My heart is pierced by Cupid, I disdain all glittering gold, there is nothing can console me but my jolly sweet Roman."
Just as Roman was about to kiss him, a net was thrown over Virgil, making him hiss and thrash.
Romans eyes widened, "no! Wait!" He got up and tried to pull Terrance away from Virgil, but to no avail, "let him go!" Terrance shoved Roman to the ground and pulled Virgil ashore.
The merman wriggled and struggled, shaking the water from his tail. However, there in place of his tail, was two legs.
"Well look at this!" Smirked Terrence as Roman rushed to Virgil, getting the net off of him and wrapped his shirt around him, "Captain will be happy to know we have another merman."
Terrence held his sword up, "now get moving to the camp, now!"
Roman glared and stood up, helping Virgil up, who stumbled and didn't know how to proceed without falling, so the pirate picked him up bridal style.
Terrence walked forward, followed by Roman. Upon seeing Patton, Terrence shouted, "Captain! Watch this!"
The Captain noticed the new man and watched as Terrence tipped Patton out of the container, his fin flapping.
"Terrence what the hell?!" Shouted Logan, but stopped once he saw the now dry tail, turn into legs.
Patton stared at Logan as he dropped to the ground and covered the man with his shirt.
"Is that the same with the other one?" Asked the Captain, an evil smirk on his face.
"Yes Captain!"
Dee walked over to Roman, "it's the same one you let get away last time."
Patton looked up, "Virgil?"
"Patton!" Virgil fell out of Romans arms and crawled to Patton and hugged him, "thank Poseidon your ok!"
Patton held him close, "but your not, kiddo!"
"Ah best friends, are you?" Smirked the Captain, which only grew as he saw Patton's grip tighten on Virgil, but his smirk turned until a glare as Virgil hissed at him.
"I don't think the merman knows what happens to people who disobey." Smirked Dee.
Romans eyes widened, "no! Captain, he's new he doesn't know the rules-"
Logan stood in front of the two mermen, "Captain, don't. You hurt either of them and their colony find out, you would start a war!"
The Captain glared, "get rest, they won't be alive for much longer."
They watched as the Captain stalked away and Patton held Virgil closer, "you need to leave, Virge. I can handle myself now I know who I'm up against-"
"You're my father figure, my brother. The only family I have, I won't leave you! Besides, I don't think I'm welcomed back."
Roman rushed over and hugged Virgil, "what was you thinking?"
"I was thinking that I won't let him near Patton."
Patton's eyes widened as he watched Virgil hug back, "Virgil..."
"I know..."
Logan held Patton close, who unknowingly place his head on his shoulder, smiling ever so slightly.
Virgil smiled lightly, the plan on stopping Patton from falling in love now out the window, as he watched the two men lie down, cuddling and falling asleep.
Roman lay down and pulled Virgil will him, cuddling and who was Virgil to disagree?
The next day they was up bright and early and the two mermen tried walking, but was too slow for the Captains liking and so, was carried by Roman and Logan, not like they complained about it.
They soon arrived at small pools with corpses of mermaid and mermen, making Virgil cling to Roman and Patton to hide his face into Logan's chest.
Roman glared as Logan held Patton closer.
"This is what will happen to you, unless you give us a tear." Dee smirked.
Patton whimpered and shook his head, while Virgil glared, "go to Davy Jone's locker!"
The Captain smirked, "Terrence, Tylan? Grab em."
The two grabbed the merman and dragged them to two separate pools.
"No, wait!" Shouted Roman, struggling against a person named Joan.
"Captain, don't do this!" Logan yelled, being held back by a girl named Valarie.
Their hands were tied and both dropped into the water, half submerged, and their wrists tied to the tree stumps.
"Now, since you aren't willingly going to cry, I will make you!" Shouted Dee, smirking as he watched them start to dry out slightly.
Patton was scared and bite his lip while Virgil smirked, "bring it."
Dee smiled, sadistically, "I hoped you say that." The Captain took out his sword and placed it under Romans chin.
"Roman!" Shouted Logan, but Virgil merely laughed.
"You think us mermen and mermaids actually fall in love? Please! We just want to eat them!"
Patton looked to his friend and smirked slightly, calming down ever so slightly, joining in, "quiet amusing of you to think we loved them."
Dee growled, "I should have known! No merman ever falls in love with a human!"
Logan and Roman looked heartbroken, they loved them and they were played with and once Virgil and Patton saw, they wanted to take it back, but to be they couldn't.
"Well, I'll kill them anyway." Dee said, making Roman growl and struggle.
"What?" Asked Patton, his act dropping, a tear forming in his eyes.
Virgil's eyes widened as Dee put a gun to Logan's head, who's eyes widened in fear.
"Logan! Dee, please don't!" Shouted Roman.
Patton hissed, "let him go!!!"
Laughing, Dee turned to Patton, "I knew you loved him and now I'll get that tear!"
Virgil snarled, it was now or never, "upon one summer's morning, I carelessly did stray, down by the Wall of Wapping, where I met a sailor gay, conversing with a bouncing lad, who seem'd to be in pain, saying Roman, when you go, I fear you'll ne'er return again." He preferred his version a lot more.
The pirates all turned to Virgil who smirked, his teeth sharp and eyes black, "his hair it did in ringlets hang, his eyes as brown as coins, may happiness attend him wherever he goes, from Tower Hill, down Blackwall, I will wander, weep, and moan, all for my jolly sailor bold, until he does return."
The pirates kneeled around Virgil, as Logan rushed over to Patton, untying him, Patton grasped the man's hand, "Logan, I love you..."
Virgil paused in his singing, as Logan replied, "I love you too..."
Patton's tear fell.
Dee snapped out of it first and yelled, his sword drawn, ready to stab the purple merman, if it wasn't for Roman who blocked and cut Virgil loose.
The closes Pirate collected the tear from Patton and Logan glared and tried stab the pirate.
"Go!" Ordered Roman and Virgil fled, with little hesitation, dragging Patton into the waters with him.
Roman and Logan was grabbed suddenly and the tear given to the Captain who smirked, "finally."
They dragged the two young pirates along to a cave, smirking at the tear droplet, they walked in, kicking water as they did.
It was dark and large, full of gold and it had a large pool of water in the middle and sat upon the brown box of treasure was a man, it a suit, filing his nails, "hey sis!"
"Ugh! Remy! What are you doing here?" Groaned Deceit.
"Well, heard ya had mermaids with ya! Wanted to see em!" Remy jumped up and frowned see non.
"These two let them go." Spoke Terrence, his grip tightening on Roman and Tylans on Logan.
Remy glared, "great! Just fantastic! You two... I'm gonna-"
"By all means."
Remy pulled out his sword and pressed it to Romans chest, "you lost us a lot of money and now your gonna-"
Suddenly, he was throw back, a triton piercing his shoulder, pinning him to the wall and he screams in pain.
Crew from both sides looked to the source and Roman and Logan gasped, their eyes wide in amazement.
There was Virgil, a short piece of purple and black cloth, hugged his waist and flowed at his thighs and behind him was Patton, who held a bright blue triton up threateningly, bright blue cloth hanging around his butt.
Behind them was a small army, tritons at the ready, prepared for a fight, "I hope you two realise that after this you are exiled." One said.
Patton looked over, twirling the triton, "we know."
"Oh, so the mermen learned how to walk?" Laughed Dee, "what you gonna do with an army underwater?!"
The mermaids and mermen swam forward and fins turned to legs and they walked behind the two leaders, as Dee backed up slightly as they pointed the weapons forward.
Remy pulled out the triton as Virgil spoke, "leave and give that tear back and let Roman and Logan go, there will be no blood shed. Fail to do so, will end in your deaths."
"Of course, of course." Remy said, but threw the triton at Virgil's head.
Patton grabbed it before it hit the merman, giving it to his friend and spoke up, "you have made your choice."
Virgil dove into the water, before appearing in front of Dee, slashing his triton, Dee blocked with his sword.
All hell broke loose, merman fought the pirates, clash, slash, bang!
Suddenly, Logan and Roman collided with each other, behind two bodies, Patton and Virgil.
Patton blocked the incoming attack and twirled it out of the hand, stabbing the triton through the man.
Virgil had little tome for antics such as this, he slammed the triton down on the ground and spun it, collecting water, making a water vortex and waved the triton, sending sharp, water bullets at the pirates killing them in an instant.
Logan looked up, seeing a merman with a sword to his neck struggle and took a gun from a dead pirates holster and shot the pirate.
Patton looked up and smiled lovingly and glanced to the merman, "Thomas? You ok kiddo?"
"I'm fine Patton." He replied, jumping back into action.
Virgil glanced up and glared seeing Dee and Remy making an escape and went to chase them but was grabbed, "Virgil don't."
The merman turned to see Roman, a look of worry and love in his eyes and Virgil would have gotten angry at him for stopping him had he not worried for Romans safety, so instead of attacking or yelling, he wrapped his slightly damp around the pirates waist and kissed him passionately.
Roman kissed back, his arms wrapping around Virgil's neck as he was pulled closer.
Patton noticed Deceit trying to escape and saw he was close so, he threw the triton at him.
Logan pulled Patton back from a swipe of a sword, making Patton yelp and fall into Logan gently, who held the gun to the pirates head, "not another step or you'll have led in your brain."
"Dee!" Shouted Remy, making everyone stop fighting and look up.
There Dee was, a triton in his head, stuck to the wall, hanging limply and dead.
"Last chance, give that tear back or more dies." Patton said, his voice eerily calm.
Terrence walked forward, showing the coward he was and handed the tear over.
Virgil snatched in, opened the bottle and dropped it into the water angrily.
The pirate filed out in fear, except from Logan and Roman, who held their lovers close.
"Virgil, Patton, I hope you realise that this means you stay on land."
Patton nodded, "we knew of the consequences when we asked you."
"To them you were killed, you can not return."
"Farewell, Elvendork." Virgil said.
The merman left underwater.
"So? You stay with us?" Asked Logan, frowning in worry.
Roman smirked, "come on, we can make camp her and set off tomorrow!"
"Set off on what?" Asked Logan.
Roman smirked, "I heard mermaids kisses allow you to breath underwater."
Logan grinned, "I heard that as well."
"If that was your attempt to ask for a kiss..." started Virgil.
"It's working." Smiled Patton, as they walked out the cave, his arm around Logan, who kissed his cheek.
"It's working very much."
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