Anxiety centric
so, imagine Thomas's head/brain like Riley's in inside out? Okay? Good!
Requests are more than welcome!
Prince groaned, how was he supposed to remember this?
It was currently almost 5 AM and Roman was busy with ideas for a new video for Thomas.
The problem was, due it being so late, well, early, he was tired and couldn't really remember anything.
Suddenly a light bulb appeared above his head,
Of course!
It was all so simple, how come he hadn't thought of it before?
Taking his pencil and some paper, he started to walk towards the bedrooms.
Anxiety could help!
Despite Roman's (still can't believe his name is Roman! So cute!) strong dislike towards the emo nightmare, he did need help and Anxiety was very good at remembering things.
He was the best at it, because, well, he's anxiety.
He needed to remember mean stuff people said, judging looks and of course embarresing moments.
Stopping in front of Anxiety's door, Prince stopped himself before he knocked.
It was really early in the morning, and Anxiety would probably be asleep.
Eh, He'll just silently check.
Quietly opening the door, Prince was suprised to see that instead of sleeping, Anxiety was wide awake, on his phone.
The light of the phone made Anxiety's face even paler, and his bags stand out more.
At the sound of the door opening, no matter how quiet Prince tried to be, Anxiety's head shot up, and he raised his eyebrow,
"You need something Princey?"
"Oh, uhm, yes!" Prince said, pulling himself together, "have we ever made a video about the ocean, or the bermuda triangle?"
"Pretty sure we haven't" Anxiety answered, "maybe a vine though"
"Thank you very much, fine sir" Prince said, ignoring Anxiety's snort. He started to walk towards the door, but hesitated and turned back, "shouldn't you be sleeping?" When he only got a confused look in return, he explained, "I'm working on a new video idea, you're.. Scrolling through tumblr."
"Meh" Anxiety sighed, "I don't really sleep all that much"
"Why not?"
"I'm Anxiety Princey" Anxiety answered, "sleep isn't really my thing"
"Okay" Prince nodded, "have a lovely, night, well morning" With that he left the room.
So Anxiety didn't really sleep?
"So, he doesn't like to sleep?"
"That's what I said Morality" Prince sighed, "He told me last night"
"So you were with him last night?" Morality smiled, and before Prince could stop him he squeled, "Prinxiety!! I ship it!"
"No! No no no no!" A new voice said, sounding very much like Anxiety, "he just needed some help with video ideas, dad!" ( I like to think that Anxi calls him dad like the adorably smol bean he is)
"Aw, come one kiddo, no need to be ashamed, it's okay to like someone" Morality speeched.
"Him?" Anxiety questiones, raising both eyebrows, "Heck to the no."
"Sure, if you say so" Morality stood up, grabbing a plate of cookies, "I'm gonna go look for Logan, see you later kiddos!"
"I ship it!" Anxiety called after him, but all he got back was a chuckle.
"They would make a cute couple"
"Shut up sir sing-a-lot"
"I told you I like that name and I'm using it."
"Just shut up!"
"Anxiety? Are you awake?"
Anxiety groaned as he closed the tumblr app,
Was this a new thing?
Visit Anxiety when he's having alone time at night?
"Come in Logic"
Walking into the room, Logan adjusted his Tie, and put on his 'stern face',
"I have been told that you do not get the sleep that you need."
"My gosh" Anxiety sighed, "Princey told everyone I don't like sleep, eh?"
"No" Logic answered, "He told Morality, Morality told me."
"Same thing"
"Anyway," Logic continued, "It is not healthy to not sleep. You should go to bed."
"Logan, it's like, 11:29 Pm" Anxiet said, glancing at the clock on his wall, "And you're awake too ya know"
"You know" Logic corrected, "and technically, you are younger than me."
"Yeah yeah, whatever" Anxiety rolles his eyes, "I'll go to sleep in a few hours."
"Great!" Logic said, clapping his hands together, "I will see you tommorrow"
"Bye" Anxiety mumbled, going back to his phone.
Pffft, like he would really go to sleep.
"You alright son? You got enough sleep?"
"I'm fine!" Anxiety snapped, "would everyone stop asking that question! It's eyeshadow! I got some sleep last night, okay! What do you guys care!"
Ever since Prince found out that he didn't sleep enough, Anxiety found out that the other traits had a new favorite hobby,
Bugging Anxi about not getting enough sleep.
"Now now slugger, no need for fighting" Morality mock surrendered, "we only want to make sure that you are healthy and feeling well!"
"I was fine before, I'll be fine now too" with those last words, Anxiety stormed off, to go and find a place where he could listen to his emo music without being bothered by the others.
"He really is a ray of sunshine isn't he?" Prince sarcastically said.
"He is probably just irretated by the fact that everyone now knows he does not like sleep"
"Maybe he just needs an ark?" Morality smirked, " I noah guy."
"Just stop."
Sighing in desperation, Thomas laid down the pencil,
He was never going to be able to finsih the project in time,
He was doomed!
He should have startes earlier! He should have done more research!
This thing was due tomorrow!
Anxiety had been working overtime all week, yet Thomas still had started the project only today.
"I'm doomed" Thomas groaned, laying his head down on his textbook, "so very much doomed"
"Oh come on Thomas!" Prince Smiled, "just let all your thoughts run free!"
"You know what they say, if you love something, set it free" Moraloty giggled, "unless it's a tiger!"
"Stop" Logic said, "you're not helping him"
"Jokes are always helpfull"
"As are princes!"
"Anxiety, any ideas?" Thomas asked, turning to the darker emotion, who had curled up in one of the chairs earlier, his hood pulled up,
"Anxiety, Thomas asked a question, don't be rude" Morality scolded, but no reaction, "kiddo?"
Prince being the brave one, walked over and gently tugged down the hood, revealing an eyes closed and deep breathing face of anxiety.(alright, that sounds weird, and I'm not gonna change it ;p)
"Is he?"
"He is!" Morality squealed, "finally! Aww, he's so cu-"
He was cut off by Logic, who put his hand over the other his mouth,
"And he won't be for much longer if you make a lot of noise!"
"Am I missing something?" Thomas asked, "I feel like I'm missing something."
"Anxiety rarely sleeps" Prince explained, "so it's kinda weird and cute at the same time to see him like this."
"We've been bugging him about it for weeks" Morality said, "kiddo really isn't good at listening."
"Ooooooooo" Thomas nodded, "well, that explains it."
Eyes were back on Morality, who was now standing with his phone in his hands, he looked right back at everyone, a huge smile covering his face,
"Of course I had to take a picture! Look how cute he is!"
"Can't deny that" Thomas mumbled, "anyway, back to my helpless project"
"You guys do that" Prince said, gently lifting Anxiety up, "I'll bring him to bed"
Of course, to make matters cute- or worse(for anxiety later on) Anxiety cuddled closer to Prince's chest, earning an awwwww! From Morality.
"I always knew he was secretly a cuddler!"
"Here we are" Prince mumbled to himself, trying to place Anxiety on the bed, but somehow ending up on the bed as well, "darn"
As on cue, Anxiety reached out in his sleep and grabbed on of Prince's sleeves, cuddling closer to the older one.
"You really are adorable when you're not making any snarky comments" Prince muttered, raising his hand to olay with Anxiety's hair. "I guess I could stick around for a bit."
Not soon after, Prince himself fell asleep.
The next morning, Morality found them,
And of course,
Took a picture.
So, that idea came to me, and I just had to write it....
See ya next time!
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