ice skating.
Another prompt from BBCanimefangirl
"Where are we going?" Anxiety asked for the hunderth time in five minutes.
Five minutes ago, Prince had barged into Anxiety's room and grabbed his hand before dragging him along to who knows where.
Mority had done the same with Logic and was walking next to them.
"I told you, it's a suprise!" Prince said, "now stop asking, we're almost there!"
"Logic?" Anxiety wispered, looking over at the other pour soul that was being dragged along.
"I have no idea" Logic answered, "Morality is the one who dragged me out of my room"
Anxiety groaned and rolled his eyes. Of course. Deciding that if he wasn't going to get an answer, he also wouldn't talk.
After about five minutes filled with silent walking and glares form Anxiety, they stopped.
"Tadaaaa" Prince tada'd and pointed towards....
An Ice Skating rink?
"Wha?" Anxiety frowned, "why?"
"What I believe Anxiety is trying to ask, why did you bring us here?" Logic questioned, a frown on his face as well.
"We're going ice skating!" Morality beamed, "suprise!"
"No" Anxiety said and shook his head for the extra effect, " I am not doing that"
"I'm with Anxiety on the one" Logic agreed, "You two are the only one who can actually ice skate"
"Come one!" Morality whined, "pleaseeeeee? Please please please?"
"I... I suppose I can try?" Logic offered.
"YAS!" Morality yelled and squealed. He grabbed Logic's arm and dragging him towards the rink, making a pair of skates appears and handing them over to the other trait.
"Anxiety?" Roman asked and made his best puppy eyes, "will you please just try it too?"
"I don't, I mean... I" Anxiety sighed and rubbed his neck, "it's sweet that you guys wanted to something together, but I cant even skate."
"It's okay, you uh.. you can just stay by the edge and hold on to that!" Prince said, proud of himself for thinking of that amazing idea,"And I'll help you, promise! Just like Morality is helping Logic!"
Anxiety but his lip and looked over to the rink.
Morality was on skates and easily made his way onto the ice, flawlessly skating one round before returning to Logic to help him, a goofy grin one his face.
"Mghu" Anxiety groaned and looked back at Prince, "FInE
"Yes!" Prince yelled, fist bumping the air. He dragged Anxiety along and made ice skated appear, one pair for himself, one for Anxiety, "here"
How did he know Anxiety's foot size?
Well they are the same guy....
"Thanks" Anxiety said and accepted the skated, kicking off his shoes.
Stepping into the skates, he fidgeted with the laces, trying to actually tie them, instead of putting them in his shoes like he'd usually do.
Scowling, Anxiety tried again, but only managed to make a messy knot, with his fingers stuck in it,
"Come on!"
"Are you... doing okay?" Prince asked, trying to hold his laugh. He of course, had put the skates on in mere seconds. The answer was a simple nod from the other,
"You sure?"
"Yes!" Anxiety snapped and glared at the royal pain in the a$$. After a few seconds he realized that if he ever wanted to free his fingers, he would need help. He considered calling out for Morality, but he was busy helping Logic. Sighing, he realized that Princey was his only option,
"I need your help..."
"Well you only needed to ask dear!" Prince flashed his usual charming smile and bent down to fix the mess Anxiety had made. After Quickly untying the knots, freeing the fingers and tying the lace the proper way, he wordlessly moved on to the other shoe, not trusting Anxiety to do it himself,
"You could ask Morality if he wants to teach you how to tie your shoe laces"
"Shut up!" Anxiety said and shakily stood up. Not used to standing on two thin blades, he immediately fell over.
Lucky for him, Prince was there to catch him.
"Woa, take it easy, you can't walk like normal on these" Prince warned as he steadied Anxiety.
"Dear forms of god, I'm already regretting this" Anxiety mumbled as he kept a death grip on Prince, "why did I ever agree to this"
"Calm down" Prince laughed, "you're not even on the ice yet, drama queen"
"You're making this worse" Anxiety said, as he let Prince help him shuffle towards the actual ice.
Meanwhile, Logic was doing a lot better with the help of Morality, even though he was clinging to him.
"Don't worry, Logic" Morality giggled, "you won't fall"
"Y-yeah" Logic stuttered, as he slowly made his way forward.
"You wanna try alone for a bit?" Morality asked.
"I- not really" Logic said.
"Morality, I need your help" Prince requested as he skated over to them, "he won't listen to me"
"What's wrong kiddo?" Morality asked, looking at the pouting Prince.
"So, I got Anxiety onto the ice, but he won't let me help him!" Prince explained, "he keeps holding onto the edge, but he won't actually skate!" He gestured to Anxiety, who was indeed on the ice, but clinging to the railing, "it's like he doesn't trust me!"
"Don't worry kiddo, Anxiety just had trust issues" Morality reassured Prince, "I'll go take care of it. You stay with Logic for while"
Before the others could protest, he skated over to the darker trait.
"Hey kiddo" He greeted and came to a stop, "I see you got onto the ice!"
"Yeah" Anxiety mumbled, "I'm not sure if I can do this"
"What if I help you?" Morality suggested, taking a hold of Anxietys arm. He felt the younger tense under his touch, "don't worry son, I won't let you fall, you trust me, right?"
"Y-yeah" Anxiety said, though his voice was trembling.
"Anxiety" Morality hugged him the best he could on skates, "you'll be fine, it's all fine, you won't fall. And if you really don't want to, I'll help you get back on normal ground and you could just watch, if you want to."
"No" Anxiety took a deep breath, "I told Roman I would try"
Keeping a hold on the side railing and Morality, he started to move his feet, slowly he started to go forwards.
"You're doing great!" Morality kept telling the boy, "I'm right here"
And that's how it went on. Every few times, Anxiety's skates would go the wrong way, or get stuck behind each other, or Anxiety would lose his balance, but Morality would be there to catch, after a while, Anxiety even let go of the edge railing thing.
(I was gonna end it around here, but I fell on my roller skates and my ankle bloody hurts, so, I'm pissed at everything and this came up ehehehehehe....)
"Wanna try to go a little further onto the ice?" Morality asked Anxiety.
"I'm... Not sure" Anxiety hesitated, "I'm still not that good"
"You'll be fine!" Morality encouraged him, "I'll keep holding your hand!"
"Fine" Anxiety mumbled, "I have a feeling I'm going to regret this"
"Guys, come over here for a moment!" Morality called out for the others as he took Anxiety away from the edge, "hey Logic, you're doing pretty good"
"Thank you" Logic said. Right now he was holding Prince's hand because they had been going a tad faster, but he had managed to skate on his own for a bit before, without falling.
"Hey guys! I've been meaning to show you something! Watch this!" Prince said and handed Logic over to Morality.
Gathering some speed, he jumped and spinned in the air twice. Landing without troubles, he skated back to the middle and bowed
"Nice job kiddo!" Morality beamed with pride.
"Impressive" Logic nodded.
"Just... How... What?" Anxiety wasn't sure what he should say, "how did you do that?"
"I practiced!" Prince explained, "like you did. Only you needed to practice so that you could stay on your feet"
"Hahaha" Anxiety fake laughed, "I can stand perfectly fine"
"Don't worry, hot topic" Prince laughed, "it's okay to clinge to something or someome, Logic did and is too"
"Yes... I do" Logic said like it was no big deal, though his cheeks turned a light of pink .
"Well, I... I can stand on my own" Anxiety stated and slowly let go of Morality, shakily standing on his own, "see?"
"Carefull, son" Morality warned, "you don't want to fall down"
"I'll be fine" Anxiety said, spreading his arms to keep balance, "see?"
"Nice job, emo" Prince commented and skated away, "but can you actually skate on your own?"
As Prince skated away, Anxiety following in mice steps, struggling to keep his balance, Morality frowned and looked at Logic,
"I don't like this"
"I thought Anxiety managed to skate on his own earlier?" Logic asked, "he should be fine as long as he's carefull"
"Yeah, but he almsot fell down right away!" Morality exclaimed, "and you know how he gets when Prince is the one challenging him"
"You are correct" Logic adjusted his glasses, "though, maybe his fear of falling will make him be carefull."
"Yeah" Morality sighed, "I just don't want anyone to get hurt"
He shouldn't have said that, he jinxed it.
Moments after those words left Morality's mouth, a scream of suprise and then of pain sounded.
Anxiety's skates had gotten stuck behind each other, trying to not fall, he had twisted his foot but had fallen anyway.
"Anxiety!" Morality shouted and skated over as fast as he could, draggin Logic with him, "are you okay? Kiddo, are you hurt?"
"Anxiety! Are you okay?" Prince joined Morality with asking questions.
"I... I'm f-fine" Anxiety's breathing was heavy and there where tears in his eyes ehich he was trying to hold back, "J-just my an-an-ankle"
Kneeling down, Logic gently took off Anxiety's right skate, making the darker one cry out in pain, tears now streaming down his face.
Apoligising, Logic took off Anxiety's sock and inspected the ankle. That wasn't good.
Anxiety's ankle was already swollen and was turning a dark shade of purple and blue.
"Morality, I need you to teleport us" Logic said, "Anxiety needs ice and bandages."
"Y-yeah" Morality said and snapped his fingers, teleporting them to the commen room.
"Prince, get me some ice from the kitchen, Morality, first aid kit, please" Logic ordered as he laid and sniffling Anxiety on the chouch.
As soon as the others left the room, Anxiety spoke,
"I'm sorry" He mumbled.
"What are you sorry for?" Logic frowned. Anxiety didn't have a concussion, did he?
"For ruining your fun" Anxiety explained, "you guys were having fun and I ruined it by falling"
"You didn't mean to fall" Logic said, "besides, my feet were getting cold anyway"
"Thank you" Anxiety muttered.
"I've got the ice!" Prince exclaimed as he ran back into the room and handed Logic the ice, "here."
Logic took the ice and carefully placed it on Anxiety's ankle, who in his turn hissed from the pain and sudden cold.
"I got it!" Morality swung around the first aid kit and handed it over, "we need to clean up in the bathroom cabins by the way, I almost couldn't find it"
"Alright" Logic said, kind of not listening to what Morality just said and found the bandages he was looking for "Hold still Anxiety"
Moving the ice for a moment, Logic wrapped it around the ankle, apoligising every time Anxiety hissed in pain. After he was statisfied with how it looked, he placed the ice back on it, saying something about how it would stop the swelling.
"So, how long will it take to heal that?" Morality asked, "wait, can he still walk?"
"Seeing as how much pain he was in when I took of his skate, he will not be walking, it will probably take two weeks to heal it up, but that's the best case scenario" Logic answered amd truned to Anxiety, "no walking for at least a week"
"Alright" Anxiety said and wiped away the remainders of his tears, "than I at least have an excuse to let Princey do everything for me"
"I'm not going to make your food" Prince said, "but I guess I can carry you, as I do with the princesses"
"I'm not a princess!" Anxiety said, "changed my mind. Morality, you're the one that can cook, I don't want them to cook"
"I know how to cook, the food just doesn't taste all that great"
"Don't worry kiddo, we'll all help you" Morality said and ruffled the younger's hair, "but yes, I wouldn't let them cook either"
Sooooooooo, this.
My dam foot hurts.
So, like with a clumsy hurt anx,
Part two? Maybe?
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