Foster kid au

Imma call Anxiety Angel for now because I live for that stuff.
This idea came to and I thought why not.

I thought it would be cute ;-;

TW:kind of mentions of past abuse, not really all that much, not really at all, but still, you put two and two together amd just to be save.  Probably some swear words, maybe crying, or something like that.
Patton getting a make over?


"Angel, we're here"

15 year old Angel sighed as his social worker, Sofie, opened the car door for him. After a long car ride of almost four hours, they had arrived at the place he'd be staying.
He took of his headphones, grabbed his bag and sighed, follwing Sofie to the door.

"Cheer up Angel" Sofie said and put her hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him.
Angel couldn't help but flinch, he didn't like being touched, by anyone.

Sofie noticed and retreated her hand, apologising,
"Don't worry, these people are a lovely couple, that won't even think about saying anything to harm you, you'll love them and they'll love you"

"Mmmh" Angel hummed and gave her the best smile he could manage, "sure"

Sofie rang the doorbell, checked her watch and mumbled something about being late.

A man opened the door, looking to happy for Angel's taste.
The guy was pretty tall and had brown eyes and hair, glasses on his nose. He wore a bright blue t-shirt, with a cardigan wrapped around his shoulders.

"Hi there! You two must be Sofie and Angel! I'm Patton" Patton greeted them, "Welcome, come in!"

"I wish I could mister Sanders, but I really must go" Sofie said, ignoring the 'awww'. She turned to Angel and gave him a reassuring smile,
"Be good, I'll be back to check on ya in a month"

"Do you really need to go already?" Angel asked, his voice low.
It was no secret that Angel had trust issues, but after spending a month with Sofie, who was a kind and patient woman, he had started to trust her. She was safe and took care of him when his father-

Never mind that,
It just was that Angel didn't want to be left alone with someone he just met.

"You'll be alright champ" Sofie winked and turnes back to Patton, handing him and big envelope, "this is everything you'll need, have a nice day"
With that she gave them one last smile and went back to her car.

After Sofie's car had disappeared frok sight, Patton clapped his hands together awkwardly, startling Angel.

"Sorry!" Patton quickly aplogised, "why don't ya come in? I can show you your room and we can eat something, I made cookies"

Angel nodded and followed Patton into the house and up the stairs.

The stopped before a black door, which Patton opened with a soft,

Angel stepped into the room and looked around, amazed by the colors.

No, not bright pink or any bright colors,
But dark gray and space colors, in fact his ceiling ans bed were covered in stars.

The only really outstanding thing was the giant plushen puppy on the pillow.

"It's, really nice" Angel said, a small smile making its way onto his face, "thanks"

"Oh thank goodness, kiddo" Patton breathed out in relief, "there's a bathroom if you go throught that door. we weren't sure if you'd like it, Logan and I thought that Space might be a good idea, but if you want to change anything about it feel free to do so, or if you need a book closet, just ask"

"No, it's great" Angel said, putting his bag on the bed, he would unpack later, "space is great"

"I guess you could say this room is, out of this world" Patton wiggled his eyesbrows and let out a laugh,  "speaking of, Logan should be home any time now"

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
From downstairs was the sound of a door opening and closing and a, "I'm home!" sounded.

"I'm telling ya, he does that on purpose" Patton said, leading Angel back to downstairs, into the kitchen, where another man, probably Logan, was making himself a drink.

"Hey honey" Patton said and kissed the other on the cheeck, "you're late, Angel's here, go intoduce yourself to him"

The man turned around and looked at Angel, sticking out his hand he did as he was told,
"Greetings, my name is Logan, nice to meet you"

Hesitantly, Angel shook Logans hand and quickly muttered out an 'hi'

"Has Patton showed you you room yet?" Logan asked, looking back at his busband, who nodded, "is it to you likings?"

"Yeah" Anxiety said, rubbing his umder arms, he didn't like the attention, "it's nice"

"Great" Logan said and turned back to Patton, who handed him his drink, "I told you, everyone likes space"

"Yeah" Patton pouted, "but everyone likes puppies too"

"Space is still better" Logan, smirked?, "there for, I was right"

"No, no you weren't" Patton said, while grabbing the cookies and putting then down on the table. He turned to Angel and saw him standing there awkwardly, like a lost puppie, "go ahead, take a seat and grab some cookies"

"So, uh" Angel tried to ask while sitting down, Sofie had told him that talking was good, "why are you arguing about space and puppies?"

"Logan thinks space is better than puppies, Morality said, sitting doen next to him, "It's totally not"

Ah, that would explain the giant puppy on the pillow.

"Space can be used for science without harming it and it gives us information about many things" Logan pointed out while sitting down as well, "puppies do not"

"You can't cuddle with space" Angel said it before he even realised it. He imeaditely wished he hadn't at the the look he recieved, "I-uh"

"Ha!" Patton saved the day by throwing his hands up in the air, "I win! Two against one! Angel is on team puppies now!"

"Team puppies?" Angel questioned, "that's.. Great"

"We have t-shirts" Patton said and Angel couldn't tell wether he was joking or not, "I'll get you one" he handed Angel a cookie while he took a second one himself.

While Angel nibbled on his cookie, he listened to the other two in the room talk.

Appearantly, Logan was a math and english teacher at some collage, not so far away from the house.

Morality appeared to be a writer and a baker in the weekends, though that was more of a hobbie, if Angel heard right.

After just listening for about ten  minutes, like the little siling ninja he could be, he was snapped out of his daze, by someone calling out his name.

"-u Angel?"

"Huh?" Angel looked up, wondering what he had been asked. Logan was looming at him and so was Patton and god he fucked up. Why wasn't he listening? He should have listened.

"You okay, kiddo?" Patton asked, seeming to notice Angel's panic.

"Yeah" Angel breathed out and fidgeted with the sleeves of his hoodie, something that calmed him down, "w-what was the q-question?"

"Which school are you going to?" Logan repeated himself, "it's still four weeks away, but we're curious"

"Oh, I uh" Angel frowned at himself, "I don't really know, Sofie took care of that"

"Alright" Logan nodded.

"I- I think I'm going to unpack" Angel announced and stood up.

"Alright kiddo" Patton said, "I'll call when dinner is ready"

Angel nodded and went to his room, already thinking about where he'd put his stuff.

He put back on his headphones and started to play 'Our Lawyer Made Us Change The Name Of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued

Once in his room, he quickly opened his bag and first got out his clothes, putting them in the closet.
Digging in deeper, he found his thooth brush and make up bag.

Yes, he didn't have a hairbrush, but he did have a make up bag, because screw hair, as long as the face looked pretty
(Or just to cover up his bags under the eyes on lazy days)

Walking into the bathroom, he placed his stuff carefully, not wanted to break any of his precious make up.

-+-+- Time skip to early early in the morning bc I'm lazy but still kinda want to write these scenes. Help. -+-+

Angel shot up in bed and awoke with a loud gasp.
Quickly pytting his hand over his mouth, he prevented a sob from coming out, he didn't want to wake anyone.

Kicking off his blankets, he curled up, cluching his knees with one hand.
He let the tears go down on his face, knowing he couldn't stop them even if he tried.
He chocked back sobs as he thought about that stupid nightmare.

He knew it was stupid. It had happened weeks ago, and his father couldn't hurt him anymore, but he still got so scared everytime he dreamed about it.

The creaking of the door snapped him out of it, and his head shot up,
In the door opening stood Logan.

"Angel, are you alright?" Logan asked before walking over to him, noticing that the boy was crying and shaking, "oh dear"

"I-uha--fiwn" Angel hiccuped, trying to make a full sentence and wiping away the tears on his face, "f-in-ine"

"It's okay" Logan tried to reassure the crying boy. Dam, he wished Patton were here, Logan kind of sucked at emotions, "I'm going to give you a hug, alright?"

Angel nodded, but still flinched when Logan touched him, making the other more carefull and slower in giving a hug.

While wispering reassuring words, Logan thought about how a hug shouldn't be that complicated.
His watch beeped and he saw that it was now almost six in the morning.

"I- I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" Angel asked, "I just, I, I had a nightmare, and I-"

"No, no, don't worry" Logan interrupted Angel, "I was already awake, I have to go to a early teacher meeting for next school year"

"Shouldn't you be going then?" Angel questioned, untangling himself from Logan.

"Will you be okay?" Logan asked. When he recieved a nod he stood up, "why don't you try to go back to sleep, if you need anything, Patton and I's room is next door, I'll be back around lunch time"

When Logan left the room, Angel grabbed his pillow and burried his face into it.
He knew he wouldn't go back to sleep, he never could after a nightmare.

He simply laid there, thinking about everything, thinking too much about everything.

When he finally looked up, he saw that clock on the wall said it was almost ten am.

He sighed and got out of bed, quickly changing into some clothes.

He walked to the bathroom and brushed his teeth and washed his face, before taking his make up.

Screw nightmares, screw everything,

Today his face was going to look flipping amazing.

After finishing with the foundaition, he put on the really dark blue almost black eyeshadow.

Just as he was about to start with the mascara when the door opened and an enthousistic 'good morning!' made him jump three foot into the air.

"Mother of disney" Angel breathed out when he saw it was just Patton, "dear god"

"Sorry kiddo" Patton said, "I'll knock next time, but I didn't hear the shower and the door wasn't locked" After a second or two he realised that Angel was holding mascara, "are you doing make up?"

Hesitating, Angel nodded and bit his lip,

"You look so cute!" Patton squealed, "do me next!"

"S-sure" Angel stuttered out, suprised by the reaction, "what did you come here for anyway?"

"oh yeah" Patton remembere and held up a shirt (since when had he been holding that) "tadaa" The shirt was a nice color of blue and had a picture of a puppie on it, with underneath the text; team puppies.

"You were serious about that?" Angel questioned. He then noticed that Patton was wearing one as well.  Even though he had been here for only a day, he was pretty sure Logan was the only real grown up in this house.

"Yep" Patton said, popping the p, "don't worry, it isn't silly, Logan has one that says team space"

Okay, so maybe there wasn't really an adult-adult.

"So, about that make over"


The rest of the day was quite, relaxing.

After the 'mother of disney' Patton figured that Angel must be a disney fan and they had been watching disney movies.

(Both with amazing make up on, for your information)

Something around 12 o'clock, Logan came home and found them both in the living room, one half on his phone, half watching the little mermaid and one singing along to 'Part Of Your World'

"Hi Lo" Patton got up and walked over to him, something was different about his face thought, "how was the meeting? You hungry?"

"It was boring" Logan answered and figured out what was different about his husband's face, "you're wearing make up?"

"Yep" Patton said, blinking a few times with his fake eyelashed, "Angel is quite the make up artist"

"No I'm not" Angel mumbled and looked up from his phone, "I just like doing it"

"Well, you both look amazing" Logan said, "have you had lunch yet?"

"No, I was just about to make some" Patton answered, "you go watch the movie while I make the food"

When Logic sat down, He noticed that Angel was wearing a team puppie shirt underneath his hoodie.

He resisted the urge to face palm and instead thought about how Patton had gotten to younger one to wear it.

However, he did not expect the question Angel asked next,

"So, Do you really have a 'team space' t-shirt?"


That's it for today,

I might make more of these they're fun

I'm tired, don't question it.

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