
I actually suprised myself with this.

Also have you guys seen the new video!?!?!


"Guys, family meeting" Thomas called and sat back, waiting for the sides to pop up.

"I'm here" Morality exclaimed, "Waddup kiddo"

"What is bothering you Thomas?" Logic appeared.

"Does it involve Disney" The was Prince.

"Please just tell me we didn't set anything on fire again" Anxiety popped up, rolling his eyes, "it would just be sad if you set something on fire again"

"No" Thomas said, his tone offened because why would he set something on fire?(again), "I had a great idea!"

"Oh god please no"

"Are you guys doing something important the next days?" Thomas asked, ignoring Anxiety.

"Thomas, we are aspects of your personallity" Logic said, adjusting his glasses, "if you have nothing to do, neither do we"

"Right" Thomas mumbled, rubbing his neck, "forgot about that. Wait, don't you need to control stuff in my head or something?"

"Nah" Anxiety shrugged, "we can do most of that out here"

"Now what's your idea, kiddo?" Morality questioned, balancing on his toes, "I wanna know"

"Me too!" Prince exclaimed, "I didn't make the idea this time, speak up!"

"Alright, so my brilliant idea" Thomas waited a few seconds, for the special effect,
"We're going camping!"

"I'm out" Anxiety commented and tried to sink down, only to be stopped by Morality.

"That's a great idea kiddo" Morality beamed, holding a struggling Anxiety, "It'll be great to be out in the wild for a bit"

"We can go on a adventure!" Prince cried out, a sword appearing in his hand, "slay some dragons"

"Unrealistic" Logic said, "but it would be healthy to get fresh air, for once"

"Glad you guys agree!" Thomas smiled and held up a notebook, "So I already made preparations, we can leave later today"

"It's a bad idea!" Anxiety cried out, still trying to get out of Morality's arms, "think of everything that could, will go wrong!"

"Things always go wrong a little bit kiddo" Morality smiled down at the younger, "but it'll be fun, you're coming with"

"Sorry, Anxiety" Thomas apologised, "you're outvoted"

"Nooo" Anxiety whined and gosh darn it why the heck was Morality this strong?, "lemme go dad"

"Oh yes, I didn't want you running of" Morality laughed and let go of Anxiety, "Running away from this RUNderfull idea"

"Anyways, I thought about going to the woods spots, you know, with the grass" Thomas said, ignoring all of the groans around him, "we can set up camp there"

"Excellent idea" Logic agreed, "we will be able to stretch our legs before preparing the tents"

"Amazing" Prince said, still dreaming about his upcoming adventure"

"Wo wo wo wo wait" Anxiety crossed his arms, "you're telling me that not only I'm being forced to stay outside in the cold for the nights, I'm also being forced to walk for what, an hour? And set up a tent?"

He scoffed and shook his head,
"Not happening, you can call me when you've got everything set up and it's time for smores"

"Anxiety, it's a family activity, you're helping" Morality scolded, no way Anxiety was getting out of this.

"Fine" Anxiety grumbled and started to sink down, "call me when we're there, I'm not riding the car"


"Alright, here's the spot"
Thomas said to Morality, Prince and Logic, who had decided to stay for the car ride.

"Great job riding the car kiddo" Morality said, clapping Thomas on his shoulder, "do you like car puns or do they drive you up the wall?"

"I'm confused" Logic wispered to Prince, who just shrugged.

"Anxiety!" Thomas called out.

The darker trait popped up a secons later, holding a backpack and a flashlight,
"We're here?"

"Yup" Thomas said, popping the p, "what's the flashlight for?"

"For when it gets dark" Anxiety answered, putting the bag his his back, "I wanna be able to see when it's dark"

"It's the middle of the day, why do you have it now?" Prince asked, a confused look on his face.

He was right, the sun was still shining and it wouldn't go dark untill at least a few hours.

"You never know" Anxiety shrugged, "now can we go already? I want this to be over asap"

"Follow me"

With that, they started to walk, following Thomas through the trees, ignoring Morality humming 'follow the leader'

After about ten minutes, Anxiety started to fall behind. It was hot in his hoodie, (which he refused to take off) and he wasn't exactly the fittest of them, seeing his unheathly habits.

For some reason, Morality stayed behind as well, talking to Anxiety, maybe it was because the parent enjoyed looking at the pretty flowers, maybe he was just a slow walker, or maybe he just didn't want Anxiety to feel alone.

After about twenty more minutes of walking, the arrived at the spot, lots of grass, little trees.

"I'm dying" Anxiety panted and fell on the ground, "I'm dying"

"Cheer up kiddo" Morality said and lifted Anxiety back on his feet, "you'll live, who else is going to eat the extra s'mores?"

"I will eat them" Prince offered, "I mean, I wouldn't mind"

"Stay away from my food" Anxiety glared at Prince and dropped his bag on the ground, "what now?"

"The tents" Thomas answered and pulled out three tents, "we got three two persons tents, we'll figure out sharing later" He opened the first tent and looked for the instructions.

When he finally found them, he looked at them he frowned, handing them over to Logic, "can you figure this out?"

"It is not that hard to understand" Logic said, looking at the papers, "you just put A by A and connect them to B"

After almost two hours of screams, half curses, mumbled insults and
Anxiety holding a speech about how this was indeed a bad idea, they couldn't even properly set up a tent,
They finnally had all of the three tents standing.

"Does someone wanna run of and collect some wood?" Thomas asked, sitting down on the ground, "It's gonna be dark in a hour or so"

"You can't run through camp ground son" Morality said, "you can only ran, because it's past tent"

"That's... No. That's not" Logic seemed at lost of words, "no''

"I suggest Logic goes before he screams because of the puns and takes someone with him" Prince suggested.

"I'll come" Anxiety walked over to Morality, "you guys make sure that everything is ready when we get back.

Anxiety grabbed the smart trait's hand and dragged him into the woods, not really listening to what Logic was saying about past tense.

He just needed to collect some stick, that's it. Then they could go back and sit by a nice warm fire. As long as they didn't set anything else on fire.

Wait, what if there were bears?

"Logic, are there bears around here?" Anxiety asked, making Logic stop mumbling words, "I mean, any wild animals? Could we be in danger?"

"No, don't worry Anxiety" Logic asnwered, picking up some dry branches of the ground, "there is nothing dangerous out here"

"Sure" Anxiety said, clearly not convinced.

He was dragged out here and he didn't like it.
Sure, it was better than being surrounded by strangers, but what if something bad happened?
They were in the middle of frigging no where.

"Anxiety? We're friends right?" Logic asked, looking awkward.

"Yeah?" Anxiety frowned and looked around for other things they couls burn.

"Friends help each other, correct?"

"Yeah? Where are you going with this?" Anxiety questioned, "is something wrong? Did something bad happen?"

"Anxiety?" Logic cleared his throat and glanced around, "may I ask you something?"

"Please do, I wanna know what's going on with you" Anxiety mumbled and handed the Smart one another branch, he wasn't going to carry them himself.

"How do you know if you have.." Logic bit his lip and hesitated, looking for the right word, "feelings, for someone?"

"What do you mean?" Anxiety frowned, looking at Logic, "I thought you didn't do emotions?"

"I prefer to ignore any kind of emotions" Logic admitted, "It is just that, I'm not sure, I.." He trailed off, not knowing what to say. He never had this problem before,
"I think I might have a... A chrush?"

"Ah, so this is about Morality" Anxiety nodded in understanding and sat down on the ground, "come sit with me"

"How did you know?" Logic asked, confused, sitting down next to Anxiety.

He thought he had been keeping it to himself pretty well. He hadn't said a word about the weird feelings in his stomach.

"Dude, have you noticed that you stare at Morality?" Anxiety stiffled a giggle, amysed by the smart one's confusion, "you stare at him a lot"

"I, I hadn't noticed" Logic said and he felt his cheeks turn a bright red, "so, it is pretty obvious?"

"For anyone not being Morality or Prince, yeah" Anxiety rolled his eyes, "I'm pretty sure Thomas knows too"

"What about Roman?" Logic asked.

"He's too busy with himself" Anxiety asnwered, "anyway, back to you question, you obviously have a crush, you should tell him,

You'll feel better and I promise you, Morality will feel the same way" when Logic shot the darker trait a questioning look, Anxiety rolled his eyes and did his best Morality voice, which really wasn't that hard to do,

"You're so smart, why don't we talk more?!"

He cleared his throat and fidgeted with his hoodie strings,
"Also, he stares at you a lot. Just as much as you sare at him"

"I suppose" Logic mumbled and stood back up, offering Anxiety a hand to get back up, "thank you"

"Like I said, We're friends idiot" Anxiety scoffed and accepted Logic hand, "you laugh, I laugh, you cry, I cry, you jump of a bridge, I get on my boat and save your retarded ass"


I love this one)

"Why would I jump off a bridge?" Logic questioned.

"Stop taking everything I say literally" Anxiety groaned, "it's just a way to say we're friends and I'll help you if you need it"

"Thanks" Logic gathered the sticks and smaller branches into his arms again, "we should head back"

"Let's hope the other haven't destroyed anything yet" Anxiety said and started walking.

The walk back was in comfortable silence.

"Hey guys" Thomas greeted them once they returned, "you were gone for long?"

"What did you do?" Morality asked, almost looking... Jealous, if Back was a bit good at reading people.

"Logic let everything fall on the ground, so we had to pick them up twice" Amxiety asnwered, "it took longer than expected"

"It wouldn't have happened if you had carried some yourself" Logic said while putting the wood in the stone circle that the others had made while they were gone.

Luckily, he was smart and understood that Anxiety was telling a lie to save them from any embarrasment.

"Nah" Anxiety shook his head, "so, how are we gonna light it up?"

"I am going to set it on fire!" Prince exclaimed and walked over, holding two stones, "just watch, I learned this while hunting down a dragon"

"Just start the fire, I'm getting cold" Anxiety mumbled and pulled his sleeves over his hands. Now that it had started to get later and a bit darker, the temperture had also gone down, "no dramatics"

"Fine" Prince grumbled, and did something with the stones that started the fire, "happy?"

"Yup" Anxiety said and walked off towards the tents and backpacks to get chairs, "hey dad, you said we had marshmellows?"

"Oh yeah!" Morality remembered and ran to his bag, digging through before holding a bag full of marhmellows into the air, "Found them!"

"Foooood" Thomas said, drawing out the letters. He grabbed some sticks and handed everyone one, "let's roast these"

Gathering around, they held their sticks above the fire and waited not very paitently.

"Be carefull" Logic warned Morality and lifted his arm up, "it will catch fire if you hold it that close"

"Thanks Lo" Morality said and felt himself blush when he noticed that Logic still hadn't moved his arm from his arm

"Aw shoot!" Anxiety cried and and held up a flaming marshmellow, "gosh darn it"

"Logic just warned Morality" Prince rolled his eyes, "you never listen, do you?"

While Prince and Anxiety started arguing, Thomas watched them eating his marshmellow, Logic sort of stared at Morality.

"Hey Logic?"Morality started, making sure that the others weren't listening, "you're really nice, you know that?"

"I, uh, thank you" Logic blinked, suprised by the sudden compliment, "you yourself are very kind"

"And the tie looks really nice on you" Morality mumbled, "and the glasses make your eyes look amazing"

"T-thanks" Logic stuttered, he could feel his cheeks turning a bright red.

"You're really good at solving things, and you always know what to do" Morality continued, not sure wheter he was going too far with this already,

what if Logic didn't like it?,
"I really like hanging out with you"

"I, uh t-thanks, I"


Startled by the sudden yell, Morality fell off his chair and took Logan down with him, the parent landing on top of the smart trait.

Mumbling an apology, but not getting up, he looked aside and saw Anxiety with his hands thrown into the air, desperate about something.

"He basically just told you he really liked you! He flirted with you! And you say thanks?!" Anxiety ranted, pointing his finger at Logic, "What is wrong with you?! You go and kiss him or at least flirt back properly!
This is not how you tell your crush you like them!"

While Logic stammered out words, Morality started thinking,
Logic had a crush on him?
Logic had been experienting emotions because of him?

Logic returned his feelings?

He realised he was still laying on top of Logic and decided that it was now or never,
"Hey Lo?"

When Logic turned his head to look at him, Morality pulled on his tie and connected their lips.

He could feel Logic freeze, before relaxing and kissing him back, their lips moving in sync.

When they broke apart, Morality looked Logic in the eyes and couldn't help but say,
"I really really like you"

"I" Logic swallowed his hate of emotions," I really like you too"

"Good" Morality sighed happily and helped Logic sit up, "can you be my boyfriend?"

"I-I, I mean" Logic was a stuttering mess once again. For crying ouy loud, they just kissed!

"Logic, if you don't say yes right now, I swear" Anxiety threathened,
while Thomas and Prince were fangirling behind him.

"I would love to be your boyfriend" Logic said, ignoring Anxiety's 'finally'

"Thank you" Morality mumbled and kissed Logic again.

The rest of the night was spent by the fire, where Logic and Morality held each other close and exchanged kissed,

It was really obvious that both had liked the other for a long time.
It was a good thing they went on this trip.


That's enough for today folks, hope you enjoyed it!

I am sorry for the lacks of updates,

School has been a b@&-& and some things happened, I couldn't really focuse on anything.

Family should be updated tomorrow and Lab Emotions either monday or wensday.

See you later my fellow nerd unicorns

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