another one bites the dust ||
Whoo! Part two!
I'm prinxiety trash ;-;
I will be checking for spelling mistakes later today, I promise.
"Morality? Could you help me with this?" Anxiety requested from the kichen, "this sandwhich won't work with me"
At had been almost a week since the intire tripping into a sword incident and Anxiety's arm hadn't fully healed yet, making him unable to do some things, like make a proper sandwhich.
"Sure kiddo" Morality said, shaking his head at Anxiety's failed sandwhich and put his dad skills to work, making a sandwhich in seconds, "here ya go son, just ask right away next time, you can't do this with your arm, be carefull with it"
"Yeah yeah" Anxiety mumbled, gladly taking the sandwhich. He planned to go sit on the chouch and enjoy the food. Planned. See, this was one of these times that his foot just didn't agree with his brain and got stuck behind something or just refused to move, making Anxieth fall over,
Lucky for him, Morality was there, able to catch him before he could get hurt.
Chuckling, Morality stadied the younger, making sure he wasn't hurt at all,
"You know, it's really convincing to say you're fine and then almost fall on your face."
"Don't tell Prince" Anxiety's face was red as a tomato, "he already won't let go of the fact I tripped into a wall"
"And a sword fell on your arm because of that" Morality frowned, "I thought Roman tried to help you a lot"
"He does" Anxiety said, "it's just.... He wants to help with everything and I'm not a baby and he's just, he keeps saying things and it's just, he's- ugh he keeps being so nice and he's being so him"
"Oh, I see what's happening here" Morality wiggled his eyebrows, a big smile on his face, "YOU'VE GOT A CRUSH ON HIM!"
"wait, what, NO!" Anxiety's annoyed expresssion changed into one of pure horror, "NO! No! Nope, no no no. I don't like Prince that way"
"Sureeee and me and Logic also don't like each other like that" Morality giggled, untill he realised what he just said ans quickly covered his mouth with his hand.
"You and.... Logic... When?" A smirk crept onto Anxiety's face, "I see"
"Don't tell anyone!" Morality pleaded, "I promised Logan I wouldn't tell"
"I won't, if you stop with the ridicouless idea that I've got a crush on Roman" Anxiety answered, taking a bite of his sandwhich like a badass.
"Deal" Morality quickly accepted, "oh, I forgot to tell you, Logic ans I are going on a date soon!"
"Sure" Anxiety answered, his interest more with his food than other things.
"Are you doing okay?" Logic asked, seeing Anxiety struggle with writing things down with his right hand.
"No" Anxiety grumbled, frustated with everything, "I can barely read it myself, how is Thomas supposed to?"
"Would you like me to help?" Logic offered, walking over, "what are you making?"
"Ugh.....yeah......" Anxiety bit his lip, handing Logic the pen. He was already getting to much help from the others, he felt awkward for accepting it now, "I'm making a list of things that could go wrong"
"I see" Logic said, preparing himself, "How many thing have you got so far?"
"A lot" Anxiety mumbled, "you don't have to write them all down if you-"
"Nonsense" Logic cut off Anxiety, "when you start a list, you must finish it." Clicking the pen he looked up, "so, what's number one?"
"Falling and everyone could see" Anxiety answered, "and they'll laugh"
So tabt's how it went on for almost an hour, Anxiety named things that could go wrong and Logic wrote them down, not even questioning them.
"Thanks" Anxiety said as Logic put down the pen.
"It was no problem" Logic nodded, handing Anxiety the list, "if you don't mind me asking, what are they for?"
"An audition"
"Alright, who didn't tell me we were doing a video?" Anxiety groaned as he was summened, "I was very much busy doing nothing"
"Anxiety! What happened?!" Thomas' eyes widened and he rushed over.
"I tripped" Anxiety answered, "we didn't tell you?"
"No!" Thomas frowned, "you tripped and that happened to your arm?"
"No, he tripped, fell into the wall and made the sword fell down on his arm" Prince explained, "it was terriefying to see at first, but you have to admit that it takes skill to do something like that"
Anxiety felt his cheeksight up.
Gosh darn it.
Why did Prince always have to go and explain everything?
Wait, did he just say Anxiety had skill? Did he mean that? No, he didn't, he was probably just mocking him, with his perfect face and everything. Honestly, why did Prince just have.. Everything, like he was perfect.
Oh god. Nononono nope.
he was not crushing on Prince.
He would not listen to Morality.
"Noooooo" Anxiety groaned, gripping his head and noticing that the rest was now staring at him,
"Nothing. Keep doing whatever you are doing"
With that he sank down, refusing to meet the others looks.
Back in the mindscape he went over to the the kitchen, looking for chocolate.
"Where did Morality put it" Anxiety mumbled to himself. Ha, Lightbulb! Looking up, he saw the precious was indeed up there.
Why up there?
He wasn't that tall, now he had the climb on the counter to get that.
Biting his lip, he looked at his injured arm, trying to decide if it was worth the risk.
Yes, yes it was.
Pulling himself up with one hand, he placed his feet so he wouldn't fall back down again.
Reaching out for the candy, the most horrible thing happened.
His foot slipped.
Letting out a scream, Anxiety started to fall down.
Shutting his eyes thight, he prepared himself to hit the cold hard ground.
Only he didn't?
Instead of something hard, he landed on something soft and moving.
Slowly opening one eye, he saw white mixed with red.
Ah, darn all gods of everyhthing that made him come here.
"P-prin-Princey" Anxiety stuttered out, a bit shaky from his fall, "f-fancy seeing you here"
"Are you alright?" Prince asked, "what were you doing? You're still recovering! You can't just climb things like that"
"My foot slipped, not my arm" Anxiety mumbled, his face turning red when he noticed that Prince was still hding him bridal style, "you, uh, you can put me down you know, thanks for, uh, saving me?"
"Absolutly not!" Prince protested and started to make their towards his room, "if I let you down you will do something clumsy and get hurt again, I'm holding you in my arms for the rest of the day and we are going to watch a movie."
Managing to somehow open his door, Prince put Anxiety on the bed, grabbing his laptop.
"But I, -Thomas or, no, But Morality" Anxiety spluttered.
"Shut up" Prince shushed Anxiety, taking the spot next to him, "I'm starting the movie"
Flustered, Anxiety tried to scoot away from Prince a bit.
Oh my, he was so dam close with that stupid pretty smile of his.
Did he just call Prince pretty?
Could somebody please kill him?
Not noticing how close he was to the edge of the bed, he tried to go a bit further, only to be caught by Prince.
"Watch out" The Royal pain chuckled, "you'll fall off" Looking down, he asked something suprising, "do you really hate me?"
"I'm sorry, what?"
"Well, you don't want me to help you, and you don't want to watch a movie with me and you just.." Prince sighed, "do you hate me?"
"No! No I don't. Really I don't!" Anxiety panicked, great. Now he had upset Prince and oh god, "you're just. I don't know you keep being so nice and you make me feel weird and I don't know what to do and Morality said I had a crush on you and I said no because that's stupid and you wouldn't like me anyways and you wou-Hmpf!"
Anxiety's rant was cut off by Prince placing his lips on Anxiety's.
Prince was kissing him.
Oh my god oh my god oh my god.
After a few seconds of freaking out, Anxiety kissed back, not caring anymore.
When they pulled apart to catch their breath, his lips were cold and lonely and He just wanted Prince to kiss him again.
"Well, that explains a lot" Prince chuckled, cathing his breath, "you have no idea how long I've wanted to do that"
"Shut up and kiss me again"
-+-+- Bonus-+-+-
It was in the middle of a coversation with Logic that Morality suddenly froze.
"Are you alright, dear?" Logic asked, looking over, "do you need something?"
"My Prinxiety senses are tingling" Morality answered and then squealed,
"Anxiety's done it!"
New book is up!.
It's called lab emotions, go check it out.
So. This kinda should have been up earlier but I've been real tired and yeah.....
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