High School Story (Princiety and Logically)

Requested by loveprinxiety

*Virgils POV*

"Virgil! Wake up!" Patton knocked on the door and yelled. I inwardly groaned but said, "I'm coming pat." I heard him giggle and go downstairs.

I groaned and pulled back the covers. THE WORLD IS COLD!!! I yanked them back over my feet to keep them warm. I look at my nightstabd and see my outfit layed out for me. I gave a little smirk. Patton must've put out my clothes last night after I went to bed.

I looked over what he picked out. Last time I didn't check, I ended up wearing a Unicorn Power t-shirt all day.

Lets see...purple shirt,black jeans, my cross stitch hoodie. Hes in a good mood. He must be seeing Logan today.

I took of my pajamas and put on the outfit he gave me. I put on a thin layer of white foundation. I didnt need much and I didnt like to wear it, but I hated seeing Patton and teachers worrying about my sleep schedule when they see my eye bags. I actually sleep pretty ok. I don't dream tho. I checked my hair,seeing it needed a brush.

I'm ok going out in public like this.

I went downstairs to the kitchen bar,where Patton was putting poptarts in the toaster. "Morning Pat." I said. He turned and grinned. "Morning Virgil! Dont you look nice today." "Yeah. Helps when your brother picks them out." I said,grabbing a coffee cup and filling mine up to the brim. Black. Like the emptyness inside me. Patton I made with 3 sugars, 2 creamers and caramel sauce. Sweet tooth.

The poptarts popped up. I handed his coffee and he handed me a poptart. I put it in my mouth and opened the door for him. "Fanks!" He said with a mouth full of poptart and went out. I closed the door behind me and walked with him.

We walked over to our neighbors house. I looked at Patton in confusion. "I thought we were gonna go to school or meet up with Logan." I asked him. He gave a 'opps busted' smile.

"Well...about that kiddo-" he was cut of when we heard the door open. Walking out was Logan Brain. Yes that's his real name and he lives up to it. He is the school brainiac and he knows it. You think hed get bullied but no. He has power in being smart. Teachers love him and watch over him.

Me and Logan are on ok terms. We never talked really and did well when we had to work together. We agreed on some terms ans honestly enjoyed our debates.

Who I didn't like, however, was the other man who walked out after Logan. "Greetings friends!" Roman Magin walked out in a dramatic pose and I had to stiffen a groan.

Roman. Freaking. Magin. The most popular guy in school. Known for his amazing physical features and romantic prowess, all the ladies love him,and all the men want to be him.

Funny enough he was gay so the swooning girls didn't matter. And he was kind to everyone and even showed other dudes how they can get a girl.

I didnt like him.

Theyve never really talk but all that charisma...how his eyes were the perfect shade of brown...the way his hair would move when he walked...it made My heart flutter.

Well if I had one.

He walked down with logan. He had his satchel on him and Logan had his bookbag slung around his shoulders.

"Hey guys!" Patton said. "How are you?" "Satisfactory." Logan said,a slight smile on his face. "Handy, dandy and quite grandy!"Roman excalimed. "I dont think youve meet my brother Roman." Patton said, pulling me forward. I trudged to beside patron,not realizing id even took a step back.

Logan nodded at me. "Salutations Virgil." I gave a little wave. "Sup logan." I said quietly. Patton looked at our exchange and I swear his eyes sparkled.

Roman held out a hand. "Roman Magin." He stated. I looked down at his hand and shook it briefly. "Virgil Anx." I said.

Patton checked the time. "We should go!" He said. "Lets go to school." Logan said,walking with Patton. That left me walking beside Roman.

Why cruel world?

To be fair,he was pretty quiet. He tried to spark conversation earlier but after I wouldn't answer he kinda got the point.

"So Logan I didn't know you were at Romans!" Patron brought up. "Study night. I need him." Roman said. "Yes. Roman is oblivious in science and math." Logan stated. I snickered and Roman looked hurt. "Well pardon! Its hard to do!" He huffed. Logan continued walking,liste ing to patton talk and nodding very once in a while. Roman and I walked in silence.

When we finally got to school,Patton and Logan went away, staying long enough to plan a meet at lunch. I went to walk to Math,but Roman grabbed my wrist. "Wait virgil!" I spun around and stiffened in shock. The way he was looking at me with such intensity....

He leanes his hand near my cheek. Nononononono dont touch me my face is probably oily and I have foundation on will he think I'm less of a man he better not I am a mainly man who is manly!

All these thoughts coursing through my head and he moved his hand on my cheek and swipped his finger over it,making my heart race.

He pulled his hand back and hels it out. It was an eyelash. "Make a wish." He said.

This stupid tradition? I have to blow on the eyelash after I wish. If it falls,its granted. If not,its not.

I thought for a second before blowing on it. And was meet with chock as the eyelash flew of his finger and fell to the floor. I looked at it in shock. Roman smiled. "Wishes always come true, dont they?" And with those words, he left.

I stayed in place and slowly walked towards class. I thought about his smile,the eyelash,and the stupid thing I wished for.

'I wish for the chance to tell you how I feel'

*Pattons POV*

I grinned and waved at Logan as he left for class. I had to hide a frown from my face. I really didn't want him to go. I wanted him to stay here. With me. I know that made me selfish. That's why I've never said anything.

Luckily enough everything was great today! I had my math and science class like normal. Virgil came in about 5 mintutes late,which the teachers didn't mind. He got good grafes and his anxiety got bad so he had permission as long as he didn't miss more than half the class and maintain a C average. Hes a B+ now. So proud! I'm like a dad!

After those,I went to cooking class. Technically Home Ec, but all we do is learn about food. And today we were cooking! I made a hollow chocolate ball and melted the bottom to put over a brownies,w with vanilla ice cream and fruit. I have chocolate left over so I made tiny chocolate balls to share with the class! I saved 4 tho. One for me, Virgil, Logan,and Roman.

I usually bring my own lunch,so I placed them in a little box and placed it carefully in it. Luckily, next class was lunch!!

As I walked into the lunchroom,I saw Virgil and Logan sitting together. Logan had a book out and quoting it to Virgil,who had his head in his arms listening.

I grinned widely and walked over. "Morning!" I said,sitting down beaide Logan. "Afternoon." He replied. Virgil waved and said," Hey Pat."

Suddenly,a tray was put on our table. "Afternoon everyone." I turned and smiked widely. Roman! He came to hangout with us!

Logan lifted an eyebrow at the disruption,and proceesed to continue reasing his book. Virgil turned his head away. Was that...did I see color beneath that foundation?

Roman sat down and began to eat his tray. "Man. Drama interning is hard." He commented. I nodded with him. "At leasr its something your passionate about."

Roman nodded. "At least I can see you guys later." Virgil lifted his head. "What do you mean? I dont have any classes with you." Logan nodded as well. "You two have Dr. Picnini right?" They nodded. "He had to leave early. His kids are going in drama. And so is study hall."

I squealed. I had study hall! We would all hang out together. "OH! I almost forgot!" I got out my lunchbox and brought out the chocolates and handed one to each. "I had extra in home ec! So I made some for you guys!"

"Sweet!" Virgil said,taking his and biting it in half. He grinned he chewed and gave me a thumbs up before popping the rest in.

Logan lifted an eyebroe but accepted it,taking a small bite and chewing,his face indifferent. After he swallowed he looked at it for a fee seconds and popped the entire thing in his mouth,making everyone laugh.

Roman popped his all in at once. He gave a thumbs up as well,smiling brightly when he was done.

After that,lunch ended. We all packed up and headed to the drama room. I noticed Virgil was trailing a bit behind. He seemed flustered. I wonder what's wrong?

*Virgil POV*

I am screwed.

I am ultimately and completely screwed.

I am going to be in class with the most popular guy in school.


Did I already mention I was screwed?

Roman walked ahead and opened the door for us. Patton thanked him, Logan gave a nod of his head. I kept my head down and tried to walk past but I swore I saw him smile at me a little brighter.

Dang you imagination stop it!

Luckily enough there were 4 seats left. Unlucky enough, they were seperated in pairs. Patton and Logan took one,so I had to sit with Roman today.

I sat down,placing my bookbag on the back of the seat. There were no desks in here. Just a straight line of chairs and the rest was a stage. The teacher, Mr. Starbies as we call him, walked up to the stage.

"Alright! Here's what were gonna do! Improve! Immedietly! Ill give you a topic amd you have to make a sence from it with no other instructions! Ill pair you up by calling names randomly."

He then walkes to his clipboard and called out.

"Let's see...VIRGIL! ROMAN!"


I'm done with life.

Roman however,immedietly went up there. I slowly stood up and trugged up there.

We both stood there as Starbies gave out our scene. "Alright. Yoy two are going to play a romantic scene. I wanna feel the feels!" He said.

I felt myself tense up. What? No way! I can't-

Roman walked up to me and tried to give me a hug but I backed away. "What's wrong virgil?" He asked me.

I glared. "You know." I mumbled.

Roman couldn't hear me but plastered a smile on his face. "Virgil baby,I have something to tell you."

He cant be serious. This is a play. A drama. And yet hes going to confess like its natural!

"Ive fallen in l-" "shut up." I said to him,my head down low.

Roman actually broke his facade. He looked confused and tried again."Virgil-" "You DONT! Get to say my name." I snapped. He looked upset. "Virgil what's wrong?" He asked.

I gave a small laugh,feeling all those feelings rising up. Fine. They wanted to know? Time to put on a great act.

"Youve never talked to me. Ever. And now you wanna confess your 'undying love's for me?" Do you know how much it hurts? To see you from afar but never able to get close? To desperately craving any bit of contact but feel cold as ever? Do you know how it feels to love someone youve never talked to? That you know nothing about?" I told him. I had straightened my back. I was giving him everything.

"Ive only known you for 2 years and I cant even say that! We've never talked or even made eye contact before today! So how is it I know your favorite colors a sunset red? That yoy wish to perform on Broadway with your first ORIGINAL play?! How do I know that and I havent said I word to you?!" I asked,feeling myself about to cry.

Roman was speechless. Good. Bout time he shut up. I wiped my eyes even though I wasnt crying.

..."you love anything soft to cuddle with." I looked up. Roman had the most serious face ever. "Wha-" "when you hide your panic attacks,your left leg shakes a lot." He said,walking forward. "You love vanilla ice cream,and think waffles are superior to pancakes." He was towering over me now. "And I know that you like me...but what you dont know...is that I like you too Virgil."

I was silrnt and probably blushing like crazy. "If thisbis because of the drama scene,"I mumbled as he brought his head down.

He kissed my cheek gently. He leaned up and whispered in my ear," This is one thing of never fake." He mumbled as he pulled me into a hug.

I hugged him back. I've been waiting for this forever. He was so warm and fuzzy...

I jerked when I heard an applause. Evrryone was watching us and I leaned closer to Roman. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

Starbies dismissed us and Patton and Logan were next.

"For you two, a simple discussion."

Logan tunrned to patton.


Patton turned and smiled. "Yes?"

"I have reciprocated feelings for you of the romantic nature."

Patton blushed. He gave a small and awkward laugh.

"If you wish,I'd like to become your male boyfriend."

Patton blushed and walked over and hugged Logan.

Logan hugged him back.

*skip to end of the day.*

*3rd person.*

The 4 walked out of school,Logan holding pattons hand. Patton was practically jumping with excitement. Logan was smiling for the first time ever.

Roman and Virgil were walking side by side.

They 4 were already talking about the next time they'd all hang out.

High school only lasts so long after all.

Yo I know the patton and logan ending wasnt ideal. I thought it would be more of logans style to just straight up say it.

Sorry for taking so long.

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