26 | forward & backward

• • •

My face was frowned up in disgust as I listened to Jailyn empty what had to be her entire insides into the toilet.

She threw up more than she did anything these days, and I really wanted to be supportive, but.... It was fucking disgusting.

The toilet flushed and after washing her hands, Jai came out looking miserable, "This can't be my life."

"I heard it gets better." I offered sympathetically, following her back to her room.

Before she started throwing up everywhere, she was showing me gifts Coby bought her. They were on great terms these days, especially since he seemed to have enough money to get her whatever she wanted and/or needed.

So much money in fact, that they were moving out.

I wasn't upset at all since this was only a two-bedroom apartment, and they would need the space for a baby. It just reiterated the fact that I needed to find another job.

As she put the purse back into the bag, she leaned against the headboard, "My mama said she was sick like this when she was pregnant with me. Lord I can't deal with a baby Jai."

"I don't remember you being that bad."

"Please. They said I used to throw my bottle at folks head. My child try that and she going straight out the window."

I laughed while flopping across her bed and grabbing the remote, "Would you prefer a baby Coby?"

"He might come out tryna rap chile. Push him right back in and try again."

It sounded like a lose-lose situation.

We'd barely started watching t.v when the doorbell rang. Jailyn jumped up before I could, nearly running to the door to let her parents in.

I made no move to get up, letting them greet her in peace before I came to say hey. To my surprise, I heard the voice of my mama drifting down the hall covered by Jai's mom.

My eyes closed briefly, mentally preparing myself for seeing them for the first time since the argument at their house. My mom still called, and I answered most of the time, but I found myself avoiding some of her calls because it made me feel awkward.

Rather than focus on the past, I made my way into the living room, "I didn't know y'all were coming."

My mom looked towards me while my dad acted like Jailyn's stomach was the most interesting thing in the world, "It was a surprise." She smiled, "We missed you."

"I missed you too." I replied truthfully, giving her a hug.

Her arms were wrapped tightly around my shoulders as she spoke lowly in my ear, "We thought you needed space to calm down. Hopefully it's been long enough?"

I shrugged slightly, "I guess."

"I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself. He'll get over it."

My mama– bless her, usually tried to be understanding. It was my dad who gave zero fucks.

There was only so much caping that she did though and it wasn't shocking to me anymore, having gotten used to it growing up.

Most things were only a problem if he thought so, and vice versa. It didn't seem like their marriage was lacking or that she was unhappy, just was more like a partnership that they each benefitted from.

I was passed off to Erica's arm for a hug, then onto Tyler's for another one. My dad didn't move from his spot, and I acted as if I didn't see him.

"Where's Coby?" Erica asked, looking around the apartment.

"He's with Eli. They'll be back later."

"Is Eli coming to dinner with us?"

The question was for me, but I didn't even know there was a dinner, "I'll ask."

"Look at that, Erica. Ken asks before volunteering him for a dinner." Tyler stated sarcastically, "She's on the right path already."

"Well, after they've been married for 12 years, I'm sure she won't feel the need to ask anymore."

"Marriage is a big jump." My dad finally found his voice, "I don't think it's that serious."

Erica likely didn't know the situation and didn't catch the shade, "It's never that serious, until it is."

I highly doubted I'd be going to eat with them.

• • •

Elijah Baker

Zi watched Coby pick up another piece of chicken, covering it in hot sauce before taking a big ass bite, "Your girl must can't cook?"

"It don't taste like this."

"You know I do my shit inna kitchen. Don't get used to it though."

You'd think they'd known each other longer than a few weeks, but Zi always got along with people better than I did.

We were sitting at one of the back tables in the restaurant, waiting for Christian to come meet Coby. Pointless, really, but Coby acted like he was meeting a celebrity or some.

"What typa seasoning you use? So I can tell Jai."

"If I gave out my recipes, niggas'll run me outta business."

Time was either moving slow, or Christian was taking forever to get there. I'd rather be here though, than at Kensley's apartment where her mama and them planned a surprise pop-up.

I didn't have a problem with either of them, apparently, he had a problem with me.

Too bad.

If there was a legit reason maybe I'd understand. I haven't done shit to him or Kensley, yet he wanted to act like I was making her do something she ain't wanna do.

"Mustard?" Coby asked, licking his fingers, "I seen this lil recipe on Facebook and they had used mustard."

I picked up my phone and went to the camera "I'ma record you and send it Jai 'cause you embarrassing her right now."

"Aye everybody ain't got it in 'em. Maria made some nasty ass macaroni the other night. I had to tell her she too pretty to be inna kitchen."

"What she say?"

"Ain't talked to me since then. I sent flowers and everything."

We were still laughing when Christian approached the table with Marc in tow. I hadn't seen him since he did the shit with Kensley, and I was fine with that.

"What y'all laughing 'bout?" He asked, pulling out a chair, "I need a good laugh."

"Life hitting ya' hard?" Zi questioned, his eyes on Marc who was sitting down as well.

"I gotta play peacemaker with two grown-ass men 'cause my wife act like she can't sleep at night if they not talking."

Coby nosy ass had finally stopped smacking, listening to see what was going on.

"Ain't no beef on my end." Marc shrugged, "My family straight, fuck I look like caring if a nigga mad at me?"

Christian sighed as he glanced between us, trying to make himself look sad, "It's been weeks. Ya' mama won't stop asking me when the both of y'all will come eat." His gaze finally settled on Marc, "You know how your brother is."

"It never even had to make it to that point. He coulda' minded his business like I be doing, but when I do what he do– 'bout somebody that ain't even his wife, it's a problem?"

I stared down at my hands, telling myself that I wouldn't leave out of respect for my mama who really acted like she was gone die if her kids didn't get along.

Meanwhile, the other half of my brain was telling me that if he ended up dead, she wouldn't expect us to get along.

It was sad, really, that my life had come down to this.

I wonder if Kensley wanted to move to Canada.

"Eli?" Christian called, making me look up at him.


"Marc said his feelings hurt that you put somebody before your own blood."

Marc snorted and laughed, "Ian say no shit like that."

"This couples counseling or some? Ion give a damn how he feel."

Christian's shoulders dropped in defeat as Marc began listing all the shit he did for me growing up and how I act like I'm better than them when I'm just like them.

True, except, it was lines that I didn't cross, and I'd like to think I respected the women in our lives in spite of what they could or couldn't offer us.

"I like Ken– really do." Christian interrupted, "But this the same shit you did with Leah and look how that ended. You get fixated on women, to the point that you lose sight of everything else going on around you. Don't let nobody control you like that."

"Kensley and Leah ain't nothing alike."

"That's not the point."

"Then what's the point?" I asked, leaning forward, "'Cause I thought this was for you to meet Coby, but you pull up with his ass now you tryna preach to me about some that you don't know shit about."

Christian stared silently at me for a few seconds before turning to look at Zi, "Let me talk to Eli right quick."

"Coby, let's take a walk."

He looked disappointed but stood up to follow Zi outside, leaving Christian and Marc. Christian took a deep breath, "Eli... I know youn' too much care for me, or him." He briefly touched Marc's shoulder, "But we still family."

The point still hadn't been made.

"I think Ken a sweet girl. Just...." Christian opened and closed his mouth a few times, "You gotta watch the nice ones too."

"Why you won't just say what you wanna say?"

"Ian sure it's anything that need to be said right now."

I rubbed a hand across my face, tired of the games, the fucking puzzles, when he could just tell me what he meant.

Why bring it up if you wasn't sure it was something that needed to be said? Why plant the seed if you weren't sure there was something there?

Kensley had never given me a reason not to trust her, but in one conversation I was wondering what they knew that I didn't.

"You tell her about what we do?" Marc asked, his voice lacking the usual condescending tone.

I shook my head, "The closest she got to knowing anything was when you brought her to the restaurant– still, she don't know what that was about."

"Then you good."

Christian made a face, "I wouldn't say allat. You can't bring nobody around who you can't trust."

We were finally making progress, "Why I can't trust her?"

"She told you she was talking to feds?"

• • •

now why marc & christian in my stink ear acting like sis can't be trusted when they some bottom of the barrel ass niggas.

thanks for reading loves 💕

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